Thursday, March 29, 2018

Blind Item #9

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who actually was the lead a couple times is A- list now. You all know him. Some very big hit movies in his resume. His thing as of late is to send his much much younger wife to yoga classes to try and pick up threesome partners.


Tricia13 said...

Sylvester Stallone?

MontanaMarriott said...

Jeff Goldblum?

Tricia13 said...

Or Goldblum?

ImmodestyBlaise said...

Dennis Quaid?

(PS: If it is Goldblum, please reveal the name of the yoga studio, kthx)

Rosie riveter said...

Gross. Gross. Gross.

sandybrook said...

Also think it's Goldblum

Randyman said...

Has to be that creepo Goldblum. Remember that video of him trying to pick up a very young girl in a park?

AvignonVagabond said...

could be Steve Martin

Tricia13 said...

Yep... I heard stories. He likes threesomes and his young wife(Emily I think?) is always papped leaving yoga

Chase said...

I guess I am missing out on pimping my wife out. Fuck! Who knew?

Fluffyisgone said...

Alec Baldwin ?

TLT said...

Alec was my first thought, too, but I wouldn't consider him mostly movie.

cheesegrater15 said...

From what I've heard about Goldblum, I would be so down for a threesome.

Brayson87 said...

What, he deserves kudos for designing a great system.
His wife is recruiting fit flexible women from yoga class, not drunk messes from a bar or those pigs from a sex club. It's not technically cheating if they're doing it together and the wife gets to pick the women. He should be holding seminars not being vilified.

FeistyPanda said...
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Jon1drfl said...

Alex Baldwin?

FeistyPanda said...

I am not okay with Jeff Goldbloom being called A-, but I am loving this blind.

FeistyPanda said...


FeistyPanda said...

Alec Baldwin also came to mind

Unknown said...

I'm shocked -- shocked, I say! -- at the judgmentalism being shown toward this couple who simply want to share their unconventional lifestyle with other consenting adults. Guess they should stay in the closet.

But seriously, women can be kinky too, and many of them like threesomes. He's not making her do anything when she's down at the yoga place.

Alexandra Supertramp said...

+1000 this made my day

Brayson87 said...

Although you can only recruit so many yoga woman from the same place. Do you think she goes to yoga classes all over town just to find new women?

Chug ChooChoo said...

@brayson here's to hoping they take their show on the road

Thia said...

"He should be holding seminars not being vilified." hahahahahahahaha This comment made my day. And people are looking into my office now to see why I'm laughing so loudly.

Dusty Fairy said...

Kevin Costner.

MichiganMama59 said...

She must want it or she could say "Hell no"!

Anonymous said...

Bruce Willis

Hanniam said...

@Brayson, you speak pure wisdom there.

La-Juice said...


et tu goldblum??? et tu?

Ladylaw said...

Josh Brolin?

IanPhlegming said...

My first thought was Bruce Willis but Jeff Goldblum is a better option. He's being so magnanimous, letting his wife pick, LOL. Compared to most of the sick sex stuff on this site, this is a mild kink.

Kno Won said...

Also add me to the list requesting the name of the yoga studio.

Kno Won said...

Maybe they keep the same threesome partner for a few months.
It could take years to run through every attendee for every class.

Unknown said...

Gross! I can't believe all the comments wanting to know the name of the yoga studio!? Goldblooms like 80! I guess some people like old, saggy dried up balls! 🤢

Unknown said...

More power to whomever! Threesomes are fun, and these are consenting adults. I'm surprised this is blind worthy.

Ramone Love said...

I had a girlfriend who did that for me. Always bringing home gifts.

Kelly said...

Jeff Goldblums wife's Instagram is super yoga centric. Alex Baldwin's wife is prego so not her. I dunno about Goldblum though they have little kids.

Court b said...


Kelly said...

Laughing out loud dying

Sd Auntie said...

Goldblum just looks like a pervert. Don't get his appeal.

Elephant Cat said...

No, not gross. Hot. Hot. Hot! It's Jeff Goldblum!

Emma F said...

I love him in The Tall Guy! I must watch that again now!!

But also, if someone asked me to join in a tiresome and the produced Alex Baldwin......I would run a mile! I bet he shouts directions at you and berates you if he thinks you're doing it wrong. No.

Anonymous said...

An actor with a much younger wife ? What a surprise ....That never happens!


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