Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tyra Banks Is A Jackass

I'm not saying that your office has to have a holiday party. It is not required. It should be required but it isn't. Without holiday parties though you don't have stories to tell all the next year about the couple that were found passed out naked in the supply closet or the other 3some between the two janitors and the president of the company and the photos someone took and has now put on a special website called Pine-Sol loving.

Anyway, if the office has any kind of money or any kind of decency, they have an office party. Not if you work for the Tyra Banks Show. Her staff had to make their own arrangements for a party, and then had to pay for it themselves. Remember, this is the same staff that uprooted their entire lives and moved from LA to NY just to stay employed on her show. Tyra repaid their thanks by saying she would try and come to the party, but she had some shopping to do in Italy and wasn't sure if she could make it. Well lo and behold she did make it and even brought a guy dressed as Santa.

The staff all thought Tyra was going to give them their Oprah moment. Bonuses or a free car. Something. Anything. What they got was a cold McDonalds cheeseburger each. Never mind that half the staff was vegetarian. Tyra didn't even stay while the cheeseburgers were being passed out. Had to catch that private jet to Italy you know. Busy, busy, busy. Did I mention the $30M Tyra got to move to NY? The staff got their moves paid for and that was it.

And how was your holiday party?


  1. I always thought she reeked of Eau de Cheap Bitch.

  2. That is just terrible. Tyra has a reputation of being very self centered, but to do that to your staff is just plain rude and disrespectful. Knowing Tyra, she will film her brief interaction with Santa and the crew and make it sound like some big surprise that the whole crew loved. I bet crew meetings are fun on her set.

  3. This story is so messed up.
    I know working in the industry is hard, but TyTy added insult to injury by giving her talk show audience $600+ in free "gifts."

  4. I liked Tyra before the ANTM fame went to her head.

  5. Wow! I work for a firm that gave us a $250K party at the Ritz for the holidays - and i'm sure she has plenty more money than our firm budget!

  6. how is her show even surviving? do people really like to watch an ungrateful condescending self-absorbed fake hair wearing wanna be oprah? she's a role model for what? get her off the air!!! i'll sign a petition.

    i bet that story about her sexual dysfunction is true. i could totally see her not being able to do the dirty without that barbie hair wig of hers.

  7. I got a 4 figure bonus, each female got a pearl bracelet, the men got leather calendars sterling silver money clips. We ate steak & lobster at a country club dinner, had a live band, open bar. And some b-otch who makes millions couldn't do better than cold McD's cheesburgers.

    I can honestly say I've never watched her show. Occassionally I have run across re-runs of ANTM & I laugh at her riduclousness.

    I wish she would go to the celebrity island prison where all the icky celebrities go and get man handled by butch prison guard and forced to watch their own mediocre TV/films and eat cold McDonalds cheeseburgers & lots of fattening pasta.

  8. Well the thing is cold McDonald's cheeseburgers taste nasty. So she handed something out that couldn't even be eaten. That being said, who in the right mind would want to munch on Tyra's meat? Did she go to Italy for the cheeseburgers and bring them back? There's a McDonalds practically on every corner in NYC. Maybe Tyra should get well acquainted with the microwave.

  9. gee something about that 3some sounds familliar..wonder where you heard that one???lol. Pine-sol loving is very profitable!

    We got a pimp party by the ocean with hotel rooms,gifts and a fat 4 figure bonus for everyone.

    Tyra you's cheap.

  10. I work for the gubmint....we plan and pay for our own holiday parties, which are usually pot luck. I'm a contractor, which means I get paychecks & insurance from a private company. They did not have a holiday party at all.

    So cry me a fricken river...Tyrant is an asshole on so many levels, but this is minor.

  11. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Enty, you might want to fix that typo (Santa = Satan).

  12. Tyra comes across as condescending and self-aggrandizing in her talk show, ANTM and personal responses to tabloid coverage. It doesn't surprise me that she would overlook the people who make her happen.

  13. I wanna know what this Pine-Sol loving website is all about. Does anyone have a URL?

    Tyra is all about Tyra. She's like Oprah, only not as generous.

  14. Tyra is a bitch is anyone surprised by this?

  15. I could play devil's advocate, pointing out that maybe the $30M deal is ephemeral or merely promises of future royalties on paper and the free trip to Italy was comped as part of her syndication deal and she had to use it before it expired, but the silly cow should be more aware of how her actions can be construed.

    Sounds like it would have been best if she hadn't shown up at all. Then she could at least have sent a 6-foot hero or something...instead of the Santa. Unless he was comped,too.

  16. Anonymous11:35 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Thanks, twisted, I just HAD to go and look up 'pine-sol fetish' and found this:

  18. something tells me there will be some insider leaks on Tyra coming soon.
    stay tuned

  19. Peek, that's really eeeeeeewwwwww.... I tried googling 'Pine-Sol Loving', but came up with nothing.

  20. Anonymous11:59 AM

    No wonder I don't watch her show LOL.

  21. guys can keep looking but you won't find ANY evidence of fir tree scented orgies.

    *wink EL.

  22. Oh, I guess it's a "private joke" we're not privy to. (rolls eyes)

  23. Sadly, it beats the hell outta what MY employer did this Xmas.

    They closed the office for the last 2 weeks of the year (we came back to work today).

    The kicker? They did this with no warning at all, and told us that if we had vacation days left, we could use those and get paid. Those of us who had no vacation days left (the majority did NOT have days, because the chances of getting time off at Xmas time go to the most tenured employees only. most everyone used their yearly 10-day allotment of time off as sick time, since we get none ) well, we didn't get paid at all if we had no vacation days left.

    Some people's kids got no gifts, because the monthly bills obviously take precedent, and a sudden loss of half-a-month's pay with NO warning put most of the staff in a serious bind.

    Did I mention that our place offers no health insurance either? AND we have to pay for our own parking downtown (at $15USD per workday) because they provide none for anyone but the higher-ups, who also get company-paid BMWs and Mercedes?

    Lots of us are looking for new jobs. Good luck in this market, right?

    I'll take my cold burger now, thanks :(

  24. Geeze Ragdoll that sucks! What city do you live in. I work for a large firm, maybe we have offices there...I feel absolutely certain that we do NOT work for the same company as my employer is pretty generous...lemme know if I can help.

  25. I'm in downtown Miami, FL, USA. I'm an Admin. Assistant down here...

  26. Our receptionist only made her rent payment this month because she E-Bayed the Wii she had snagged for her kids 2 weeks prior to the company's announcement.... Thank goodness for the CRAZY people on E-Bay who paid WAAAAY too much for that thing!!!!! And Bless PayPal (for her, at least).

  27. Do you need to work in Miami or could you commute to Ft. Lauderdale....just curious. I relocated to NC from Ft. Lauderdale and stayed with my same company....and we are hiring, so it's a thought.

  28. Ragdoll, that sucks! The unemployment rate in FL is still below the national average though, so don't throw in the towel yet. Good luck to you all in getting new jobs. Hopefully you'll all leave about the same time and really screw the powers that be.

  29. That's crazy..our company did something similar but if you didn't have vacation you could opt to come in and work and get paid like normal. it was only 2 days vacation we had to use...thankfully not two weeks. that shit is terrible!
    BOOOOOOO! to your boss!
    I have a freind who worked in FL and he asked for time off,the boss said no and if he didn't like it ,there was a Mexican who would.

    Come to Canada ya'll! Or better yet the UK who has a long weekdn every second week. buggers.

  30. Tyra is the Grinch. What a sour bitch.

  31. I am not diminishing anyone's bad Christmas stories and difficulties, but I think the perspective is a bit different in this case.

    Tyra and her company are worth millons, not to mention what the network spends on her show. Audience members receive makeovers, swag, clothes, and other gifts just for being at the taping. Tyra's staff work every day to determine the subject matter, recruit appropriate guests, arrange her wardrobe, etc, etc, and generally bust their asses for one purpose and one purpose only - to make Tyra look good. We've all heard stories about stars who give everyone on a set a Rolex or some such thing, so you'd think she could pop for something other than cheeseburgers. Geez, she could have even asked Cover Girl for free stuff and given it away to the staff! Considering the circumstances, she was truly cheap.

  32. Hi,

    I've been lurking here for some time, but haven't posted before.

    Ragdoll, I'm not an attorney but I would definitely inquire with Miami's fair employment office about what your company did - their practices are horrible, if not possibly illegal.


  33. AHEM! I spent WAY too much time surfing gossip blogs that's how I know this story is OLD. I first read this a couple of weeks ago on Janet Charltons Hollywood gossip blog.

    How bout crediting the source???

  34. Its Tyra's show, she can do whaqt she wants.

  35. Divinejoy, you're right! And people have the right to call her out for being a cheap ass when she does whatever it is she wants.

  36. At least Tyra's not fat. Well, maybe between the ears.



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