Saturday, March 31, 2018

Blind Item #4

One member of this celebrity family is in the news for an awful crime. However, the son of that family member, who is married to an international celebrity was known for years as the guy who would sexually assault or rape his household help. He went through dozens of barely legal maids and housekeepers who were subject to daily abuse for as long as they were employed.


  1. Replies
    1. And her father in law

    2. Dave Matthews (FIL)/Pencee Matthews(BIL) and I think he’s married to Vogue Williams

  2. Pippa Middleton Matthews

  3. "the son of that family member"... so Pippa's husband is also a rapist??

    1. Or her husbands brother. Actually there were three sons in the family but one died climbing mt Everest

  4. If I read it correctly, the BI is saying Pippa's husband used to sexually abuse the help, apart from his father accusations?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. These people are all horrible. And think of how many magazine covers and TV programs and other such garbage is sold to us at those are the people we should look up to and emulate. May they all rot in hell.

  7. Ugh...Pippas husband. He should face charges if true.

  8. Feels more like Spencer to me.

  9. Rich people treating the help like trash shocker.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      We are way beyond that. This is outright criminal assault. And since it’s “elite” the pedo stuff is usually not far behind.

    2. The governator had a baby with his maid

  10. Well clutch my pearls...

  11. Pippa was desperate to marry after Kate scored the big kahuna. It was glaringly obvious. She needed a titled marriage, too. Pippa is wealthy in her own right, so naturally the most desolate, decayed and sleazy families were going to bag her to save the estate.

  12. It can't be Spencer as he is only engaged, the blind reads "the son of that family member, who is married to an international celebrity"... so it has to be Pippa's husband... unless there is another married brother?

  13. Send in the Royal Cavalry to shout about how this isn't the Middletons and Harry is a legitimate Windsor marrying a yacht girl

  14. Pippa Middleton Matthews' husband, James. The victims will start coming forward and it is going to get very unpleasant in Pippa's household. The ink is barely dry on the wedding certificate. She needs to get pregnant fast to secure her financial future before the marriage implodes.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Pippa Middleton Father in law (but she does not have Matthews in her name) It's sad that this is so common and it's disgusting to see these people using their power positions to commit abuses. You think someone so rich will never be arrested...

  17. Her brother in law is known for being a woman beater. Charming family.

  18. Woman beater TJ wells? Never heard any mention of that about spencer Matthews and the other brother died years ago.

  19. Pippa's brother in law, the good looking one. I'm surprised this whole story of the father in law wasn't suppressed, since Pippa and the Middletons think they're royalty just like Kate.

  20. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Get a shady Trump-like vibe from James Matthews and there's never been any chemistry between him & Pippa. Their love story sounded like bullshit, and I always suspected their marriage was a sham.

    Meghan Markle must be smiling big today! Those upper crust types are eating their bonnets. Diana would approve!

  21. father in law of pippa middleton, his son/pippa's husband also a rapist

  22. Goodbye "royalty". Only a matter of time before these parasitic creeps all get what's coming.

  23. I would imagine Pippa is the “international celebrity” in this one- Spencer isn’t married yet and barely anyone outside of the UK has heard of his fiancée.

  24. Anonymous4:24 PM

    She looks angry in this pic. Wonder if she knew this news was coming.

  25. Vogue Williams, Spencer's fiancée, is an Irish celebrity, tv presenter, etc. and very famous here in Ireland.

  26. Every once in a while, France becomes a Honeybadger.
    Honeybadger France DON'T GIVE A F+CK
    They don't give an f+ck about the German Royal Family sitting in the in London.

    West Cork, the Audible Podcast,
    told the story of a murder in West Cork of a French woman back in the 90s.
    While the UK diddled around with the investigation,
    The French, balls to the wall, sent out an international arrest warrant.
    The UK never tried the guy,
    but the French didn't give F+CK all
    and went after him anyway.
    They haven't gotten him yet,
    but the guy cannot leave his town in Ireland EVER AGAIN
    because the French are hell bent to hunt him down and arrest him.

  27. The brother in law is good looking, but the husband... barf! It's probably him.

    Poor pippa. She needs to eat a cheeseburger

  28. Arnie calls his relationship with the maid 'an affair' that lasted over 12months. Ppl are mean about her looks and figure. In interviews though rare she seems loving. Her son is one happy adjusted smart kid. Probably the best of Arnold's bunch. It was an affair. By calling it anything else is degrading.
    Very different to raping the staff.



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