Monday, April 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 23, 2018

This one named A- list producer/rapper who is out of the country spent a night this week in a country where the age of consent is 15. He spent a ton of money to keep as many 15 year olds coming to him as possible. The guy makes me sick. He will probably end up moving there.

The Game/Slovenia


  1. If that's the law there then what's the big deal?

    1. Because sometimes morals and the law don't coincide. The fact that I'm explaining this to you is concerning

    2. Who gets to decide what's moral? The fact that people are using their morals to judge this guy for doing something completely legal is concerning.

    3. @nisore. Jon has made other weird comments about teens. Glad I am not the only one.

    4. @nisore + a million

    5. When you don't find that behavior immoral, you are amoral....which is concerning.

  2. Anyone question/wonder why Khloe Kardashian dated this guy/creep????

  3. Because 15 year olds are children and if you’re not aware of that, I’d be deeply concerned.

  4. 15 year old girls are CHILDREN.

    Jon just go back to Porn Hub & Storm Front.

  5. At 15 I was just starting to feel things for other boys, but didn’t care enough to do anything about it until I was 17. I can’t imagine at that age being forced to have sex with an adult. I didn’t even have a care about work. I only cared about school, how I was going to do on my next test. Who I was going to have lunch with and so forth. It would take a real sociopath to do that to kids.

  6. Jon, I'm getting a weird pedo vibe from you. It's disconcerting. I think maybe I'll dox you and find out who you are so I can take screenshots of you defending a man who fucks children and send them to your employers, your family, your social community, heck maybe I'll even make up posters and stick them up in your neighbourhood.

    See how nothing I'd be doing there would be illegal? I wouldn't get in trouble for any of those things, but are they ethical? Would it be something i "should" do? No. Because it's weird and gross. This dude is fucking children. Please don't act like just because it's not against the law there is no problem with that because it makes you seem dumb and worse, predatory. Do better.

    1. Actually, harassment is illegal you dumb cunt. Also, I'm not defending anyone. I don't even know who this guy is. If you care to read anything I wrote you will see that I defended him never. My point is that in that country it is LEGAL and it is NOT the right of little old harpies in Iowa or whatever hillbilly place you are from to dictate to Slovenia what their laws should be based on your bible thumping morals.

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      You need help.

      And anatomy is not destiny. The simple fact you have a penis doesn’t mean you’re entitled to intercourse whenever you feel like you need it.

    3. Ooooh, breakin' out the C word.....goodie! Those who think it's cool to get with baby chicks are usually the hillbillies, Sir.

    4. And there are very few hills in Iowa.

  7. Also look into trafficking. It's basically paying to rape a child. Over and over again. But you know, it's legal there so meh.

    1. Good job Michelle! You do what u gotta do! Tried to report him in the it.

  8. Listen it's not like he happened to be in Slovenia, fell in love with a girl he met at a coffee shop who was of legal age there, and now they want to get married.
    No he deliberately went to Slovenia to have sex with as many different child prostitutes as he could, all of whom were probably victims of modern slavery. And you know damn well the menu didn't stop at 15. Were these girls coming in with birth certificates or passports, because they weren't old enough to have driver's licenses.

  9. The CDaN comments usually depress the hell out of me, but I like where this is going. I’m so glad to see that despite our differences, nearly everyone here agrees that a 15 year old child is just that- A CHILD. Keep it up, friends 🙌🏻

  10. Don't assume that the lower age of consent makes sex with someone under 18 in a foreign country lega!. If the purpose of the travel is to have sex with a minor there is a federal law against it.


    Sometimes the law and prevailing morality do align.

    1. Right Mark. That's why most white men are scrutinized when they return home from Thailand and Cambodia. Their cameras are searched and then charged when caught. That German pig that impregnated his daughter and kids was known to travel overseas for this purpose.

  11. That moment when the comment section of CDAN becomes more tumblr than tumblr.

  12. In this case, that's not a bad thing

  13. Legal pedoism, that's a thing right? The, the, the pedo.

  14. Oh Jonn I actually wouldn't be harassing you unless it was continual and slanderous which it wouldn't be because I would just be delivering information. What the people in your life chose to do with it has nothing to do with me. You have me pegged so wrong. I don't live in Iowa. I'm not even in the USA. I'm also an outspoken advocate for legitimizing sex work because it's real work and deserves to be treated as such. Again just because something is legal doesn't mean you should engage in it. There is such a thing as not being a garbage human being but I'm guessing you don't know too much about that. The person this is about is an American adult, raised in America. Ostensibly one would think with American values. Whatever the duck those are in the age of Trump but I think we can all agree fucking 15 year old trafficked little girls amounts to sanctioned rape as even if 15 is consent, sex work itself isn't strictly legal in Slovenia. This has nothing to do with imposing Christian values on a any given situation, it's actually more about being a decent human being with the ability to discern what kind of behaviour is acceptable. As for the name calling and everything, I guess I expected a little more as I kind of find that kind of vernacular pretty bas. I should have known. Anyway you're still disgusting and I hope you get the shits for the rest of your life or at the very least , a broke dick. Fuck you.

  15. Sd Auntie: Why "white" men? you racist fucking Cunt!
    From what I see, 50 is a Nigger....



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