Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 21, 2018

This foreign born really rich guy who had an obsession with a permanent A list singer is doing the equivalent of the mobster who walked the streets of NYC in a bathrobe every day. The rich guy is trying to escape some very serious charges that were leveled against him, but would prefer to just wear his bathrobe around young models and release a press statement than walk the street each day to make his point.

James Packer/Mariah Carey


  1. He should read more about Vincent Gigante before trying this. It didn't work for him very well

    1. He'll end up as the next Howard Hughes... If he doesn't die first

  2. Only a rich bastard could be that ugly or that crazy.

    1. My friend once described him as looking like a boiled penis.

  3. What kind of modeling are they being paid for? Is the photographer well known?

  4. And he was just admitted to the pysch ward

  5. And he's paying $10,000 a day!

  6. Packer seems legitimately bonkers though. Terrible childhood, time in the cult of Scientology, he at least has some reasons to be messed up.

  7. @Sandybrook beat me to it.

  8. Was the obsession with mariah carey just to make it more clear or what has she got to do with this? lol

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'm glad Mariah got away!

  10. This is about his Dad whose former lawyer is our current PM (goldman sachs banker, lawyer and politician), James' grandfather has been accused of being a people smuggler for elite pedos. James has been connected to the cult of scientology, Brett Ratner via Rat-Pac, interviewed for bribing an Israeli PM. Some of his other issues are his casino staff being arrested in China, his Crown Melbourne security bashing and killing patrons, rigging poker machines. His Dad owned a huge chunk of Aussie media back in the day. Enty also alluded to him disposing of dead bodies off his luxury yacht.

  11. His Dad, Kerry Packer, was not just a media mogul. He was a Lucifarian pedophile and drug trafficker. He also trafficked women for sex.

    James was forced to watch children being raped and murdered during Lucifarian MKULTRA ceremonies.

    Its not know if he also raped and killed children.

    He was raped by a friend of his fiances.

    He is friends with Prime Minister Turbull, who I beleive is an MKULTRA Manchurian candidate. Also an MKULTRA Pedo.

    Most Australian prime ministers are Pedos that earn money from child trafficking.

    Rupert Murdoch is also a Lucifarian pedophile.

    No wonder James is fucked up. He needs deprogramming.



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