Thursday, December 11, 2008

Caylee's Body Found

I know this isn't really gossip but lots of people I know discuss this little girl endlessly, so I thought I would at least pass the news along. The Orange County Sheriff said that the remains of a small child were found this morning. They are not saying it is Caylee, but how many small little girl skeletons are there? Plus the skeleton was found about a half a mile from her grandparent;s house.

Caylee went missing back in June. Her mother was charged with murder after waiting five weeks to report her daughter missing. Apparently she didn't think anyone would notice. The mom's name is Casey Anthony. Casey has always said she left her daughter with the baby sitter and the baby sitter took her. The problem with that story is that the apartment she says she dropped Caylee of at had been vacant for four months.

I wish the girl had been found alive, but at least she was found so hopefully something can be done to bring her killer to justice.


GladysKravitz said...

May she rest in peace. And may her mother one day understand the enormity of what she has done. Whether she killed the little girl or not (and she probably did, from what I've read), she failed to act as a responsible parent and that led to Caylee's death.

ItsJustMe said...

The behavior of her family has been entirely despicable throughout this whole ordeal.

I only hope Caylee didn't suffer at the time of her death and that swift justice is taken.

deity2 said...

That poor little girl! i hated to see even the way her grandparents behaved during all the media coverage. May she rest in peace and her killer be brought to justice.

merrick said...

RIP Caylee
you are now with the angels and they will forever protect you!

__-__=__ said...

I suspect this happens more than we want to know. It was quite awhile before anyone noticed. If it wasn't for the grandparents I guess nobody would have noticed. Casey is a very convincing liar as long as people keep moving. Even after the grandparents noticed they were in such denial. Caylee is so cute. This is very sad.

captivagrl said...

Just saw those grandparents on Larry King last night...there's a lot wrong with that family, all of them. Nancy Grace has done an excellent job keeping this story alive. I didn't think they would ever find that sweet child's body(due to the weather conditions here in florida). If it's her, may she rest in peace and her mother should get exactly what she deserves...too bad the death penalty is no longer a possibility.

Kara said...

Why is the death penalty no longer a possibility? Do Florida get rid of it? I thought there were still hot to execute people down there.

Cheryl said...

Sad. I hope she didn't suffer. Rest in peace.

captivagrl said...

Kara - they took it off the table last week, no body....don't know if they can change that now...?

kimmypie1 said...

My daughter is the same age and even looks a bit like Caylee. So this whole case has really haunted me.
I cannot for the life of me understand how a mother can do that to her child? I know, innocent until proven guilty and all that, but come on. Does anyone think the mother did not do it?

RIP Caylee

captivagrl said... has agood overview of the story/case if anyone isn't familiar

Kara said...

I bet they can bring back the death penalty. Depending on what they find during an examination of the remains, they might even be able to add charges if they need to and reindict.

I'm not a believer in the death penalty at all (I'm a death penalty defense attorney), but if any case deserves it death of your own child is certainly it.

Jenny S said...

In the interviews I have read with Casey, she seems like she CLEARLY has a major personality disorder, possibly narcissism or borderline personality disorder. It sounded like she was never really interested in her role as a mother, would rather be out with her friends and partying. I read the article long ago, but Casey seemed pretty labile (rapid mood changes) as well as no concerns for others. I have no doubt she killed her daughter. None at all. She found her daughter to be a lot of hard work, probably lost her temper and bam.

captivagrl said...

Kara - they found info on her laptop. she was doing related searches back in march. lots of planning involved...

lmnop123 said...

I'm so happy that Caylee was found. She was a beautiful little girl. RIP Caylee.

To her mom and anyone else that was involved I hope you suffer endlessly for the rest of your lives.

Molly said...

this is the saddest kind of news ever. i don't understand how anyone, but particularly a parent, can do this to a child. sick.

captivagrl said...
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Unknown said...

I wish people would remember the grandparents called 911 and reported this, including the fact that the grandfather thought the trunk of his car smelled like death (he was former law enforcement so the statement had weight). They didn't have to contact police, and despite making meaningless supportive media statements about their daughter they haven't impeded due process.

I'm not saying I agree with them supporting their daughter in the media (support they later withdrew), but I can't imagine what it is like to know you've lost your baby granddaughter and to know the child you raised did something so unimaginable. All this with a 24/7 global media presence on your lawn harassing you every time you leave the house. I would say overall they handled it well.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I was wondering what was going on with this story. I didn't keep up with the news but when they would have some info on I would try to hear what was going on. It's just sad that a little child like this would get the type of abuse that she did from her own mother. I don't understand why women have kids if they can't handle them. Was she ever reported to Child Protective? She looks like a little angel. Kids can be hard to bring up depending how you are showing them the way but to actually kill your own flesh and blood. This person deserves the death penalty.

nancer said...

darn! does this mean the grandparents have to end their world tour, appearing on every show that will book them on behalf of casey's defense attorney? will we not see any more of them showing a grainy video of some little dark haired kid, in an attempt to convince some potential jurors she's alive and well, and eating a happy meal at mcdonald's? will we not be treated to any more phony, staged, taped conversations between the grieving, jailed mother and her family, where she talks about how much she misses her little girl?

"make it sound good, casey....they're listening to everything. and if you can squeeze out some tears, that would be even better. if you have trouble crying for her, just think about how sorry you are you're in jail---that should do it. just make it good. we'll use it in court. jurors love that shit."

Anonymous said...

Nancy Grace is going to be on overdrive tonight. Heads will roll and balls will be finely sliced. GET 'EM GIRL!

jax said...

Laurie, we didn't forget, but the grandmother tried to recant everything she previously said to save her daughter. something fishy is going on there,that whole family is fucked.

caylee's mother was a complete nonstop drugged up,partying whore with no regard for life and i hope that c*nt fries. you know howmany former bf and freinds of hers that came forward and sai she was never home,never bothered with her daughter and would leave her with anyone to go party? rot in hell.

captivagrl said...

also, the grandmother admitted to washing the clothing(evidence) that was in the back seat of the "stinking of death" car. and admitted to giving the police "casey's" hair brush instead of caylee's(to be used to obtain a dna sample of the baby)

Moosefan said...

I was born and raised in Orlando and lived very close to where all of this has taken place.
There was a case many many years back about a couple-I believe from Tampa who said that their little girl was missing/taken. After all the searching questions etc-there is still no baby and no clues. We had heard that the picture they were showing of the baby was a picture taken of their other daughter at the same age. I even think-not 100% sure-that the family ended up moving from that house. The police had phone recordings and the parents got a lawyer. Again, very shady.
For this child, I pray that she did not suffer, but I pray and know that her mother will.

Moosefan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jagerlilly said...

That whole family has serious issues. The mom, the grandparents, they all knew something was up and then backed off and shut up. How despicable for a parent to be involved and even more twisted that the grandparents are now drawn into it. That poor little girl, my heart goes out to her, to be left out in the cold like so much garbage. The death penalty is too good.

jw12 said...

Did Casey want to give the girl up for adoption? I swear I read it somewhere.

captivagrl said...

jw12 - Casey wanted an abortion, at least according to friends. her mother nixed that and raised the baby. Casey was jealous of the attention her daughter received from the grandparents. There's still a big question about paternity. Casey says the father died in a car accident but she never filed for SSI benefits.for a young woman so desperate for money, this is odd. remember she didn't work for over 2 years and she was stealing from her parents and friends. SSI benefits for surviving children are significant and she would have collected for at least 18 years.

sassafrass said...

Moosefan, are you saying the couple made up the story and really did not have a baby missing?

I just read from a news report on cnn that someone close to the Caylee investivation said the mouth was duct taped.

Ayesha said...

Why do I hope it's Caylee? I want that little girl laid to rest properly. I want Casey to fry and suffer. Now the grandparents must face the fact that their daughter is a murderer. And I'd hate for there to be ANOTHER dead child.

That family is fucked up beyond belief. Poor little Caylee.

Moosefan said...

Sassa-well here is the deal about the one from Tampa area-there was a baby girl, but the pics that they first shown of her were from the older sister. The parents got lawyers and the last I had heard was they moved from their home to another out of state-it was the case of Sabrina Aisenburg. You can find info on her on the net. Again, like this case-something in the milk is not clean

nancer said...

i can't remember their name---it starts with an 'A'---their baby really was taken and never found. they were suspects, the FBI had audiotapes that you couldn't understand so they made up shit it said---it was all BS and got tossed out. that case just remains a mystery, but it has nothing to do with THIS case.
this bitch killed her child. end of story. the evidence against her will be overwhelming at trial. i'm sure nobody's more surprised than she is that the body wasn't found before now.
she didn't report caylee missing for 5 weeks, she made up a crap story---several, in fact---about what had happened. every single one proven to be a lie. she borrowed a shovel from a neighbor shortly after caylee was last seen. come on. this one's easy.

Lucy said...

Terrible terrible story.. I can hardly read stories like these as I have 2 children of my own and just can't imagine .. just.. can't..

The worst part of this is.. she can have more kids ... I worked with a lady for many years and her daughter had a son.. He was around 2 when she (daughter) reported him missing.. They found him in a trash bin in their apartment complex.. he had been starved to death.. she never served jail time and within 3 years was pregnant with twins.. they let her keep those babies.. I quit shortly after that and have always wondered if they are growing up ok and healthy..

this stuff just makes me sick inside...

Peregrine White said...

She won't have more kids if she's drawn and quartered.

Ah.. the justice of those medieval times...

Wil said...

I look at it like a prosecutor. Now I have a body and should it prove to be be Caylee, which I hope it will, Casey will be easier to try and convict. Depending on the mode of death and the obvious disrespect and lack of care the woman showed in method of disposal, it will be easier for me to get the death penalty.

As a person who has - for some weird reason as I don't and can't have children .. and I guess that last part might explain it - taken a personal interest in this case, I hope it is Caylee. If for no other reason, this delightful, beautiful child deserves to be properly buried. Off in some water filled, insect infested lot in Orlando was not that place.

I am really not a Death Penalty person in most instances .. but I swear to God .. I hope this fucking bitch dies horribly. I would like to see Florida bring back "Ol' Sparky" just for the occasion of her execution.

If you want to read all the documents and listen to the interrogation tapes Investigation Discovery has a blog on this case. [I wouldn't go to Drudge Report if I had cancer and that place had the friggin' cure .. sorry. ]The blog has tabs above the current stories that will take you to the history of the case as represented by the dates.]

I highly recommend reading as much of the documentation as you can stand. This woman is just amazing. She would not recognize the truth if it was before her on fire.

Sorry for the "Bladgovich-esque" language .. but this case just really works my rage center.

Miss X said...

This is so sad.

I would not say the grandparents are innocent, but good people with good intentions can raise self absorbed kids. On the flip side, self absorbed parents "raise" kids who turn out to be amazing people.

Given how much concern Caylee's mother had for her, she'd likely been exposed to horrible things. In no way do I mean Caylee should have been killed, I'm just saying she probably had a rougher life before 3 years old than most of us have in our first 20 years.

Moosefan said...

No matter what case-when a child is missing or harmed in ANY way shape or form, the person(s) responsible for causing the harm should be given hard time, no appeals locked up and throw away the key.

Merlin D. Bear said...

I've always felt you don't fuck with a child - whoever is responsible needs to take an extended tour of Dante's Inferno.
I'll contribute a dollar towards the bullet that puts them there.

kelliknows said...

Just look at that little face..who, even in their darkest moment, could do this? makes me a little sadder for the world..

Pink Skull said...

Maybe I am just being cynical but I bet this would not have gotten media coverage if the girl had been unattractive or ethnic.

Charlene said...

"How many girl skeletons are there?"


There are right now about 45,000 long-term missing children in the US alone. Most younger children were stolen either by their fathers from their mothers, or by their mothers from social services. Older children may have run away, often from abuse or molestation.

About one in ten of these children is probably dead.

Pink Skull, you're right to be cynical. Children do get more attention in three ways:

1. If they're white
2. If they're attractive
3. If a woman is accused of hurting them

There may be 500 cases of child murder in the courts this year (most aren't caught, sadly). The ones that get the big press are the pretty white kids whose mothers harm them. Mothers are more likely to be arrested, more likely to be charged, and more likely to be convicted than fathers. Even in cases where the father is the killer, the mother often gets a longer prison sentence than the actual killer.

sauvage said...

Rest in peace, little girl. I so hope she didn't suffer.

I will never, ever understand how one can hurt a - any, no matter if it is your own or not - child. I just never will. Even if you have a personality disorder, I'd hope you to be prevented from doing this for pure biological reasons - survival of the own species.
Naa, I can't get over it.

PotPourri said...

If they're white it is usually more scandalous because there is always some scandalous lie and made up story behind it making it 'tabloidish'. Blacks and Hispanics don't go to that extreme.

Pink Skull said...

Charlene-that is an interesting insight that women get more media attention and longer prison sentences than men when they murder their own children. I think that says something low about our society, that it is the mother's sole role to raise children and she gets all the blame for a being an abhorrent parent and that is not a man's role to raise children, and a man abusing his children is somehow not as shocking.

Dead Angel said...

Casey was a spoiled girl who grew up to be a pathological liar and thief that preyed on her family and friends. Casey never had to pay a consequence for her crimes - her mother cashed a 401k in to pay back the victims so they didn't have her charged.

The linens and Casey's bedroom wall to wall was pulled up, and part of her mattress was taken as evidence. This means that Casey probably killed that little girl by smothering her, in her own bedroom and slept in the bed every night while she was out on bail.

Caylee was nude and wrapped in a sheet. Casey's sheet.

Heartless bitch. There is a consensus that the death penalty will be back on the table before the next hearing. Although a 100+ year sentence would work too.


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