Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Neighbor Loved Lindsay Lohan Living There

Denise sent me this link to a Salon story which is written by a person who was a neighbor of Lindsay Lohan while Lindsay lived in Venice Beach. The writer describes the three times in the year they lived two doors down that she could have interacted with Lindsay, but didn't.

Missed opportunity No. 1: While taking out my trash, I spotted her engaged in the identical task. It was a Sunday afternoon and we both had our hair in ponytails and wore sweat pants and T-shirts. Our sartorial similarities made her seem all that more approachable. Be neighborly, I told myself. Go over there and say hello! Tell her you don’t really believe she shoplifted that necklace. But before I could act, she had disappeared into her garage. After that, I only saw her assistants take out the garbage, along with the many strangers who combed through it.

Missed opportunity No. 2: Driving my car one day, I almost ran her over. She had been speed-walking down a sidewalk that intersected the alley, and I had to brake hard to avoid a collision. I raised my hand in apology, and she gave me an uninterested glance before walking onward. Up close, I could see the roots of her bleached blond hair, and she looked tired, fragile and older than her 25 years. After that, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for her despite my increasing resentment that she had transformed my street into a media circus and necessary tourist detour from the nearby Venice Beach boardwalk.

Missed opportunity No. 3: My husband and I had just wheeled our bikes outside for a morning ride and could not help noticing the actress’s black Cadillac Escalade idling in front of our garage. So we stood there with our bikes and waited until she emerged from her own garage. We pretended not to watch her get into her vehicle and she pretended that we didn’t exist.

The whole point of the story appears to be that although Lindsay and the writer were neighbors, they did not act like neighbors but it did bring the rest of the neighborhood close together.


misspoppypants said...

What was her missed opportunity? To run over Lindsay Lohan? To give her the precious and much coveted stranger-validation that could have scared her straight? For photographs to add to their shrine? Bet this chick pressed a cup up against a shared wall of Lindsay's home when she could. Maaaaybe the meaning of the assistants taking out the trash was, OMG I have a creepy neighbor staring at me. Go see for yourself.

surfer said...

How did it "bring the "neighborhood close together"?

This sounds like one person's recollection, as well as an opportunity to make a few bucks from Salon.

Brenda L said...

I don't know man....we had some crackheads take over a house on our block that was in pre-foreclosure and it totally brought us all closer together. I bet those neighbors endured things we will never hear about.

misspoppypants said...

@surfer, totally agree. I would also like to sell my story of how Ben Vereen once waved at me as if he knew me (yes, me, I checked over my shoulder) and how I saw Gerard Depardieu walking down a street in Holywood. I will give first dibs to Enty, to be fair.

anita_mark said...

Why in the world is anyone listening to this woman? Her stories are just as interesting as my mom recounting her trip to the grocery store.

Greg said...

While Im no fan of La Lohan and her missed career, this is a complete non story. I dont know my neighbors at all. And Im sure Lohan is used to ppl using her for their own gain. Going thru her garabage alone seems to be reason enough to keep a distance. This lady needs to mind her business.

Frufra said...

@anita - we need to just connect our moms with each other, and they could leave us out of it. Your mom could tell my mom about the store, and my mom could tell your mom about her doctor's appointments. And the Dancing With the Stars gossip - good Lord!

Barton Fink said...

The old Revolutionary War slogan, "Don't shoot till you see the roots of their dye-jobs."

misspoppypants said...

@Barton Fink, hahaha! Bet she WAS looking through a scope at the time, elbowing people while jockeying for best position over trash bin and called everyone on speed dial to report her 'sartorial' sameness with The Neighbor.
She had roots, Salon, roots showing! What will you give me? Hurry, got lots of offers on the table!
It is NOT a story. How do people make money off of this in this economy? Well, to me it's as pressing as a photo of someone 'Grabbing a Starbucks!' or 'Hitting the Gym' or, my favorite, 'Repurposing an Outfit!'

parissucksliterally said...

Many neighbors do not acknowledge each other. This is a non story.

old ;ady said...

My parents spent a lot of time in New York in the 60's (64-67). They saw lots of celebrities on the streets, getting into and out of Cabs, going into Hotels, and once rode an elevator for 8 floors with one. My parents being having manners who smile and say Hello. No asking for photos or personal questions. What site should I get ahold of first.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

If you go read the whole article, you will see its not a "non story." it's an entertaining read and it tells how it brought her neighbors closer together.

strawberrygirl said...

Move that cone, I'm Lindsay Lohan!

Glitter said...

Why all the hate? I enjoyed reading about this person's "brush with fame".

misspoppypants said...
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Anonymous said...

I wonder how much I can get for telling about the time I was walking along a street and Paul Newman walked by in the opposite direction and never looked my way? Oh. I just told it. No wonder I'm not rich.

EmEyeKay said...

Wow, I should get in touch with Salon. I have several non-stories about celebrities, and could use the money!

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Syko, you need to learn the art of "embellishment." ;)

MISCH said...

what ? Lindsay doesn't care who lives next to her unless they have drugs or she can steal something or maybe get a part in a movie....
she looked you over and decided you were not worthy, consider yourself lucky.

Saffron said...

If I was Lohan with a snoopy neighbor like this idiot, I would move immediately.

Sherry said...

And my mom could regale to the both of them as to what she has cooked and/ or put up in her freezer. It never ends.

Del Riser said...

We were in Daytona for the race one year and my husband was taking pictures in the pits of his favorite cars, and drivers. We develop the film and in one picture the car was centered and Paul Newman was not!

Many years a go in Illinois I was on my way into the Capitol building and Senator Everett Dirksen came up and shook my hand. I'm just sure if he was still alive he would remember.

My cousin lives next door to Joe Cocker in Colorado, he is one of my all time favorites, I can't even get a glimpse of him, have to go to his concerts.

There may be a bigger story to this item, but this is just about as interesting as the stuff I just posted.

anita_mark said...

Yeah, those mom stories rock. I love when my mom recounts the exchange she has with a sales associate. This morning, she called my grandmother and there was no answer but then five minutes later she got a call from her sister-in-law and said "word for word account" and then she said, "word for word account," and then she said....

Yeah, it never ends. Still as interesting as this woman's story.

misspoppypants said...

OMG you are all so funny! I have a friend who ended up going on a fishing trip with the Boss, totally unexpectedly because of some scheduling snafu. Its not my story but I'd throw my friend under the bus in a heartbeat to sell it to someone. That's all I know, though, so maybe it's good enough as it is. Enty?

parissucksliterally said...

Seriously, I should tell salon magazine about all the celebs who have pet my dog.

Or how I sang my own version of "Fergalicious" about my dog to Fergie.

Or how I told Peter Horton a hilarious story about my sister scaring the crap out of me by bawling when his character died on "Thirtysomething".

THIS "story" was boring and stupid. Mine are are much more entertaining!

Uhhhh... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barton Fink said...

Apparently, the Salon editor spent a long time hesitating to strike out the phrase "reeking of cocaine and vajayjay," ultimately deciding that the site's gravitas demanded that the phrase be struck out. Our loss!

Amy in MI said...

My babysitter growing up was/ is Kenny Chesneys aunt. Whada I win?

Tempestuous Grape said...

I lived in Venice in my 20's for quite some time. I remember when the second Real World was filming and people felt the same way.

McSpanky said...

Mandy Moore babysat in my neighborhood. Not my kids, but some of their friends. No dirt, though. She was by all accounts a great babysitter. Moving on....


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