Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 12, 2019

Probably the first time in a long time that the A+ list singer discussed in an interview the tall alliterate model. She did so in a way worthy of a blind item, but at least we see what she thought of their time together.

Taylor Swift/Karlie Kloss


Brayson87 said...

Buy a building to get one son into school, buy the other son a model wife, lifestyles of the rich and the shameless. ;)

sandybrook said...

So she said...?

Astra Worthington said...

Yeah what did she say??

LLGator said...

Maybe this?

Learning the difference between lifelong friendships and situationships. Something about “we’re in our young twenties!” hurls people together into groups that can feel like your chosen family. And maybe they will be for the rest of your life. Or maybe they’ll just be your comrades for an important phase, but not forever. It’s sad but sometimes when you grow, you outgrow relationships. You may leave behind friendships along the way, but you’ll always keep the memories.

Vita said...

In other words, so long and thanks for the memories, Mrs Kushner. Ta ta from, Tay Tay

Elphin MacSkye said...

Her Kushner must be kool with her side-chicks, because KK's a Lesbian. I just realized Kloss' initials are now K.K.K. Poor Taylor. She had it bad for Karl Kloss.

Brayson87 said...

@Elphin, I really don't think that's an issue 🤣

HeatherBee said...

I think Taylor just described something we all experience in our twenties. It seems like NBD. I have great memories of Friendsgivings before getting married n stuff.

sandybrook said...

Maybe that LLGator but Karlie thinks they are still great friends. At least in her interview the other day.

DJS NOLA said...

its funny but the friends i had from childhood are more in my life than the ones from my 20s... its like once in your thrities you revert back to a person more in line with childhood than ur 20s for some reason ..18-28 is a stand alone time i guess

sandybrook said...

Karlie did say however the posse no longer exists.

Elphin MacSkye said...
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alphacranberry said...

Taylor said that, basically, too.

sandybrook said...

Thanx cebii, they are a bit grown up for pajama parties anyhow. And whatever else they all did together.

Rachel said...

Of course Karlie said in an interview they're still friends. Not good enough friends to invite Taylor to her wedding, but sure. Bff4ever

Astra Worthington said...

Lol Vita it’s more like “so long and thanks for all the fish”.

Trapped said...

Why don't she do what she normally do after a break up, write a song

Thursday November said...

You just know Tay wised up & dump Carly for Carly to go & actually marry Kushner.

Elphin MacSkye said...
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Elphin MacSkye said...

Trapped: "Yesterday we was bumpin' Coke & uglies, up in the club. Now you done gone and left me for your Kushner hub. Girl, I'm gonna miss you, though not for long. I need me a new romance, to crank out another shit song."

longtimereader said...

So enty is now claiming they are 'bff's' instead of intimate? since kloss even went to the converting stage for Jared, it appears they are done. So who has Swift's pussycat these days?

Lucky13 said...

Didn't Enty insinuate last year that the Kushner Karlie married was also gay?

Bleu said...

I forget that Taylor didn't go to college, which is often what hurls people in their young 20s together in groups.

The Raving Badger said...

You said a few weeks ago they spent Valentine's Day together? You're not making sense, Enty.

timebob said...

The Posse only existed for PR and videos. She just wants to project the perfect life. Reality not included


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