Friday, July 26, 2019

Blind Item #2

Apparently the argument coming from the parental uni of the permanent A list "singer" depends on him being not named a public figure. Very tough argument considering how often he is in the public eye.


Tricia13 said...

Britney/Her Dad Jaime

AvignonVagabond said...
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James Howlett said...

This is a sad story. Her music is annoying but she doesn't deserve that.

Sook said...

Britney. Lord only knows what that poor woman has been through.

Count Jerkula said...

She is a mental patient. I don't know why you people think she won't totally crash and burn on her own.

shakey said...

Not being named a public figure for what, though?

americanpanda said...

clearly this woman is not well, why the judges allow her keepers to prance her around the way they do is an injustice in itself. Does anyone care about this woman at all? How terribly sad.

YummyBoogers said...

I think this relates to the legal basis for the lawsuit that Jamie filed against that fan account who had posted some speculative comments online regarding whether or not Britney's managers were manipulating instagram algorithms on Britney's IG account to where comments regarding her deteriorating mental health would display more prominently than the comments of support.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I will say that one of Britney's fans on Twitter posted screenshots of the instagram user accounts who were noted to be repeatedly leaving negative comments to Brit's posts, and those user accounts WERE all very suspicious (new users, no posts, no followers)...seemed like they may be bots.

Me :) said...

He IS a public figure, and we all know this lawsuit was just to scare fans, anyway. Never did the fan he's suing state his opinion as fact: he said it /felt/ and he /thought/, implying that it was simple opinion, not fact. Jamie didn't scare fans off, we still want her free, and this lawsuit and Lou Taylor's too is a joke.

OKay said...

Oh please. Jamie Spears is NOT a public figure just because his daughter is, and no judge (or lawyer, idiot Enty) would say otherwise.

Nicole said...

Brit. Did you see her at that recent Award Show? Her own makeup, just putting her hair back in a ponytail, cheap ass red dress that did not fit, and crappy shoes.
She doesn't have the stylist pros in her ear, either.
Her interview was less than 30 seconds. She couldn't wait to get outta there.

Astra Worthington said...

I want whatever’s best for Britney. None of us know what that is. I think she’s exploited but I also don’t think she should be running around unsupervised either. I feel so badly for her, none of what she has, was worth this. Poor thing. I hope she can go back to Louisiana or the FL Gulf Coast and just walk around barefoot, drink Frappuccinos, whatever. I wonder if she’d even know how to live a normal life?

Jennacheryl said...

Honestly I feel for all involved in this. I truly don't think jamie wants to take advantage of his daughter's money. He wants her healthy. There is a reason Britney stopped talking to her mom for a long time. IJS

hunter said...

Jaime Spears holds no elected office and has no media presence, he is not a public figure.

Trapped said...

(Poor Britney I don’t think she wants to sit at home and do anything, she loves the stage, it’s all she knows.
Someone keep her mental health in check..


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