Blind Item #8
Apparently when investigators looked more closely at holes inside the former MTV star's house, they discovered some of them were from bullets. Most of the remaining holes were from what looks like a fist.
Posted by ent lawyer at 8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Farrah Abraham?
I dunno.
Fisting 2.0
Could have also been ping pong ball impressions in the walls.
Jennelle and Dog Killer
Probably Jennelle Evans.
Jenelle and UBT. Their walls have fist holes. No doubt he has shot them as well.
Farrahs, fisting videos gone WRONG
Inside the star or inside the star's house?
Can we stop having blinds about worthless "stars" that are anything but? I realize that would eliminate 90% of the blinds, but as I tell my partners, quality over quantity. :-)
+1 Max, There are like a ton of tv/streaming shows nowadays and still a lot of movies. There have got to be thousands upon thousands of known entertainers now, we don't have to keep focusing on the same losers ever week or every day.
Yes eventually Jenelle's husband is going to murder her and the rest of the family, but that's at least years in the future, we don't need daily updates.
Jenelle use to post here-she is a LONG TIME FAN of the site. Show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
DayJob Derek you are so full of shit.
"Apparently"? 'Dude' has a fucking arsenal most small dictatorships would admire - why would you NOT expect to find bullet holes in that house??
Counting down til people start whining how Jenelle is in danger and needs to be rescuuuuued. That poor girl! Someone start a GFM to find her a new abusive [Barb voice] BOYYYFRIEND.
If they would just enforce laws that already exist,he would be in jail. He even made threats against the President and Nancy Pelosi. Beating Jennelle,animal abuse,etc. Also,@Derek Harvey,You reached an all time low the other day,I can't believe you aren't hiding.
That poor dog
Ladies, when your fella punches a wall he's saying "today it's the wall, tomorrow it'll be you"
@Guesser-suck a dick.
@Ugly Prostitution Whore with those corny money pics-she did a couple of times under a post about her. Are you aware Enty and Tyler from OG are constantly battling on social media as well?-Dumb fuck.
Its Jenelle and Dave. Comments were made about how disgusting the house was when the authorities visited. Holes in the walls, Rubbish everywhere.
Sounding a lot like @Count today Kristin sweetie, but we know you've lost your fucking mind a long time ago. Getting that resume ready?
I think you mean “respeck”
“The judge heard testimony that David and Jenelle were constantly screaming and arguing,” an insider explained. “CPS described the state of the home as horrific. It was filthy and there were holes in all of the walls.”
JE has the cutest kids. glad they were reoved
That methy white trash couple from the teen preggo show?
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