Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 20, 2018

One of the lead actors of this new movie which is a sequel to a movie that didn't do that well and the sequel is going to do worse didn't even bother to show up for a Q&A about the movie. Why? He wants as far away from the bomb as he can. He let the other lead, a foreign born A- list mostly movie actor handle the duties solo.

Scott Eastwood/John Boyega/Pacific Rim Uprising


  1. yeah, it was pretty obvious

  2. Yeah $160 million worldwide in the first weekend sucks a huge wad Enty (that's $122 in the rest of the world, about $36 here)

  3. john boyega is amazing!

  4. John Boyega > Scott Eastwood

  5. The first one sucked too!

  6. John Boyega is responsible for $150m of that gross, just for being in the movie.

  7. Talk about trying a self-fulfilling prophecy, now he's going to look like sh!t if it doesn't bomb. The first one was fun and rewatchable. And Asia gets this right, giant robots are awesome.

  8. The movie was actually fun, and better than the original

  9. Eastwood has a face I would like to punch.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      It’s not Scott’s fault he’s a crap actor.

      Oh wait.

  10. Middling movie, nothing for anybody to be proud of. Boyega's making his unexceptional mark in mediocre movies. Even when they're blockbusters, there's little promise he'll ever escape the trap his career has plunged into. They aren't parlayed into roles that give one longevity in the business. Eastwood's dad probably explained that to him. Boyega? He's getting paid.

  11. I am not a fan of the superhero movies (or whatever they are called), like Avengers or Iron Man or the other action stuff like Transformers but for some reason I liked Pacific Rim. We don't get lots of good monster movies nowadays. I am a sucker for any of that. Alien will forever be a favorite but that franchise is currently taking themselves too seriously. Sometimes you just wanna see some monsters.

  12. Studios get a smaller cut on overseas box office and the least from China, so all dollars aren't equal. Still it isn't likely to lose a bunch of money when all is said and done.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. We loved the first Pacific Rim and wanted to see the sequel, but many of the reasons we enjoyed it did not sign up for the sequel, sadly

  15. John is the star not Scott. His interviews were terrible.

  16. Pac Rim is one of my favorite films. It’s visually one of the most sophisticated films ever made. Haven’t seen the sequel, and likely won’t unless it’s on Netflix.

  17. Scott doesn't strike me as too intelligent. I can see him not wanting to be in a live Q&A and ditch it. He might end up talking to a chair.

    1. I see what you did there and I +1 you.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Scott Eastwood is as hot as fuck, but such a dumb, arrogant arsehole.

  20. @timebomb ... LOL. the movie needed more fights. the dialogue and story were pretty bad.

  21. What a tool. Am example of someone who believes his own press. In his interviews he does not come across as being super smart

  22. Pacific Rim was a better answer to Godzilla than all the Godzilla remakes. Cheesy, campy as hell?? Yes! But probably a better popcorn movie than all those overpaid comic book mobies.

  23. Enty thé movie Pacific Rim 2 is a succès $122 million overseas. Thé movie does NOT need usa to be a success.

  24. Don't know who he is. Clint's son? Anyway Boyega produced the film too so fair enough. No guts, no glory.

  25. It's not a success and will be lucky to break even.

    Budget: $150

    Rules of Thumb:
    Total Budget (marketing, budget, etc) - ($300)
    Half of Domestic Take - $15.1
    25% of China - $15
    40% of Foreign - $23.2

    Total Income = $53.3

    They are going to take a bath on this film.

  26. Deadline hollywood did an analysis and said it would probably break even/make a small profit. Boyega has charm and charisma enough to carry a movie.

  27. i mean, Scott being there or not makes no difference, he has the presence and personality of a cardboard cutout. Everyone's here for Boyega and Rinko Kikuchi anyway.



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