Thursday, April 29, 2010

Random Photos Part Four

I'm not sure how Adam Duritz made it to the top spot. Bad planning on my part. I was waiting until they cast him in the live action version of The Simpsons as Sideshow Bob before he got the top spot.
Aaron Eckhart would be a good top spot person though.
Angelina Jolie has been the top spot enough.
Never ever will it be Avril Lavigne or her matching Brody Jenner tattoo.
Aylin Mujica does her Justin Bieber tongue impression.
Byrdie Bell looks like she is taking a mug shot photo rather than one on a red carpet.
The always very cool BD Wong.
This is an opening for alteration art. I never knew such a thing existed.
The artist himself with Elizabeth Berkley.
Even Minnie Driver was there.
Colin Farrell in New York.
A line to see
Christian Louboutin. Big crowd.
And the fake relationship between Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas continues.


MontanaMarriott said...

I LOVE IT @ the FAKE relationship between Demi and Joe Jonas

Lady J said...

people are waiting in line to get shoes signed? i have better things to do. but he makes fabulous shoes.

Colin Farrell looks yummy!
I don't know who Birdie Bell is but she looks like a deer caught in headlights.

Unknown said...

I wonder what the truth is about Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas?

chihuahuense said...

BD Wong is HOT

RocketQueen said...

Byrdie Bell...whoever she is - looks high as a kite.

If Colin Ferrell were married, I'd guess him for today's blind.

nunaurbiz said...

Oh, Enty! A lovely Aaron Eckhart photo!!!!!! THANKS!!!!

0 said...

Aaron Eckhart AND Colin Farrell, in one post? I'm forwarding my dry-cleaning bill to you, Enty, as I've drooled all over myself. :)

JRD said...

I totally read "alteration art" as "alliteration art" and was already figuring it made some sense, like taking a look at objects in duplicate, triplicate, etc. and noticing the subtle differences. Ha! Way to over think it!!

mygeorgie said...

I wanna pack up BD in his little naughty boy outfit & take him home!

On the otherhand, I don't understand the fascination over Farrell. He's like the Irish version of Benedicio. Sleezy, smelly & overrated.

Enty, feel free to never even *include* Lavigne pics, let alone top spot. She's not worthy of these pages.

Unknown said...

I am so sick of Angeline Jolie.

Ice Angel said...

As my kids are looking so forward to Camp Rock 2, I will naively believing that Demi and Joe truly are a couple and not just trying to promote the movie...I hope...they do make a really beautiful couple.

Meg said...

Adam Duritz sure has been linked to some beautiful women...despite that hair.

Byrdie Bell....Red Carpet Serious-Sexy Pose FAIL.

Sporky said...

Mmmm...Aaron Eckhart. Mucho yummy.

Ms Cool said...

Why don't they have an alteration art show for Courtney Cox's frozen, altered face? Such a waste on such a (formerly) pretty face. Who wants to look pissed all the time?

chopchop said...

Screw Courtney & David ... my eyes are on the woman behind them. Her wedges are HOT and I need them.

Robert said...

@Jess: I think Joe Jonas must have misread the Bible and thought it said, "The geek shall inherit the earth."

lmnop123 said...

I too love B.D. Wong but you all know that he is gay right, so we can only have him in our dreams.

Tara said...

Ugh, everyone looks so plastic! Whoever that Aylin chick is, Courtney, the 'artist'?, Elizabeth Berkley, Minnie Driver, all of them have plasticy skin and lumps where they shouldn't have any (or at least have less). It's gross.

That said, Aaron is the awesome, that Byrdie chick has pretty eyes (if more than a bit spacey), BD is freaking awesome (A life for a life, my debt is paid), and Demi is way too cute. Okay, I'm done now.

ardleighstreet said...

OOOO Aaron E. on top? Now there's a thought.

Unknown said...

love aaron e and bd!

did anyone else look at the photo of the artist with elizabeth berkeley and just react with EEEEEWWWWWW!!!!! - he just looks so slimy and sleazy - and he has an i want to be fabio vibe (i think i have the hair as well as the face and posture). he just radiates greasy.


B626 said...

Garsh Angie looks good when arms are fully covered

Mango said...

Adam Duritz sure has been linked to some beautiful women...despite that hair.

Don't you mean wig?

I love BD Wong but I sure hope those aren't his real clothes!

Colin Farrell = dirt bag

Meg said...

@Mango - did not know that was a wig....had to Google that. Very interesting story and kind of funny.

Linnea said...

bd, you wonderful creature! I love him in svu...

Unknown said...

Looks to me like all those STD's Colin Farrell has collected over the years is paying off. Yikes!

enchantress said...

I'm with chopchop! The wedges were what I noticed too. *WANT*

I need a bigger picture coz if I can't find them in Manila, I'm having them made to order. >:B

Selock said...

Soooo late to this (I was on vacation, sue me)...but love Joe Jonas - and totally concur with mocking this fakery. Sigh, poor baby.

People question his sexuality, which is fair, but I still think it's more about cleaning up her alcohol/drug/emo-scenester image than anything else. Also, selling their summer movie/album.

One day he will be free!


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