Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Blind Item #4

This one named rapper who is getting a divorce also supports several white nationalist movements. It is where he met the woman he cheated on his wife with and got pregnant.


  1. Replies
    1. That name does not suit him at all +1 Miss Tricia

    2. I agree!
      Doucher fits muuuuch better......😉

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      It’s a reverse nickname. Like Tom “Tiny” Lister.

  2. The woman stuff might fit but I really doubt Logic is supporting any white nationalist movements. Nothing in his background, not just his race, would fit with that.

  3. These hate mongers are sickening. Make music from the genre of our "enemy" to fund our cause. I'm glad he's being exposed.

    1. How is he being exposed? Is there anything other than this blind? Because if not then one would have to take this with a grain of salt. We all can write something like this about someone with zero proof or evidence to back it up.

  4. Logic is biracial. https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/magazine-feature/7783971/logic-marriage-therapy-biracialism-new-album-everybody

  5. I thought he was bi racial? Good lord I hope not....his wife looks Latina for god's sake.

    1. She does not look Latina lol her name seems.

  6. He's also black. Clayton Bigsby lives I guess.

    Why you think that Kaepernick dude, another mulatto, goes full retard with the giant Afro, the Islam and black panther nonsense? Because deep down he thinks the brothers be looking at him like he's really a cracker. Anyway not buying it, plenty of jealous rappers calling him out because he doesn't go full bore BLM. Fuck them.

    1. Kaepernick sure loves being employed by three letter organizations, doesn't he?

  7. All those mulattos with white momma's and black daddy's who are never around end up fucked in the head. The mixed people I know with white daddy's are WAY better adjusted.

  8. This is the same story that always pops up, "white rapper secretly a white supremacist," I guess because "black country singer secretly a black supremacist" doesn't get the same buzz.

    @Vess, tell that to Obama, worked out pretty well for him ;)

  9. Logic and I’m very much looking forward to this coming out in public. I got lambasted on SM over the weekend for even suggesting he cheated on her.

  10. Having a hard time thinking logic would be that stupid or messed up, is enty conflating regular right-wing/libertarian with more extremist organisations? i mean really, logic and the klan?

  11. Yeah the whole bl is fucking stupid. He's half black, his old lady is a beaner, but he's supposedly a fully paid up member of the AB? Bullshit. 'White nationalist' nowadays means voting Republican to SJWs. Actual white nationalists would have nothing to do with someone like Logic. He's getting shit on because he isn't woke enough by talentless broke ass jealous nobodies. Like I said, fuck them.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Vessimede....

    Such an irresponsible and sweeping generalization...'

    All those mulattos with white momma's and black daddy's who are never around end up fucked in the head. The mixed people I know with white daddy's are WAY better adjusted'....

    From a stable mixed child with a white momma and absent black Father.

  14. Is Logic not only an adulterer but a Kekite?

    Kekistan is a degenerate social-engineering white supremacist cult created by 4chan users. One of the early promoters of Kekistan is a suspected racist YouTuber named Sargon of Akkad (GJ note: I don't think anyone actually watches e-celebs). Many would say that he’s responsible for its popularity, specifically for its emergence on Twitter.

    One noticeable aspect of Kekistan is their obsession with anime and Pepe The Frog. The character has become so tainted by racists that the Anti-Defamation League were forced to list it as an official hate symbol. Ironically, Kekistan get their name from an ancient African deity (which they allegedly worship), named: “Kek”.

    1. This is, perhaps, (and I hate to sound too hyperbolic), the dumbest, most ill-informed comment I've ever seen posted here, and I remember the decade long spam trolling by Derek.

      Holy sh*t, dude. WOW.
      Nothing you posting is accurate, lol. Literally nothing. I regret I made a comment on another thread specifically defending you.

  15. @Geeljire
    Kekistan are a bunch of shit posting Trump supporters, and Sargon is a liberal who panders too the alt-right too much. Most of the Kekistans are laughed off by the Alt-Right(who are actual white natinalists who want an ethnostate).

    1. Word?
      My understanding is that alt-right/antifa are two sides of the same Deep State controlled opposition coin and tend to not exist in reality beyond paid marches/functions/protests/disruptions and that reality pseudodimension known as "Media."

      But that's just me.

    2. You are absolutely & completely incorrect. Perhaps you should forego discussing this subject in the future.

  16. Geeljire, there is much wrong in your post, but I'll point out just one thing: "Kek" comes from Korean gamer slang (equivalent to "LOL"), and was later discovered to have been an ancient Egyptian deity. Any "worshipping" is part of the gag.

  17. Because of our one drop rule ultra racialist past, a guy like Logic is considered non-white. The guy looks very white to me and his father looks no more than half black at best, probably a quarter. His father is mulatto, Logic is white.
    In most Latin American countries or other places around the world, he'd be white. But in our race obsessed culture which seems to mostly favor ultra-leftists and ultra-rightists who love identity politics, this rapper would not be able to self identify as anything other than non-white, for fear of being self hating.
    And Enty has to be pulling something out of nothing, because I bet the kid is probably a Trump supporter and Enty and the whole SJW movement think Trump supporter = white nationalist.

  18. First off, I don't trust anything the average American says about race because it's usually bogus. Everybody around the world knows that Americans are laughable when it comes to race. Most Americans are shocked that there are *gasp* White Latinos, or black Latinos. They think a guy like Logic is black because he has a mulatto father. LOL.

    White people in the US will question you if you have natural black hair. They always ask "what are you"? If you don't look like an ethnic Swede, you're questioned.

    They think they know the "Latina" look. LOL. That's why we as Americans are seen as a joke to other people around the world regarding race.

  19. "She does not look Latina lol her name seems."

    @ Danillo


    ^ Typical American convo about race. LOL

  20. I don't know anything about this guy, but these days a "white nationalist" is anybody who doesn't think Trump is Satan.

  21. I am white and have never come in contact with a White Nationalist organization.
    I've worked in broadcast news both domestically and internationally and
    have covered stories all over the world and never met anyone in these groups.
    What is a White Nationalist organization?

    White South Africans being slaughtered?

    Is BLM a Black Nationalist Organization?
    KKK was a Democrat party tool back in the day to push divide and conquer tactics.
    Research why the Irish & British were at each other's throats.
    Why were the Irish degraded? Less than?
    Because the f+cking king wanted a land grab in Ireland and put out Propaganda
    that the Irish were degenerate retards.
    Hatred of the Irish was engineered.

    Richard Spencer is a CIA Cut out.
    Dual Citizen. Israeli.
    Divide and Conquer.
    Race Baiting.
    Race Pimp.
    Why would he get so much media coverage if he weren't a Mockingbird cutout?

    Race Pimping is working well in South Africa.
    Once they snuff out all the whites, we've got Zimbabwe all over again.
    They'll all be starving and begging or more aid, that Washington will happily give to them
    with your tax dollars. And for those of you who think it's a black/white thing?
    It's not. Again, this is about a land grab for the elite.
    There are minerals who need some mining under these farms and the elite are using blacks
    to destroy white farmers to gain ownership of their land.

    Should White South Africans not protect their lives and families?
    Is that White Nationalism?
    They should just sit and take their families being brutally murdered?
    If this is White Nationalism, then I'm a White Nationalist.

    Every tribe of people on the planet should protect their interests.
    Persuading LGBTQXYZ, Blacks, Chinese, Japanese, Latinos, Europeans, Jew, etc.
    that valuing your culture and survival is BAD,


  22. I don't believe it's Logic. At least not the white nationalism part.

  23. All I know about Logic and his soon to be ex is they were annoying as hell on red carpets so haha on THEM.

  24. @Genkigirl UK - Don't feed the trolls! :)

  25. Wow some of these comments went way left..

  26. Anonymous8:38 PM

    You could probably fit all white racist into a single high school gym. But stage a fake Nazi rally and all the left leaning WHITE voters (who are the ONLY ones CNN is preaching to) believes the nonsense. 95% of America's whites grew up, went to schoo and live side by side with all colors, WITHOU A SINGLE THOUGHT ABOUT IT! But you left leaning WHITE voters believe whatever the TV tells you. Dumb a**es.

  27. "Logic is mixed race BUT he can pass for a White man. I always wonder about thé biracial people who can pass for White if they are racist."

    @ Orville

    He's not "passing", he's white. It's just in our one drop rule society, he's counted as non-white. His father looks mulatto, not full black. In the Dominican Republic, he'd be white. In the US, he's mixed non-white.

  28. Apparently no one here listens or even does their homework. Doesn’t sound like Logic to me at all. And a Trump supporter? He spoke out against Trump at the Grammys for the hole sheethole countries. And that doesn’t convince you maybe his own lyrics might....

    On his album, “Everybody,” Logic teams up with Chuck D, Black Thought, No I.D. and Big Lenbo for the song “America.” The rapper’s first verse makes mention of Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again,” when Logic raps, “Like Make America Great Again / Make it hate again / Make it white / Make everybody fight.”

  29. It is not out of the ordinary for multiracial individuals to be beset with great identity conflict.
    In fact, it is more likely than not.
    I don't find anything about this scenario to be out of the realm of possibility. It is a factor that anyone entering a relationship that might produce future mixed race offspring should contemplate.
    It is your responsibility as a parent to envision what future obstacles your child might face, and whether those hurdles are worth the rewards.
    Or, that's what a responsible person *should* do, before becoming a parent.



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