Monday, April 02, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The 12 Year Old

It has been said before that this B+ list celebrity offspring lost her virginity when she was in her early teens to an actor in his 20's back in the day. That was always bad enough, especially considering it was her mother who initiated that "romance" to get herself a part. However, it gets worse. Apparently from the time this B+ list offspring ALL of you know reached the age of 5 or 6 she had been molested by several permanent A+ list actors and directors. She was passed around between these men so her mother could keep getting roles and keeping her fame. When our offspring turned 12, the mom decided to raise the stakes and auctioned off the virginity of her daughter. It was won by this permanent A+++ list mostly movie actor who sweated his way through two or three minutes of sex with the tween. It was not that far into the future that he paid for the services of the offspring again with another female tween who ALL of you also know. Apparently he made them do things with other men while he directed the action and distributed the drugs. He especially kept the two teens well fed and high on drugs during the entire 12 hour ordeal where they each were forced to be with multiple men and women including the father of one of the young women.


  1. Brando for the sweaty bastard.

    1. If everyone’s guess is right and it was Tatum in the 70s, then it can’t be Brando because Brando was in his 40s at that time and the blind says the actor was in his 20s.

  2. The other tween Drew Barrymore?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Could the other actress be Kristy McNichol?

  5. It's not Drew..too young to fit this. Tatum was 12 in 1975 so move it up a few more years to around 1978 or so.

  6. I smell jack Nicholson in there somewhere

  7. This is so disgusting.

  8. Brooke Sheilds and Tatum?

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Ryan O'Neal for the father of the one of the girls they had to have sex with.

  10. This is too vomiting even to try to gusss, shittt

    Beside we should try GET HINTS ABOUT THE FXCKING MOTHER and the actor, actors, directors, not the children involved

    1. Right?

      This is some victim blaming shit if ever ive seen it.

  11. Tatum's mother was an alcoholic and on a soap opera.her father yes...Joanna no. Fame hungry actress with a daughter in the 70's....hmm

  12. Recent story:

  13. Another option for the other teen--Kim Richards

  14. There is a special place in hell for the girls' parents. A flaming hot and tortuous place.

  15. This is horrendous .

  16. Mackenzie Phillips as one of the two?

  17. So sad and disgusting. Tatum never stood a chance.

  18. what warrants someone an A+++ rating? lol
    Anyways: Gross, who is the mother?

    1. I think ‘sweat’ is a clue...In The Heat of the Night? Sidney Poitier?

  19. I think I'm getting the hang of this..
    from the article:
    "There were always women around while Tatum lived at her father’s home. She could hear him having sex with them and doing drugs. One of the girls he brought home was 18 year-old Melanie Griffith who had just come off a four-year relationship with actor Don Johnson, an intimate liaison that had begun when she was a ripe old fourteen. Tatum assumed Melanie was to be her ‘sitter’, but that soon changed when she walked in on her father and Miss Griffith having sex in his bedroom"

    Sweaty Perm A+++ actor, why did my head IMMEDIATELY go to Anthony Quinn? (Seeing him on screen always gave me the creeps for some unknown reason) but I'm pulling that out of my ass as it doesn't say dead or alive or foreign born, so..

  20. Jade Barrymore is a disgrace (and a loon). Met her as an adult and she came off as a desperate climber... worse though was meeting her/seeing her with drew when she 10-me about 13 and the way she pimped her

  21. @Thonker all time legend or president, usually dead. i think the only times I've seen A+++ have been MJ, Brando, Princess Diana, and maybe Sinatra?

  22. Say celeb not actress.

  23. I am more interested n knowing the A+++ waste of a human being actor and disgrace of a mother. The tween are victims in all of this. Sickening.

    1. Tippi Hendren. She "introduced" Melanie to Don Johnson when she did a film with him.

  24. I read where Tatum ran into her father at a party and he didnt recognize her. Sooo sad.

    1. Not at a party.... at Farrah's funeral.

    2. He hit on her!

  25. @Randy not only did he not recognize her-HE HIT ON HER!

  26. I’m going to guess Melanie Griffith &Tatum O’Neal. O’Neal apparently said in her bio that Griffith once took her to an orgy when she was dating her father.

  27. A+++ I like Marlon Brando,
    but what about Orson Welles???

    This is really sad.

    1. Orson Welles was born a few blocks from where I sit reading this

  28. I think it is Melanie Griffith for the first girl, Tatum O'Neal for the second & Ryan O'Neal for the dad in the forced orgy.
    Sweaty actor is Brando. Directors are Hitchcock, among others.

    And I believe Melanie has done similar to Dakota.

  29. Orsen Welles for A+++ just to be different.

  30. How many A+++ actors can there be? If not Brando, then who? Who else was a legend on that level? John Wayne? Clint Eastwood? Don't think they fit. Brando was large and presumably sweat a lot? Didn't last 3 minutes, either, with the poor girl? This whole thing is so tragic. I'm far more interested in ID-ing the criminals here than the victims. They do not deserve their legacy. Didn't both of Brando's children kill themselves?

    1. If everyone’s guess is right and it was Tatum in the 70s, then it can’t be Brando because Brando was in his 40s at that time and the blind says the actor was in his 20s.

  31. Tatum and Melanie.Ryan O'Neal for the father. Melanie and Don Johnson dated when she was young.

  32. John Wayne would have been A+++ list in the 70's. Clint wasn't that big yet. Henry Fonda? Gregory Peck? James Stewart? Olivier?

  33. This is so vile. Please expose the “mother” and disgusting actor.

  34. But wait a minute! The blind said the actor was in his 20's so who was young, and A++++ in the 70's?

    The sweat could be coke sweat, not fat sweat.

  35. @Nacho I thought they were 2 different actors.

  36. "And I believe Melanie has done similar to Dakota."

    I don't. By all accounts, Melanie has been a great mother to her kids. She swears, she had her drugs and drink, but she has been very protective over all of them.

    None of them were pimped out as child actors. You wouldn't find them in the photos from the LA teen club scenes around Paris or Lindsey or Kim or Nicole or Britney back in the 90s and aughts. Melanie's kids might lack education and ambition, but they were exposed to a lot less than the Gerbers, for instance. Melanie never sought to monetize them the way Cindy Crawford has her kids.

  37. Omg I feel physically ill reading this.

  38. I went with Orsen Welles because of the indication that the person was over weight and also the term "directed" Also Tatum was with her father at the Welles celebration in 1975

  39. I think it was Melanie G. for the 12 year old and the sweaty A+++ was Ronald Regan, and Tatum O'Neal for the other child, Ryan O'Neal for the father.

  40. Definitely Melanie G. for the 12 year old. No wonder her mom let her live with Don Johnson (22) at age 14.

  41. I won't doubt that Melanie has done this to her own daughter on the count that she's friends with PMK!

  42. Hippie culture during that time seemed to disregard protecting children. So it is Tippi and fat bastard Hitchcock. Those poor girls... Ryan is a POS for the way he treated Tatums mom, Griffin, and Redmond . Patrick has a good strong mother and the other 2 were not. Melanie was an unsupervised out of control teen. It will come out once Tippi kicks the bucket

  43. Mothers are the worst pimps.

    1. Fully agree, it's sad because you'd think opposite. I work in the public up close and I (a female too) was shocked at how nasty the females can be, in retrospect I had teenage angst towards my mom but in reality she was actually really good single parent. It's just the things that are said and witnessed in my profession it's really been an eye opener last 7 yrs!

  44. @Brayson Yep. My mother wouldn't think anyone was good enough for me.

  45. I really don't think Tippi Hedron would have pimped Melanie Griffith out. If she was one for believing in exchanging sexual favors, she would have just slept with Alfred Hitchcock and had a long fabulous career. Instead she stood up to him, it killed her career and she runs a big cat sanctuary. (and its not like a ton of roles kept coming her way). I do think Alfred Hitchcock could be A++++ and is fat and sweaty so I think he could be the guy who won the bids, but I don't think Tippi was doing the auctioning. But Melanie Grifith could have been the other girl (with Tatum being auctioned off) but how horrible and ironic to have Hitchcock. Blech. gross.

  46. Wasn't there something about Ryan O'Neal getting Drew Barrymore pregnant and causing a miscarriage or something? So maybe Drew Barrymore and Tatum O'Neal or Melanie Griffith?

  47. Jesus Christ. Hollywood must burn.

  48. Yeah, I remember reading this about how Melanie met Don Johnson. I don't think this is what the blind is about but it's tangential. Things were sooo much looser back in the day but this is still some pretty skeezy parenting. Still, considering the times and the circumstances (entertainment industry), and the fact that Melanie wasn't objecting, what would you have done as a parent?

  49. Melanie Griffith was 13 in 1970 and this seems more mid-70's, closer to Tatum O'Neal and Jodie Foster.

  50. it all points to melanie but would we call her B+ OFFSPRING??

    Tatum fits better ... btu no idea is media uses to say she dated somebody around 20, melanie yea, Don Johnsonn .. but if Tippy would have wanted to trade sex for parts SHE WOULDNT HAVE CLOSED HER CAREER by rejecting directors like she did

  51. I thought Tippi Hedron talked about the misgivings she had about Don Johnson.

    1. The misgivings sound like a lame cop out on her part. She allowed her 14 yr old daughter to move in with him. That is is all kinds of crazy.

  52. Everyone saying Tippi was a great mom...but she let lions and tigers near her children. She obviously likes the danger. Melanie had been hurt by one of the cats. She also had one or two escape the compound. Nothing right about that.

  53. For the 20-something A+++ : Sly Stallone -- with the sweating referring to Rocky

    The only problem is Tippi Hendren didnt do any work during the time period involved (from 73-81) so if she was pimiping out Mel for roles she did not really get anything for it, although Melanie could be the friend.

  54. Back on the 1972 set of The Harrad Experiment, a 22-year-old Don Johnson, in his highest-profile role yet, acted opposite Tippi Hedren. Melanie Griffith, Hedren's 14-year-old daughter, played a student in the film.


    Tippi really wasnt into fame, she walked away from it and by the 70s was more interested in animals

  56. Melanie Griffith is the first girl, deflowered by Don Johnson, introduced by momma Tippi. Drew Barrymore auctioned off by momma Jade. Sweaty A+++ mostly movie actor possibilities: Brando, Welles, Nicholson, Burt Reynolds, Kirk Douglas are def possibilities. Unsure of other tween. Sick AF and for whoever did this stuff, I hope there's a hell.

  57. "Tippi described her horrific encounter with the master of suspense in the recently published book “Tippi: A Memoir.”

    “She became an example of what to never let happen in my life,” said Griffith. “Hopefully, I’ve passed that on to Dakota – to be strong in your work and in yourself.”

    “I was taught self-respect and grace and strength,” chimed Dakota. “Never before this moment did anyone in my family [explicitly] say, like, ‘Be careful.’ Sometimes, powerful men in Hollywood will try to whatever.”

    Hedren told Fox News earlier this year that her relationship with Hitchcock was “a sad situation.”

    “He kept pursuing it and then I said, ‘I want to get out of the contract.’ He said, ‘Well, you can’t. You have your daughter to take care of, your parents are getting older.’ He said, ‘I’ll ruin your career.’ And he did. He kept me under contract and wouldn’t let me work. It was just one of those Hollywood nightmares… It was just so unnecessary. That’s what was so awful about this. It was just… just a sad situation. Just sad. But anyway – life goes on!”

  58. I wish Himmmm would chime in, because I bet he knows. Just give us one clue please...

    After reading all these Hwood stories I'm surprised a lot of these people can keep it together mentally. So much fuckery going on, how do victims cope?

    Sad all around 😔

  59. OB: How do they cope? Ask Lohan. Ask Ariel Winter or Amanda Bynes. Even if they start drugging/drinking to maybe get some kicks - they find a temporary peace that quiets down the demons inside them. But by the time they realize it takes more and more to get that silence? It's too late. Then that evolves into self-destruction, and bad choices they make themselves while drunk/drugged. Rinse and repeat until death or sobriety. That's how they cope, sad to say.

    As for the blind? It can fit two of the actresses guessed here. I haven't spoken to Enty so I cannot say for sure (kinda busy lately). But I do know that Tatum O'Neal has the distinction of being both victim and a cyclical abuser. And anyone forced to live under Ryan FUCKING O'Neal's roof will never make it out unscathed. He's a vile monster whom I hope someone super-glues & duct tapes his rectum + ass cheeks shut, then force feeds him 58 pounds of laxative. Until he explodes. But I'm just warm and considerate that way.

    1. Thank you for responding. When I started to read I was afraid that's what you were going to say. When I think about what these victims have gone thru my heart aches. And all for the price of fame, and probably many had no choice as they were pushed by greedy parents.

      And they have to live the rest if their lives with the awful memories. I wish them whatever true happiness and peace they can find.

  60. I say Brooke Shields. Her mother consented to nude photos being taken of her at age ten for a magazine. She played a child prostitute at age 12. Her mother was an actress and model who had no problem pimping her out.

    1. Wrong, her mother was a stage mother, and super famous for being crazy overprotective.

    2. Her mother wasn't a celebrity though. She did a little minor showroom modeling on 7th Ave. Nobody really heard of her until she made Brooke famous. So Brooke didn't inherit celebrity: passed it BACK to her mother.

  61. The more you get into this whole horrible scene, it's still basically the courtesans auctioning off their daughters' virginity a'la "Harlots". Poor children, these parents should rot. I think it's Drew Barrymore.

  62. It is Melanie. Tippi is creepy af. I live near her sanctuary and hear rumors all the time that she picks up free horses so that her cats can eat "naturally," a.k.a. run something down and slaughter it. (This is why you don't give animals away for free, boys and girls)

    I also worked at an event about ten years ago where Tippi and Melanie were both present and they barely spoke. Melanie was very likeable and nice to everybody. Tippi was creepy weird and seemed to believe she was still a big deal.

  63. The blind says the actor was in his late 20's at the time (mid/late 70s). So Nicholson, Brando, Eastwood, Sheen, etc, are all too old given the time. I'm gonna go with one of these:

    Erik Estrada
    Patrick Swayze
    Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Sylvester Stallone
    Richard Dreyfuss

  64. Exactly 44 years to the day that Tatum won that Oscar...

  65. @Biden is a Pedo: I read this as saying that the "permanent A+++ list mostly movie actor" is a different person from "an actor in his 20's back in the day." To me "A+++" points to Brando, though I suppose a case could be made for Nicholson, or possibly Eastwood (though this seems very unlike him). Welles is not a "mostly movie actor" and Burt Reynolds, Kirk Douglas, and Sheen don't rate a +++.

  66. I feel so sad for these girls. Everyone deserves their youthful innocence. Having a mother betray you, as a daughter, must be the worst feeling in the world.

    I'd bet a thousand bucks that whichever mom was behind this had been sexually abused in the past, probably when she was young.

    I've dealt with Hollywood, and it can be a black hole that sucks in insecure/needy/damaged souls. I was one of those needy souls, although not in the acting realm.

    Be excellent to each other! :) :)

  67. This is a mother pimping out her daughter. Disgusting. How did Farrah stay with dirt bag O'Neal for so long? Was her only exit option death?

  68. Sweated through two or three minutes ... Marathon Man ... Dustin Hoffman?

  69. everyone has always known drew barrymore was supposed to have lost her V at 14, can anyone remember the age of the guy?

  70. from a Tatum O'Neal interview at

    Ms. O’Neal talked about how her father dropped her off to stay with Stanley Kubrick’s family for a year while he was making “Barry Lyndon.” (“So a play date forever,” Ms. McEnroe deadpanned.) Ms. O’Neal and Vivian Kubrick (Mr. Kubrick’s daughter) were 9 and 12. One night the two girls were playing in the bathtub, and Ms. Kubrick cut Ms. O’Neal’s hair off. It’s why Ms. O’Neal wore that on-trend pixie cut to the Oscars.

    At lunch, there were more stories. The time she was in her early teens and she and Melanie Griffith, also in her teens, went to Roman Polanski’s apartment in Paris and he showed them the X-rated, sexually violent Japanese film “Realm of the Senses,” an experience Ms. O’Neal describes in her book. “He didn’t touch me or do anything at all, but that was a lot to see,” at that age, Ms. O’Neal said. “I shouldn’t have been there.”

    Ms. O’Neal also said she lost her virginity at 14, on the set of “International Velvet” in 1977 to a member of the crew on another movie who was in his 30s.

    1. I saw that movie in a college film class. It's gross.

  71. More sad tales from Tatum:

    At 12, Tatum remembers going with her father to Europe where he was filming, "A Bridge Too Far." And she says something traumatic happened. She'd brought along someone she says she'd become very attached to, actress Melanie Griffith, who was 18 at the time. For Tatum, friends were hard to come by, so she says, Melanie meant a lot to her.

    O'Neal: "I thought she was my best friend. But there's an agenda that I'm not aware of, which is that they're going to sort of get together -- and I walk in on them and I end up trying to take my life in a very sort of severe way."

    Phillips: "You were devastated because you felt betrayed."

    O'Neal: "Well, yeah."

    Phillips: "She was your friend. He was your dad."

    O'Neal: "Well, right."

    When slashing at her wrists didn't work, she says she tried to overdose on drugs and alcohol. And in the book, she says she knew exactly where to go for both.

    Phillips: "You went to this friend of your father's. And he gave you—"

    O'Neal: "He gave me a lot of drugs, yeah. And then he molested me."

    Phillips: "Did you tell your father what had happened?"

    O'Neal: "Nope. No."

    Phillips: "So, he molests you and then you just wake up and go on with your life?"

    O'Neal: "Melanie took me to Paris."

    Tatum says Melanie took her to Paris, on to London and eventually let her tag along to Israel, where Melanie was shooting a film. Tatum says she found her way back to Los Angeles alone.

  72. How can this actually be true? HOW? So gross.

  73. I can't believe that a blind actually made me vomit. A blind! Reading a horrifyingly descriptive news article on any type of abuse of a child didn't have this effect. I feel so bad for her. I can't think of who it is..don't really want to.

  74. While it's not pedophilia, the image of Melanie Griffith I have seared into my brain is of her lighting a cigarette in her then 16 year old daughter Dakota's mouth.

    Parenting: it's not for everyone.

  75. Ryan O'Neal: "I was lucky enough to meet this young girl. She was more a daughter to me than a lover, and my own daughter had flown the coop, so here was this replacement." The 'young girl' he met was actress Leslie Stefanson, with whom Farrah found him in bed on Valentine's Day.

    What a friggin' creep.

  76. There are surely worse people in Hollywood's history than Ryan O'Neal, but it's difficult to think of one at the moment. He gets bonus points for squalid deviant hatefulness because he's also not a good actor. Handsome man, but completely empty and largely without talent.

    His huge success and continued lingering on the fringe of celebrity is mystifying. What FF ever saw in him was beyond me as well. There must be something secret about the man that remains unknown to the general public or even people who struggle to seek out whats really going on, like many who contribute to this blog.

    Do these people even know this site exists? Are they shamed by what appears here? Is anything good coming from this at all? Dan Schneider gets a mealy-mouthed exit, David Geffen throws a massive birthday party for himself and all the luminaries show up, Ryan Murphy gets a multi-million dollar deal and the "Glee" corpses pile up, George Clooney and Oprah make noises like they'll run for president.

  77. @DDonna... well, the Lake of Fire lies yet ahead for many.
    There is that.

  78. Ddon

    "George Clooney and Oprah make noises like they'll run for president. "

    Note who is changing the conversation here folks!

    Where and when have O or Clooney made any noises to that effect? Precise quotations please. Supposition by the press ain't valid.

  79. One comment before about actor **** said Ronald Reagan which sounds spot on as usually only colossal celebs like trump,the princess of Wales or Oprah have that many stars.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. What's with the moron who eagerly cited Anthony Quinn as a "perma A+++ actor"? And then admitted they were just pulling this out of their ass? LOL. Maybe you should keep that idiocy up your ass.

  82. This is about Trauma based mind control. MKULTRA again.

    And generational trauma based mind control.

    If you Traumatise generation 1,

    Then their children are much earlier to traumatise and program.

    A yes, it came from the Egyptians, to the Jews, the Nazis and then through all western nations, thanks to the CIA operation paperclip.

    Its particularly good if Dad is a pedo and will rape the child from about 18 months of age onward.

    Helps with programming.

    Gang rapes part of it too.

    Anything that causes the child to dissociate and develop multiple personalities that can be programmed.

    All Lucifarian and highly profitable for the black budget.

    This stuff is filmed and sold.

    Snuff movies too.

  83. Don Johnson with Mrlanie orchestrated by Tipi. Tatum for the other teen ? 😢

  84. I think a few of you are not interpreting the 20 year old actor thing correctly. I think it means that the general consensus is that the early teen offspring lost her virginity to a 20 something year old actor (i.e. Griffith, Johnson) but what really happened was that her mother auctioned off her virginity to an A+++ list mostly movie actor BEFORE the relationship with the 20 something year old actor. It could very well be Brando, or as someone else pointed out, Ronald Reagan considering all the pluses.

    I definitely think this is referring to Melanie Griffith for the first girl. Most likely Tatum O'Neal for the 2nd.



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