Thursday, January 01, 2009

Blind Items Revealed

August 29, 2008

#4 - This A list actor who had some serious health and emotional issues last year, but was allegedly on the straight and narrow either doesn't care or had a huge slip over the weekend. At the same party that brought us two blinds from yesterday, our actor managed to consume almost an entire bottle of vodka all by himself. Sweet and very quiet was how the spy described him.

Owen Wilson


  1. Well luckily he hasn't tried to kill himself again over the last 3 months

    Kate Hudson's vagina is toxic

  2. Sad but I'm glad he is still of this world. Where are the other Wilsons? Can't they help a brotha out?

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    This is no shocker. I think everyone guessed him. Sad, though, that he can't get it together. I'd be more sympathetic, however, if he didn't have millions to seek help with. Instead he wastes his time with American Sienna Miller (aka Kate Hudson.) Whatever.

  4. LMAO @ Hudson's vag being toxic.

    This is sad. He seems like a decent guy.

  5. Geebz, Luke's an alkie too, so not much help there. Andrew takes great care of both of them, but there's only so much a guy can do. Their parents are also great, from everything I hear, but again, there's only so much they can do. I'm just glad Owen has been spending so much time with Woody, 'cause if he can't be sober, pot is his best option.

  6. I'm surprised he was wasted and still sweet and quiet. I would have figured him to be the loud, obnoxious drunk.

    At least he's a sweet, quiet drunk.

  7. Mooshki, it's just sad because like Blah said, he seems like a decent guy. I hope he kicks his demons. He is the Butterscotch Stallion, right? Got to be worth living for.

  8. Also, I feel the need to defend Kate, not sure why. His suicide attempt was not her fault. He was just as much to blame for the problems in their relationship, and his emotional problems started long before she came along. From what I heard, when they were together, she was trying to get him off the hard drugs.

  9. Yes, it is sad. :( He does seem to be doing really well right now, though. :)

    Not on my dollar, I think both Owen & Luke are very fun drunks. They get very silly, and do semi-obnoxious things, but with good humor. Which probably makes it even harder for them to beat the stuff.

  10. I'm with you on that too. If Kate were a guy there wouldn't be a problem with her being the way she is. She is just a free spirit and doesn't want to settle down yet. I ain't mad at her.

  11. Man, I've got some catching up to do on these blinds.

    Poor Owen Wilson, though. He's always seemed like such a nice guy, but also seems to be too caught up in his own thoughts sometimes.

  12. Mooshki--Ditto. It's ignorant to blame someone else for a person's mental health issues/substance abuse problems. This does the people who are suffering from these problems a grave disservice by allowing them to blame others and not take responsibility for themselves. To blame someone who was actually trying to help is cruel and, like I said before, ignorant. He's 40 now. Only he can break this cycle.

  13. I feel bad for the guy. So sad.

  14. --Also, I have to disagree with the Woody comment. Pot is a gateway drug. That may sound old-fashioned, it may sound corny or whatever, but some people just can't take ANY drugs or alcohol because one thing leads to another. Once something is in their system, their defenses break down and they go on to harder stuff. Lots of people can handle pot but obviously Owen W. can't. Therefore, Woody is his prime enabler. He should get the sh*t, not Kate Hudson.

  15. Justawhim, that is not old fashion, its true. I know several people that can't go a day without pot and it has negatively impacted their lives. Yet, drunks seem to severely screw up their lives. So they just smoke instead of getting drunk. They could get clean but they just don't want too.

  16. we all knew it was owen, but i still wonder what the answers to the other three from this date are.

  17. Here are the others from that day. Its the Four for Friday from 8/24-8/31

    #1 - So what do you do if you are a C list actor from film and television with B+ name list recognition. You have been through several marriages, one of them extremely high profile, and have suffered through battles with drugs and alcohol and are apparently losing them again. Why, you go on sets and badger co-stars, former co-stars and others to buy Amway or whatever the hell they are calling themselves now. Our actor specializes in victimizing people with bit parts who don't want to upset him and possibly get fired so invariably buy things.

    #2 & 3 - Some new information about one of the bigger breakups of the year. It was an A list actor and a wannabe. Apparently the A list actor found out that the wannabe had stopped taking birth control. He found this out when she told him she might be pregnant. Apparently he felt that her purposefully not taking the pill in order to get pregnant violated a rule and showed her the curb.

  18. abigail, thnx for posting them. they'll never be revealed unfortunately.

  19. Wasn't he working with Maniston on Marley & Me during this time? Who could blame him. I hope he's better now.

  20. Abigail, the second one is for sure George Clooney and Sarah Larson. Lainey had even further details about that one. Barely a blind at this point.

    Poor Owen. I wonder if he's still hurting? Jennifer Aniston did ALL the promotional work for Marley & Me and Owen was conspicuously absent. He did the junket and premiere and that was it. No tv appearances or anything. While Jen was all over Letterman, Leno, Regis & Kelly, etc etc.

  21. Beth, he was in Hawai'i for Woody's wedding, and it looked like he was having a good time. :)

  22. i dunno--if woody helps him with his inner demons somehow, then power to him. lord knows what those demons are, but if he stays happy and alive, the demons lose.



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