Thursday, March 29, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 22, 2018

And so it begins. Honestly, I am surprised it took this long for the tabloids to try and put this former tabloid cover couple back together. Don't believe the hype though, the two A listers are not hooking up or meeting up, but it wouldn't shock me if the one who is a master of publicity isn't having her people leak that they are.

Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston


  1. They've both had their fun with rough trade, time to come back together.

    1. No way! Why would he go back to her and endure even more I told you sos and her getting a bump up not because of any professional moves/decisions, but because 'he's back' and in a better position, career-wise. Aniston had years of public goodwill and certainly time to become an established actress/producer, but she didn't do dick except name check Plan B, despite severing ties over a decade ago. Pitt doesn't need to go back to Jen to appear down to earth or approachable because he already played that role during the Brangelina era and in the last year and a half. He was humbled, big time, by the way he was dumped, it's time to get on with it.

  2. Friends & publicists are nice to have

  3. They both have long term addiction issues. Brad's an alcoholic and Jen invented the role of coked up whore. They're also both as old as fuck, and it's embarrassing watching them pretend they're still in their twenties when getting wasted was sexy and fun.

    Brad, no ones impressed with you screaming at yourself in the mirror and projectile vomiting into your ball sack. Jen, it's not nice seeing an older lady offering to blow every passing rando in return for a snort of the good stuff. Start doing old people shit. like gardening, or complaining about millennials.

    1. *looks up from the flowerbed to yell at the protesters walking by* Hey! Get off my lawn, you weirdos!

  4. This is one of those blinds that I couldn't wait to be revealed. The correct answer was guessed right away but then people kept on guessing. The guesses were random and dumb but they were adamant their guess was right. It amazed me and not in a good way

  5. But Vess, the best train wrecks involve two trains.

    1. @brayson@signnamehere agree w/both & always love what the both of you post❤️

  6. @Signnamebelow no that never happened on this blind but it did on reveal 2.

    1. My level of obviousness may be different than yours, @DonnaMarie. I thought the answer was obvious at the time and truly was amazed that it continued to be disputed. There were at least 10 more serious guesses, including Trump/Melania, but leaving out Milli Vanilli and Captain and Tennille

      But see? We can't even keep from arguing if people were arguing. 😂 CDaN is the place!

  7. just stop lol this has been dead for like what? 15 years now? I doubt jenn gives a shit about brad and hasnt done so for like 10

  8. Also @ginger falls ☺️ No one is supposed to read my posts on here. I pretend I am talking to myself. 🤗

  9. Oh, it was very obvious. The other serious guess was JLaw and Nic Hoult. Another was Miranda and Blake. The rest were people being silly.

  10. They've been done & over with each other for over a decade, it ain't happenin'. He knows she's cray cray high maintenance.

  11. Thanks ginger falls! And I'll try to reduce my LiLo being a ginger comments ;)

    1. Awwww!Thanks@brayson87😇



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