Blind Item #1
This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor was probably A list when his long running franchise was still rolling. Since then, there has not been a lot of success. It also looks like he is back on the bottle in a big way and showed up to support a friend at a premiere while on a crazy multi day bender.
James Mcavoy?
Or ewan McGregor I think
I think they are both meant to be long time sober,but Ewan’s Star Wars is the franchise I think
I liked Moulin Rouge believe it or not
Ewan was the star of Fargo last year. That’s hardly no success.
I love Trainspotting:)
Varga is released
Me too!
Michael Fassbender?
But I don't know which premiere.
Daniel Radcliff supporting Billy crudup.
Daniel Radcliffe. Pics of him looking rough at Billy Crudups off Broadway show He looks horrible in these pictures.
Think you got it.
Oh no! 😯
He's had great roles since HP, so I take issue with that, but clearly it's him....
@Sara,he may have good roles,but he hasn't starred in a hit film. This probably is Daniel.
Anyone see Swiss army man? It blasted me away.
We all know Hermione was couched, could it be that Harry was as well? At least he's sticking to the sauce like a real man and not snorting coke like a bitch.
Oh, shit, Daniel, no!!!! He grew up into such a handsome man!
28-y-o auditioning for role as 68-y-o by the look of it
I don’t this it’s Ewan, he just won a golden globe.
@Sara. I can't take him seriously as an adult actor. He still seems really boyish even though he's a grown ass man. Also he's a terrible actor, all the HP kids are shit, the only reason they still get cast in stuff is name recognition. Only Pattinson has enough talent for a long career, the rest should just retire and get real jobs.
Daniel Radcliffe does not look good in those pics, but damn Billy Crudup looks a good as ever.
These poor child actors. So tormented. I've never seen a Harry Potter, or anything with Daniel in it. He looks awful though, poor guy. I'm an alcoholic too. It's an interesting sort of hell.
Billy Crudup is dating Naomi Watts?
+1 Sunnydaze, DR was looking a hot mess. He needs a minder to shave and clean him up before public events.
I agree that the three lead HP actors are terrible adult actors but this still sucks. Poor Daniel. Dude was wasted for the majority of the final movie's filming. I hope he doesn't go back to that. He seems like a decent enough bloke.
I'm still dying over the vibrating HP broomstick toy,28804,1927306_1927313_1927329,00.html
So sad that Daniel looks older than Billy Crudup in those pictures. Not just the messy hair and the hasn't-showered-in-a-week-shaved-in-a-month look-it is his face. Red cheeks and deep lines and dark circles. Someone help this young man. We have ruined him. :(
Dan was going to be my guess too.
He’s had some great opportunities since Harry Potter but nothing’s really hit for him.
Bruce Willis
Oh, this one makes me sad. :( Poor Daniel Radcliffe - ugh.
Those HP kids never have to work another day in their lives.
Can they think of nothing else to do than try to be taken seriously as adult actors? Nothing will be as dynamic as those many years on set and the publicity tours afterwards, but shit, there ain't no neverland to return to. Isn't there anything else they can do with the support of those enormous bank accounts?
The Drew Barrymores are extremely rare. Go build some wetlands or something.
"You're a piss artist, 'Arry."
I think HP actor is right, the pictures have been removed now, which always makes me think something is going on.
"You're an alcoholic, 'Arry!"
@plot - the money isn't the issue. The issue is they peaked as teenagers. They wanted to act, and landed roles of multiple lifetimes...and are so typecast now, nobody will hire them. It's even worse when entire theme parks are being built with your likeness plastered all over it.
If Radcliff had any serious ambitions to act as an adult, I can't imagine how soul crushing it must be to have doors closed on you, because of your success. That's on top of the insanity of how famous he is, and probably has kids peeing the pavement every time he steps out of the front door. And, no matter what he does, what role he does, he'll always be Harry Potter to the audience.
I'd be slamming drinks too.
Is acting all they can do? There are other things.
Betcha Radcliff goes by unnoticed in his appearance of disheveled homelessness which might be his point. This is the guy who wore the same t-shirt for years to make pap photos worthless.
Yes Varga was an awesome villain lol
The thing about getting sober when you're young, as Radcliff has, is that it is very difficult to maintain sobriety for the next SIXTY YEARS of your life.
People fall down, they get back up. Most of us don't have to do it in the public eye.
I say leave the guy alone, by most accounts he's a good person.
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