Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Blind Item #15

Apparently a DNA test might be in order for this A- list mostly television actress who back in the day had a franchise. There was a "break" that happened just about the same time she got pregnant.


  1. Jamie Lynn Spears

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    We made love, and it was beautiful.

  3. Not Nikki Reed and Ian Sonerhalder right? She had the kid already didn't she?

    1. I know lists are subjective and don't mean much, but no way would enty refer to her as A-! X-D

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  5. Wouldn't it be the supposed father who should demand a DNA test? Presumably there's no question who the mother is.

    1. Unless you’re Beyonce’s Pillow Baby.

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  7. Jamie lynn spears got pregnant and left zoey 101 because of it. People think the real baby daddy is dan schneider who we all now know has been fired from nickelodeon for his pervy ways. Maybe nickelodeon is demanding a dna test so they can send that fatty to jail. But idk cause the alleged baby daddy looks just like the kid so who the hell knows

    1. @gossipjunkie do you really think Nick would care enough about anything more than money and help open lawsuits against themselves?

  8. I want a DNA test for January Jones' kid and Amy Poehler's kid. I really want to know who their dads are.

  9. @Gossipjunkie - totally agree on being stumped because I always bought that it was DS's baby too, but Maddie does look exactly like Casey Aldridge.

    @Uhhh - I really, really think Xander is Matthew Vaughn's, but that's total speculation. However, they look exactly alike and he was/is married to Claudia Schiffer, so it would make sense that JJ would leave Vaughn off the birth certificate. I know people think he's Sudekis's, but they really look nothing alike and Sudekis was single at the time, so why the controversy? I really think Vaughn is the daddy.

    Speaking of Poehler - is it true she and Will broke up because he was doing Applegate on the set of their show? I thought Enty hinted at at that but could be wrong.

    1. As for JJ I always heard the possibility of Bobby Flay

  10. @Lucy, when you say he was doing Applegate on the set what do you mean? Whats an Applegate?

  11. @lucy CHRISTINA Applegate lol!

  12. @Lucy I always thought it was Sudekis. I heard Poehler had a thing with Louis CK when he worked on Parks and Rec, hence the ginger baby.

  13. @yepthatsme - LOL! Sorry, I thought Enty had a blind years ago that implied the demise of Arnett and Amy was due to him cheating with Christina Applegate on the set of their show Up All Night. Sorry, it's been a long day...

  14. @Uhhhh - get outta town! I had never heard the CK/Amy theory, but that sure does fit due to the ginger baby. Very interesting, indeed! I really still think Vaughn for Xander's dad. As he gets older, he looks just like him. Plus, Vaughn refused to do any of the promo for the X-Men movie JJ was in after she announced her pregnancy. It was all very sketchy, but what do I know. I live in Boston, not Hollywood!

    1. Ginger/blond = same recessive gene.

  15. America Ferrerah

  16. @Lucy, I should be the one saying sorry, as I had a brain freeze moment and i didnt realize Applegate actually meant Christina Applegate!

  17. Guys, always insist on a paternity test, they're never going to tell you if they're unsure.

  18. Brayson87: They are so cheap that hospitals should make it part of the standard birth package, w/ results coming prior to a guy signing the birth certificate application. Takes it away from being an argument between couples. Only ones who would oppose it would be dirty lying skanks.

    1. If you're married, the father doesn't have to sign anything. He's legally the father

  19. I can't believe Louie knocked up Amy from jerkimg off in front of her. "It was a one in a million shot, Doc."

  20. @Count, that's what I always say, make it a condition of signing the birth certificate. It's obvious who the mother is, no need for guesswork about the father. It's a man's bank acct, he should have a choice.

  21. I just looked up JLS' daughter and she looks nothing like Dan Schneider and very little like Jamie either. I don't think he's the father, which is not to say he didn't do something fucked up but I doubt he's the father of her kid.

  22. I'm gonna say this is Amy Poehler with Parks and Rec as the franchise. There is no way that adorable kid is not CK's.


  23. @Count and @Brayson, the states are already preparing to get around DNA testing. They've been passing legislation to expand and dilute the definition of paternity, so the mere fact that you can prove you're not the father may not keep you from being squeezed for child support. Many judges and legislators figure if there's a woman with a child, some man needs to pay, and if the real father isn't available, they'll find a guy. Simply being involved with a woman at the time she conceives and has the kid can get you labeled the "presumptive" father and charged.

    It hasn't happened a lot yet, but as DNA testing becomes more common and more men find out they've been scammed, they'll increasingly stretch the definition.

    1. Men: don't screw skanks, and if you insist on it at least wrap your weenie up. Damn, this isn't hard to figure out now is it?

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  26. I thought 'back in the day' was, you know, BACK in the day....like at least 20 years ago.

    I was thinking someone like Gillian Anderson.

    It does read to me as though this person is pregnant now (certainly this 'break' would have been known to the dad since the beginning?). So maybe an older mom, late 30's, early 40's?

  27. Both of Amy's parents have light hair with a reddish/blond tint.

    Her brother is pretty much a ginger, https://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTU4MzA2NzAyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzY2NDUxMjE@._V1_UY317_CR130,0,214,317_AL_.jpg



    Just don't buy it is Poehler.

  28. Is it possible JLS got ku by her boyfriend on purpose to "escape"?

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  31. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Jessica Alba...
    People are trying real hard to say baby looks like Dad...
    A little too hard

  32. I’ll go with the ever so silent January Jones

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  34. I'm going with January Jones. I have always though Xander's father is Ashton Kutcher. I think JJ's pregnancy ended his marriage to Demi.

  35. @Sher doesn't Gillian Anderson technically STILL have a FRANCHISE? X-FILES was rebooted again and the movies came out when the series ended.

  36. and would Jamie Lynn be 'mostly television" as in did she ever do movies? I don't think so.

  37. @kiki
    Ah yess. Forgot that. I have only roku here and recently the screen is mostly my 9yo's blue haired youtuber named Dan TDM or some riddle channel where every story seems to start with "A man dies....."

    Mariska Hartigay had a franchise "back in the day", but she seems still be happily married to the dad. (Kid really got nothin gene-wise from him. Looks like grandpa Hartigay)

  38. The Alba boy looks like Cash Warren's dad.

    Look it up.

  39. Courtney Cox. Franchise - TV - Friends.

    HINT - "we were on a break!" (Famous Ross/Rachel breakup storyline on Friends)

  40. @Sher - that’s an excellent guess because there were rumors at the time that Duchovny is Piper Maru’s father (not Klotz).

    No way Xander is Kutcher’s - they look nothing alike at all and JJ forever bashes Kutcher in the media because he supposedly told her she couldn’t act and would never amount to anything. Agree with someone above that Xander is most likely Matthew Vaughn’s.

  41. For all the doubters, behold the Enty blind where ENTY himself named Matthew Vaughn as JJ’s baby daddy:


  42. Xander is Vaughn's baby; name itself is reminder to him and clue for everyone else...
    Speaking of babies and fathers I so want to see Marion Cotillard one, those Pitt's genes are strong and we would know the truth.

    As for this blind, it implies someone currently pregnant so I am going with Kirsten Dunst. Her Spiderman was really back in the day, once upon a time when we thought Tobey Maguire will have an acting career.

  43. @justanothergossipgirl - I never saw X-Men. Can you explain how Xander’s name is a hint?

    I was also convinced Pitt fathered Louise Canet until I saw these photos:


    I think she looks just like Cotillard’s partner.

    Also, good call on the Dunst hints!

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  44. @ Alyssa I never saw movie either :) it was on blindgossip or somewhere, that she purposely gave name with an X to annoy and remind him :)

    That baby is still to small to see it, and that was their only outing, she was not so mysterious with the first one....time will tell.

    1. @justanothergossipgirl - oh my word! Typical me reading into things way too much! The “X” name makes total sense! I just googled Xander and X-Men, and there does appear to be a Zander Rice character in the series, too.

      Good point about Louise. She is very hidden whereas Cotillard’s son is everywhere. Tons of pictures of him online. Plus, a baby would certainly cause Jolie to get nasty with the break-up. I agree that she could still be Brad’s.

      Lastly, I still think Maddie Aldridge’s paternity is questionable. Articles suggested JLS was sowing her oats at the time, so maybe DS panicked at the thought of possibly being daddy and cancelled Zoey 101.

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  46. Emily Procter (CSI Miami)?

    Clues: CSI - TV show franchise
    DNA - what CSIs used to examine to solve their cases...
    Pregnancy happened during run of the show, IIRC

  47. Remie: I know, that is a huge problem. I know a dude who had 2 kids with his wife, and when they were breaking up a year or 2 after the 3rd kid, she told him it wasn't his. DNA Test, yep, not his. He still had to pay child support until it was 18.

    I probably would have wound up in jail, one way or another.

  48. @Alyssa :)))) so it is definitely Vaugh's baby.

    I hope it is Pitt's so at least one of his daughters is raised as a girl and not forced into being a boy by crazy mother. :P

  49. As far as JLS goes leave her alone. I honestly don't care who her daughter's father is. If it is that child rapist it is none of the world's business to now or judge. All that matters at this point is that her parents are Jamie Lynn and her ex. Period. End of story.

  50. @Ice Angel - If you don't want to gossip about people, what are you doing on CDAN - a gossip-driven celebrity website??? So over these holier than thou types yelling at us for speculating on blind items. Go read the bible or volunteer at a local shelter if you're so above celebrity gossip.

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  53. @Ice Angel - Also, if someone is preying on underage girls, frankly, it is people's business. How else is this monster going to be stopped if the lid isn't ripped off? If you think turning a blind eye to it is the answer (like you insinuate), then you are also part of the problem.

  54. mindi kaling and cuba gooding jr



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