Thursday, January 01, 2009


Time for a bit of a break, but still a reveal. Last year my wonderful friend America Young made me that poster for my one year anniversary of doing the blog. Of course I then begged her to blog for awhile which she did as WD. I never used the photo because it would have given everything away. But, I am using it now and also because I need to brag on her for a bit. If you went out and got Tinkerbell. Yes, the one Brittany Murphy all but screwed up, you will notice that America plays Wendy Darling, hence, the WD. In addition to all of the things that she always blogged about, America also produces, directs and a million other things. She wants to be the female George Clooney but without the Sarah Larson episode. One of the things America has done is a series of webisodes and below you will find one from her series called Groupidity.

This first episode is called "I have counseling experience."

Groupidity Ep-1 from Groupidity on Vimeo.


  1. Thanks for having that frosted margarita for me WD ;)

  2. Nice work, DNfromMN!!

  3. that's cool. Hi America! (wave)

  4. Wow, another mystery solved! Great work America aka WD!

  5. Groupidity is now on my radar. It was super funny.

  6. america is hot, i've gotta google her for nudes now.

  7. America, thanks for blogging. And for answereing one of my questions. YOu definitely gained a new fan!

    Adding Groupidity to my to watch list for later today.

  8. Went back and read some of your posts. I can't believe you willingly got hit by a car for stunt work. I would have never let go of the hood ;-)

  9. America - I've enjoyed your posts/insights into Hollywood, as well.

    There are some top notch sleuths on this site - I'm impressed that so many people have been able to route out the blinds.

  10. I'd be her Sarah Larson any day. And I don't even care how weird that sounds.

  11. Just wanted to say I appreciate and have enjoyed all of your contributions to the site.

  12. This entry makes me sad, because I want her to COME BACK! I loved the WD posts! :)

  13. me, too, moosh. she wasn't here long enough!
    come back and visit someday, america!!



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