Sunday, March 25, 2018

Blind Item #7

This B list Disney actress was at an after party last night. Now, granted, she is legal, but still, it looked really creepy that she was being pawed by some guy in his 60's. She didn't look like she was enjoying it at all, but also didn't try and pull away.


  1. Was this a live action party, or did it take place in Toontown? The blind doesn't say.


  2. sounds like the kids choice awards is a great place for a ped0 sting

    but we all know the LAPD doesnt care about arresting ped0s since they protect them so much...

    1. I know with the large concentration on pedo-cers all drinking, parting -getting loose and grabbing underage ass. Zero parents anywhere near.

  3. If she doesnt say no, then she is fine with it.

  4. If she is "barely legal" and is therefore a teen Disney actor who obviously has been in the industry since they were a CHILD it should still make us all disgusted. If you had a daughter, a sister, niece, cousin, neighbor or child of a friend who was "sucking face" with a SENIOR CITIZEN you would call the cops or at least try to tell a parent or guardian. Name and shame the older person, not the potential victims.

    This is not gossip, the last sentence of every blind should be........"we informed the authorities "

  5. Is this another Dove Cameron / Kenny Ortega blind?

  6. I thought Ortega liked boys?

    1. If you look on YouTube Descendants interviews, Ortega had some really creepy hand placements on Dove and she looks very uncomfortable.

    2. Oh good grief. Dove is fine. Btw, tell me again, WHEN is her album coming out? She been saying soon for 6-7 years.

  7. Doesn't this blind describe what happens every single day in hollywood?

  8. The people who are observing this disgusting act should be ashamed. If you are not helping the poor girl "who didn't seem to be enjoying it but didn't pull away" why not out the #ucker by taking a photo as proof leaking it to a gossip site and say,"Obviously, metoo# hasn't reached the Nickelodeon higher-ups like Mr. Creepy Sh!theel."

    1. "Obviously, metoo# hasn't reached the Nickelodeon higher-ups like Mr. Creepy Sh!theel"

      Thats because metoo was never meant to ACTUALLY DO anything about this cesspool that is hollywood. It was to fool ppl like you and i and also push more feminism and oprah. Metoo was neevr about LITERALLY taking down these pervs. The girl was uncomfortable,a 15 yr old disney actress was making out with a 40 yr old with no intervening, and you still think these adult women and men want to clean out the swamp. Nah, they are what make the swamp because they stand by

  9. "This is not gossip, the last sentence of every blind should be........"we informed the authorities""

    Informed the authorities of what exactly? Once you're legal, you're legal and can allow yourself to be groped by whomever you want.

  10. Why aren't people reporting this disgusting behavior but everyone in Hollywood thinks we care about their politics? They have established that they have no morals so why should we care?
    Sorry I am prissy tonight, hubby really missed me off but not as much as people giving perverts permission to be a pedophile.

  11. If enty knows who this man is then he should be on the phone to the police department reporting the activity. I know everyone says LAPD does nothing, but it should still be done. This should not be a blind it should be a police report. Unless of course it isn't true...

    1. Unfortunately, the police can’t do anything. The actress is not a child and of legal age, and,
      according to this blind, she looked uncomfortable but didn’t pull away from him. This sounds really creepy, but not illegal.

  12. Are cameras/phones not allowed at these parties!????Noone snapped a picture?

    1. Snapping a pic would end their careers. Theyll be blackballed and slanderered. Hollywood wants you to THINK they are out to take down these sickos but theyre not. Casting couch is still in full mode, children still unsafe on set, they know what theyre doing. Fooling the public so more ppl can join their club and then face the same stuff. There are more and more kids being put in auditions daily trying to be the next millie or finn and neither them nor their parents see it coming until BAM their child is a victim.

  13. Out the perps and pedos not the groomed kids whose livelihoods depends on producers’ good graces. I agree with others who have suggested pulling a gossip girl and posting spottings, If cops wont take these crimes seriously history suggests the public might. Prez Kennedy said secrecy is the enemy of freedom.

  14. I can just imagine the reaction if a 40-something father tried to drag his legal-age daughter out of a party because she was letting a 60-year-old paw at her. He'd get lots of praise for protecting her, right? Or would he get called a controlling asshole who just wants to run her life, perhaps an abuser himself, and she should be allowed to make her own decisions?

    Lemme check my calendar, and see if it's 1950....nope, 2018. It would be the second one.

  15. Saying she is "legal" means over 18 right?

  16. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Anybody over 90 with milions can paw me in the church without a prenuptial

  17. It's really horrific when the parents are on board for the abuse. Then the child is utterly alone in hell with monsters . Me too started as a movement to out the pedos. Harvey was thrown under the bus to deflect it to of age women. But it was about kids. There so many pedos, they may succeed in normalizing this child rape into a " lifestyle".



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