Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Life And Times Of Timmy Revealed

The very first thing everyone needs to realize is that I had brunch with JJ and we talked about Shimmy/Timmy for ten minutes. Everyone here has had a month to dissect every last inch of this story, and so I will attempt to fill in as much detail as possible, but a ten minute conversation might not be enough to satisfy each and every one of your cravings. I have added a narrative to it so that is more fun to read and easier to see how it happened. With all the hard work everyone did, I didn’t want the write up to be sterile.

I really appreciate how everyone worked on this so hard and loved all of the e-mails I received from so many of you describing how Timmy/Shimmy made you look at Old Hollywood in a new light or how it made you look at it for the very first time. Old Hollywood has the best stories, and some of the best characters. I do have one more big blind from that brunch with JJ and also have some old Hollywood stories I can turn into blinds that are much easier to solve.

People say that Timmy/Shimmy couldn’t happen today, but I think it could happen even more easily today. There would be more rumors of course and the internet and people like all of you would make it very difficult, but advances in technology are such that it would be much easier to pull off.

Back in the day when this happened, the press backed off and didn’t report everything they knew. JJ told me that only about ten people know the whole story. I didn’t ask him to name them, but the number doesn’t seem that far off. Could it be more? Sure. I don’t know, and don’t know how anyone can count because 95% of the people who would know are dead.

When this event happened, there was no television. There was only radio and film shorts which were shown only before other films. Stars were not routinely followed and privacy was the norm. Unless a star was a big star or had huge publicity behind them, chances are you would never recognize the person standing next to you in line as an A list actress.

Ultimately this is a story about luck, a parent’s love for their child, fame and compassion.

What made this whole thing possible though was the work of one man who loved his daughter very much and wanted her to succeed. He wanted to give her everything. He especially wanted to give here everything he could because she had been really sick, and although doing better now, he was very afraid of a relapse. His daughter was always getting sick throughout her life and was constantly breaking bones in her legs and feet. She had at least one known trip to a mental institution following a nervous breakdown and therefore he always did his best to take care of his beloved daughter.

One night, this father went to see a show that a friend of his owned and the friend wanted to sell a piece of the show. The father went, not expecting much but was entranced by what he saw in the performance of a very young actress and decided he had to meet this wonderful woman. When the father went backstage to introduce himself, he discovered that the enchanting actress was actually a man. He further learned that this man had the uncanny knack of being able to mimic almost anyone within a few minutes of meeting them. An idea began to form in our father’s mind, but at that point it was just an idea.

A few weeks went by and our father’s daughter was complaining she wasn’t feeling well and would have to drop out of a film on which she was supposed to begin shooting. His daughter had to drop out of several films because of illness, but wondered if something could be done about it.

The father tracked down our mimic/actor aka Timmy and talked to the actor about possibly becoming an actress rather than the actor he was. It’s not known what was said by the father or if he revealed his whole plan at that time, but what our actor did was start doing shows as a woman with the help of the father. The father knew every theatre owner in the country and got them to take on this new talent and that of course the father would owe the owner a favor in the future.

The father wanted Timmy to play a variety of different women and not just concentrate on one look or style, but wanted Timmy to try and get an idea of the many different characters and personalities a woman would be asked to portray. Timmy would be one name one week and then another name the next.

In early 1934, our father got Timmy a screen test as a woman. He wanted to see if what he saw in Timmy live translated onto the screen. Timmy was amazing as a woman and had Timmy mimic several different women including Shimmy. He was amazing. They even looked a great deal alike when they were dressed similarly. The only problem our father could see, was the nose. Something had to be done about the nose.

From that point forward, Timmy became a woman when in public. He put Timmy in a house that one of his mistresses lived in and JJ’s future wife. Often Timmy would spend time with Shimmy, usually as a man but sometimes as a woman, especially when he visited her on set. Timmy who could mimic someone after five minutes of knowing them was like Shimmy’s twin after spending hour and hours conversing and spending two or three days at a time at her home.

The first real test came in a film called The Gay Divorcee which starred Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. In what could be explained as a joke if it went awry, Timmy made his first appearance as Shimmy. Timmy did one scene which was a group scene, but it’s unknown if it made it into the film. After spending time with Shimmy, Timmy knew that Shimmy was sick. She would have good days and bad, and also for some reason was always breaking bones which everyone knew and expected from her. Breaking a nose wasn’t a big deal at all. It would just be intentional.

Over the next two years, whenever Shimmy was sick, instead of having to call in sick or not even being able to do a film, Timmy would step in. It really wasn’t that hard. People were used to Shimmy being ill and looking unusual. Remember Shimmy was never a very healthy woman in the very best of circumstances, very rarely a lead, and Timmy was so good that each would seamlessly slip in and out as needed.

In 1935 Metropolitan was made and Timmy met the man he would call his friend and lover for a few years as well as confidant. Cesar Romero played opposite Timmy/Shimmy and perhaps saw something in his own personality because he quietly confronted Shimmy. If he had confronted Timmy, Timmy may very well have let it all out of the bag. Shimmy on the other hand explained how she needed help sometimes with work and everything in her life. Her appeal must have worked, because Timmy and Cesar became very close when introduced. I don’t know if Cesar and Timmy went out as two men or as a man and a woman.

In 1936, My Man Godfrey was filmed and for much of that film and the next three done, the majority of the work was done by Shimmy, although Timmy did contribute to each.

In 1937 Shimmy looked at all the commitments she had lined up and knew she couldn’t do it without Timmy. Timmy agreed to help as much as possible but wanted to see if he could make it as a man in film because he was allegedly a little jealous at the attention Shimmy received for My Man Godfrey. While filming In Old Chicago, Shimmy got very sick again very suddenly and at that point the filming was too far along to stop. It’s at this point that more people became aware of Shimmy/Timmy although as I said it’s possible they had been letting people in on the secret prior to this. The director and producer both became aware of the situation and became very accommodating to letting Timmy take every shot that wasn’t a close-up, but in the end even gave him several of those as well. Both Timmy and Shimmy are in the film.

Over the course of the year the acting Timmy did was in direct correlation to how Shimmy was feeling.

When it came to Academy Awards time, Shimmy was nominated and decided to bring Timmy with her. Timmy at that time had moved out of the house he had been living in and had a place of his own although he did share it with a male lover. In those days, the Academy Awards were broadcast on radio and the winners were known in advance. In one instance, the LA Times even published the names of the winners before the broadcast. That year though, the Academy Awards were delayed by a week due to flooding like LA had never seen before and during that time Shimmy broke her ankle and was also very ill. She decided she wasn’t going to attend, and Timmy decided that he wasn’t going also as he hadn’t really wanted to go. His body was breaking out in hives because of the stress of award season and Shimmy’s insistence that he accompany her everywhere and as a man and her delight in thinking of it as one big game while he was afraid people would find out about him, the fact he was gay and ruin him. There was no way he was going to the Academy Awards alone.

At this point, this all becomes pure speculation. Timmy did have a ticket to the Awards and it is believed that his male lover at the time really was start struck and wanted to go. He knew the story and knew for sure that Shimmy and Timmy wouldn’t be there. He went to the awards ceremony and when the winner was announced knew that no one would be there to pick it up, decided to pick it up himself. You would like to think he gave it to Timmy or Shimmy, but as far as we know he didn’t, if in fact it was him who picked it up. There was no award found in Timmy’s possessions when he died. There are two versions of what the Academy did after. One is that Shimmy never got her award and the other is that the Academy gave her another two weeks later.

Timmy’s hives wouldn’t go away and although he spent a great deal of time with Shimmy as she got more and more ill, he never acted again as Shimmy, and in fact all of his roles in later years he wore a tremendous amount of makeup as his hives would sometimes return.

When Shimmy went back to New York in a valiant effort to get medical treatment for her cancer, Timmy said goodbye to someone who was a part of him in more ways than one. Shimmy died a few weeks later, and Timmy went on with his life and as far as I know never mentioned it to anyone again.

There is a rumor that Shimmy's father tried to recreate this scenario again in 1949 when he cast his daughter Barbara opposite his wife in one play and one play only. No one is really sure if it was his daughter although she did win a Theatre World Award for her performance. William Brady, the father that made all this possible died just ten days after the play opened.

Shimmy-Alice Brady
Timmy-Arthur Blake


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Unknown said...

What a fraud. I love the idea of outing this guy. I predict that his blog will be gone in a month or less.

Dire Potatoe said...

I don't want to annoy the peeps here. *some* of you are good people.

Perhaps a better use of all the amazing research and sleuthing talents many of you displayed would be to OUT this fraud.

Next time I have the shits, I'll be thinking of him.

Molly said...

So it's not possible for someone to have a heart attack while they also have AIDS? No need to get all freaked out and take this so personally. Who cares, this is, once again, just the internet.

Cool story anyway, and I believe it. Can't wait for the next one. Gave me something to do at work.

bluegirl said...

Okay its been revealed!

Now can everyone just get on with their lives!?

At the end of the day, who cares? If you spent so much time on this and feel like you've been duped and made a fool of then that's your issue, not the bloggers.

There are so many other things in the world that would justify your anger rather than an Old Hollywood blind item which can't even be verified. Forget about it!

Dire Potatoe said...

yes. it is just the internet.

But Ent is a real guy. I'm a real guy. One real guy lied is fucking ass of to another real guy and a whole global world of real guys who earnestly researched and investigated said first real guy's fucked up fiction. One real guy believed him (which was of course a mistake) and spent alot of time "helping" other real guy to which the other real guy fucked everyone over with shit.

Okay. Wait.
I'm drunk but still angry.
Which guy am I again?

Emily Stroop said...

If fake, why wouldn't ENT just refuse to ever reveal it?

Lollipop said...

goodnight everyone...esp..pop candy friends, and again EL

Unknown said...

Wow just wow. Great story. I hope you get JJ to share some more.

Dire - step away from the keyboard. Fresh air and real people are good things. OCD behaviors and ranting over BI show you are unstable. Seek help.

Unknown said...

My ass. People who worked with the real Alice one day wouldn't know it's a man in drag the next? No one's that good at impersonations. NO ONE. Maybe if everyone on every film was in on it and it just wasn't widely known, but claiming maybe 10 people know? Uh uh.

This story is utter crap.

budford said...

Dp and all,

It was fun. We all know the disclaimer. We can stay or leave and nobody gives a damn. But we made a better solution and reveal than he did and I think we should just give our own best and worst awards.

I think most would agree that I never thought it was impossible. I found many FIS and non-FIS who pretended to be actresses just not ones who won awards. Which is why this is really shitty - because the whole premise is based on an actress who won an award who was really a man and that's not what it was. That's why I didn't go for it. Because it didnt' match the core premise of the blind.

So disclaimer aside, credibility suffers when the core premise of the blind is bullshit. And wait, she invites Timmy to the ceremony and the boyfriend and then begs out and some other asshole takes the award and they all just sit there? Please.

Nicole said...

Ok, so at first I was happy to have some closure. I came home from classes and I thought about all this some more... ENT, THIS IS SO REDICULOUS.

Reading all the comments above, I agree that there are way too many holes in this story. HELLO, ARTHUR BLAKE HAD A FACE LIKE A HORSE. He was really not some slight little nymph.

Plus, you really worked it up to be the biggest, juciest blind EVER, and it just wasn't. You should have been more realistic with this. Christ, its like posting an item titled "ALEXIS ARQUETTE WAS BORN A MAN!!!" give me a break, we all were expecting much more.

And I'm a fan of the site, and I have always believed your postings, but this has really disappointed me.

When you decide to reveal MV or the blind about the old hollywood actors and the murder of the young woman, you might be on my good side again.

On the bright side, I now have a good issue to discuss in my media ethics class.


Dire Potatoe said...


What he said.
I'm done.

Dire Potatoe said...

I meant Budford.

Lollipop said...

good night!

Molly said...

You chose to waste your own time on this. No one tied you to your desk chair and forced you to google until your fingers fell off. For about 90% of the people here, this was just an entertaining diversion from work/whatever. If you spent several entire days trying to figure out the answer to a blind item you saw on the internet, maybe it's time to evaluate your life in the "real world."

Anyway, good night, and seriously, I hope there's another fun blind item like this soon. I was totally entertained.

Eireman said...

Heart attack as an AIDS complication? Yeah it would conplicate it, big time. AIDS related, no way. Bullshit on this writer and HAUNT away. What's that lesson we learned from WWII? Oh yeah, if you ignore it you are a complicitly contributing to this.

Production Girl said...

WOW!! All the research here blew me away. Great job everyone. I'm impressed that most people worked together as a team.

Unknown said...

Also, can we drop the "Shimmy" crap? It just feels so disrespectful. She was Alice Brady, not She-Timmy. She wasn't the female persona of some guy named Timmy. She was a respected, award winning actress and a person with a name. Alice Brady. Not "Shimmy."

libby said...

yeah, arthur's nose does not match at all! and he doesn't look like he could "pass" for alice if he were any closer than 50 feet!

and isn't it possible that alice brady's father wasn't so 'loving' as much as he just worked his fragile daughter nearly to death? ever heard of stage parents?

btw, the disclaimer on the blog is just what's required by a guy who can be sued for liable. a lawyer would have to be that careful.

teddymac said...

Alice Brady's pic at imdb so looks like Arthur Blake in drag.

Thanks for all the fun Enty!

Cooper's Mom said...

aww, come on guys, don't get all upset over this. it was fun and entertaining, and considering it had been figured out way before teh final reveal it obviously wasn't going to be a huge surprise to anyone now, was it? what were you expecting that the answer was going to be K. Hepburn or something?

also i agree with Maggie's above post, show the lady some respect.

i have to admit i feel a tad deflated as its now come to an end, so PLEASE enty give us another one to research!!

libby said...

WHOA 'gabbywill'---being disappointed in a blind item is one thing, let's not compare it to the extermination of the jews!

ever look up the word hyperbole?

libby said...

oops! the legal term is 'libel.' not liable.
cannot watch the daily show and post at the same time.

bmini said...

I know some of you are upset, but do you need to be so vulgar? I agree that boozing and commenting are not always the best combo

I'm just sayin'. . .

Anna said...

I've never posted here, but followed the blind item eagerly.

I don't get the impression that Arthur Blake was just a stand-in. It seems to me that in the later roles, he was playing Alice's roles more often than she was.

In the mid 1980's, a death from AIDS-related complications would not have been reported as such - remember, AIDS was quite new at the time.

Also, check out this picture of Alice Brady, big nose and all.

Unknown said...

I miss the days when lying was seen as wrong, instead of no big deal or a fun way to spend a work day. When did our standards get so low? I feel sorry for this actress's family, and her memory which is now damaged by a stupid lie that can live on forever each time someone who likes one of her movies puts her name into google. RIP.

Unknown said...

lisbeth I got what gabby meant, no Holocaust comparision was mentioned. Maybe condensencion isn't the right tone for defnding a liar. I think complicit was the term; you know ignoring something essentially contributes to it. Whatever. This is BS no matter what. Yes I have posted before about this writer/s veracity issues and I do find it offensive to have a liar trash dead people.

sugaree 70 said...

You know, I never did notice that disclaimer before. It's brilliant of Ent to get his readers to write his items for him. I'd love to know at exactly what point you decided to go with Brady and Blake, Ent.

It's been a lot of fun, and I know I learned a lot about early Hollywood and the history of drag theater.

Murphyzlaws said...

Murphy's Law
#47 Any simple theory will be worded in the most complicated way.
#53 If sophisticated calculations are needed to justify an action, don't do it.
#71 A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

Unknown said...

It's not Arthur Brady in a million years. I'm SO disappointed in this reveal. This will be the last time I visit this website.
For the last time, please visit this site:
Look at the TV screen with the title "Port of New York". Right below are links to the movie in several parts. To see Arthur Blake, click the link that is in the black area below the TV screen, below the Coca Cola link. He plays Dolley who is being shaken up by the cops. This man could NEVER have fooled anyone into thinking he was actually Alice Brady.
Great story, but I've had enough!

Unknown said...

My sincere apologies. Wrong link above. This is the correct one.

Rachel said...

Sheesh, people. Most of you are probably upset cause you've already uncovered it in your researches and were probably expecting more. Or you were hoping that despite all that extensive analyses you did, Timmy/Shimmy would turn out to be someone else. Even better if Timmy had been an unknown - that way you can go "OMG! Really! You're right!"

And EntL did say he'd post red herrings just to make it more sound more salacious.

Ana had said previously, no one forced any of you to do your research for hours on end. If you did this out of your own selfish reason to declare you're the person who found out first, then you seriously need a clue.

I stand with the majority of this group by saying I was thoroughly entertained for the couple of weeks this BI ran. For all of your research, I thank you. It would have taken me far longer to glean through all the info if it hadn't been for you peeps. Kudos!

Thanks again EntL! Hopefully you can now post the Wyman picture that you said we'd all "die" from. That got me really curious and distracted me for a while.

Unknown said...

Kudos vanity: "I miss the days when lying was seen as wrong, instead of no big deal or a fun way to spend a work day. When did our standards get so low?"

Sad but true. ANYONE can trash people anonymously but hey it's fun, right? People seem to check their brains at the keyboard. Am I disappointed with this blind item reveal? No, I've expected it and actually posted before about the "reveal" and "Timmy" outcome. It is what I wrote two days ago if you care to check. A hoax and for those that worked it probably a let down.

Deester said...

I know I said ciao earlier, but I wanted to come back, briefly, and pay a little tribute to Alice Brady.

If this blind item has done anything for me, it's made me more aware of great artists of the past.

Alice had a long career in her abbreviated 46 years on earth. She wasn't a real beauty, but she made the most out of her talent, appearing in silent films, plays, including the Eugene O'Neill masterpiece Mourning Becomes Electra, and finally, in movies where she made her mark both in smart comedies, musicals, and serious dramas. And it's probably true that she was sick with cancer for a few years before she died, even not knowing the trouble, so she was courageous and hardworking while ill.

She may have had stand-ins to help out. I know that Kay Kendall had a stand-in for her last picture with Yul Brynner, because she couldn't actually stand for more than 5 minutes (apparently).

Anyway, it makes me cry a little to think about Alice Brady, this incredibly talented woman who tragically died young, and what rumors have been passed about her which are clearly false and diminishing of a great woman and her career.

Just thought it needed saying.

Ciao again.

Unknown said...


what's even more shocking about "Port of New York" is seeing Yul Brynner with hair!

Larry said...

The reveal is a very good story, no doubt about that. ENT is a very good story teller better than most writers, but it's not really a blind item.

Guessing the stand in?

Come on. How could that be a blind item?

I really like the story but if it is as ENT says, I can think of one word blackmail. Why didn't anyone blackmail anybody? Here is a rough list of the people I would blackmail

Arthur Blake
Alice Brady
William Brady (supposedly rich)
Academy Awards (I am surprise nobody from the other nominees and studios cried "foul")
All the producers and directors and co stars Blake filled in for Alice Brady. It is a little hard to believe nobody notice anything? They would accept stand in heck, anyone would. But play it for real? Wouldn't that be fraud?

I can think of 3 big stars (famous even now) still alive who have co starred with Alice Brady.

My apologies to all the stars (alive and dead) whom I suspected including Alice Brady with special mention to Kay Kendall. You are (and were) all beautiful.

Unknown said...

Hey Chenofan, you caught me getting ready to close my browser. I did one last refresh to see if anyone followed the link I sent. Did you see Arthur Blake? He ain't Timmy is he?

Eve said...

Wow. I think it's sad that there are people who feel angry and venomous toward Ent. For me, this was a fun mystery. Like a lot of other people I had fun googling all these old stars, and reading about William Haines and everybody else. Also, like someone upthread said, I feel bad for misidentifying Maggie McNamara and Vera-Ellen, but it's not like their memory was harmed. If anything, I think this blind item opened a lot of people's eyes to the era of real stars and we therefore honor them and their memory.

Ent recounted something told to him by an old timer - that's already two different filters of memory acting on whatever the real truth was. Plus, if he had told us the blind exactly the way he told us the reveal, it would have been a lot easier to solve and a lot less fun. I for one am glad he wove an intriguing tale using only part of the information as he remembered it. It was more challenging that way.

It also opens the door to a real researcher who might talk to any surviving people from that era and write a book that tells the real story and pays tribute to these people.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is that if this blind item had never been written none of this would even be up for discussion, but all of us were brought into it and had some fun.

Unknown said...

haven't gotten to Blake's part yet

dawn said...

Anna said...

Also, check out this picture of Alice Brady, big nose and all.

Wow, now that looks like Blake's nose! Thanks for posting, Anna.

Emily Stroop said...

How does this story, true or not, tarnish Alice Brady's memory or reputation? If she had a stand-in, does it really matter whether it was a man or a woman?

lisamite said...

Former lurker/ new poster here. What a great story! They always say truth is stranger than fiction.
I became intrigued by Wm. Haines and Clara Bow through the search, plus the Coogan Act and have always been fascinated by old Hollywood. I've enjoyed this site for months now, and the other posters are a thinking man's crowd. Thanks Ent, I don't know how we could have lasted till Christmas!

Dana Lauren said...

Um, it's terrible to lie about someone's sexual identity when you know for a fact it is untrue and you are making it all up for attention. Its kind of pathetic, actually. ENTL is laughing his ass off at all of you.

nomdeplume said...

Scot you are right, never in a million years and Alice Brady's career also didn't deserve this slue ither. How can people believe this BS? Are they that ignorant or as vanity said, lying is OK now, just fun? You know, I think this explains how Britney became popular. and "reality TV". Just saying.

Cooper's Mom said...

Well put, Eve.

Emily Stroop said...

Scot, what format is that video? I don't seem to have a player for it.

Cooper's Mom said...

btw, ellebee, hope you managed to see the reveal before you had to rush off this morning!

Unknown said...

Download the latest, close your browser, and try it.

Town Bike said...

Hmmmmm. I desperately wanted something more scandalous than this as I am a gossip/scandal whore. This just isn't that shocking. As for its veracity - well, it could be true because if you were going to make something up, wouldn't you just go the whole hog and say NICOLE KIDMAN IS A MAN!!! Dunno.

More fool me for caring about such things in the first place.

Unknown said...

Scot - I tried to follow your instructions (in italics below), but can't find "the TV screen" or the "Coca Cola link" ... did you provide the correct link? I'd really like to see what you're talking about! TIA.

For the last time, please visit this site:
Look at the TV screen with the title "Port of New York". Right below are links to the movie in several parts. To see Arthur Blake, click the link that is in the black area below the TV screen, below the Coca Cola link. He plays Dolley who is being shaken up by the cops. This man could NEVER have fooled anyone into thinking he was actually Alice Brady.

Unknown said...


it's Adobe Flash player 9

Dana Lauren said...

Im sorry, I have some common sence and life experience to know better than to trust a loser who calles himself The Entertainment Lawyer and writes ridiculous stories. I didn't waste any time on this blind, once I read it I knew it was a fake and tried to tell people. I was just waiting to see how this pathetic wimp would try and spin the reveal to all you gullible fans...

Somebody, let's find out who has the nerve to write such hoaxes. This is seriously wrong, and he has screwed himself over revealing a dead actress to really be a man and tarnishing people's names who can't defend themselves. What a wussy with a P.

Unknown said...


that's the wrong link..Scot posted the correct one in his post just under that one:

Emily Stroop said...

Thanks, I'll try again.

Calla, check the comment below the one you quoted. Scot corrected the link.

Dana Lauren said...

Who cares how 'scandalous' the reveal was? Sorry, but if you wasted time researching this idiot that is your own fault. That makes you the type of person who would fall for somebody selling stereo equipment out of the back of their van.

Emily Stroop said...

Dana, if you didn't waste your time on the BI, why are you wasting your time being so angry now?

nomdeplume said...

emilyr, Uh duh she didn't have a stand-in,"male" or not, she won an OSCAR for HER work. Follow the dots...... It's bullshit, she earned and acted in her movie roles. This writer made it up and eve? Perhaps read and comprehend before labelling people you don't know and will never know, as angry and venomous. Newcomers may feel justifably gypped with the lies here but defending a liar as entertaining is juvenile at best.

Cooper's Mom said...

Dana, if you're so disgusted by EL, then kindly use your 'common sense' and bugger off.

Unknown said...

Yep coopers mom - had about 5 mins to read it then I was off to get my hair done :)

Dana Lauren said...

Some people actually feel the same way as me, not everybody is so bored they have to continue pretending this guy is real. Why do you enjoy lying to yourselves?

Unknown said...

Ok guys ... I got the correct link now, but I don't see a coca cola ad anywhere. Just tell me which link to click - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 or Part 5. And then if you could tell me about when he shows up in the clip, that would be even better ...

Dana Lauren said...

No sence telling these people why it couldn't be true, they enjoy believing it or dont care about tarnishing somebody's reputation. Its very imature to play this game when you dont care if its even real anymore or not.

Town Bike said...

Dana, you sound like you have some anger management issues... some people (ie me) didn't actually spend any time researching it but I did read most of the updates as I found all the research everyone else did entertaining.

In any case, I have more going on in my life than to get worked up over a blog.

You, on the other hand...

Unknown said...

well all fairness this movie was made 10+ years after Timmy's supposed work as it would be hard to say with any certainty.

If there were any clips we could find of Blake from the mid 30s in something that would be more of a smoking gun.

dawn said...

Reading over the comments, I'm a little surprised at the venom that's being expressed. The overall tone of the original BI may have been a little exaggerated to make it seem more sensational that the eventual reveal actually was, but isn't that the nature of blind items? Don't we all know that? Reading the subsequent hints, especially the one that talked about the explanation needing to be long certainly indicated that there was more to the story than "man assumes female identity, goes to Hollywood and wins a major film award." I know it did for me.

As far as the outrage that Blake was only a stand-in, I think that's a little overblown. What we're being told is that a man acted on behalf of an actress for a substantial part of a movie, for which the actress later won an Academy Award. If that happened today and it got out, that would be HUGE news. I remember the big deal that was made when it was revealed that Jennifer Beals had a body double doing the dancing parts for Flashdance, and that movie was a piece of crap nothing movie. This is way bigger than that. So it turned out to be not what you expected. Suck it up, and go find a more appropriate outlet for the deep-seated anger you're carrying around, because for people to get all bent out of shape over this is just crazy.

Also, I don't think this story diminishes Alice Brady at all. This was a way for an unwell woman to extend her career. Who knows how many fewer of her movies we would have gotten if it hadn't been for Blake's standing in when she needed him to? I find it rather heartwarming that Blake and her father went to the lengths they did to help her. I was also glad to hear that My Man Godfrey was almost all her, because she was hilarious in it.

I'm hoping that Ent will clarify a few things over the coming days. Specifically, I'd like to know more about the scar (or if the scar actually stood in for the nose difference, in the BIs), and what movie and specific scene from that movie did he watch after his brunch with JJ, that he was able to match to a picture of Blake to confirm all of this.

Unknown said...

Calla, it's in the black bar below the TV screen. Each section is followed by an ad or short film.

I'll NEVER believe that huge head, those ugly teeth and that funny chin ever resembled Alice Brady.

Good night all. This is my last goodbye for real.

Never visit this site again.

Unknown said...


Please tell us how ANYONE'S reputation has been tarnished by this? It's well documented that Alice Brady was high strung and prone to illness and missing performances from her Broadway days. All one has to do is search the NY Times archives for old articles.

Dana Lauren said...

Get a life, I dont have anger management issues. Just because I type the truth and dont fawn over a self proclaimed Entertainment Lawyer? Just because I don't believe anything I read hook line and sinker? You sound like you are 14 years old and havem't lived in the real world enough to know fake from authentic. Let me guess, you bought a pair of earings for $10 with two big Cs thinking that they were Chanel?

Town Bike said...

Live in the real world, eh? How ironic, giving that you apparently sit here, refreshing every few minutes so you can spew out more misspelled vitriol… interesting…

And let me add that I am in no way defending EL, I just think that you Dana are a clown. An angry, scary clown like the one in It. An angry scary clown with issues in: spelling, grammar and anger management.

Town Bike said...

And how did you know about my $10 Chanels? :(

Dana Lauren said...

Oh no, I don't spell properly or punctuate my sentences. You are a nerd and I am refreshing every minute to tell you people off. So what? You are sad to keep believing this for the sake of 'entertainment'. Really, I just want to know why you keep defending this asshole and why do you believe this? Oh, wait... you have no reason? Okay, I have made my point, you are gulible.

Cooper's Mom said...

town bike, you're my hero :) i was LOL-ing all over the place!

Emily Stroop said...

Dana, I'm not saying I believe it or not - we have no way of knowing if it's true, but what is SO hard to believe about the story that a dude was a stand-in for a woman and was filmed in her place for longshots? That's essentially the story as it stands in the reveal.

dawn said...

ChenoFan said...

well all fairness this movie was made 10+ years after Timmy's supposed work as it would be hard to say with any certainty.

If there were any clips we could find of Blake from the mid 30s in something that would be more of a smoking gun.

I was thinking the same thing myself. He could have been much slimmer as a younger man, his nose probably would have been smaller, as they also expand somewhat with age, etc. I'd love to see a younger picture of him.

Also, from another post of yours, you mentioned the documentation of her health problems, and how they caused her to have to drop out of roles. I read the same things.

When you stop and think of it logically, this reveal makes a hell of a lot more sense than having Blake or whomever take over her life completely. This is much more plausible, and easier to pull off, IMO.

Dana Lauren said...

Yes, town bike is hilarious let us "LOL" at our keyboards. How charming.

You are pathetic for not even caring that ENTL lied to you. A stand in, a f*cking stand in? He said this was a man who was a woman! Than he saw you people make up some theory about Alice Brady and realized it was too good not to use himself! That way he didn't have to take a risk by revealing some poor woman as a man! So you did all this research and all you got was a stand in? Way to f*cking go, have fun with all the blinds to come.

Goodbye all you devout blog groupies and ENTL you need to get a life, you proved yourself with this blind.

Town Bike said...

Sorry Dana my dear I’d love to stay and ‘chat’ but my 14-year-old friends and I just heard there’s a new shipment of $30 Gucci sunglasses arriving at the train station… but don’t forget what they say, arguing on the Internet is like the Special Olympics… because even if you win you’re still retarded.

I might catch up with my 'hero' entertainment lawyer later because as everyone knows if you so much as read a person's Internet site you are BFFs for life and automatically believe everything they say.

Chin up sweetpea and toodle-oo xx

Beef said...

This story is a complete concoction. The original blind item was intriguing, but it was complete fiction. It was obvious from the get-go that no Oscar winner fit the profile. The so-called "reveal" is pathetic. And now a highly respected actress with a long and distinguished career will probably always be associated with this lame "urban legend." I enjoy a good blind item as much as the next person, but the "Timmy/Shimmy" episode has left me feeling disgusted. Entertainment "Lawyer" and his fans should channel their energies elsewhere.

Cooper's Mom said...

Dana says: I am refreshing every minute to tell you people off.

WTF? seriously, just go away if this upsets you so much.

Town Bike said...

I am hilarious Dana, and don't worry, so are you, you just don't realise it.

Unknown said...

Eve, I think its sad to think that someone making up lies is ok because its "fun".

mandjo said...

I'm sorry but Arthur Blake looks like an arrogant bitch in that last pic.

Eve said...

I think the people who are getting really worked up over this need a reality check here: CDAN is a gossip blog. A gossip blog. It's not like the president lied... er, not like the attorney general lied to... all right, forget the analogies. If you're looking for 100% confirmed truth you need to know that you're not going to find it on the internet. If you are really interested in the truth, you need to get yourself a plane ticket, fly to NY, then to LA, interview anyone and everyone you can find who knew Alice Brady, examine every public record and photo you can get your hands on, maybe even personal items if you can sweet-talk the heirs into it, and then maybe, MAYBE, you'll get close to the actual facts of the matter. If you are really interested in the truth and only the truth in this story, that's your only choice. Otherwise, you have to just let it go, because believe it or not, there are many sides to every story, and at the end of the day, it usually comes down to faith.

Unknown said...

It tarnishes Alice Brady's reputation in many ways! First, it asserts that she did not in fact do the own acting for which she won her Oscar. Second, for quite some time until ENT backed off, it insinuated that she was actually a man. It is not so horrible that a man wants to impersonate a woman. It is very horrible to be a woman and be accused of being a man. Let alone be accused of not doing your own excellent acting. Hence it tarnishes her reputation.

The fact that this even has to be explained is kind of shocking.

Parsley Mostly said...

i wonder what the angels think of all this?

sucks, maybe?

gillian said...

Reflections on the life of Arthur Blake from confidant and close friend Jon Perdue:

I first met Arthur Blake when I went to Provincetown in 1976.   He was doing his act in a local club where I got a job as a cocktail waiter.   Shortly after his dresser quit and I was asked if I would like the job.   It sounded like fun to me, so I ended up backstage helping Arthur in and out of his costumes and setting up his dressing room nightly.   Quickly I became his chauffeur, secretary, confidant and close friend.   I typed his autobiography as he dictated it to me.   He had a fascinating life, and unfortunately his book was never published.   He completed the first draft while I was with him and then put it aside and never finished it before his death.


So Arthur Blake didn't publish his autobiography. Don't you think he would've mentioned an academy award winning role in the first draft?


Emily Stroop said...

FFS Vanity, NO ONE THINKS ARTHUR BLAKE DID ANY REAL ACTING FOR ALICE BRADY! The reveal clearly says he was a stand-in. A body double. At the very most he got one or two close ups.

Emily Stroop said...

Any by the way, if we're worried about tarnishing poor old Alice's reputaion, can I get some tears for poor old Richard Gere over the long-running gerbil butt rumor?

dee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dee said...

Ent, thank you.

Guessers, thank you, this has been an epic journey and ruined my social life but i wouldn't have it any other way.

10:35 PM

Kirby Holt said...

Here's the link to my reaction to the reveal, along with a "Brady Bunch"-esque pictoral homage to Alice Brady that I hope you all enjoy!

Unknown said...

Just curious ... there are tons of clips on YouTube that have Alice Brady in My Man Godfrey ... are we to think it's sometimes Timmy, mostly Shimmy, mostly Timmy? I am confused.

Anonymous said...

would this be a bad time to mention that we have never seen any real proof that Dominique Swain really is ZX?

Zenobia said...

Team Dire Potatoe!

Unknown said...


Save the drama for your mama.

You were pissing all over the BI even before the reveal.

Do us all a favor and bugger off.

Cooper's Mom said...

how cool is this: am speaking with my dad who lives in South Africa and i find out he reads this blog too! how cool is that, that this reaches so many countries and so many people :)

blooter said...

"The very first thing everyone needs to realize is that I had brunch with JJ and we talked about Shimmy/Timmy for ten minutes. Everyone here has had a month to dissect every last inch of this story, and so I will attempt to fill in as much detail as possible, but a ten minute conversation might not be enough to satisfy each and every one of your cravings."

Ent has covered his bullshit with a disclaimer. How convenient.

I hope Twisted Sister and her band of cronies start realising how their "Enty" is an insubstantial loser.

I'm glad that Dana and David and Dire P have made their voices heard and going against the popular opinion here. It's pretty sad to see middle-aged hags discovering the Internet and believing everything they read just so their lonely lives would have some excitement when their husbands go on "hunting trips".

Rachel said...

That first picture of a front semi-profile mug of Alice Brady (the top left pic in Kirby's site) was the first one I saw when I searched for her images. And compared with other pix of hers, she did look different the first time around.

When someone posted the Arthur Blake link with all the pix, I thought everyone guessing AB^2 were right on the money. The hairy eyebrows, wide eyes, wide nose and full mouth do fit the first Brady pic I saw. I do think that in the 9-box pix, top left hand, rightmost middle and bottom middle were prolly Blake, based on the eyes and nose.

BTW, most of the pix at the queer heritage sight reveal Blake during his middle aged years. Yeah, he looked pudgy, but he could have been thin during his younger years. Besides, you do gain weight as you get older and everything does go south.

Rachel said...

I find it fascinating how most of the dissenters seem to like to vulture and insult people to get their arguments heard. I find it also fascinating that this group of people also have nicknames starting with the letter D, and the last having having the D at the end of another name. OMG is this another blind item? Do we guess if it's all actually 1 person? or 4 people doing 1 person's work?

*roll eyes*

Unknown said...

Town Bike - omg I just about wet myself laughing about your Special Olympics comment!!! Hilarious!!! :)

MOJORISIN' said...

Been a lurker for a couple months and have followed this BI since the creation. As a huge fan of 30-40s movies and someone with a good to very good knowledge of most film actors of that time, I was doubtful of the AB guess from the beginning but with no other options based on 'clues' I was on that wagon. I was really curious as to the outcome today. As normal, with these kind of blogs, I'm REALLY disappointed. I agree with DP that this is a just another example of someone hoodooing at the expense of others' reputation. This is not a true story. Yes, maybe Timmy 'stood in' for AB, and others, but most likely very infrequently and he did not win an Academy Award based on his sole or partial performance in any film related to AB or anyone else, including himself. And I'm not even going to go into the other 'facts' that were posted and ended up false.
Like others have stated, this is an 'entertainment' blog and this 'man'(I use that term lightly because no REAL man I know would be spending this amount of time writing a blog! If he is legit,then he's most likely broke. I seriously think this is a WOMAN blogger. If not, he has serious issues!) And another thing, ENT is in control of this blog and someone else stated that the board was split evenly between 'believers' and 'non-believers' in regard to the 'story', it would not surprise me if ENT has his own made up set of posters and is writing some of the responses himself as 'believers'. Looking at the ones that have been on this ride from the beginning, they are not believers. Just a thought...
I wish we could 'out' ENT just like someone posted but you know what, it ain't worth our time. I learned a good leason in the last two weeks (I'm still young and learning!) and that is... spend time with your family, kids, dogs, cats, hamsters, whatever, just don't waste your time on here feeding the brain of a nobody and letting him jerk off every night thinking he's 'somebody'.

On a lighter note, YOU guys are great! I tried to keep up with the research and I tell you what, if everyone but that much effort into everything they did (me totally included) this would be a great place! I did learn a lesson on this one....and this will be the first and last post on a blog!!


MOJORISIN' said...

So sorry my post was soooo long.. I didn't realize until I saw it!
Good night!!!

Kait said...

I have to admit I'm disappointed in this reveal. Like others have said, I believed we were looking at a situation of a man making a career as a woman. Unfortunately, I didn't follow comments and such from the start, so I don't know how much Ent pulled from your guesses.
I do know that the two stories don't match up at all. Even if he was trying to give non hints to throw people off, the BI and the reveal might as well be two completely different stories.
Of course, with these blogs it pays to be suspicious. I have professors who refuse any research papers with internet citations, saying that any idiot with a computer can make a website full of "facts". You never know who is on the other side of a keyboard and what their motives are.
If nothing else, I can chalk it up to mindless entertainment and a lesson learned. (But I'm still disappointed. And I didn't invest much time at all in to this!)

Cooper's Mom said...

rachel, i agree with you; why be a f*ckwit and insult people and be offensive? we're all just trying to unwind and use our brains other than work/home/kids. And for the record i'm not some middle age hag... but then i'm sure people like justind would make some smartarse comment that i obviously don't have a life cos i'm young and in front of a computer all day long researching some BI that may or may not be true. who the hell cares at the end of the day?

to all the haters, kindly just go the fuck away. thank you.

Virgo74 said...

That was amazing!!!

Some of the folks guessed Alice Brady to the T!!! Congrats to those who guessed it correctly!

redgurl72 said...

Too cool!
Well done to the people who guessed Arthur Blake aswell as Alice Brady.
This has been so much fun I don't not what to do with my time now!

Simone said...

Kait, it sounds like you are mightily disappointed and based on how disappointed you are, you may have indeed put waaaay too much time into the BI on this blog. If I were you, I'd listen to my professor and move along.

it's ok. It's just a fun harmless internet blog BI.

rysanekfreak said...

So...we were all the poor rubes who paid to see PT Barnum's exhibits and walked outside when they saw the sign "This Way to the Egress" and had to pay to get back inside again because the kids were crying that they didn't get to see the half man/half woman mummy and didn't want to go home yet.

Or at the truck stop/tourist trap along Route 66 in those pre-Interstate days when you were looking at rattlesnakes in glass cages and then saw another distant one with the sign "Baby rattlers" and you walked over excitedly and saw...a pile of little blue and pink plastic toy rattles to entertain the baby with. (And then you look up and realize the people in the diner are pointing at you and laughing.) Yes, you fell for it, and a few people had a few laughs, but now let's move on to the next tourist trap because the signs promise you can see a giant meteorite with real gold and diamonds embedded in it...and Junior really wants to stop at the one that promises they have real dinosaur bones at a touch-and-feel exhibit.

I enjoyed this, but I think I will leave now and delete Crazy Days and Nights from my Favorites column because I don't want to get duped again. I came over a couple of weeks ago just for this one blind item. And, believe it or not, I do have a life I should be living. It's time to reread the Kenneth Anger books, where the Old Hollywood scandals are sort of semi-documented...and not so blindly.

bramblewitch said...

No matter what anyone says, it was a few weeks of fun. I don't believe anyone's career has been tarnished and I have learned things about Old Hollywood that I hadn't known before. I had never heard of Alice Brady and now i'm very interested in her. What's so bad about that? It was an interesting puzzle, and now it's done.

YahMoBThere said...

Siiiighhhhh.....two nights now I missed all the fun because I didn't get on the computer.

Cooper's Mom, some people can't help being fuckwits and insulting other people. I have a handful of names here whose posts I never read. I see their names and move on. Try it, it will make things more pleasant!

I can see where people who did a lot more than just checking imdb would be upset with the misleading blind. Since I've walked away from the computer and gone back to read it, I don't know how anyone could write this based on the situation:

"When it came to the very big award, the one with all the television viewers, Timmy won again. There he was, the woman who was really a gay man was being honored for being the Best Supporting Actress/Best Actress of the year. Its up to you to figure out which of the two he won."

Timmy wasn't honored and didn't win was Alice Blake who won.

I don't understand the pure venom, but I do think it's left EL in a position where a lot of people are either going to stop reading his blog or wondering which parts of his blinds are being grossly overstated - and that's sad.

I'm glad I wasn't overly invested in this. For me, I'm glad it rekindled an interest in learning more about some of these stars and renting their movies. And I'm really glad most of us worked together and had fun regardless of the outcome.

YahMoBThere said...

Calla, thanks for posting the link of Arthur Blake's impressions. They were terrible. There's no way I would have ever thought it was someone other than a man. Others have done a much better job imitating both of Bette Davis and Marilyn Montroe.

GoGoLola said...

I totally agree, Twisted, about those Arthur Blake impressions. Calla, I don't know how you found them, but I was laughing and not for the right reasons!

This has been a fun three weeks that totally rekindled my love of old Hollywood, and introduced me to a great message board that is ENTertainment! Everyone does something to unwind and escape from the stresses of everyday life; this board shouldn't be causing anyone stress...

Reese said...

Incredible story; thanks Enty! Major congrats to all who figured it out!

anon said...

Hey Dana---- remember when Ent said that Owen Wilson should have used a shotgun instead of pills and wrist slicing to kill himself? Remember he said Owen was using a girly way to kill himself, and should have been a MAN and blown his head off? Remember how all the readers got mad at him for being just what he is.... an *sshole.
And then the Blind of the century showed up. A STAND IN.... how glamorous.... how made up!!! Maybe Dominique Swain will show up tomorrow with the Timmy/Shimmy tell all book!!! I guess since this is SO true, and SO scandalous- 60 minutes will be covering this this weekend. It should be all over the news if it's true? Right? Why don't some of you true believers try to get some media attention for this story? Any legite news person would want all of this as theirs!

Great fiction! It's a shame Ent let her readers write it for her!!

Lola said...

jm77 wrote: "Like others have stated, this is an 'entertainment' blog and this 'man'(I use that term lightly because no REAL man I know would be spending this amount of time writing a blog! If he is legit,then he's most likely broke. I seriously think this is a WOMAN blogger. If not, he has serious issues!)"

Whether Ent fooled us or not I find JM77's stated offensive. Is he actually trying to say that only women can spend a significant amount of time writing a blog? That must be because we are all barefoot and pregnant and at home birthin' our babies instead of doing "real" work. Asshole.

Unknown said...

For people that can be so intelligent you sure can be niave! Get your money back if you aren't satisfied??!!?!

Geesh, get a life..."That's Entertainment"

anon said...

Ok Lola- you're on the record for being offended.
Now get back in the kitchen.

La Sol said...

I am glad for those of you that can have fun with being lied to and being a sport about it. I, however, am not cool with that. I do believe that Ent was told a story, I don't know whether or not a name was even revealed by this JJ. I then think Ent embellished the story in the original BI having no idea that everyone would take it so seriously and put so much work in it. Alice Brady does not match up with ANY of the clues given at any point in time. It was clear when he first started this that he was implying a 50s award winner. KK would have been more believable if he had wanted to spin that and so tarnish her image. When it was clear that he could not back out of this BI, he decided to go with the general consensus and spin Alice Brady thinking everyone would swallow that. I am disappointed that he couldn't admit that it was just a hollywood rumor and he had no idea who it was really about or if it was really true. He has lost a lot of credibility. Unlike those of you who are content reading lies and being entertained, I don't get the point of reading lies and being entertained by them. I was very much inclined to believe he was who he said he was and if he had admitted he had exaggurated and owned up to his BS, I would have continued to be a fan for years to come. I may very well delete this site from my faves too. I am not satisfied with his story and not OK with him lying to us. It is not cool people. It is not cool at all that he is trying to take advantage of you just because he thinks he can. How are we supposed to believe ANYTHING he says now? I know that Perez Hilton is more trustworthy. I may just stick to that.

Lola said...

anon - Did you want me to come watch you cook for me?

Unknown said...

Dear ENT,
This was excellent! I can't believe how many people from all over the world became so emotionally involved in this. From beginning to end, this has been a total riot for me! I LOVE it! I really hope you read all these comment sections and laugh your butt off! You must get such a kick from this! I'd like to nominate you for the "Best Blog" of 2007 award! I am ready for the next one so please don't be long. It's not the "Blind Items" I enjoy, but I like the bloggers and their comments! SO FUNNY! And don't worry, they will all be back!

anon said...

That made me smile. :)

the perky parsnip said...

you people crack me up. seriously, this has been the best time waster at work i have found since "noah's ark" on yahoo games.

if this will take away from some of the crap i'm doubtless to get for saying what i have to say, i will first repeat that you all have amazing researching skills. i think i have learned more about old hollywood over the last month than in my whole life.

that being said, some of you (not by all means all of you) need to grow a little perspective. you got obsessed with this story about people you have not met, nor will you ever meet, nor will they ever have any real influence over your life. you tear each other apart the entire process. you get to the end of this and decide that it didn't live up to your expectations so you get yourselves all upset and worked up and tear this blogger apart.

i echo the words of others. this was entertainment, that's all it was. a time-waster, a chance to learn something new. i think the only true shame here is that these were once people who lived and they've now been dragged thru the mire (this goes for every poor actress who was labled "mannish" on here) when they are not here to defend themselves.

aside from that, turn off your computers and go outside. enjoy something more real then this.

p.s. some of you will be tempted to tear me apart as you have others for this opinion. save your breath.

budford said...

I have respect for Cheno and the others still looking at Blake and taking the reveal with a grain of salt.

All things being equal, why would Blake break out in hives for impersonating Alice Blake when that's what he did for a living?

Unknown said...

I was right!!!!

Deester said...

Think Alice's career hasn't been tarnished by this?

Somebody's added Arthur Blake to Alice's page on Wikipedia. Now the myth will be repeated endlessly.

Unknown said...

I honestly cannot believe you guys are getting so worked up over this!!

and you knew full well going into this that it could turn out to be bullshit. someone posted reeeeally early on that it was bs. remember?? i think it was in the first 50 comments. i dont know if its bs or not. but I do know this. there's only so many interesting gossip sites to read out there in a hard day's work, and this BI was a way to pass the time, and read you guy's comments because you all did some really awesome snooping. I mean really, its not like we lost anything because it may or may not be bullshit.
and that one picture that someone posted, really does look like arthur blake.

this one:

Cooper's Mom said...

annalisa, i dont wana tear you apart; just dont continue to read tis blog if you (and others) are so upset about it.

and, anon? go fuck right off as you can't even beman enough to call yourself other than "anon".... grow a backbone and call yourself jack or whatever....

anyway, after a couple (or more!) of drinks i'm off.... and sod it to those who wish me ill will cos i enjoy this blog.....

budford said...

Hi David,

No kidding, What a dumbass entry on Wiki. It's not alleged she was a man. Aice Brady was a a woman. Maybe she had some male stand-in, but that doesn't change her gender.

Amy said...

I too am disappointed that the "true" story doesn't seem too match the original blind item. I too am suspicious regarding Ent using commentors research to flesh out his mostly dramatized blind. I am at the NY Public Library for the Performing Arts and I have Arthur Blake's clipping file right in front of me. Nothing seems to match--while I know bios can be fabricated, every interview, article and clipping suggest that Blake's early life was in NY pursuing a career in art, including graduating from Pratt, a year at the Met Museum of Art etc. etc. They all say he didn't hit the West Coast until the 40's and by then was already rather famous for his celebrity satires.

Also, it was William Brady's granddaughter, not daughter that was in The Velvet Glove with his wife when Brady died.

Whatever the truth, it has been fun!

anon said...

Cooper's mom- I've called myself anon since Ent couldn't handle all the anon's causing havoc, so he made us register. Jack, C's mom, Twisted Whatever.... anon. We're all still anon.
And I'm glad that you're a mom who can admit to getting drunk!!

And how can you tell someone to stop reading this? We are entitled to read it and disagree. You may entertain yourself by believing anything some ANON "lawyer" writes, with not a stitch of proof- ignoring any discrepencies and backtracking. Maybe some of us entertain ourselves by disproving some of it. Maybe some of us like to read how you lemmings can believe everything so easily.
And I do like Ent. She's an *sshole, but she can entertain. And she loves any traffic to her site, positive or not.
Timmy, Shmimmy. Dominque Swain. MV... BS BS BS. But good fiction!

Amy said...

Amy here again at the Library--I just found a large picture of Barbara Brady and I have to admit, her nose and Arthur Blake's are exactly the same, completely spot-on! Maybe there is a grain of truth to at least part of this story. (Though I still find it hard to believe :) )

YahMoBThere said...

Twisted.....Whatever...?? Sniffle....sniff..... That's just hurtful inside when someone can't remember my name.

David, is there any way to call bullshit on the entry over on Wiki? I'm not familiar with the system over there.

anon said...

I apologize. Twisted, you seem like a very sweet woman, and I didn't mean to name you like that. (I'm sure you weren't going to sleep for week's over my words)

You are just one of the first names I thought of. I just meant even with names we are all anonymous, so I wasn't sure where I was lacking a backbone by picking anon as my name. Maybe c's mom was just clouded in thinking by her drinking?

YahMoBThere said...

Anon, thank you, but I was just kidding! I thought the way you wrote it was funny, actually.

Cooper's Mom may not have been around long enough to know that EL changed the blog a few months ago to require registering before you can comment, forcing all the anon's to either register with a user name or not post.

Cooper's Mom, in the case of anon here, the user name she chose was 'anon', so she's only as anonymous as the rest of us are.

anon said...

TS- gotcha! I'm a female? I may be a Shimmy... or I may be a Timmy.....
(evil laugh)

The next blind item folks.... anon. Man, woman, or 17 year old pizza delivery boy with acne and sweating issues?

Anonymous poster said...

A reminder for all of you flaming away, lay off the haterade and turn off the computer.

In the early years of the AIDS plague, many deaths were reported as things other than AIDS related causes in order to get buried. It took a few years for scientists to find the virus and understand how it was spread before all the hysteria died down.

Agatestone said...

Part of the first Timmy post said that the actress faked her bio and it is still use today.

Did Alice Brady fake her bio?

I doubt if Arthur, when filling in for Alice, went as far as to do interviews as her. What would need to be faked in Alice's bio? What is made up?

In fact, whose bio are we talking about? Is it when Arthur started travelling around while masquerading as various types of women when he was trying to break into showbusiness as a woman? Did he do interviews as them?

Unknown said...

For all of you so bent out of shape over EL's "lying" and others being so nonplussed about it...

I would remind you that this is a gossip site..gossip columnists lie or bend the truth all the time and have since the first gossip wag wrote the first tantalizing bit of innuendo eons ago.

The National Enquirer prints half-truths and out and out lies all the time..yet they still have a huge circulation. Yes..they have been taken to task at times over it..but they are still in business.

La Sol said...

If Ent just lied and exaggurated a blind item or "hollywood rumor", I would be much more fine with that. To perpetuate it by actually making up a story based on what his readers made up, naming names and all that BS, that is not acceptable. He should have shut up while he was ahead. We would all still be reading his blinds and eating it up.

Emily Stroop said...

Budford said:
All things being equal, why would Blake break out in hives for impersonating Alice Blake when that's what he did for a living?

I totally agree, plus I doubt he was so terrified over being outed. Seemed pretty flamboyant to me.

Anon, why do you feel it necessary to comment on Cooper's Mom drinking? Are moms not allowed to drink in your world?

Unknown said...

OMG. Which one of you wrote that wiki? That's really funny.

Thanks EntertainmentLawyer for a funny read!!!

anon said...

emilyr- good question. I guess being told to f*ck off by her for having no backbone made me not worry too much about her feelings. No I think mom's who brag about drinking, tell people to f*ck off for stating their opinion are fine. My mom drank too- and I turned out fine.

And I think Cooper is a sweet name.

Unknown said...

if u dont have something nice to say then dont say anything at all...

i am disappointed, however it was a good time and i learned so much about old hollywood and do to all the reaearch i read, i feel like i have a pretty good sense of those days long gone by. i think it could be fiction or just the mild gossip it was revealed to be. who knows for certain? it isnt the worst thing and i can only imagine some of your reactions when u found out about santa...:)

Unknown said...

alright, new blind item:

Which pissed off poster of Crazy Days and Crazy Nights posted in the Trivia section of Alice Brady's Wikipedia?

my guess: Dire Potatoe all the way!!

budford said...

As long as its our story, our research, and our reveal anyway, then exactly which of any of the clues was not a red herring. Hives? Bio? Ark? Outing? Loving relationship? JJ? Pictures? Water? Scar? Fair haired? Slim Build?

Not Impressed said...

What do you mean, Dire Potatoe posted on the Alice Brady page? Not only is there NOT a trivia section but the page history shows that no edits have been made in months.

YahMoBThere said...

I think people have a right to be pissed off and to vent. I don't think anyone has the right to tell people who have zero problems with this that they're stupid or fools, nor do I feel anyone has the right to tell people who are pissed off to not post their feelings about it or to leave.

If people could express their opinions w/o calling anyone else out it would be a good thing. Once you call someone out by name it becomes personal and then you're only going to get the same in return.

Trixxxie, read the bottom entry for Alice Brady on the bottom of Wikipedia.

RagDoll said...


OMG, the Santa thing...... I have friends who chose not to raise their kids to believe in Santa, and when one of their kids told his pre-school class the bad news, my friend had her car vandalized and she got death threats from other parents!

I guess this doesn't bug me so much. I'm reminded of David Chapelle's joke about "What if the internet was a place you could physically visit?"

Good things came of it for me...I found out about all these great old movies and actors, I donated a little bit of money to a cancer research charity, and to an AIDS research charity. So, happy ending all around. plus it staved off my boredom.

Tracee said...

-rubbing eyes-

Deja vu of DS...creepy. Ent thanks for entertaining us. I felt like this BI was a bit of a stretch, I mean more than one person had to know about this scandalous event. I just didn't believe something like this would be a secret for so long.

I can understand the BI about the party that went awry and a girl ended up dead and three guys had to cover it up being secretive, but a man playing as a woman? Who wouldn't want to get PAID for selling that story? So I didn't invest my time.

Town Lake you are fucking hilarious! Sister, Pinky, Cooper's mom, Mandjo& all those who handled the name calling — big props for hanging in there with the trolls. They're like roaches. They always come back!

And Rachel you make a good point. Trolls like D's...Dees nutz!

Unknown said...

i kinda hope Ent makes blogs about the reaction...

Emily Stroop said...

If you go to the History tab of Alice Brady's wikipedia page, there are many attempted edits in the last 24 hours. One of whom by someone named direpotatoe. lol!
Wiki might want to lock the page for a while until all of this cools down.

Leslie said...

In the movie in my mind, Josh Hartnett is standing in for Brooke Shields.

curious_cailyn said...

RE: the Alice Brady Wikipedia entry...

Direpotatoe's "contribution" has been removed, but you can still read it by clicking on the "history" tab at the top of the page. To save everybody some time, I'll just post it here... (FYI: The typos are Mr. Dire's, not mine!!)

"In Aug/Sep 2007 a little-know blogger, purporting to be an "Entertainment Lawyer," created a fictional story about an actor named, "Timmy." Presented as a "[[blind item]]", the blogger constructed a tale of Timmy acting the role of an Academy Award winning actress. The item was researched globally by many people. Numerous "clues" were presented as red herrings and internet researchers around the globe struggled to solve the puzzle. In Sep 2007 the blogger "revealed" his answer. Piecing together stories which had been researched by others, he alleges that a respected impressionist, Arthur Blake, was a stand-in for Alice Brady during In Old Chicago. Reactions to this claim cite the facts that the Blogger is: (1) not actually a lawyer; (2) Runs a celebrity "gossip" blog in which most entries are fictionalized; and (3) has frequently mis-represented his relationship with other famous people. Although the story of Timmy captured the imagination of many for a short time, it remains an exploitative ploy of one fame-hungry wanna-be wit a computer"

Tracee said...

Mwahahah! That's funny, but a little psycho at the same time. He slams Ent on Wiki?! Wiki?! Mwahahaha!!! -tears rolling down face-

Unknown said...

Either "Direpotatoe" or someone posing as "direpotatoe" added that stuff about Arthur Blake to Alice Brady's wikipage. It has since been removed.

Not sure I buy this story... too many things don't match. I also have a hard time believing JJ conveyed so much information in a ten minute conversation.

That said, who knows? The reveal was lame, but I've learned a lot about Old Hollywood and will probably continue to read up on it. Some interesting books and movies have been recommended by the smart posters on this blog. For me, it's a wining situation.

I don't get the anger posted towards Ent. If anyone feels gipped, they probably take this site too seriously. There IS a disclaimer, after all. Get real, peeps!

Unknown said...

To david, oklahoma, and others:

like you, i was enthralled by the original story. and like you, i don't believe a word of the final reveal.

too many holes. too many inconsistencies. and much too far from the original blind to make any sense.

disappointed that the reveal was so far fetched. but it was fun getting there.

truly: thanks to all of the posters who made this so much fun!

Unknown said...

hasn't been removed that I can see..still there under "Trivia" when I look at Alice Brady's wiki page.

Unknown said...

chenofan, that's weird. I don't see it on the main Alice Brady page anymore... just the history tab.

curious_cailyn said...

Ha! There's obviously some sad little "war" going on at Wiki right now... That "trivia" entry was NOT there five minutes ago, but it is now!

Unknown said...

I dunno..maybe refresh your browser? I still see it there..and have refreshed to see if it goes doesn't.

YahMoBThere said...

Chenofan you see it because you viewed it before it was deleted and it will stay there today until you clear your cache. Try hitting control -alt-refresh and sometimes that refreshes it completely.

Unknown said...

nope..even just looked it up with a different browser that has never had that page or wikipedia in its cache..and it's still there.

YahMoBThere said...

No, I think Cailyn is right, because I saw it there, refreshed a few times, then didn't see it there, refreshed a few times and now it's there again.

She's right - two people are warring over

Unknown said...

and now it's gone again..I'm sure the mods will lock it if this continues.

Unknown said...

and now it's back..LOL

YahMoBThere said...

Wow, who is so invested in this that they'd waste their time watching the page and changing it?

Melissa said...

huh. I'm glad to see I have a lot of support on my view. like I said yesterday, I simply believe ent is a good storyteller - or in this case, a good plagiarizer of people's research.

there are just far too many differences between the original and the reveal. and the more I thought about it last night, the more I recalled the words ent used, the more I came back to my original conclusion from when I first came to this site. which is that ent is simply entertaining, but not a lawyer and not at all what he/she claims to be.

which is fine. ent has as much right as anyone to entertain the world with a blog. but I have been duped on the internet two times prior to this in my lifetime... and I apologize, but in this third case, I think my skepticism is again justified.

Unknown said...

Well, whoever keeps adding it back into the Alice Brady page obviously is more concerned with slamming Ent that respecting Alice Brady's career. I hope it isn't one of the people who seemed so concerned about that.

Dire Potatoe said...

someone emailed me and said you guys are talking about this again, and told me about the Wiki page.

That is not me. I am not amused.

I wouldn't even have come back here unless someone had told me to.

I've moved on and I don't visit this blog. I have many fine books available at my local library for fiction.

Please leave me out of the rest of your discussions. Thank you.

Unknown said...

la solitaria pretty much summed up how I feel. If ENT had said from the beginning that there was this old rumor blah blah blah...can you figure out who Timmy/Shimmy were rumored to be, I'd have been completely fine with it. If he/she would even just post something saying yeah, I made it up and it got out of hand and I apologize for misleading you, I'd be fine with it (also, please don't remind me about the disclaimer folks, I'm fully aware of it, but like someone else said, I've always tended to view it as protection against libel). But it looks like ENT is just going to ignore the whole thing, and yeah, that disappoints me.

That being said, I'm ashamed to say I'll probably still read his/her posts, because my job is so deadly boring that Internet is what keeps me sane. But I'm not going to bother reading it at home anymore. So I guess that makes me a hypocrite...a disappointed hypocrite.

My inner turmoil continues.... ;)

anon said...

Hey Tracee---- Bite me.

"Town Lake you are fucking hilarious! Sister, Pinky, Cooper's mom, Mandjo& all those who handled the name calling — big props for hanging in there with the trolls. They're like roaches. They always come back! "
Cooper's mom telling me fuck off?:
"and, anon? go fuck right off as you can't even beman enough to call yourself other than "anon".... grow a backbone and call yourself jack or whatever...."

That is exactly what a f'ing troll is. Maybe you should really re-look at some things that the loyal "Ent is a REAL entertainment lawyer, and even though we don't know who she is, she only is honest and true. None of this is fabricated, and we are never misled".

Give it up. I guess you think I'm a troll. I guess I won't sleep tonight, because some anonymous beee-yotch thinks that I don't play fair. She would rather call names to anyone who doesn't think exactly what she thinks.

I didn't call Cooper's Mom anything. I even said I thought Cooper was a cute name. She told me to fuck off....

So everyone, congrats to anon for handling the name-calling and cursing so well!

Unknown said...

Dire potatoe, the best way to avoid being discussed here is to actually stop posting, even to defend yourself. And, if you read the comments, you'll see I never said that person at wiki was actually you:

"Either "Direpotatoe" or someone posing as "direpotatoe" added that stuff about Arthur Blake to Alice Brady's wikipag"

anon said...

And we can thank Owen Wilson for this tall-tale of a BI.... remember this from the sweetheart who calls herself "Ent"?:
"I think most of us would realize our career would go in the toilet if we were in a movie with Jennifer Aniston. It's almost surely going to be a bomb, people will laugh, everyone will think you are f**king her, she whines, and she brings the Arquettes wherever she goes.

However, I think Owen trying to kill himself was a bit of an overreaction. All he really had to do was call his agent. I'm sure he's probably kicking himself this morning about not doing just that. I can understand though that the thought of spending all that one on one time with Jennifer Aniston and watching her attempt to act would cause suicidal tendencies (good band) in all of us. Next time though just call Luke and your other brother Andrew and go to a strip club. I promise they are like chocolate and will make you feel much better. Cost more than chocolate, but better than dying.

Also, I'm concerned about your method of suicide. Popping pills and then cutting your wrists is more of a cry for help that is seen in women. As a man you really should consider something more masculine like a shotgun or setting yourself aflame. However, if you do light yourself aflame, then think of a cause you can support while doing it. News people love that kind of thing. Oh, and do take the pills first because that one hurts.

While on the subject of pills, you really should consider some Ambien or some other sleep like product. The Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo really isn't going to quite give you the bang for your buck I think you were hoping for.

I do hope you're feeling better, and that you get the help you need. If this was all a ploy to get Kate to come visit you in the hospital, then I guess you don't need help, and if this was to get out of doing Marley and Me, then we understand, but it really isn't necessary. Get well Owen.

P.S. Before killing yourself, you owe me Starsky & Hutch 2, The Royal Tannenbaums 2, Night At The Museum 2, and Zoolander 2, The Sex Change. You can skip the Jackie Chan movies. You could put Chris Tucker in some cowboy boots and just call it Rush Hour. No one would notice."

Tracee said...

Anon, I didn't call you out ONCE. But if you wanna take it there baby, I'm more than happy to oblige.

And if you re-read what I said, I said props to all THOSE who put up with the TROLLS. And compared trolls to roaches, you PUT yourself int hat group with your comment.

I'm sooo sorry I hurt your feelings for not putting your name down.

Here you go, so you can stop whining:

Anon, big props for being not being a troll! Because people who whine aren't trolls, they're people with feelings.
-rolling eyes-

anon said...

-shoulder shrug-

YahMoBThere said...

Oh you two bozo's. Kiss and make up already. And no tongue this time, either one of you.

anon said...

Ha! I really love you Twisted!

I really didn't get into the Timmy blind. I did a little research when I would think of something. I did read alot of the comments. And I was impressed with some people, and others made me laugh (and not meanly). Others confused me.
But I feel really bad today, which is why I chimed in. So many people put in so much time doing research, and thinking it through- and (in my opinion only)--- what a let down. This was not a blind in the sense it was presented. I re-read the original blind, and then I re-read the reveal. Timmy in the original was scared of being found out, and it drove him to nervous hives and an inability to keep up the personas. The Timmy in the reveal was a stand in, that's it. And Arthur Blake was a female impersonator. How was he scared of being found out? It is all one big lie. And it made me sad to see that. It made me feel worse to read people's comments who really invested time and thought into this.
I felt sad that people were dissappointed. I felt bad that people who had put so much thought into picking this all apart into such detail were taking this reveal as serious. It never was real. It was fun, I admit that- but I am so dissapointed that Ent was so blatant about lying. I got over the whole "Dominique Swain is a personal friend who calls and e-mails me all the time".... but this one is bad. It was a big fat lie. Luckily for Ent, she has great readers who invested alot of time into trusting her words, and gave her a story to cover up her obvious lie.

Tracee- smooch smooch

Tracee said...

-tongue hanging out slobbering-
No tongue?! Damn. Anon, it's all good. Seriously. Nothing personal at all.

I think this was entertaining, just like DS thing. I think it was presented bigger than it really was, just like DS. I believe some people aren't happy because the whole story wasn't as juicy as our imaginations.

So people got mad, they have a right to vent. I love CDAN, it's my home. And I love talking to most of the folks here. They're funny and effin clever. That's hard to find on the internets.

But there are some folks who lurk for moments like these to just to stir the shite. And that's when it gets annoying.

Moving on. Ent what's the next juicy-stay-up-all-night-and-research-get-people-talking BI?

anon said...

I think our next juicy BI should be unmasking Ent. With all of the research skills people have learned, I think it's possible. Anyone know that Molly Sims was planning on going into law?

Tracee said...

Wouldn't that be hilarious if Ent was really the Molly? That would explain why he loves her sooo much. Is Molly good friends wil Ali Larter? That's another of Ent's faves.

anon said...

Ha! I started researching Ent awhile ago. I re-read alot of his first posts, which he gave some details. He's from the east coast... blah, blah. Then I checked out law firms that have represnted Molly Sims, and I found out about her going to law school. Vanderbilt in Nashville (I think). She was a Tri-Delta, but then went on to be a model. She's the same age as me. So I started looking through lawyers in the LA area, and I did find one who also went to Vanderbilt. Ha!

We should really think about this one! I still would think Ent is a woman, or else the blog has gotten bigger than he expected, and has a female partner in crime. I think the partner is Kay Kendall, or the Marisa/Pier twins.

Tracee said...

Heehee. Well, I know the tone of the site has changed, but Ent has been open about having helpers. So the snarky pics might not be him, but one of his helpers.

When a topic that has to do with lawsuits comes along, the post sounds like ole' Ent. I think the site has grown over the past months and there are multiple people helping him.

He's also been open about having people help post items because he doesn't have the time to do it. Yes, I think the original Ent, is a man, but his helpers are women.

tigereye said...

I think the pic of Alice on her IMDB page could pass for Blake and Anna, that link to the pic that you posted, I could see that being a small man.

I never did any real research on this BI and stopped reading the comments too, as there were so many, i couldn't keep the comments straight and didn't have the time. I find the BI interesting, all of it. I, like everyone else, have no way to know if any of it, or any BI, is true or false, but it has been entertaining. Like others, I've learned more about 'old hollywood' and I've killed time at work (yay!). so, thanks!

Initially I really got into the BIs here but since I don't have the time to delve into hours of online research and apparently don't know that much about Hollywood in general, I do not bother actually guessing. I just read them, see who may pop in my head and wait to see if it is ever revealed.

This is about entertainment, if, for any reason, you're no longer entertained, then there's no reason to be here, you truly are waisting your time. Personally, I find the random daily quips just as entertaining as the BIs.

I've never actually thought of Ent as a female lawyer..huh.. I kind of like that idea-mostly because I would get a kick out of describing myself to strangers in completely extremist ways that were nothing like I actually am. It would also answer the questions others had at some point about the writing style changes and sometimes sounding feminine. When it comes down to it, as others have said, we're all anonymous and will continue to be.

anon said...

Tracee- I agree. A lawyer, or someone inthe law industry. I thought the Molly Sims thing was interesting. I have found no Ali Larter connections to her. If I find anything, I'll be shocked, and I'll let all know!

Tracee said...

If you find anything you will definitely shake the world of CDAN. Ent has been very clever about hiding his true identity.

That wouldn't be the ultimate reveal in CDAN history. Ent, you should make a BI about yourself. There are some sleuths that could probably dig you up. Don't you ever want to come into the light? -kisses-

Unknown said...

A real lawyer would never even have a website like this. Not only would he not have the time to make all these complex posts during the weekday, he would never open himself up to this kind of liability. Especially revealing confidences by supposed former clients. That is unethical for lawyers to do. I used to come here because the site amused me anyway, even though it was obviously fictional, but this last one has crossed the line.

Shelly said...

To the posters who are worried about besmirching the memories of two deceased actors...why are you a reading celebrity gossip site? I hope that you don't think that all of the smut implied here and elsewhere is completely true.

That being said, I admit that I did get caught up in this blind item as well and now feel like a total sucker.

RIP Alice Brady and Arthur Blake.

SpaSuzy said...

OMG!!!! After reading the first BI about Timmy/Shimmy, I knew it was BS and didn't really follow the rest of them.

I saw that this last item had almost 400 responses, so I knew there HAD to be some shit stirring in here! So, of course, I had to see what all the controversy was....THANKS FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT GUYS!!!

The last hour flew by from reading all this bickering!

That said, I read this blog all the time, even though I know some of it is BS. It's really for entertainment purposes and we all need to chill. But we also have the right to call BS on any of these items.

And, I hate to say this Regulars....but you guys can be just as nasty as the "trolls".

I believe in the Freedom of Speech, even though it can cause vicious rumors, nasty name calling, and potential destruction of reputations. I've been the victim of all the above, but I would never change those circumstances by having to give up this Freedom.

C'est la vie!

Halfmad said...

Awesome. Please, someone: MAKE A MOVIE.

Cooper's Mom said...

well dont i feel like death after 4hrs sleep :) yeah i had a few drinks, its not like i left Cooper strapped to his cot and went out on the lash, he was WELL looked after. it was my decision to drink and not anyone's fault but my own that i now feel like i've got a freight train running through my head...

Unknown said...

One last post before I leave this site for good, as I hope the smarter of you will do, as well.

To date I have counted 33 (!) inconsistencies between the original blind item and the reveal, as well as numerous falsehoods in the story. The overwhelming scent of manure wafting off of this entire ordeal has given me a headache.

I enjoyed deciphering this BI as much as all of you, and I admittedly put a lot of time and energy into it. Most of you did an AMAZING job with your research and superb detective skills. 99% of you seem like decent, nice people.

For this reason, you should all feel betrayed. Betrayed by ENT's questionable knowledge of Hollywood, his poor writing skills, his shell-game hustling, and his blatant lack of client confidentiality, if he is in fact a lawyer.

Please tell dire potatoe (who fled to the hills) that I've enjoyed his work and wit for a long time. He should be proud!

And for those of you still suckered by the Alice Brady tale, get a grip. ENT is a fraud and I hope he is publicly exposed, a la that "Rance" idiot. If anyone exposes his real identity, please report him to the California State Bar ( or call

For those who feel conned, please cast your vote by not visiting this site again. That's what I'm doing now.

Unknown said...


Well I thought it was fun...

Thx ENT! True or not..

Like interactive fiction, at worst, IMO.

Unknown said...

For this reason, you should all feel betrayed.

I don't take issue with those who are upset by ENT or the inconsistencies of the BI. It's their right to voice their opinions.

I do take issue with someone telling me how I should feel. I don't see how some nameless/faceless person who publishes a blog can betray me. A friend or family member? Sure. A stranger, not so much.

If you feel betrayed, that's fine. Please don't tell the rest of us how we "should" feel.

Unknown said...

As for the indentity of ENT, s/he was smart enough to register the domain through Domains By Proxy, Inc., which protects his/her identity.

Parsley Mostly said...

regarding dire potato: go to survivor sucks and tell dp yourself.

CBoyd said...

See Ent's comments, particulary #4. It is hard to reconcile the story he gave us as the reveal with these "hints"
Timmy Clarifications And Hints

Because I write these quickly, and don't always proofread them, as regular readers know, sometimes things aren't always clear or I miss a word or two. Most of the time it's not worth going back and editing because the incorrect grammar or missing word doesn't really help find the answer, but in this case it might make a difference.

#1 I meant to say the events happened within a 50 year time frame as opposed to happening within the past 50 years. To help you out more I will say that Timmy died between 1980-1985 so you need to go back 50 years from that date.

#2 Combined between Timmy AND his female persona they were in over 100 movies.

#3 It wasn't actually Blockbuster that I got the movie on Sunday. I said Blockbuster to just indicate that I rented the film at a video store. I actually went to a place that has older films, BUT, I didn't use their name more to protect my own identity for when this is solved/revealed because there aren't that many people renting this particular film.

#4 Remember that Timmy was under a great deal of pressure even back then about his biography as a woman. People wanted to know where she was from, etc. Timmy provided information and it wasn't as easy to check on stories and timelines for reporters then, and so whatever an actress said about their past was generally just accepted and is reflected on the "official" biography for Timmy as an actress. The story Timmy gave is the one still in use.

#5 Timmy had a relationship with the closeted A list actor, but it didn't continue until Timmy's death.

#6 The post was reposted on several sites and was guessed correctly on at least 3 of them. I won't say if anyone has guessed correctly on my site.

#7 This item will be revealed. Probably at Christmas when I do the July-December updates and reveals.

#8 Why does the date of death of the "actress" matter? If she is in fact even listed as deceased.

link88 said...

I have said this in the past, and I will say it again: As a long-time reader, I feel very strongly that Hez is either the or one of the authors of this blog. If I am wrong, I am terribly sorry to point the finger at an innocent poster, but I don't think I am.

She supposedly talks/emails and has inside info. on Ent and his intentions/actions. She is all over the message board and was annointed a moderator by Ent. early on. At least a while ago, anytime there was any question or doubt raised, she would inevitably appear a few comments later to clarify Ent. or explain things.

Her writing sounds like Ent. All of Ent's characters, incl. this last Emmy reporter, have the same sense of humor. If you read her blog, she recently bragged about her job blogging at a movie site, where her bio says she loves everything Hollywood. She's well-versed in movies/popular culture. For such a devoted fan of Ent.'s, why did she not post/chime in on anything really since this Timmy explosion? I know people (like Pinky) respond by saying she knows personally that Hez is busy, but some of the "regulars" here suspiciously seem like they could be either the author or friends of the author helping the site along.

I could be totally wrong, of course, and please don't accuse me of harassing Hez (all I did was look at her blog, then click from there to her movie website she links a couple times - that's the extent of my detective work!). I guess more power to her for kind of pulling this off. (She also claimed she and Dominique Swain are buddies who have emailed many times as proof around the DS/ZX thing). The MO for this author is to ignore legitimate questions and just keeping plugging on, often by posting something sensational to distract people.

I have enjoyed reading this blog overall and even thinking this I still check in at times, out of curiosity and for entertainment. At times I am disgusted at the deceit and improbability, yet I also concede that the site overall advertises itself as a gossip site, and I continue to read it. So anyone who wants to shoot back at me, why do you read it/go away, I agree it's a weird compulsion to read this site as a nonbeliever!

I wish those of you talented at researching/sleuthing would research to discover the blog author. In a way, I don't want to ruin the author's gig, so I don't know. I just agree with a lot of the comments above.

Cooper's Mom said...

Milli, i agree with your theory about Hez, i've thought for a long time that she contributes to this blg, and that's totally fine with me if she does cos i enjoy her blog as well. i too thought it was odd that she didn't post a single msg during this whole timmy thing, but then if she is a co-author she prob knew the answer anyways.

Unknown said...

My favorite part of this reveal (other than the fact that I didn't get sucked in because I knew it was oversensationalized) was that Cesar Romero was the spuer-perceptive Rico Suave'. Fuckin great Typecasting lol.

That said... I really think Alice doesn't look the same in all of her still pictures. Also, Arthur was a great and soon notorious female impersonator. I think there is a shot he was her stand-in, but I know from being a site regular, to not get too in to the big blinds because they are always letdowns due to overexaggeration and hype.

S said...

Personally, I don't care who Ent is or isn't and whether he or she is who or what s/he claims to be or whether this is fact or fiction. The fact is, this site is damn entertaining and informative and we don't pay a red cent for our time here. I would encourage Ent to continue to ENTERTAIN us, as we are accustomed to.

I have enjoyed the ride. And I learned a lot about hollywood history and watched a pile of old clips that I never would have watched. I searched for adam's apples and ladies packing down below, monster feet and stray beard hair. And it was all fun. So, still, despite not getting to yell "I KNEW it was Kay Kendall!!" I am absolutely, positively thrilled to have been part of the ride. I only hope, with respect to your heartfelt dismay, that the pissing and moaning and chest beating and threats to unmask the blogger don't frighten dear Ent from continuing to entertain us for years to come.


Anonymous said...

Why was that Wini Shaw video posted? Alice isn't even in that part of the movie.

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