Sunday, February 24, 2019

Blind Item #4

This celebrity offspring who managed to land a hosting gig after getting married, is dropping hints that it is the A- list singer who is reaching out to the husband of the host and not the other way around. Umm, it is the other way around.


Tricia13 said...

Hailey BB

Tricia13 said...

And Selena G

Unknown said...

She had the job before they even got back together

anonymous said...

Pathetic wife and husband

Vita said...

She did have the hosting gig before marriage, I believe. Boy, it is depressing hearing her in interviews and on talk shows...she really acts the naive girl who has captured her perfect prince. I feel like she has been walking thru a shitstorm with blinders on (including him going to treatment for depression), and still is seeing nothing but sunshine and rainbows ahead. Im curious whether she's in denial, or as some gossip claims, she's a claws-dug-in-deep manipulator that is going to ride it out to the bitter end.It's hard to imagine a happy ending, unless she and JB disappear to a quiet life in Canadian burbs.

Astra Worthington said...

Why is he so fixated on Selena? Didn’t he cheat on her all the time when he was with her? She’s not all that either so wtf?

Beauty reggae said...

This is beginning to get redundant with jelena. Is Bieber going to leave this girl alone at all in life? I don’t get it. What is it with them? @enty

Unknown said...

Gosh, can you leave all three alone? How are they supposed to move on when everyone from fans to press keep on using their names together? Let this ship sink already.

hunter said...

I have the feeling Justin did something terrible Selena (justifiably) hasn't forgiven him for and perhaps he has extreme guilt about it. That's what it looks like to me when he keeps reaching out to her.

Vita said...

Hunter-- I agree completely. Their "romance" was seemingly also the darkest period of both of their lives, despite phenomenal career success. I think there was a lot unhealthy behavior that went down, and the psychological scars/guilt run deep.

Even though that is frightening (in terms of God only knows the details), Id prefer to think it's conscience and forgiveness vs. Continued mind games or obsessed lust when he's got a new wife sitting at home.

Beauty reggae said...

It seems to me that he really doesn’t care that deeply about his wife at home!

Anonymous said...

I get the distinctive feeling that Justin is a psychopath and can't stand the idea of Selena moving on without him. The very idea that she would dare have a life without him is driving him crazy. He's probably very manipulative and excels at convincing Selena she did something wrong and takes advantage of that. That's probably why her friends interject and protect her from him because they know the moment he gets a chance to talk to her, he'll find a way to twist all of this in his favor. Hailey is probably either caught up in all of this too (ie, he manipulates her as well) or she's either hanging on for dear life and that Bieber money.

Just my take on things though.

Krissie said...

@hunter that actually would explain it. I wouldn't be surprised if he feels responsible for her kidney transplant.

As for Hailey I think it's a bit of both, she is blissfully ignorant but also manipulative. It's not hard to convince someone who's doped up on fake happiness all the time especially when he's dying to have kids and she's more than willing to be knocked up. I don't think she has enough body fat to even conceive.

Justin/Hailey/Selena love triangle is certainly a good study in psychology. I feel like I'm missing something very obvious every time I try to analyze them

sandy2319 said...

@Unknown I agree. He's behavior screams abuser. And abusers don't like to let their prey go. It becomes a terroritorial thing for them. And HB thinking it's Selena is typical of that too bc that is most likely what an abuser would tell the new girl. It is all very textbook behavior.


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