Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blind Item #4

This A- list director/producer spent a great deal of money that was not his on drugs and women. He is scrambling to come up with what he took.


  1. All of them at some point.

  2. Replies
    1. Apparently not a director so I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️

    2. Schneider likes little girls, not women.

  3. What costs more, drugs or women? I'm trying to plan for my retirement.

  4. It says women not little girls- Brett Ratner.

  5. Well I hope if it is Schneider, that the goons don't get him before he's allowed to be a prison bitch power bottom.

  6. Well at least this one, whoever it might be, is paying for his goods, not blackmailing actresses for the role or pimping out someone for a coke.

  7. +1 All day @rosie

  8. Does Morgan Spurlock count as A list? I've never heard of most of these but I see an article about missing funds.

  9. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Morgan Spurlock is pretty A list in terms of documentary filmmaking. On par eith Michael Moore. I like that guess.


    Any blinds on R Kelly?

  11. Am I the only one who cringes when people hope bad stuff happens to convicts in prison? The prison system is a mess. I’m not naive, but prisoners should have basic fundamental rights. Protection from other prisoners should be mandatory.

    1. Agree +1000.

    2. Like the basic human rights they showed to their victims. You know, the ones who were brutally raped or murdered by these sick losers? I know you lefties cry over the rights of criminals while conveniently forgetting the innocent victims!

  12. Ratner had to pay off James Packer when he wanted out. Then he lost his co-production deal with Dune Entertainment and Steve Mnuchin, who couldn't afford to be associated with an alleged rapist for obvious reasons. Ending that deal was what really fucked him up the ass minus lube, the Warner Bros thing was just the frosting. Anyway if he can't drum up a few mil to pay back his expense account for his whores and coke things must be really bad.

  13. If you are A-List or above, aren't you supposed to have some fallback money?

    (Monthly money from "Income Property" helps maintain lifestyles, people.)
    (Including coke and woman habits!)

    Just saying.


  14. @totaji, no, you're not the only one. There's also something odd about wishing homosexual rape on people in these enlightened times about sexual orientation, it seems to me.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Taking about male on male prison rape? They’re not homos. You have to be a human being to qualify for that first. Most of them are mindless bottom feeders who are locked up for a reason. Can’t do the time don’t do the crime.

      On the margin comment: RDJ jr. came out of prison a conservative. I guess reality is a harsh mistress.

    2. That’s even more cringey! This has nothing to do with your petty politics nor your incredibly biased world view.

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    4. Breaking news: incredibly wealthy person born into wealth is conservative. I really don’t hold his political views as doctrine of anything.

    5. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Nobody asked you to, snowflake. Stop projecting. Breathe....

    6. wow @totaji way to show your ignorance!

    Admitted sexual misconduct with women, missing funds.

  16. Todd Phillips
    The Hamgover(he directed all 3) was partially(or very)based on some of his antics

  17. Many times justice is not served out of prison, so...prison justice.

  18. "There's also something odd about wishing homosexual rape on people in these enlightened times about sexual orientation"

    I'm not one of the people who does this, but it's really not that odd. The basic idea being that evil people deserve to suffer, and if someone's a rapist I guess people think they should suffer in the specific way that they made others suffer, like some kind of poetic justice.
    I'm not sure what your point is about "enlightened times about sexual orientation", are you saying that when people wish rape on others they should be more socially inclusive? Like "I hope he gets raped by a man OR a woman, OR a non-binary person" is a better way to wish rape on someone? (I'm being facetious, I'm sure you weren't saying that!)
    But yeah - if we're talking about a straight man who prays on women (or girls in Schneider's case), they may well feel more degraded being raped by a man. And that's what it's about, degradation and suffering. Not gayness.

    Again, I'm not one of the people who wishes for it - for one thing, it's kind of just rewarding another disgusting human being, their own rapist. So then I guess you have to wish rape on them too, and then their rapist too, and it'd have to end up a big chain of justice-rapes that never ends.

  19. Eye for an eye. Losing your freedom for a short while (Brock Turner, anyone?) is hardly punishment for assault - especially sexual assault - or murder.

  20. +1 Cail and totaji

    If we call for rape as a just punishment, how different are we from Pakistanis who sentence men and women to be raped as a form of legal recourse?

    Not so much.

    Making jokes about rape is disgusting across the board. But wanting rape to be a form of vengeance is nauseating and primitive and puts our society next to some very barbaric cultures.

    1. You're right, rapists should just be killed.

  21. What about Quentin Tarantino?

  22. That spurlock fellow "supersize me"

  23. Why can't these trolls go back to Breitbart and InfoWars already? The comments here are becoming unreadable.



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