Saturday, March 31, 2018

Blind Item #5

This A list actor/singer/rapper/writer says he is going to make it his life's mission to destroy this female A list singer.


  1. Donald Glover & Taylor Swift?


    2. Please let it be this. Love donald.

    3. I LIke Donald too. I thought it was sweet how his leaked “finale script” mentioned how this “wasn’t good timing for an adult cartoon about white men with firearms anyway” or something along those lines. He deserves a consolation prize for that alone.

  2. Yup Taylor has been demoted to A, while The Queen Bey is perma A-list!

  3. That would actually be fun to watch.

  4. Why? what happened?

  5. Why does Glover hate so much Swift ? You can dislike her but she doesn’t deserve to be hated

  6. Whoa. Swiftie takes the fall to "A" from "A+"! Is something in the works?

    I've not yet gotten around to starting series two of "Atlanta" but I really liked the first year. I think Donald Glover could've done a great job with "Deadpool," he's very talented, I've liked him since "Community."

  7. Does Donglover a bigot who hates lesbians?

  8. @Gee-No, that is Taylor...

  9. Good grief. Say something I don’t like and I’ll try to ruin your life. Childish indeed..

  10. If Donald and Stephen need help destroying her, I'm in.

  11. Fine by me.

    @FrenchGirl @Barbara RiceHand

    Swifty allegedly was instrumental in ending Glover's animated Deadpool series before it even aired. Glover is saying that there was an episode that mocked Taylor. She caught wind of it and as our little Aryan Princess is want to do, sicced her lawyers on FX.

    Taylor continues her unadult tantrums proving herself to be humorless, salty and controlling.

  12. @plot: is Swift so powerful ?

  13. Thanks @ pilot.....can't wait. Go Glover Go!!!!!!

  14. That seems like such a stupid waste of time. But everyone's gotta have goals, I guess.

  15. @FrenchGirl

    Her lawyers are. She was born into wealth and the first thing daddy did (besides buying her the most expensive songwriting software) was hire a team of the best lawyers to protect her interests. Swifty goes after fans who use her image or labeling on their Facebook pages, their websites, their fan mugs on Etsy, on quilts made for mom, anything really. Swifty catches a hint of anyone satirizing her, the lawyers come swooping in like stealth bombers.

    One could say that was smart, but as Comic Cons all over have taught moguls everywhere, the fans can keep the money rolling in if you let them carry your product into new vistas even when satirizing or larping your characters. Swifty needs to grow, the fuck, up.

  16. I'm no real fan of hers but sorry, this is a case of "it all started when she hit me back."

  17. Yeah, I’m with Edasm. If Glover is really such a big talent, isn’t this a very poor choice of a life mission? Someone should get him to download the movie version of “Amadeus” and ask if he really wants to play Salieri.

    1. Salieri?! That would imply Swift is Mozart in this scenario, and that Glover is just insanely jealous of Swift's rare talent and eccentric brilliance. Lol


    this is donald glover and taylor swift. fascinating. the deadpool animated show being cancelled bc it had an episode that mocked taylor swift!

    honestly all glover would have to do would be to release receipts that swift is closeted, and it undoes all the suberfuge regarding her highkey fake hetero narratives and love stories. pure fiction, her fans would feel duped w/solid evidence

    go donald!!

    1. Outting someone is a bad look and would backfire on him immediately. He’s not stupid.

    2. She's pretty racist too. Nearly every artist, male or female, she attacks or professionally torpedoes is Black. Of course there will be an eventual breaking point and someone will ... make it a mission to serve her her own medicine.

  19. The BI states it as "life mission" which is a pretty diluted term through common usage. It isn't taken literally by anyone at this point.

    Are you fucking kidding me by comparing Swifty to Mozart?????

  20. Oh, Plot. Is your film knowledge even shallower than your political knowledge?

    Salieri allows himself to be consumed by hatred for another musician and ends up destroying himself and his legacy. The point is that Glover should have better things to do with his time.

    1. not everyone can do analogies. it’s a perfect comparison.

    2. But Glover is the Amadeus (not Salieri) in this story? 🎹

  21. Right. And that other musician was Mozart.

    So you and others are comparing Swifty to Mozart.

    Which is fucking hilarious.

    Oh CDAN, don't ever change!

    1. Mozart is permanent A++. Swift is already down to an A.

  22. @ FrenchGirl

    do you live under a rock or just up swift's ass?

    YES, she is that powerful.

  23. have any of you idiots ever thought it was just hyperbolic, 'life's mission' - seriously, its disturbing the highkey of dimwits in the comments. and its all relatively newbies, tbh.

  24. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  25. Please god let this be Taylor Fucking Swift. Can't wait for that bitch to get what's coming to her. She's buried far too many talented people she either fell out with, dated, or was just jealous of. Besides that, she's just singularly untalented. She should go back to country but they never liked her to begin with.

  26. Tay will begin cratering in popularity and will have a major incident/image blow as the economy and social mood turns down (which is just starting again after 8 years or so...). This will really hit toward the end of this year or first part of '19. Taylor should have a minor resurgence this year starting soon, as the bull market goes into its final blowoff topping phase. Which is usually short and sharp.

    The next female singing queen to emerge will be brunette, masculine, 'strong', darker complexion, husky voiced, etc.

  27. In WHAT PLANET I m reading MOZART and tay tay at SAME sentence????

  28. DIDNT some commenter (forgot who) call her “LA DIABLA” on another revealed BI? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Kudos to that person!

    Woman has no sense of humour... damn.

  29. I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift’s music, but I don’t understand the hate. At least she writes a lot of her own songs and has been savvy about her career, AND has managed to stay clear of a drug or alcohol addiction (as far as we know). How many other teen turned adult singers can boast those creds? Do I want to be friends with her? No way. Do I respect her drive and success? Yes.

    1. I think what bothers me, is some of that success has come from using mean girl behavior. Rather slutshaming Camilla bell, or getting caught on video out right lying(telling Kanye it was cool he put her in a song, then press releasing she didn't and playing big victim, then video showing she lied, she knew about it, and said it was cool) so many times she plays victim, sings victim,yet acts mean gets old. It's very plastic. And it reminds people of other girls they knew growing up.

  30. @Southern Man

    "The next female singing queen to emerge will be brunette, masculine, 'strong', darker complexion, husky voiced, etc."

    I'm very interested to see if this theory pans out.

    @Velvet Voice

    "In WHAT PLANET I m reading MOZART and tay tay at SAME sentence????"

    Welcome to CDAN!

  31. Tony Bennett/Barbra Streisand

  32. Who the fuck is Donald Glover?

    1. Actor(movies/tv), comedian,writer(tv/movies/music,etc.), artist,rapper/singer, producer, probably director, this guy is a hard worker. Some stuff better than other stuff, but the guy works his ass off, and keeps out of trouble. I've seen him live at lollapalooza twice, great on stage, couple decent songs I really dig. Goes by childish Gambino, I like the song "heartbeat"

    2. He played one of the fools in “Community”.

  33. Good. I HATE HER phoney ass pretentious twat

  34. If her career keeps going the way it has, there will be nothing to destroy. She'll go crawling back to Nashville like Miley at some point.

  35. "At least she writes a lot of her own songs"

    With a whole truck load of help from Max Martin, who also writes Katy Perry's songs and for dozens of others which is why the all sound exactly alike.

    "has managed to stay clear of a drug or alcohol addiction"

    Most great music is written under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

  36. it's really exhausting how so many people on here take everything so literally

    like one blind will use OBVIOUSLY hyperbolic language and you guys are like "oh my god i can't believe someone would LITERALLY actually make it their ENTIRE LIFE'S MISSION to destroy taylor swift lolololol pathetic much????" jesus christ look alive people

  37. YES! Get her Glover! Can't stand that never.

    @Plot You the man or woman!😁

  38. He need not bother. Swift has already plateaued and is on her way down. She's just the latest in a slew of talentless clones.

  39. I've heard it was a couple of risque paedo jokes that got the show cancelled rather than anything to do with swift, so i'm doubting the blind.

  40. A.K S said...
    Revenge is a dish best served cold.


    And quietly - never lose the element of surprise ie never telegraph your intentions to the enemy.

  41. I love me some Donald, but however the episode went (even if it was outing her) if could look bad for him. Remember the whole Kanye situation even tho he was being HONEST!!! Glover career could get ruined and Taylor will just play it off as him lying becuz she an "honest white girl who has never kiss or fingered a girl" Bitch stop lying. Also tell Karlie Kloss she needs to get out of her contract with Jared K.

  42. Except Kanye's career had an upswing after he jumped Taylor's stage. Hers did, too. It's almost like...they might have planned it? Since Kanye and Tay Tay agreed to a fake feud later on, it's possible.

    Glover's career ain't going anywhere.



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