Friday, January 02, 2009

This Is Why You Should Love Eddie Izzard

Sure, Eddie Izzard is one hilarious comedian. Sure, you might be disappointed at his performance in Valkyrie, but I doubt he will be blamed for any of it. He looked like he was having a good time and sometimes you do things for the paycheck. The thing that makes Eddie so great though is not only his humor and wit, but the fact he has a really big heart. A fan;s father wrote a note to Eddie saying that the fan was not going to be able to attend Eddie's show in London because he had been hurt in the Mumbai attacks back in November.

The dad had simply asked Eddie to send along a note to the hospital in an attempt to cheer up his son. Eddie went way better than that. Eddie showed up at the hospital and performed for the fan as well as every other patient in the hospital. Now, he didn't just say a few jokes. Nope, Eddie did his entire set. The entire 90 minutes. You just have to love that and the person that makes that kind of effort when a much simpler gesture would have been sufficient. Instead of making one person happy though, he decided to make everyone happy. Wonder if he wore a nurse's uniform.


  1. I loved Eddie Izzard already. Now even more so.

  2. awww....what a great guy!!!!!!

    note: every time i read of a guy wearing a nurse's uniform, i think of heath ledger. and i remember how he wore a nametag that says 'matilda', and it makes we want to cry.

  3. Anonymous12:34 PM

    He's too fantastic. Love finding out he's an extra good guy =)

  4. One of the most creative guys is also one of the best people! I like it...

  5. One of the most creative guys is also one of the best people! I like it...

  6. One of the most creative guys is also one of the best people! I like it...

  7. This shit warms my heart. Already loved him, now I love him even more. Makes me even more sad that The Riches isn't coming back.

  8. Sorry for the triple post. Internet acting a bit odd today...

  9. Aww bless his heart, that's wonderful. If it was a NHS hospital too, I can guarantee that the nurses would have appreciated it immensely too.

  10. He was the only thing I liked in Ocean's 12...

  11. Why can't all stars be more like him and the subjects of the kindness items revealed yesterday?
    Oh yeah, we wouldn't have anything to talk about if that happened.

  12. He took the show to the patients. GREAT guy.

  13. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I went to a DVD signing he did a few years ago. He was the kindest, most gracious man. He spent time talking one-on-one with every person (or small group) who had come -- apart from the rest of the crowd in a short bit of real conversation. He called people's mothers; he recorded voicemail messages; he did anything that was asked of him. We waited in line for more than 7 hours and when we left (after midnight) he had half of the line to go. I'm sure he was there all night.
    I had been a big fan before that -- an even bigger fan ever since.

  14. I hope Ent didn't get this story from Eddie's publicist.

  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE him. I saw him perform in Boston a few years ago and he was so good to his fans. My friend is a huge fan and we waited by the door on a freezing winter night and he signed for everyone. Not just signed and dashed, but signed and chatted and really appreciated his fans.

  16. Wow. I have always loved him for his intelligent humor and now he is forever on my gimme list. My friends used to make fun of me for adoring a straight guy in drag, now they can eat their words. AND, I would have paid good money to see him in a nurse's uniform.

  17. He is one of my favorites and I wish 'The Riches' was still on.

  18. Eddie Izzard is one of the few reason I have not yet exited this crap planet. He is a wonderful guy.

  19. Awwwwwwwwwwww! Smooches and warm hugs to Eddie :-)

  20. My love for this man has exploded big time.

    I also wonder what he would look like in a nurse's uniform...

  21. Sounds like typical Eddie Izzard. I was lucky enough to see him in concert a few years ago in Los Angeles. He's fantastic. I hope his star continues to rise to the top. He truly deserves it.

  22. I've been an Eddie fan for years and like the others above, love him even more.

    Great big MWAH to Eddie and double MWAH to Enty for sharing!!!!

  23. just one more reason...

  24. I would have his children. And I don't even WANT children. So, yeah....that's how much I LURVE him!

  25. Just finished watching all the episodes of The Riches. I have long been a big fan of his comedy, but was blown away by his dramatic acting skills. Eddie rocks.

  26. i didn't think i could be a bigger fan! butch or drag, the man never ceases to amaze me, and this story brought a genuine tear to my eye.

    and i'm more interested in seeing what he would look like OUT of uniform!

    one of my biggest wishes is to be able to see him live in concert. *sigh*

  27. This is brilliant, of course, but you do know that he ran 43 marathons in 51 days? For charity? It boggles the mind.

  28. He's my celebrity boyfriend AND girlfriend!!!! <3

  29. He's been my favorite comedian and executive transvestite for years, and this just confirms that I have excellent taste. Hugs and kisses to Eddie.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Is this the same guy who ran back to back marathons?

  32. Awesome! He does have such a heart!



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