Monday, August 19, 2019

Blind Item #2

This former reality star turned A list country singer has gained 30 pounds in the past year because of her drinking and partying. Before and after pictures show how much parting has taken its toll.


  1. Fatass Markle is a trendsetter after all.

    1. Having an entire human coming out your vagina will do that, you know. Mais quel crétin!

  2. Meghan had a baby, dick.

  3. In that order?

  4. "In that order?"

    That's ^^ why I come here. ))

  5. Yes but she is bigger now than she ever was when 'pregnant'

  6. megan markle isnt big. have you seen most ppl in america? seriously guys, come on. just go to walmart literally anytime if you want to know what big looks like.

  7. Markle will grow and grow until Beyonce's thighs will only look "kind of huge" when compared to the royal sequoia stumps.

  8. I am no MM fan, but, with her body type I do not think she is ever going to be super skinny. I would say her weight is the least of her worries. lol

  9. Yeah, the least of her worries is losing a game of checkers to her husband.

  10. Could it just be Miranda is happy after getting married and gained a little "happy fat"??

  11. Anonymous7:31 AM

    For many women their weight is a barometer of their emotional state. The more chaotic their life the more they weigh. I don't know how much of Miranda's weight is from drinking but I would bet everything in my bank account that her life is out of control. That's based on her current weight.

    1. Man ain't that the truth about weight.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. she never gained an OUNCE while she was "pregnant" and now Miss Markle looks like a manatee

    riddle me that Batman

    1. 😭😭😭😭 Why you gotta insult manatees?

  15. If this IS a pic of MM she WAS skinny once.

  16. @hunter @freebird: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Happy Monday!

    1. Heyyyyy, girl! 🧜🏼‍♀️

  17. Was Miranda Lambert ever a reality star turned country star? She's been on reality TV since, but not before. Anyhoo, it wouldn't matter how much she weighs, she still has trailer park face.

  18. I thought the same thing. When was Miranda on a reality show. Now, Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson both have been. Saw a pic of Carrie on DM and she does not look like she gained 30 lbs.

  19. Miranda got her start on some country singing competition. Can't remember the name but I think Naomi Judd was a judge iirc.

  20. Markle will get skinny again once she gets back on cole or Adderall.

  21. nashville star was the name of the show

  22. Lauren Alaina, to be different

  23. Miranda has been plus size on/off. thats why she steals men away from women. MM is just overweight because of childbirth/breastfeeding. she will lose it and be back to toothpick legs with an envious dumper.

  24. HAHAHAHAHA to the whole thread!

    PS- thanks for turning off the comment moderator, Enty.

  25. Kellie Pickler?

  26. Oh noez if MM doesn't lose the baby weight CDaN commenters won't want to f*ck her! Won'tthevselfish heifer please think of their boners?

  27. Harry probably thinks his marriage is a save-the-whales thing.

  28. Not for nothing, but I had 2 kids naturally in my early-mid 40s. Beautiful pregnancies and about 25-30 lbs each one. I was always slender so I carried it all in the belly. Once my babies arrived ,I was at the same weight /body in 10 days. Genetics? Maybe? But I will say she (Meghan) looks totally different now-not while pregnant. It’s a bit odd

  29. wow lots of stuff to say. first, MM was pretty thin before she got preggo, dunno about now but she does have a chubby face. She carries her weight in her middle that's for sure. Second Ann a lot of people lose weight when stressed so that's not true. Third most people don't lost 25-30lbs in ten days like holy shit. Are you serious. I know about 10 of that is baby and other garbage coming out but that's still 20lbs you're telling me that's all edema or something?

  30. Whether MM is pregnant would have to become obvious in the upcoming tour of Africa, no?

    Right now she and PH are guests at Elton John's Nice, France mansion. Sir El also paid for the jet that brought them.

    The 'baby' sure looked like a doll to me and as usual they were hiding any glimpse of it as much as possible.

    The public hates being patronized or lied to - go be private citizens, if you don't want the public attention, only its money.

  31. I think PH and MM are in Nice to pick up the surrogate baby soon and bond with it in privacy at Sir El's mansion.

    I wish they could be honest about it. They used a surrogate then she got pregnant for real when it was nearly due. That's why the sudden puffy face and weight gain. She behaved like an actress with a cushion during the first baby.

    This is obviously speculation but it would add up.

  32. "a lot of people lose weight when stressed"

    + 1 Krissie, and gender isn't why. Men also gain or lose weight due to stress, not only women. (Same w/non binary...anyone.)

    It's more to do with the person's metabolism, how active they are, their habits, emotions etc. Some people stop eating, some people stop moving.

  33. Krissie, you lose a lot of water weight, too. Don't forget the amnio fluid. And the placenta.

  34. The placenta should go within hours though, or you can get puerperal fever. Then the tissues swelling should reduce.

    But the face got puffy *afterward.*

    A lot of people noticed that.

  35. The amnio fluid goes when the water breaks. That's what the water is.

  36. I don't think Meghan was ever pregnant. Surrogate and not even sure there's an actual baby.

  37. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I'm with Netty. I don't think they have physical custody of Archie yet. Keep hearing within the next month they will finally get their hands on a real Archie. The deception and the stress of trying to fake the pregnancy, Archie's "birth" and other events has destroyed their marriage. Harry is back to his old behaviors. He's drinking with his buddies and cheating with girls he picks up while drunk. The BRF shares in the blame for colluding with these two and burying the truth. Balmoral should be a most unpleasant stay with the current uproar over the private jet trips.

  38. LOL Can’t believe anyone thinks Markle was ever pregnant. Y’all have been reading People Magazine too much.

  39. There's an actual Markle blind nearby that's not getting much traffic. Lol

    No one's gonna see the Markle gossip in this one.

  40. Netty, Ann, I said that just above yours...I think so too, they've been photoshopping and using dolls because of the law bout surrogate babies in the UK. They had to wait.

    I wish they'd actually use their wish to advocate to try to normalize IVF and surrogacy and adoption.

    But no, let's shroud the christening (was there one or by proxy?) in secrecy, use photoshop, and play act with a "Reborn" doll.


  41. Gave birth at "A tender age"??
    WTF does that mean?
    Getting knocked up a few times in your 20's and bouncing back to pre-baby weight if a fuckton easier than giving birth after 40.

    Also,'s more common to lose weight during a stressful chaotic time. It's the stressful, full blown never seems to end depression that causes a person to get fat. It's a sick & viscous cycle. You are having a run of severe depression, you pack on the weight, you realize, "oh my god. Now my fat pants don't fit anymore, why are my upper arms still moving after I stopped waving?!" That causes even more depression, the kind that causes you to not want to even leave the house.

    But everyone is different



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