Thursday, March 29, 2018

Blind Item #15 - French Quarter Part Two - A Reader Blind Item

The next morning, though I didn't get home till 1 a.m., I was up bright and early. Actually Oak Alley Plantation was closer to my house than the Quarter.  I put on my favorite dress and just enough makeup so it wouldn't run in the humidity. Just in case I might happen to see TM and he might see me too! Yeah and if wishes were fishes, right? Minutes before I left I got called by a guard on my pager. Louise had left their badge at home so she asked me to pick it up and I did. I was driving past the row of famous oaks before noon. Sun was out and muggy but weatherman had predicted late afternoon showers. This location seemed way busier than the previous night. Seemed like over a couple hundred people with the crew were there and I noticed several very nice RVs and camper trailers parked near the mansion. I got out and started looking for the guard whose badge I retrieved.  Saw a different one and I asked him where Louise was. He told me she was posted right near the back doors but I should hurry because they'd announced filming was going to start in about 10 minutes. I started walking as fast as I could towards the back. As I came around the corner I almost collided into an older gentleman sitting in a chair.  I was so embarrassed and profusely offered my apologies. Then I realized who I'd literally bumped into. A+ (now passed) mostly TV actor who had one of the most iconic villainous roles on TV ever. He chuckled and said "Don't worry about it darlin'! No harm done. For a short little thing you sure move fast!" A lady sitting next to him who I later found out was his wife of over 40 years was laughing too. I smiled, said "You are too kind Mr. N! Thank you." I hurried off and found Louise about 3 minutes before someone called "Quiet on the Set!"
As I walked back near the front where they weren't filming at the time, I saw a group of people I knew and headed towards them, pulling a pack of smokes and a lighter out my purse. Right after I lit my cigarette, a pretty blonde lady wearing no makeup, shorts and a long man's style button down shirt came up to me. "Excuse me" she said in a British accent. "May I bum one from you please?" "Sure." I said as I handed her one and the Bic. " Thank you so much" she replied as she took a long drag. "Left mine over in the trailer and its so muddy there. How DO you handle this humidity? Like breathing underwater." I nodded and said "Air Conditioning." She grinned, said "Thanks again sweet", as someone was coming up to her with a script. I walked over to my friends. One of them said " Oh my God D" I went "what?" He goes,  "do you realize who that is?" I replied she looked really familiar but not positive.  " Damn girl, that was ST, she won an Oscar a couple years ago for _____, she's playing TM's wife in this! " (She would also go on to several more noms/wins and end up starring in my personal ATF Christmas romantic comedy) I was shocked. Me, no one special, talking to 3 world famous stars in less than 24 hours. They were all very
 nice to me too, but the teen girl in me still yearned to see TM in person. But if I didn't get to, oh well, c'est la vie.  Realized I had a storied star filled weekend to remember for the rest of my life.  No regrets...yet.


  1. Larry Hagman as TV guy?

    1. Emma Thompson for Brit

    2. Primary Colors was chock full of stars. It was a great film to get an opportunity to hang out on so congrats to the teader for sharing these memories with us

  2. Larry Hagman and Emma Thompson

    1. Yep.. she won for Sense and Sensibility I think and Love Actually is the Xmas movie❤️❤️❤️

  3. Good ole JR and I didn't bother reading the rest

  4. Reader blinds should be bonus blinds.

    1. Yes! We should all get bacon! (And whiskey!)

  5. I really like this specific reader blind. I do hope she got to meet John Travolta, though.

  6. Is this reader "blind" (really just a story about meeting famous people) really going to be a three-parter?


  7. Emma Thompson has always struck me as being really down to earth - nice to read this about her.

  8. Speaking of CDAN readers with stories of their own, where’s Boo Hearne these days?

    1. @jessorella
      Boo moved, and around that time said she was leaving CDaN. But she was on the comments a cpl weeks ago. I think Boo will be back.

  9. My thoughts exactly, Sal. Ugh.

  10. Jessorella she moved to New Mexico doesn't have internet service and doesn't want it. She was on here briefly last month when she went to NYC for a couple of days.

  11. TM = Tony Manero from Saturday Night Fever, baby.

  12. @signnamebelow @sandybrook Thanks. I missed nearly a week of CDAN last month myself so it must have been then. Maybe she’s gone offline to write that book!

  13. Omg that was so sickening, writer so in love with herself, could not like literotca,

  14. I call bullshit. These “memories” are way too vivid. Come on.

  15. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I've had a thing for Emma forever, especially in Remains Of The Day and Howard's End. But a story about her bumming a smoke...meh. This isn't "I bumped into a celeb", this is CDAN - this is not CDAN WORTHY.

  16. Emma Thompson still being her amazing self

  17. I loved Primary Colors, so I’m really enjoying the blinds.



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