Sunday, August 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 11, 2019

The alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity is setting up paid appearances during an upcoming tour. That would be a first for someone in her position.

Meghan Markle


  1. What the heck was Harry thinking?
    Why couldn't anyone talk some sense into him?

  2. So what's the deal about Randy Andy hooking up with MM before she met Harry?

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Now that's keeping it in the family. I have to wonder how Harry took the news that Uncle Andy tagged his wife before him. It's his fault he knew she yachted and married her anyway.

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    There are 89,000 people in the national missing persons database.
    Young people are disappearing every week.
    ...... and you are chatting about Meghan Markle interviews.
    Get your F ing priorities straight.
    I have a missing loved one.

    1. This is a showbiz site. I'm sorry for your situation and I hope you find your loved one but this is not the site for that. People are allowed to be interested in entertainment and showbiz as well as have an interest in topical issues. Why are you even on this site if you have other more important things going on like you say????

  5. @Daryl,
    I'm sorry to hear about your loved one. I hope you and your family find your relative, or at least an answer. That cannot be easy, at all.

    I won't speak for anyone else, but CDAN is a respite for me from the stressors of daily life. I'm not going to play the "my trauma is worse than your trauma" game, but everyone suffers in life. The world is a fucked up place. So I'm going to take my respite where I can. Missing people, dying people, dead babies, rapes, con artists, addiction, shitty bosses, jobs we hate but have to do in order to have some scrap of complete shit health insurance ($600 for a 15-minute MD visit and one vaccination? Are you fucking KIDDING me?!), the complete and total collapse of our ecosystem and climate and those in power do fuck all about it--there's always something to be upset about.

    I chose not to mope 24/7 and if I want to read and bitch about an entitled narcissist and her hypocritical prince of a husband, I will do so guilt free.

    I've been in a real bad place myself through no fault of my own, so please believe me when I say I'm sorry you and your family are hurting. I hope you find peace, and I hope you can allow some of us to find some peace from our worldly troubles on sites like this.

  6. Bravo, @Mischief Girl

    @Daryl I've got less patience than MG. I am truly sorry for your problems, but we do all have some and you can certainly find support on the Web if you choose. But you won't find whatever you're looking for here. We revel in the misfortune of the famous and the "famous" here.

  7. Meghan better get the money while she can, because once they hypocrites move to LA she'll need to work.
    It won't be RHBH, but something more like RHOC. It's gonna be a rough road financially and socially.

  8. Does the RF not know about these paid appearances, or are they allowing this? I can't imagine this has been OK'd....

  9. Bet the queen mother's entire life is one big cringe these days...probably kate, william and phillip too if he is still alive. Wonder if harry is having fun at their collective expenses since know. His mom.If he is , that is a real sense of humor.

  10. I thought Sarah Ferguson got paid

  11. I don’t think it’s unusual for them to get an appearance fee. Didn’t HRH Harry allegedly ditch a charity event for a payout to show up at the Lion King? Or was that’ just a BI.

  12. Where is Craig, Daniel Craig, when you need him?

  13. @DarylsBigFan My sincere condolences. I can't imagine the pain you are in. I don't have your particular circumstances, I have my own. What @Mischief Girl said, was beautifully put. I come here as a respite from my head and my personal pain. My hugs are only digital, but they are heartfelt. Big hugs to you both.

  14. Harry's life is almost parallel to his father.

    Prince Charles met, married, and had a baby with Di all in a very short time.

    Harry met, married, and had a baby with Meghan in a very short time.

    Prince Charles also dated Di's sister before he decided to date Diana (In fact it was Di's sister who introduced Diana and Charles).
    Harry married a woman his uncle (allegedly) slept with (Could it be Andrew who put Meghan in Harry's path?).

    Diana wasn't following the royal rules and became a trail blazer. She was talked about in the papers.
    Meghan isn't following the royal rules and haven't became a trailblazer as of yet. And is heavily talked about in the news.

    Let's see how long it will take Harry and Meghan to divorce. Took Charles...what..11 years? of marriage?

  15. Could it be for charity? I mean your daily MM click-bait blinds are becoming tiresome...

  16. Are these the same types of “appearances” she was paid for before?

  17. According to an English friend "Sussex Royal: The Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex" has been set up by Company Director Sarah Latham (also Clinton Foundation) as a private company rather than a charity. Disney donated the $3 million before the company came into being. MM now likes any donated monies to be given to her, so she can pass them on to charities personally. Better photo ops I guess. I really do hope that the IR agents and auditors are awake to this woke pair. "Paparazzi" photos taken in Nice were all stamped with Meghan & Harry's official PR photographer's imprimatur.

  18. Jessie, PC had the added pressure of those being more conservative time and being the heir. And the father of the next heir. I think that's why it took as long as it did.

    Watching a doc about Princess Di recently: she never had a chance. Camilla sunk her claws in good and PC let her. Diana, a very sheltered barely 19 year old virgin. Never had a chance. Way out of her depth.

    PC should've given the marriage more of a chance by shirking his addiction to CPB. Diana was perfect wife/mother material, adored PC, and did spectacularly in 'the job' too.

    That marriage was two flowers, no gardener, as the saying goes. CPB is all too happy to be endlessly there for him and never outshine him.

    PH is a rebel like his mom and MM likes the spotlight and to outshine him.

    Honestly? In the end I don't care, and I hope they make it, but it's aggravating seeing them make PR blunder one after the next. The public doesn't like being lied to, patronized, shunned, WHILE being preached to.

    Don't preach to people who are eating beans on toast and glad to have it, about excessive consumerism. Preach to your fellow 1 percenters, they control packaging, factories, well, they control everything.

    In his way PH has been as sheltered as his mom was but he lacks her intuition.

  19. If anyone hasn't seen the latest story - Sir Elton John is now hectoring the public and press to leave the loving couple alone, that his jet was carbon neutral. Idiotic. There is no such thing. Donating to a charity does NOT negate fuel consumption, pollution etc.

    Go donate money to science and people who manufacture, to invent and use bio-degradable packaging, clean fuel sources, enact ecological laws, stop hectoring the working public who are barely getting by day to day.

    It's the modern version of let them eat cake. Even though MA never said that - the public believed she had. Why? They were out of sight and out of touch with the populace, who were starving.

    All too easy for their enemies to invent bad press. The answer is not more secrecy but less.

  20. Jessie - when they were kids, since PH was so little and PW was so close to his mom and, people said, so gutted when she cried, I feared he might jump into something but he was very smart and cautious. PH turned out to be the one who might be a bit needy and vulnerable to exploitation.

  21. Epon -

    "Didn’t HRH Harry allegedly ditch a charity event for a payout to show up at the Lion King? Or was that’ just a BI."

    Something to honor soldiers, that he had allegedly agreed to be at a year prior. But Disney made a $ 3 mil donation to the Sussex foundation. Something like that.

  22. Molly - The queen mother has been dead over ten years. Maybe you are thinking of Her Majesty the Queen.

    Cant remember who mentioned Sarah Latham but she is no longer working for Meghan and Harry. They are going through staff and a blinding rate!



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