Monday, December 31, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which supposedly rehabbed star has been stealing minibar bottles from her friends' hotel rooms to stash in her purse for a quick fix?


  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

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  2. Anonymous10:01 AM


    I want my goddamned reveals already.

    Come on EL, enough with the teasing.

  3. Is this even a blind?

  4. Girl better get some of that good Italian stuff while shes over there sampling the goods-
    Happy New Year Everyone!
    May you all have Happiness, Health and Prosperity in 2008

  5. First??? Are we dumbing down and turning into the Perez Hilton site?

  6. What's up with the demand for reveals? What is WRONG with you people? Do you not understand how most blind items work? First of all, -this one is from a different source.- It's NOT EL's. If you don't want to read it, then why the fuck would you click the link and open it up? Why not just skip it?

    Second of all... c'mon, people, gossip sites cannot POSSIBLY reveal every blind item they post. They just can't. The writers would get sued and then you'd have zero salacious items to discuss. Stop being such a demanding fucking baby and just enjoy what's here. He'll get to reveals when he gets to them. And y'know what? I guarantee the comments will be full of ungrateful little whining punks like you who are still unsatisfied with content, because it's not going to reveal any of the things YOU want to know.

  7. Yeah, if people start posting that "first" crap regularly, I'm outta here. Go back to Perez, please!

  8. Honest to shit! I don't even recognize these fucking names of the big twits making all these demands.

  9. Reveals do happen. Once a major pub goes with a story, then it's safe for the others to follow lead, like JLS's pregnancy, for example.

  10. LiLo hasn't been hanging out in hotels lately - not that her family dwelling doesn't have cabinets full of accessible booze and drugs to suit her needs.

    An Olsen? Which of those little monkeys went through rehab?

    The Miss USA (Tara Conner?) who depended on the good graces of The Donald to remain a champion?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Applause for lisha23!! Preach it.

  13. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I think "supposedly rehabbed" is key here. Implying that this person may not have headed to rehab as reported, maybe?

    Which is why I don't think it is Lohan.

  14. Sure, reveals do happen, but usually only after it's "safe." We can't expect something like the HIV+ singer tonight, unless the news breaks or someone has concrete proof, for example. Most of these things are blind items because that's the only way they can safely be discussed. Some are really clear, some aren't, and they ALL give us something to talk about and ponder over, and we should be appreciative, not demanding.

    That's my thought, anyway.

  15. Lohan was my first guess. However, it could also be Amy Winehouse.

  16. Sticky-fingers Lohan.

  17. I think Lohan in ment to be your first thought but that it really is one of the Olsen trolls. the one who went to rehab for something..

  18. There was just a video of MK buying champagne, don't think she is trying to hide her drinking or anything.

  19. HNY everybody!
    I think it's Lilo because she's supposedly a major kleptomaniac, based on some of the things written about her over the last couple of years regarding stealing.
    Be safe out there tonight!

  20. I wouldn't put this past Shitney only she doesn't have any friends other than the ones she pays to hang out with her.

  21. Anonymous3:43 PM

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  22. I think most people here don't want this to start looking like the PH site, and that's all she said. To personally attack someone for stating that opinion is way out of line.

    Honestly, this is a New Year and people are crawling out of the woodwork to post. Let's not go stirring the pot with personal attacks.

  23. Twisty just when i was going to hop on and tell mandypandy to fuck off you have to remind us to behave. Shit.

  24. Hello guys, have a happy new year! Be safe or I'll be seeing you in the ER.
    This has Britney all over it. She has been staying at hotels instead of home.

    I can't wait for some reveals, especially the singer/hiv/abortion blind.

  25. Anonymous8:12 PM

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  26. Anyway...
    Yeah, NurseKelly, Brit's been at the Peninsula.

  27. Mandypandy, did I personally attack you? Please! You're looking more and more like a shit-stirrer every time you post.

  28. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Twisted Sister:
    Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you; you always struck me as one, too, judging by your other posts around this blog. It's an apt description of you, minus the 'stirrer' part.

  29. Uhhhh this is my real account you twat. You registered as pissyditzy and i registered as anon which is the name i always post under. I know youre pissed off that you were here instead of on a date last night but up the meds bitch your bipolar ass is getting out of CUNTrol.

  30. oh yea and your stupid ass FIRST! comment just proves your nothing but Perez Hilton white trash so go the fuck back to the trailer park you came from.

  31. Anonymous8:04 PM

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  32. Figures. And moms dead, asshole. Killed by a (fill in the blank with the right minority) man who didnt like that she only had ten bucks on her. Could it have been you? And now you're posting from prison? No wonder a trailer park sounds good to you dickhead.

    Im done talking to your sorry ass. Now that I know what hole you crawled out from I'm not going to waste any more time even reading the shit that comes drooling out of your mouth onto your fingers and off the keyboard onto this site. You dont deserve it.

    Post away because I wont waste my time even reading your shit anymore.

  33. Anonymous8:54 PM

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  34. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Well Ladies and Gentelmen of the Internet world i am shocked and appaled at some of the comments i have read that where posted turely i am i mean to say i think if for any reason you want to make Miley out to be like Jamie Lynn then you should find another target because from the photos i saw it is clear that Miley and this friend of her's is clearly just goofing off having fun like teenage girls should do just because Miley is the star of HM of Disney Channel does not mean she is going to let the fame get to her and she go and lose her head .

    Signed Scott the Shining Star Hollywood



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