Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

August 2, 2007

#2 There is an A- film actress filming a movie with a B+ actress and they haven't spoken an unnecessary word to each other on the set of their latest movie. Seems the two don't see eye to eye on many issues and can't stand each other. The last straw was that the A- actress felt that the B+ actress was hijacking the movie by threatening to not do the part unless she got more money and perks than the A- actress. The B+ actress told everyone that she was the better actress, and definitely worth more to the film. The B+ actress didn't get the extra dough, but made a bad relationship even worse.

Scarlett Johansson / Penelope Cruz


Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Making note of ENT's rating system here: ScarJo is A-, Penny is B+.

WineGirl X said...

Wait a sec....which is the A- and which is the B+ ?

WineGirl X said...

ah....guess i coulda just waited one minute more....LOL

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Here's the film. I think Pene got paid after all since she hooked up with Javier.

Kim said...

Aw poor Penelope....not.

Anonymous said...

penelope and scarjo in a cage match! Penelope would wipe the floor with scarlett.

RandomRamblings said...

Didn't both of them date the same actor, Josh Lucas? Hmmm, is that the source of the blind?

Penelope is a better actress than Scarlett, so I do agree with that. I could see them both arguing as they are two very strong willed actresses who feel a sense of entitlement.

Kim said...

I don't really understand crying about getting more money when you already make millions...geez

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I wonder if they didn't see eye to eye on the benefits of being Tom Cruise's beard.

katespades said...

Blogger pisly said...

I wonder if they didn't see eye to eye on the benefits of being Tom Cruise's beard.

7:07 PM

exactly what i was thinking!

Rare Avis said...

hugh. wouldn't have guessed this one. Penny is a pistole though..

kellygirl said...

Penny is clearly more than meets the eye

the mere fact that she spent a year with Tom Craze is more than enough proof of that.

I have a feeling she is as blindly driven as Nicole Kidman

Why else would a successful actress do a lesbian kiss erotica kiss scene with her sister in her brother's video

This is a woman who would do ANYTHING for fame and infamy. It's clearly the best drug in H'wood, perhaps the world. F^ck the smack and coke dealers ... if you can find a way to sling publicity, you're a rich man.

Leah said...

"Why else would a successful actress do a lesbian kiss erotica kiss scene with her sister in her brother's video"

"You say that like it's a bad thing," remarked my husband and every other hetero male.

GammaGirl said...

I was ambivalent about Penelope but there is something totally sick about that video. Not only does she make out with her sister, but she makes bedroom eyes at HER BROTHER while adding vocals to a porno.

It's just too weird for me...

Catherine said...

Leah....LMAO! You are so right!

Unknown said...

i hate both bitches.

MnGddess said...

I don't understand the Penelope appeal in America. She cannot act and is as boring as a paper bag. And who can understand her?

non.non. said...

reading this in 2011 is very funny.


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