Monday, September 23, 2019

Blind Item #12 - Emmy Awards

With all of the old kids shows being rebooted, this back in the day A list tween/teen actress turned A- list adult actress who still complains about getting bumped off a tabloid cover because of a celebrity death, was pushing hard that her old show be rebooted and also star her with kids being secondary. 


  1. Replies
    1. Got bumped from knee pads when Farrah passed and MJH was passed because the story was a big ad for nutrisystem.

  2. Sorry baby, we've already got a new Sabrina and Clarissa Explains It All isn't going to translate well to the present.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I'm guessing She want's Clarissa Explains It All Rebooted since Sabrina has already been Rebooted/Re Imagined. The funny thing is though, although She's been pretty salty about The Sabrina Reboot. Now that Her Series No Good Nick is Cancelled. I bet you She will be nice now & will gladly hint quite a bit about wanting to come on The Show.

  4. Christina Applegate? married with children

  5. Doesn't Christina Applegate have a new show on Netflix called Dead to me. Maybe she still wants to do both a reboot and the new show?

  6. I wish they'd bring Married with Children back. But not as much as I wish they'd bring back Unhappily Ever After 😢

  7. I see someone doesn’t watch much tv. Not many white people of either sex, “basic” or not, on there. But I guess representation only works one way. At least we know any time someone’s a criminal, stupid, ugly, dysfunctional, a loser, or otherwise bad, they’ll be white, guaranteed. That ought to make you happy, Gen-z99!

    1. Genz99 says it's not the person that matters but what race they are

  8. Wait one second, is this motherf*cker here saying the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a basic blonde white girl show? Satanic probably, but basic? It's about witches with a diverse cast, they even threw a transgender character in even though it doesn't advance the plot. 😈🎃

  9. Clarissa reboot IS happening

  10. "Clarissa Grows Up To Become a Big, Self-Important Pain in the Ass"

  11. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Thank You Astra. If an alien escaped from Area 51 and viewed American television, their idea of the country would be vastly different than it really is. First of all, they would think the country was at least 50% black. They would think the males of the species were all bumbling idiots. They would think LGBTQ+ was literally every 3rd person and that there were no genders except of course for the aforementioned bumbling cis males of the species.

    If all people see on TV is over-representation by basic white people, then they are only seeing what they want to see.

  12. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Oh and I forgot the most important thing. Area 51 alien would be terrified of anyone with light skin, since all they have seen white earthlings portrayed as is evil monsters who prey upon the other skin tones.

  13. Glad you see it too, MissDavie. I rarely watch tv but when I do, it is jarring. I think they’re doing it to get people used to the fact that whites will be a minority in their own countries within 20 or so years. Of course that’s supposed to be a good thing and if you don’t love it, you’re racist. No country for white people, you know. The very idea is racist! But who is trying to turn China “diverse”? Or Zimbabwe, or South Africa? They just kill anyone “diverse” there, you know. Of course we should aspire to that, because once whites are gone it’ll be nothing but love and unity 🙄😆 since whites are the font of all evil, and if you’re white and don’t hate yourself or other whites, you’re literally the worst thing imaginable. I think Taylor Swift just said “white supremacy” is literally the worst thing ever. Bold huh? Worse than child rape? Worse than sex trafficking? Finding tons of bodies murdered by cartels in a grave? Worse than Dahmer? Amazing isn’t it?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Whites are more than welcome to move to China or Zimbabwe and make them more diverse. Oh and btw the vast majority of children victims or rape and human trafficking are not white. So there’s a clear correlation here.

  16. Whites are pretty popular in China as long as you don't disrespect the government or act like a foreign agent. Like really popular, like you can get a job anywhere as long it's not govt or military. Over in Asia and many parts of the world, whites aren't the Nazis, they're the folks from TV and movies who helped invent a bunch of sh!t. And the women really like white guys, not street hookers, just everyday folks. Just don't act superior and you'll always have friends.

    Africa not so much, but nobody is really popular over there.

    1. +109900. military guys love Asia.and so do the Aussie men

  17. @Gen, Ah the Seinfeld syndrome where you don't care for the lead but everybody else is okay, I hear you. Part of the show is that they're trying to play up the Archie origins of the Sabrina comic, like a malt shop and all that anachronistic stuff. So Sabrina is like a stereotypical 60's good girl in a modern satanic world.

  18. I like America's diversity. People forget that most white Americans are mutts compared to their white European ancestors who usually wouldn't consider breeding outside their country even though they were all white looking.

  19. The difference is, Chinese people won’t allow anyone to come into China and turn China into an entirely different country and disenfranchise the native born population. Maybe you are welcome in small amounts, but not to the point where China ceases to be Chinese. And nobody would expect China to do this, or any other country except white countries.

    You go to Asia, you are an eternal guest, even if you live there for five hundred years (and not marry an Asian person). China (or any Asian country) would never allow any minority population to march in the streets with signs telling them that they’re here to conquer and take over and force their beliefs and religion on them (like what’s occurring in Europe), China wouldn’t allow tens of thousands of Chinese girls to be raped and trafficked by a minority population and then cover it up and punish Chinese people for protesting and demanding justice. Unfortunately we do this in the West and refuse to expect even the bare minimum of assimilation or citizenship or productivity. Another thing Asia or any sane place would never allow. You go there, you live by their rules, period.

    Not all white Americans are mutts. There is a lot more ethnic mixing in Europe than most realize. But I am almost 100% English/Scottish and my husband is 100% English and our families have been here since the 1600’s. Most Americans up until very recently, were aware of their European ancestries and weren't “mutts” at all. At least not in many areas of the original thirteen colonies, in certain social classes.

    1. you believe some very odd and dangerous things

  20. @ Astra - Take a DNA test, like 23andme or You might be surprised at the results; I was. You don’t even have to give them your real name and I know that 23andme will email you the results, so you can use a throwaway email address.



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