Friday, March 30, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 23, 2018

This former B list mostly television actress with an alliteration for her name told her ex she was unable to get pregnant, so this should all be very interesting the next year.

Meghan Markle


Unknown said...

I guess the royals didn't want Harry to continue the royal line considering it's unlikely he is Charles' son.

Penelope said...

He's Charles' son all right. He's starting to look more and more like him as he ages.

sandybrook said...

Maybe Hot Ginge already knows this? He doesn't seem like a daddy type in any case.

HollyMcGolly said...

There are several heirs to the throne so it shouldn’t be earth shattering to the Windsors.

urban chaos said...

First husband or chef boy?

andrea said...
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New Degas said...

I think she just told that to her ex because she didn't want to have a child with him. There was another blind from last year that said Markle was trying to get pregnant with Harry's child long before they were engaged- maybe as a way to secure an engagement.

Thia said...

I don't think Ginger looks like Charles at all. But that said, different man, different results.

jessorella said...

I doubt Harry will get to the throne, let alone any kids he might have. If she can't get pregnant, she can't get pregnant. It happens, even to people who have the capacity or funds to try to do something about it. It seems like they are going to be more unconventional as a couple than even William and Kate have been, so I wouldn't be surprised if they end up adopting.

Bumtitty said...

She hasn't long anyway, being 36. I can see them adopting, and adopting different racesike Madonna.
Imagine being adopted in the Royal Family, cool !

Sunspirit said...

I can’t stand the bitch. She’s fake AF. She’s only with Harry for fame and he’s too stupid to see that.

Wasn’t there a tweet not that long about by Enty, Himmm or John Doe saying that there’s going to be reveals about her and Harry in April?

Hey Frau said...

Harry is Charles' son; he looks exactly like Philip.

Thursday November said...

Wow, Enty has another troll to block. Bitter old hag.

She most likely told the chef that because he was a stepping stone, not someone she was considering LT.

Kno Won said...


Fozzy Bear said...

According to other blinds she’s really in her 40’s.

Unknown said...

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense that she probably told her ex-husband that she couldn’t, when in reality she was probably continuing to stay on birth control without his knowledge (or saying “you know the doctor told me I can’t get pregnant, so I might as well stay on the birth control to take care of my skin”). Wouldn’t want a baby to get in the way of her careers as an actress and as a yachter.

There is no way that she isn’t going to try for a biological kid with Harry to cement her standing within the RF even if they end up getting divorced. If they just adopt, it may end up being a Nicole Lidman/Tom Cruise situation where the RF try to cut her out of the kids’ lives without any problem since they weren’t her bio kids to begin with (just swapping one adopting Mom for another).

HollyMcGolly said...


Unknown said...

He looks more and more like Charles everyday and exactly like a young Phillip.

And red hair is prominent on Diana’s side.

Now! said...

I have no opinion about Meghan Markle, but it’s fascinating to watch the British tabloids try to sell her to the British public. It’s like auditing a master class on PR.

Hedda Hopper said...
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Unknown said...

the queen is not having royal heirs with African blood. this was probably one of the preconditions of the marriage granted!

Tigerlily said...

Yes totally looks like a young Philip. Saw a pic recently of Philip as young man and the resemblance is strong.

KT said...

He's totally Charles' kid. Check out the resemblance comparisons to him and his great great grandmother, Queen Mary, whom was known as Mary of Teck

Gothy McGothface said...

During their engagement interview, she was asked about having kids, and very pointedly changed the subject!

The press are wasting their time trying to sell her to the British public - she's not a good enough actress to come across as genuine. 'Fake' is the general view of her.

. said...

I'm sorry I don't know how else to post this, but I would like a blind about this

Unknown said...

if she can't have kids that might by why the Queen gave her permission - no kids no messy divorce

Dartmouth GIRL said...

Harry is Charles' son. Look at the eyes, the nose and the athletic physique. I also agree with the strong resemblance to Phillip.

Disparaging Remark said...

I hope they are really happy and make beautiful babies together. I've always like Harry and I trust his judgment in character.

omfg said...

Hope she was fibbing for her sake

John Doe said...

Oh, Sweet Lawd. Enty, how the hell do you know these things? Nevertheless, why would she want to have kids anyway, isn't she middle aged?

jessorella said...

What is this, the 1800s? 🙄 Clearly the Queen doesn’t have that much of a problem with her or they would not have allowed the relationship to get as far as this. Faith in the monarchy was dwindling until William and Harry grew up and started travelling, working and having relationships. As William and Kate were engaged and then married and then started having kids they become much more relatable and this the interest and belief in the monarchy started to revive. They know they need to slacken the old traditions and that’s what they’ve been doing. Harry and Meghan seem happy to me, so good for them.

IanPhlegming said...

He's not got the Saxe-Coburg blood, so it doesn't matter. It's why the royal family is allowing him to marry a black American. The whole thing is a farce. My guess is she doesn't last long.

Fnchrstphr said...

That address is invalid.

Unknown said...

Probably for the best since their kids would not be cute

HeresHoping said...

Today's supermarket headline: Baby fever at the palace! Kate is due any minute and Meghan may be next

Brandi Ssenter said...

Meghan is adorable and her long-con game is strong. I'm sure she'll figure out a way to remedy being barren should it become an issue and con everyone into pitying her along the way.

NachoCheeseFries said...

More likely she just didn't intend to have kids by him. And good for her. She bagged the prize she wanted.

cupofteaandsliceofcake said...

i dont think for one second this lady will not do anything and everything humanly and medically possible to have the grandchild of Princess Diana, especially a girl!. If she did say that, 'if' it was it was because it was the wrong guy, im sure shes been playing the long game for a while.

Anonymous said...

They even call her Princess to irritate us more. Each time I see her face in newspapers.. which is everyday.. I get nausea. They are throwing her on our throats and we are exasperated.

KittensRUs said...

I don't see anything special about her and don't know how she got him. Must be able to suck a tennis ball through a garden hose. That said, the entire attitude that women must be broodmares if they marry a royal irritates me. So 1676 of them. Haven't we had enough shitty royals through history to give us a clue that it might be time to pick our leadership based upon talent rather than lineage?

It's 20-the-fuck-18. Even in England.

PotPourri said...

Charles did a DNA Test and he is his son. He happens to look like his Red-Headed Uncle, Diana's brother, another Charles, Charles Spencer...

Hanniam said...

Just gonna slide in here and point out reproductive technology has made huge advances just in the last year alone. If you can afford it.


If she said that, it’s likely either because she didn’t want a child at that time or with that guy* or because of an existing medical condition which required more money or technology to overcome than she had access to at the time.

Personally, I like her. I like Harry. I hope they’re happy in their marriage. He clearly wanted a strong woman to marry and he found one.

*Totally her prerogative and possibly leading to the divorce anyway.

Hanniam said...

Also, not that any opinion matters here but Harry’s, she’s gorgeous in a way that isn’t a copy of a dozen other actresses.

Her freckles are adorable.

Her smile is contagious.

She seems genuinely intelligent.

Ambition is sexy.

Confidence is, too.

She seems to have a tendency to mother Harry a bit and he seems to love it.

All in all, it seems she’s quite “special” enough for Harry.

cupofteaandsliceofcake said...

Well i guess we shall see, if this blind is right, and i suspect she told a lie to get out of a situation with another man, im sure it might not be the first lie she's told (i know i know 'who amongst us should cast the first stone') but there's lies and theres lies! Anyway, if she cant have ever kids which im pretty sure is not true (shes young and super healthy, but who knows and but it is 2018 and surrogacy is the black !) knowing as much about the British monarchy as i do, and im a Brit, this would be a total deal breaker for the Queen and Royal family.....sadly but the blue blood can never be perpetuated too much. Again we go back to the Princess Diana legacy too, Harry wants kids. i suspect she has told porky's knowing the greatest ever prize was within her grasp. again if true would love to know if it was said during Trev,Cory or Joe, even Rory.

Emma F said...

That's really odd because I'm sitting here in the UK and most people quite like her!

And like Harry for choosing someone different. And want loads of little babies of they want them.

We're not all bitter and twisted like some people.

cupofteaandsliceofcake said...

Who knows eh? In my bit of Britain she’s viewed with caution, or I’d say a 50/50 split of ‘shes Nice’ and ‘there is something not quite right’. I guess we need time to get over how a regular girl got up to that level of high society so fast to meet a Prince, that’s no mean feat. nothing bitter and twisted it was never going to be me lol! The era is changing and the RF are moving to more ‘celeb’ territory now so it’s fitting a new royal bride that’s a ‘commoner’ would be a celeb than a customer service manager for British gas etc for instance or even a lawyer or businesswoman with no public profile. Time will tell.

Dannette said...

Hi princess Sparkles' publicist!

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Doesn’t matter, they’re all Indian: (my fave conspiracy theory about the British monarchy).

On a more serious note:

This entire Meghan Marvel thing is a real eye-opener. The blatant racism is pretty shocking to me, I didn’t think British society was still like that at all, but maybe I was just being very naïve... A lot of things make sense now.

Now I see why I sensed/felt that a person’s seemingly-innocent or “funny” tweet about an “Emoji Shakespeare” (Romeo & Juliet) book felt snide/mean-spirited. Now I know what “we don’t ban books in this country” really meant coming from a Brit, or how they can go on a gap year to Nepal and describe the locals as eager to “serve” you like they’re your personal domestic workers (not saying all Brits are like that). But I’m beginning to see the whole picture...

I am by no means an MM stan (I do get a sense that she “enjoys the attention” and I think this whole thing is doomed) but nobody deserves to get racial slurs.

Again, I think it’s doomed but I wish them well and they’re both adults who know what they’re doing—I say ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS, and if you can piss off a bunch of racists, all the better, AND GOOD FOR YOU.

I actually would love to see the royal wedding happen just because I know all the racists’ heads would explode. 🌋✨

I’ll be enjoying THAT show for sure! 🍿

Unknown said...

Hey Emma F I'm not sure where you're sitting, but I'm sitting in London right now and nobody likes her.
The tabloids are trying far to hard as someone else pointed out, and it's not working, in fact it's having an opposite reaction: the more she shoved down our throats, the less we want to know of her.

Nobody gives a shite whether she's black, half black, orange or purple, or whether she's some d-list actress either. Most people can't warm to her because she's FUCKING UNLIKEABLE.

Everything about her is fake, contrived and put on, nothing is natural or charming. Harry's a moron to have fallen for such a bad actress.

And he looks exactly like a young Philip.

Lady A said...

First time I've posted but @scandi has driven me out the woodwork. As a Brit I wanna make clear that all the ill will aimed at MM is nothing to do with her skin colour. As another reader posted before on another blind, if she was, say, a strong black lady from the Commonwealth who was a hard working doctor/lawyer/engineer I'd be bloody delighted - a great mix of the cultures... But she's not, she's an egotistical, sly two-bit over the hill actress who comes across as a scheming, untrustworthy Trollope and THAT is why we don't like her....

Anonymous said...

@lady A +1
People playing the race card, are missing the point entirely.
Markle is insincere. From the moment she got on the BBC , and giggled, "i didn't know who Harry was."
What college grad in the western hemisphere "wouldnt know who Harry is"? Bollocks

Unknown said...

As a Brit I can assure you that the majority of people can't stand the woman. Total fake and Harry is a complete fool.


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