Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

August 17, 2007

#1 In front of Yamashiro last night, this female singer who was wearing even less than in her music videos was doing everything but taking off the rest of her clothes in order to get a music producer to take her for a "ride" in his brand new red Bentley. Her approach consisted of much bending over (clearly showing what she was bringing to the party), using two fingers and her tongue to suck on a mint, and clearly explaining how important fresh breath was in her life. Her fellow female band member looked really uncomfortable and the producer ultimately turned down the offer. The two singers left in a very cheap rental car but not before they stiffed the valet. When the singer's was asked by her fellow band member why she wasn't tipping the valet, the singer was heard saying, "looking at my body should be tip enough."

#2 This former A list action star was recently out in public and no one was paying any attention to him. He whispered something to his son, who then shouted out, "look, it's ______." Soon there was a crowd around the fading star but he claimed he was too busy for any autographs.

#3 This B list film actor used to be famous for who he was with and now just can't get any respect. Recently he tried to get into a nightclub by moving to the front of the line. Neither doorman recognized him and was told to to the end of the line. He then pulled out his cell and called some of his friends inside the club to come get him in. After explaining for 15 minutes who he was there was still not entry. Then one of the friends mentioned the ex and the doormen opened the ropes immediately.

#1 - Shannon Bex/ JR Rotem
#2 - Sylvester Stallone
#3 - Ryan Phillipe


  1. sad that Stallone had to use his son. :(

    Lol @ Ryan having to explain who he was. That's pretty sad.

  2. I had to IMDB Shannon Bex to figure out who she was. That is just trashy. Danity Kane is over. It's sad that she has to resort to that behavior to get any attention. She's lucky she's in the group as she can't sing at all. Her voice pretty much had to be dubbed and covered on the CD. I guess Shannon can always go on the Surreal Life. And at the rate she is going, she will.

    I'm not surprised that Sly and Ryan did anything to get attention. They both are addicted to the spotlight and can't deal with the fact that their careers are faded.

  3. I agree with you, random. Diva behavior from someone who's not even well-known is bad.

  4. Doesn't Sly's son have autism? I was under the impression that he was severely affected, and uncommunicative?

  5. No, Travolta's son is autistic and he hasn't gotten the poor kid any help either. :(

  6. If I was the valet, I would have said something to Shannon. That is not acceptable. Props to the valet for being more level headed than most people. It's always the ones who haven't achieved fame that tend to be the nastiest and most desparate. Unfortunately, Shannon is just one in the line of underachievers who feel entitled.

  7. Anonymous10:00 PM

    So JR Rotem managed to pick up some scruples from somewhere, or was he just scared of a disease?

  8. Isn't Shannon supposed to be the mature, married one from Danity Kane? I have a hard time believing this.

  9. yeah she is the married one of the group

  10. @kim. I know about Travolta, Sly son is autistic too. Google it. I remember reading an interview with Sly about 10 years ago, where he complained that he hadn't hugged his son (he doesn't like to be touched), nor had his son told him he loved him -I was under the impression he was non verbal. But maybe he has two sons?

  11. nic and kim, one of them is not autistic and was in one of sly's movies (a rocky movie, i think?)

  12. Hey ENT,
    Will you let us know when the last one is done so we can go to bed?

    Also, thanks to everyone on here tonight keeping me company for the New Year. This is the holiday I dread the most and it wasn't so bad this year.

  13. @ ent's ex-wife (love that btw)
    thanks. IMBD said he has 3 kids, but you are right, he has 4!

    Happy New Year Everyone.
    I hope Ent stops posting now. This is not how he should be spending New Year's Eve.

  14. I love that Ryan Phillipe had to use his ex's name to get in. Hah on him, big cheater.

  15. Anonymous11:24 PM

    All right youse guys, I'm out. Its late as hell here. g'nite and happy reveals.

  16. ENT, thanks for the reveals. These have been really good. They all make alot of sense in terms of what I've heard about these celebs. I was just thinking today that I didn't think Jenn & Ben "the perfect couple" would last...he doesn't seem happy with her at all. The Sly one, Phillipe one, Bilson/Christensen one, and Nicole Kidman ones I also really enjoyed. I am hoping for a reveal of the blind about the couple who were fighting about the wife's outfit and had makeup sex in the bathroom. I had that so pegged as Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany and I totally am hoping I was right. And the one about the million dollar wire transfer as Reese and Jake. Anyway I'm hoping for more reveals; if you're finished, thanks for what you revealed! Awesome!

  17. Guess Ent's passed out. Thanks for the reveals. They were great!

    BTW, which one was the one you said you were going to explain (or did you pass out before you got to it?) Everyone thought it was going to be Timmy/Shimmy.

    Thanks and Have a Happy New Year!!

  18. #1 - Who? #s 2 and 3 - Pathetic. Thanks for these, Enty. Are you celebrating at all tonight?

  19. like everyone, still waiting for these BIG reveals... are you kidding????

  20. captivagrl said...
    like everyone, still waiting for these BIG reveals... are you kidding????

    My sentiments exactly. Give me a break. It's like he did the same with Timmy/Shimmy. He used all of our answers to "reveal" the blinds.

  21. who the hell is Shannon Bex?
    Am I supposed to know who she is?

  22. wait, what was the big update that we'd all want to read?

    Enty, I'm dying for more reveals here!!! Give us some juicy stuff while we get over our hangovers.

    But I got a good chuckle at Ryan Phillipe's expense. Dweeb.

  23. shannon is the girl from danity kane she of course was in making the band and she is a former portland trailblazer dancer and she is married..

  24. Just got through all the blinds. Good to see most of them were guessed by at least one person.

    Is this it, though?

  25. some were good but most were about people no one cares about...what gives? will there be more today?

  26. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I doubt this is it. He only made it through August. Still several more months to go.

  27. Nicola is right. Sly's son is autistic, although not severely. Honestly, I often think Stallone himself is a bit himself.

    actually, there are several actors who seem to have some form of autism or asperger's. It kind of makes sense that they'd be drawn into the make-believe world

  28. I think Ent passed out from celebrating in between posting. It's probably why he said it would be slow, lol.

    Thanks for the info about Sly's kids. I had forgotten that he did indeed have one who is autistic. I haven't seen him say anything about it in a long time.

    I love this blog. I learn so much. No, not being sarcastic either. I really do.

  29. captivagrl said...
    like everyone, still waiting for these BIG reveals... are you kidding????

    janele said ...My sentiments exactly. Give me a break. It's like he did the same with Timmy/Shimmy. He used all of our answers to "reveal" the blinds.

    Too true. These and past "reveals" all have, as many former posters have noted, a very suspicious lack of logic, timing and the essential "not worth suing over flavor". The Stallone "reveal" is either a NON VERBAL autistic twenty something or an older actor director in his own right. Yeah, very plausible. My favorite? The one where Paris Hilton pushes an "A List" model off a stage and it turns out to be a non entity Canadian catalog model who works for the same company as Hez!

    The Timmy BS and being sued? Sister please. This is ALL fiction from the writer/s. The bottom of every page every day states:

    The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  30. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Zene, perhaps you can volunteer to do the "juicy" reveals and put your ass on the line to be sued!

  31. brendalove for the win!

    Also, if Ent revealed something too juicy, I'm afraid someone would make an effort to "out" him, and we'd lose the fun.

    To all the people who worry whether these items are true or not - you're the real suckers for thinking that celebrity gossip is important enough to get that worked up over.

  32. The club Ryan was trying to get into must have been really lame if dropping Reese's name was his ticket in.

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