Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blind Items Revealed

October 8, 2008

So, I have had this story for about a year. I got it at the same time as what turned out to be Timmy/Shimmy. I can tell you that the person who gave me all my great classic Hollywood stories passed away within the last year, but he did manage to pass along a few more before he passed. A great man who will be missed a bunch, but his stories live on.

For this one, we need to start way back. Even really before classic Hollywood. Hell when this started there really wasn't a Hollywood yet. This is about an A list actress for almost all of her career. Acting was what she was most famous for, but she was probably better at other things. Academy Award winner? Nope. She was in a nominated film or two though.

When our actress was still a very young teenager, she got pregnant by a man. Some say that the father of the baby was a man she later married, while others think she may have got pregnant by a relative. In any event, the fact is that the person who impregnated her was unable or unwilling to marry her at that time. She gave birth to a boy and gave the boy up for adoption.

The years pass and our actress grows into a fine woman, and starts to make a name for herself. Finally she ends up in Hollywood. It isn't where she was planning on going necessarily, but when she finally made it there, she made it really, really big.

Now, although there wasn't really open adoption back when she gave up her child, there was what was called family adoption. In this case, our actress who had a cousin who was of suitable age to have children, already had one or two of her own with her husband so took the infant in, and raised it as their own. This was not a particularly close cousin. Maybe a 2nd or so, but even 2nd cousins want their share of fame by being close to a famous relative and so the whole family always wanted a piece of our actress. At some point, the son of our actress came out to Hollywood. He didn't know he was her son. All he knew was that he had a cousin or an aunt or someone who he saw in the movie theatre each week and thought maybe she could give him a job.

Well he was a good looking guy and our actress said she could probably help him out when he showed up out of the blue one day and landed on her doorstep. At the time he showed up, she was in between marriages. Kind of. When he explained who he was, she knew it was her son. The thing is, she decided not to inform him of this face and apparently the three or four people who also knew, chose to not inform him either.

Our actress always had men with her. Always helping her out or running errands. She was never without some kind of company for flirtation. Well one day, apparently things got a little carried away in the flirtation department and our actress and her son ended up rolling around in the sack. It was the first time, but not the last. It went on for about six months. Not everyday, but a few times a week.

She never told him how she was related to him. What she did though was at some point get a conscience or got guilt and she set him up with some extra from some film she was working and she was one hell of a matchmaker because the couple fell in love and moved back to where our actress was from. It is somewhere in that time frame, that her son either told someone in his family, OR, he told the extra he married and she passed it along to someone in the family. Apparently only one person in the family found out. That person confronted the actress who admitted it, but begged that it be kept quiet. No one would have printed anything anyway, but she still wanted it kept quiet. On the home front it was kept quiet. But, over the years, as our actress aged, she would be telling stories of men she had been with and every once in awhile would let it slip out that she had a very illicit affair. There are probably a handful of people she told the story to, and one of them was the man who told it to me.

Mae West


  1. Umm, that's just plain uncomfortable to read.

  2. Wow. Mae West was a popular guess on this one, but

  3. Yes, uncomfortable.

  4. Oh I remember reading this blind- SO WRONG. I wonder if her son ever found out?

  5. WOW! love it..sorry about your pal Enty.

  6. This one has been burned into my mind since it was first posted. Ew.

  7. Anonymous1:05 PM

    wow! ick!

  8. Yeah, what Jax said.

  9. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about....juicy scoop, scandalous story, and full on reveal.

    Waiting for MV reveal...still think it's Shania Twain.

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I'm more curious to know who told ent this in the first place!

  11. Holy frijoles, that one turned my stomach. Just plain creepy if you ask me!

  12. I know this was guessed.
    Is it wrong to love the old Hollywood blinds more than the current ones?
    Everyone these days seem so lame.
    If you are going to be scandalous - go for the gusto!

  13. I agree, farmgirl. I love the old Hollywood blinds.

  14. Did we ever have a reveal on the old lady whose neighbor had loud parties? Than she bought his house? That was from 07 but I don't remember a reveal. That was one of my favorites.

    First time, long time!

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I was hoping this would be one of the reveals! Yay Enty! I agree--I love the old hollywood blinds.

  16. I agree's blinds are drugs, drugs with a co-star affair thrown in for good measure. Nobody could get away with this nowadays...unless Ent has a reveal for us in the future...!! Luckily we have the kindnesses to keep us believing in the good of some celebrities.

  17. whoo hoo! now that's what i'm talking about! juicy!!

  18. awww, i was waiting for this reveal!!! wow! did not think it was going to turn out to be mae

  19. too many words and too pervy for the day after a night of heavy drinking.

    brakewater, i don't think that was ever revealed.

  20. I think it was Johnny Grant.

  21. Carmen, others: a lot of people believe the source for the these old blinds was Johnny Grant, the the honorary mayor of Hollywood, known for presiding over the installation of "stars" on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  22. Yeah, I'm gonna echo everybody's yuck, and raise them a Hell No!

    Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

    No, seriously, that's just friggin' wrong! I need brain bleach now...

  23. I'm so glad you revealed this one! I knew it was Mae West. SICK!!

  24. Now that the author of Timmy/Shimmy died, can we get the real story on that since there won't be any repercussions?

  25. there is a quote by mae west that goes "ten men at the door, well send one of 'em home, i'm tired".... maybe the quote should be "ten relatives at the door, well send of my sons home, cause i'm tired"
    -sick but kinda awesome, i mean its freakin' mae west! the name alone means scandal!

  26. there is a quote by mae west that goes "ten men at the door, well send one of 'em home, i'm tired".... maybe the quote should be "ten relatives at the door, well send of my sons home, cause i'm tired"
    -sick but kinda awesome, i mean its freakin' mae west! the name alone means scandal!

  27. sorry for the double post.
    also just wanted to add that this is my favorite blind reveal so far!

  28. i meant the quote to say "send one of my sons in, cause i'm tired"

  29. These old Hollywood blinds rock!

    This one was...yeah um, I think others have covered it with uncomfortable and puke. It makes me kinda sad too, because how poor must Mae West's self image have been that she needed that kind of acceptance from her child.

  30. Oh wow, but majorly ewww.

  31. Mae West, you dirty whore! (*shakes head*)

  32. beurk!!she really was a bitch!

  33. Wow, I honestly didn't think this one would be revealed. Juicy. Disturbing. But juicy.

  34. WOW,
    Let's hear lots more Johnny Grant
    stories pleeease

  35. Damn! Mae West tapped her own son's ass? WTH? That is extremely abnormal and nasty!!!!

  36. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I just stumbled onto this site and it is AWESOME !! Wow, this story about Mae West reads like an old Harold Robbins novel ! Im addicted !

  37. Kudos to JW for guessing Mae first.

  38. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Yeah, I really want to call Bullshit on this one. She always seemed to have her act together. She spent a while as the highest paid actress in Hollywood. The company of (unrelated) men is nothing for which she lacked.

  39. was so obvious it was her, that i thought it wasnt....

    and she used to lie about her sexual drive a lot to enhance her reputation, so it could be another lie....but anyway, gross nevertheless

  40. ugh...i am sick! wtf was wrong with her????

  41. odd thing is I had heard that Mae West was born a male;would she be able to be a mother?

  42. I am a huge fan of Mae West and I choose not to have my opinion altered by this post. Don't let this overshadow her accomplishments as a woman and an actress. Innocent until proven guilty, right?



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