Friday, March 30, 2018

Blind Item #12 - Lady Loves Part Two - A Reader Blind Item

Now there’s something people need to understand about L.A. – not only is it chock full of the world’s finest ladies most trying to make it or break it in showbiz, drawn to the glitz and glamour of the industry like moths to the flame, but it’s also blessed that the home grown variety, those sun kissed California girls, were hardly ever what one would consider to be runners up in the aesthetics department.  Speaking of blessed, I, one of a seemingly rare breed of non-transplant, native born Angeleno sons, have been blessed in my forty-something years on this earth to have loved and been loved by 5 of California’s (if not the world’s) absolute best…every single one of them, while not famous, a goddess in my mind.  Each as lovely on the inside as they are/were on the outside.

While there are many tales that I may one day tell of myself, my experiences, and my Lady Loves, today’s tale focuses on Lady #4, who we will call Washington. Washington and I (along with Ladies #1 & #3) attended the same high school, a pretty high fallutin’ public school that was in those days both famous for its academic excellence and quality as well as notorious for its wild party scene.  In fact, an alum of the school had directed a pretty successful cult classic teen coming-of-age movie that was heavily influenced by his own experiences at the school/town.  It had a kinda-sorta “in spirit” remake/variation not too long ago.  The place even had a rabid pack of rocket scientists in its backyard, not just the rockband we’ll get to very soon that used to play in and around those backyards.

I was a couple of grades above Washington, and had been a few months past breaking up with Lady #3.  Washington and I had a class together that year, and over that fall, winter and spring we grew close, very close.  In the time leading up to Spring Break she found herself torn between her douchelord of an on again off again boyfriend and me.  The boyfriend, conveniently for us, decided to be his douche self and break up with Washington prior to heading out of town for Spring Break.  I would deal with that Grade A Shitheel in time, but at that time I decided to put my personal desires and wants aside and just be the "In the FriendZone" shoulder for her to cry on.  And cry she did – that first weekend of Spring Break it was tough to see her break down like she did, especially with the unrequited feelings of love, passion, and desire I most definitely had for her, and was sure she had for me.  But I was working on a plan to cheer her up, with the help of a friend of mine who had a line on a hush hush event that was coming up the middle of that Spring Break week. 


  1. Hollywood High I suppose

  2. These reader blinds are terrible and also not blinds just nostalgic crap.

  3. Is it my imagination or IF I POSTED BLINDS FROM ARGENTINA it would be easier to understand THEM than some readers ones LIKE THIS ONE? ...

    Damm I feel I need A TRANSLATOR ...

  4. JoJo maybe the girl turns out to be famous, give it one more section, this one is a waste though says and does nothing to move the story. Except put the writer over as a studmuffin I guess.

  5. Could be Santa Monica High or Pacific Palisades High. Maybe even San Marino High because of the "rocket scientists" nearby -- San Marino High is near Cal Tech, I'm pretty sure.

  6. I don’t understand... Hasn’t it already said that none of them is famous?

  7. Is the alum Richard Kelly - Donnie Darko? S.Darko as the reimagining?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A friend of mine who visited me when I was living in LA asked me, "where are all the hot California blondes I saw in the older movies"? I told him, they're in Austin, TX! LOL.

    Seriously though, this had to be back in the 80s and 90s. Honestly, even though you cannot deny that LA has some really beautiful women, I didn't find myself falling in love every day while I was there. Perhaps it was because I knew what the dating scene was like, but it could also be the whole "plastic" element to it. The only way I could describe it is when a woman says that she cannot get into the whole GQ cover male model. They don't like it when men are too prim and dolled up. I guess it's the same for me with women. It's proly cus I grew up in the South.

  10. So half the blinds today are reader "blinds"? Ugh.

  11. This is a lot of words to say you are a stud. You had 5 lovers. Yay you.
    Is the film Fast times at Ridgemnont or something?

  12. Heathers? With the TV show reboot?

  13. I read this in the tune of sister christian


  14. Some of the commentators here are entitled assholes. This isn't your site and you didn't pay to be entertained. Get over your entitlement.

    I, like some others, am thoroughly enjoying these nostalgic tales. Keep them coming. Or don't. It's not my site. :)

  15. Fast Times at Ridgemont High was the logical guess, but it's based on a high school in San Diego.

    1. No it isn't. It's based in the SFV. I guess Birminham, Taft or Grant.

  16. yea sorry. the reader blinds are boring. pretty girls live everywhere. LA women are no better, if anything they're worse. Get out more.

  17. Real Genius for the movie?

  18. +1 (mostly the pretty girls are everywhere part)

  19. Alum is Richard linklater. Dazed and Confused. Spiritual Sequel is Everybody wants some!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Kay, go fuck yourself! These bullshit reader blinds will ruin a good site. They are garbage. To the readers who want to write this shit and feel like you are equals to Himmm, go jump in your DeLorean, and fuck off back to oblivion...



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