Friday, January 04, 2008

Britney Timeline

Now that Britney has had her visitation rights suspended, I thought I would go ahead and post the timeline US Weekly prepared of last night's events. It is the best summary of the events I have seen and has links to articles about most of the items in the timeline.

After Britney Spears defied court-mandated visitation hours Thursday night by refusing to turn over her two sons to ex-husband Kevin Federline, police were called to her home. Later a reportedly intoxicated Spears was taken via ambulance to L.A.'s Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Here is how it all went down:

7 p.m.: Britney is scheduled time to hand over custody of Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 15 months, to Kevin Federline's bodyguard.

8:30 p.m.: Police arrive at Spears' Beverly Hills home after being called about a "custodial dispute," LAPD officer Jason Lee said. Shortly after, Federline's lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, arrives.

9 p.m.: Kaplan leaves Spears' home. Spears' lawyer - who filed a request to be released from representing the pop star Wednesday - Sorrell Trope, tells Us: "In a normal case when someone shows up with a certified court order saying the kids need to be somewhere else, the police see to it that the order is obeyed. But that is in a normal case."

10:08 p.m.: News helicopters hover over Spears' home. Officer Jason Lee of the Los Angeles Police Department told City News Service that Spears appeared to be under the influence of an "unknown substance."

10:50 p.m.: The fire department arrives. LAPD Officer Jason Lee tells Us: "The officers are still there. They are trying to resolve this peacefully and legally, according to the court order. They've been there since 8 p.m., and it is in regards to Britney Spears' custody battle."

11:05 p.m.: Paramedics take a gurney and a backboard into Spears' home. CBS reports a mental evaluator was also called.

11:25 p.m.: An ambulance pulls into Spears' driveway, parking behind her car.

11:50 p.m.: An ambulance carrying Spears and other emergency vehicles leave the scene; it's reported that Sean Preston and Jayden James are taken to Cedars Sinai as well to be evaluated.

12:40 a.m.: Spears arrives, via ambulance, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. (Police had erected screens to shield her from waiting photographers.) Federline and Spears pal Sam Lutfi soon arrive separately. Around time of mom's arrival, son Jayden, sucking on a pacifier, is carried into the emergency room by a police officer.

1:10 a.m.: Britney's father Jamie arrives.

3:45 a.m.: A hospital source confirms that Spears remains under observation as a "special needs" patient.

4:15 a.m.: Paparazzi follow a car carrying Jayden James and Sean Preston to Federline's Tarzana home.


  1. man this whole thing really sux for everyone involved.
    she really needs help and hopefully she's getting it.

    Happy Friday...

  2. Hey ENT,
    What happens next legally in this sort of situation? I know that they're going to court on Jan. 14, but what can come of that? What has to happen legally to force Brit to get some help after the 72 hours?

  3. I'm so relieved she is in hospital. She should have been sanctioned after she shaved her head.
    What has happened to this girl in the past that she's reached this point? There are a lot of demons there and unfortuantely a lot of 'friends' around her to feed them.

  4. Has anyone seen this? Bonnie Fuller, editorial director of that bastion of journalistic credibility, Star magazine, has posted commentary theorizing that Britney's meltdown was on purpose and a calculated effort to get more attention after Jamie-Lynn "stole the spotlight from her."

    I'm not saying that Britney isn't an obvious attention-addict. But…wow. Way to trivialize mental illness. What a cunt.

  5. Sorry, forgot to add the link:

  6. i cant believe the special treatment she's getting... anyone else would be behind bars! as far as her poor children go... if they continue to give her back her kids for visitation- supervised or not, then the courts will have blood on their hands! its only a matter of time before something happens to one of the boys...

    if its true that brit is so upset for kevin for flirting w/paris in vegas... who's to say that she wouldnt hurt herself and the boys to get back at him? i know its an awful thought, but i really think she's capable.

  7. i hope that maybe the hospital staff can make a difference. this woman needs care and nurturing badly. i hope someone can help her. there is a quality about britney that makes me like her.(and i'm not really a fan) she needs real mothering and medical intervention. i hope she gets it.

  8. You know it really bothers me when I read sentences like: Paparazzi follow a car carrying Jayden James and Sean Preston to Federline's Tarzana home.

    I truly think there should be a law prohibiting photographers from following or otherwise chasing children under the age of 18. It's child endangerment as far as I'm concerned.

  9. Anonymous6:16 PM

    All this hand-wringing over Britney is more surprising to me than her mental breakdown. This type of drama happens in every neighborhood of every city every damn day of the week. Britney can afford the finest doctors, psychiatrists, hospitals and mental health clinics in the world. Not only has she chosen to NOT seek help, she has rejected every bit of advice and help she has been offered for years. She is an adult who has been making terrible (and selfish) decisions for a very long time, and is suffering the consequences of her choices.

    If I sound bitter, it's because I am. I struggle with bipolar disorder every minute of every day. I consider it a very blessed month when I can do enough work to afford the medications I need to be a functioning member of society. If I don't work like hell at getting better, I know I could end up in jail or a homeless shelter. Those of you sending up prayers for Britney tonight, maybe you could spare one for the thousands of anonymous sufferers all around you who don't have her resources.

  10. What I'm curious about are allegations that Britney locked herself away with one of the kids and they (KFed/authorities/et al) were worried she'd given him whatever she was allegedly on, which is why the kids went to the hospital also.
    Anyone know anything concrete?
    Regardless, I think her actions have proven that (and you have no idea how this pains me to type) KFed is the stable parent, and first and foremost, her parental rights need to be terminated.

    Intoxicated or not, you just don't fuck with a child in any way, shape or form.
    And if you do, Hell is too good for you.

  11. I'm no expert, but I would venture a guess that a mental illness coupled with a general celebrity detachment from real life makes for a worse situation. Even the most "sane" celebs run the risk of losing touch with reality when they are surrounded by an entourage of yes men, and any affected person with mental illness is made more prone to breakdown and detachment by a lack of treatment (not suggesting meds, just treatment in general).

    Seems to me that Britney, with all of her advantages, won't get better without some major treatment, and someone in her life to force the issue, as opposed to a group of enablers. I think she's far past the point of helping herself.

  12. well, if she is involuntarily "committed" beyond the 72-hour hold, meaning she is deemed legally insane and/or danger to self/others (which i highly doubt will happen) then the court can assign an agent to take control of all financial decisions, etc.
    Hopefully, somehow, her money is put into three separate trust funds, for her and each kid. KFed can't touch it and she can't touch it.
    It's the only positive that might come our of this

  13. Anonymous8:07 PM

    A 5250 hold is 2 week extension that can be written into a patient's chart prior to the 5150 72 hr expiration IF it's deemed necessary and only if the patient refuses voluntary admission. The higher the number the longer the hold. Smart thing would be to do it voluntarily but this is not her MO. A legal guardianship is a separate civil proceeding and ironically can't be a family member most cases. A financial guardian is another matter and more rules. No one is "judged" insane at this early stage, that's actually a legal definiton with narrow legal and madical parameters. Competency is another option and again, the court would appoint a guardian other than family.

  14. Your timeline is WAY off EL. I work in the business and covered this story all last night. One of my duties was to log the times of key events/video:

    Fire Dept. ambulance that was brought in to treat Britney arrived shortly before 10:30pm. Not 11:25pm.

    Around 10:40 was when the gurney and backboard were brought in. Not 11:05.

    They brought Britney out around 11:35pm and put her in the ambulance. Not 11:50.

    The ambulance didn't leave the gates of her house's community until about 11:45pm. It then headed down the hill destined for UCLA medical center in Westwood.

    At 12:08am the ambulance stopped for over a minute next to several LAPD cruisers when the decision was made to take her to Cedars Sinai instead of UCLA. Many paparazzi jump out of their cars and swarm the ambulance taking pics.

    The ambulance is now en route to Cedars with 3 LAPD cruisers in front going Code-3 lights and sirens and at least 6-10 more cruisers behind them also Code-3. Following the motorcade are countless paparazzi but many now realize the new destination is Cedars and take alternate streets to beat the ambulance to the hospital and swarm it when it pulls in to Cedars around 12:22am. Not 12:40am.

    I was one of the people covering and logging the saga EL. I looked up my times from last night. Your times are not simply not accurate.

    I wouldn't normally be so nitpicky, but you are giving out information that is just plain false. Sure it's just a timeline, but it's something that's easy to get right, as well as easy to correct. If you don't believe me, check the PD and fire logs. They'll prove me right.

    Please set it right. The readers of your log have trust in you to give out true information. Your timeline is false.

    Otherwise, love ya EL!

  15. My friend is a make up artist and has been around britney many times. He actually had nothing but nice things to say about her, BUT she has been on drugs for a long time. From his accounts, she is very lonely and insecure, but also very sweet. When he first met her, she was at the height of her career (around the time she was dating Justin) yet she was desperate just to hang out. She even went back to his apartment (my friend) the first night she met him (no, not for sex, he is openly gay lol) and wanted to just snort coke for hours on end and talk about life. So, she has been on drugs for years, not too mention she also has some sort of mental illness, which most likely didnt start to appear until the last couple of years. Sadly, I dont even think this latest episode will change her. She is extremely needy and desperately craves attention, whether it be negative or not. I dont think she is capable of living a healthy, normal life. Some people are just not meant to be parents, and she is one of them.

  16. If my daughter was going through this I would have been with her? Where the hell is her mother? I'd tell Jamie Lynn to take her vitamins and read a good book and I'll be back in a few hours. If Brit truly has a mental illness compounded by drug use, I would be at that hospital even if she told me to stay away. That's what mothers do. I would not care if the paps saw me. I'd want to get to my daughter. This is so sad.

  17. Those of you sending up prayers for Britney tonight, maybe you could spare one for the thousands of anonymous sufferers all around you who don't have her resources.

    What makes you think no one does? I know I do:)

    I wish you the best.

  18. "commentary theorizing that Britney's meltdown was on purpose and a calculated effort to get more attention..."

    On The View, Perez Hilton said that he also believes Britney is far smarter and more scheming than she appears to be. Even in today's event, her children are never in any real danger, and being the children of celebrities, they are used to a life of nonstop commotion. She will be treated for any number of psychiatric/physical disorders and may regain custody, but the world will never know if this is all a stunt - unless her grown-up children write a tell-all Mommie Dearest bestseller.

  19. OK so if you stage something like this then you have issues too. Either way I think can we can all agree that things are not good in the world of Brit Brit.

    In regards to PF's post: Don't forget this is a celebrity gossip site - just because we are discussing Britney and her problems doesn't mean we don't care about non-celebs who suffer from ANY kind if illness. I understand that this is a sensitive issue but I come on here to read/comment about celebrities. It's just for fun. Take care.

  20. Peek- You speak for the thousands of responsible who have BPD. You, however, are gifted with a much higher IQ...
    I do pray your burden lightens :)

  21. Peak I know BP sufferers. I pray for them every day. I also have seen the effects of them not being on their meds. I'm sure your life isn't easy. Don't assume we don't care, there are just as many nameless and faceless out there on your side than you'll ever know.

    Britney - I really do feel sorry for her. She made this mess herself, she has to deal with it. That doesn't stop me hoping she finally gets help, she finally begins the road to get better.

    What I want to know is if your kids are in the emergency room - WTF would YOU be?? Lynn was nowhere to be seen but neither was the walking STD factory. Stop bustin' mommy Lynn's hump if you're going to give k-fed a pass. If he was such a responsible parent, he'd have been at the hospital to sooth his children. I assume he was out f*ckin' some STD ridden whore or snorting some drugs. That man might be 'stable' but that doesn't make him a good parent.

  22. concerning the comments above - my first thought too was that it was a very calculated attempt by britney to regain the spotlight

    i still believe that - she's not anywhere as dumb as people believe and she definitely wants to stay in the spotlight

    it's no coincidence that jamie-lynn has been (inexplicably) in the media non-stop for days now

    the fact that mommy didn't rush over speaks volumes

    the whole custody thing is calculated too - she's not the first (or last) parent who didn't want to be around their kids - this happens a lot on real life w- men and women who don't have their every step followed by the media..... if she simply relinquished custody the media judgement and fallout could severely damage her career - having a mental disorder is great fodder for staying in the media AND for staging a comeback and allowing her to be "mother of the year" five years from now

  23. beth,

    Ent opens this post by saying that the timeline is taken from US Weekly. He uses this timeline because "it is the best summary of the events I have seen and has links to articles about most of the items in the timeline."

    I realize that in your position exact times is a critical aspect of reporting. I don't think that aspect applies as much to this particular gossip post.

  24. CDAN-heads,

    Any thoughts on Nickelodeon moving ahead with the 4th season of Zoey 101 in spite of JLS's recent pregnancy announcement?

  25. Peek--before and when you were diagnosed, did you readily accept your fate? Or did it take you a while to realize you do have some control over your life? I do know it's hard for you and you should be proud and grateful that you have the sense you have. Many many people aren't that lucky or smart. Good luck to you and remember that money is great, it can solve a lot of problems, but it can't buy happiness or good sense. (FYI--this is coming from someone who has never had money and who cares for her mother who is schizo affective and currently hospitalized)

  26. Regarding the possibility that Britney purposely caused commotion such that police, rescue and/or safety personnel needed to be called, she SHOULD be cited simply for the fact that she frivolously abused the personnel who are more desperately needed protecting the rest of us out here when we really need it! Our town is surrounded by water and if anyone calls or needs the Coast Guard called because they stupidly put themselves or others in danger, or frivolously calls for help when their sorry butts are not truly in grave danger, they can be fined big time. Our tax dollars pay the heroes who protect us and anyone who plays with the system for any reason other than a true emergency deserves a stiff punishment. Screw Britney. She damn well better need all that emergency attention or else she should have to pay the County or City back. Hit her where it really hurts so maybe she'll either wake up and fly right or be committed and get help. This BS is getting out of control. Please paps---STOP FOLLOWING HER!!!

  27. rhianna- kfed WAS at the hospital. and, he followed his bodyguard's car (which the kids were taken home in) and swerved all over the road to keep the paps from getting a shot of them. he's not the greatest guy, but i think he's doing the best he can in this situation.

  28. Holy shit. Cedars Sinai let her out this morning.

  29. More Holy Shit: TMZ is reporting that Dr. Phil came to visit her this morning, and that she may appear on his show sometime this week.

  30. Rhianna: Kevin was there. His bodyguard was the one that set up a screen so no one could see the entrance of where they took Britney and their children. He also tried to allude the paps from taking pictures, unlike Britney, who has been seen more than once showing off her kids (while they screamed and cried) to the paps. Although I dont agree with the things he has done in the past, he has proven to be the better parent. You never see him taking any of his kids out for publicity photos, unlike Britney, who constantly puts them in harms way, physically and emotionally. I do believe he has their best interest in mind, and has for a long time. Britney, on the other hand, has never been a stable, responsible parent.

  31. Dr. Phil is the ultimate self-serving parasite.

  32. I'm sort of surprised Ent hasn't said more about this...

    RE Brit's release: I'm stumped. From what I've read, Brit completely freaked out and refused to assist the professionals trying to help her.

    I'm past schadenfrude with this.

  33. 1. I disagree that Britney is "smart"
    She has about a 4th grade education and prob. low IQ
    compounded by years of substance abuse and whatever organic illness she's got.

    2. can't be too quick to call Kevin a hero. Yes, he has stepped up a bit, but don't forget he was rockin'round Vegas with Parasite last week.

    3. Dr. Phil shoving the BuyBull down her throat is not going to make things better - probably worse, since he intends to make a public spectacle of it

  34. >> I disagree that Britney is "smart" She has about a 4th grade education and prob. low IQ.....

    In Hollywood, smart doesn't require a formal education - only the relentless drive to get what you want and do it by any means. Take her sister Jamie Lynn Spears. With Britney as an example of what can happen when you rebel, Jamie Lynn ignored the lessons. Rumor is she was jealous of her boyfriend Casey dating other girls. To force him to stay in her life, she is said to have deliberately stopped taking birth control. It doesn't need much thought or cleverness to grasp and grasp. She made a deal and is going to make tons of money selling pics of the newborn to OK magazine. She'll hire a nanny to care for the kid and live life exactly as she likes.

  35. I think that you are right Jamie was trying to get preggo to be a cock trap for Casey. The classic babymama, tries to get pregnant to trap a guy. Except she may have been screwing around with an exec and he too is scared that his loli-chasing might get exposed.

    50 years ago this type of crap in Hollywood would have gotten her an abortion as the result of getting kicked in the gut or thrown down a flight of stairs by a couple studio thugs.

    Only thing I do not want to hear next is Star Reports, Paris Hilton: is Pregnant.

  36. "2. can't be too quick to call Kevin a hero. Yes, he has stepped up a bit, but don't forget he was rockin'round Vegas with Parasite last week."

    Screw you! With all the drama this trainwreck puts him through he deserves one or two days to celebrate the New Year. Shitney on the other hand parties and shops every day with no bad comments.

  37. Personally I think that the only place that can help her is McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. A mental hospital that is apart of Harvard that has had some experience in treating the celebrity type. I really think that she needs to be taken the hell out of her comfort zones of Cali and her home town, starting over in a new place may be a big help. McLean has treated singer James Taylor, mathematician John Nash (from A Beautiful Mind), Ray Charles, and author of Girl Interrupted Susanna Kaysen. If anyone is capable of treating her I think it’s McLean.

  38. >he deserves one or two days to celebrate the New Year.

    They say that KFed married for money. He's being paid a HUGE salary for enabling Britney, co-partners in escalating celebrity drama. Maybe he can go on vacation while Dr. Phil turns Britney's care into a reality show.

  39. If Brit goes on Dr Phil, it will be the biggest media spectacle since Jacko's child molestation trial. I don't think that any good could possibly come of it.

    I believe that Britney has become hopelessly addicted to attention. This whole fracas may NOT be proving to her that her life has spun out of control. Instead, the ravenous media attention is confirming her delusion that the only people who "care" about her are the Paps and her "fans."

    If this continues like it has, it's not going to end well.

  40. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I don't think it is going to end well anyway.

  41. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Elizabeth - UCLA Medical Center has one of the most respected Bipolar Disorder programs in the country. I've heard their medical director speak before.

  42. I agree gammagirl, Britney going on Dr. Phil would be catastrophic.

    Although a part of me believes that Dr. Phil would genuinely like to help Britney, somewhere along the way, ratings and fame (and the wealth that went along with it) became more important than anything else, and that's exactly what it would be - a spectacle, at Britney's expense. If he truly wanted to help her, he would do so in private. What does he do today? He pays her a visit at the hospital, then goes directly to the press. He should be ashamed of himself.

    Like you said, I don't see this ending well.

  43. I think what troubles me most are the comments people are leaving on sites like ONTD.
    IF something were to happen, how could it NOT change the way gossip is reported on the interweb?

    Maybe I'm just hormonal, but this story is really getting to me.

    Is anyone else watching Hilary BOMB in N.H.?

  44. "IF something were to happen, how could it NOT change the way gossip is reported on the interweb?"

    There is a high, high cost to celebrity. It's been said over and over and over: if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

  45. She's such a conniving child. Those poor children.

    Uh, who is on a gurney making EYE contact with the paparazzi? Its all attention. She's making money as long as her name is in print, and doesn't realize the future implications. It's sad- but true.

  46. Well, well, well. Dr. Phil tried to pull a fast one, not surprisingly. This was just posted on TMZ.

  47. ok guys, have yall not listened to her recent songs. she just wants everyone to leave her alone. put yourself in her shoes.

  48. Well I've just watched the latest videos of Brit and her new pap fella on their hotel balcony and walking down the street and it's so obviously staged. This is a woman who has just lost custody of her children, I don't care how crazy or drugged up she is I've just ran out of sympathy. She's taking the p*ss out of the media, public etc.

    I have a feeling I won't be the only one who's sick to death of the Brit show. I'll still pop on here because Ent doesn't saturate the blog with BS (funny that her initials stand for bullshit too) but I'm done with all the other smut sites until Brit disappears.

  49. "On The View, Perez Hilton said that he also believes Britney is far smarter and more scheming than she appears to be"

    So Perez Hilton thinks Britney is smarter than she appears...

    Well, thats all I need to know.

  50. Would any of you act the way she has and consider yourself to be OK? Would your family say that you are OK? People who do crazy things do so because they are able to jutify them in thier own mind. No matter where the motive comes from the act is not what a "normal" person would do.

  51. peek--
    my thoughts are with you. my son is also bi-polar, which we only found out when we discovered his self-medicating and self-mutilation. what only made things worse was when he turned 18 and lost his health insurance. he tried to hang on, and there were a couple of really bad episodes.
    but i want to give you some hope. he doesn't struggle everyday, even without meds. he recently married and is planning his own business next year. when he needs serious help, he sees our family therapist for free (or whatever he can pay) and moves on.
    we've been lucky. so hang in there, there IS light at the end of the tunnel!!

  52. My heart goes out to all the people in the world who suffer with physical and mental illness. The fact is Brit hasn't been diagnosed bi-polar. If she was severely mentally ill then wouldn't the hospital be wrong to let her leave?

    I'm suspicious after the latest events. My doubts do not in anyway relate to other people or their health including my own! I'm getting fed-up because there ARE people in life who have genuine mental and physicial problems they deal with every day. Brit is getting alot of compassion directed at her so if this is some sort of rebellion against her old life it's wrong to mislead people.



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