Sunday, September 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

September 10, 2019

This former A/A- list actor who also does voice overs for a national chain was confronted by a blogger while north of the border last night. The blogger asked about the madam/procurer/pedophile and the actor's relationship to her. The actor refused to answer and then had security keep the blogger from pursuing.

Josh Lucas/Ghislaine Maxwell


sandybrook said...

Lainey confronts people?

Andi said...

Epstein was "buddies" with everyone, no matter who they were

SarcasticBimbo said...

+1, @Andi. It sure seems that way, doesn't it?

Monkeyweather said...

Bloggers are part of today's reporters. They convey what is happening to the public. You can't gets the news from the mainstream media. Only Cabal propaganda. Kudos to that blogger!

DADA said...

I hope this guy goes down.


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