Monday, December 27, 2010

Bristol Palin Buys A House In The Desert

Well, if Bristol Palin does actually start school soon, she won't have to live in a dorm like many upcoming first year students. Nope. Bristol took a big chunk of her Dancing With The Stars money and bought a house in Arizona for cash. When I saw the price it made me wonder again why exactly I live in California where the $172,000 Bristol paid for her house would get you a 30 year old studio in a condo building infested with roaches here.

Instead, Bristol got herself almost a 4,000 square foot home with 5 bedrooms and a three car garage. It also has indoor plumbing.


  1. And far away from mommy....

  2. Good god, home prices in Arizona have plummeted. You can't get a decent house anywhere for that $.

  3. @MISCH -

    gossip is that Mama Palin might be headed to AZ too. John McCain deserves every single bit of pain that will cause him. He is almost solely responsible for the awfulness that is Sarah Palin.

  4. Smart investment on her end. I do smell a reality series from her though.

  5. I don't know about the rest of you folks but I am snowed in here on the east coast. So I will be overly posting my thoughts all day. Since I have nothing else to do.

    The reason I read Bristol wants to go to ASU is becuase of their media/communications dept is the best in the country.

    Once these famewhores get a taste of TV they can't let it go.

  6. ms snarky

    In another life I might feel sorry for McCain...but his behavior is so bizarre....time to retire...

  7. I live in AZ. You couldn't pay me to go to Maricopa, let alone live there. It's middle of nowhere nasty tumbleweed "city". The houses there were built around 2005 when the market was going crazy and people thought millions would move to AZ and that Maricopa would become an exurb to Phoenix. It's also in the region of the state where most of the federal and private prisons are located, and most people in those towns work there. It's not really within commuting distance to ASU unless you're crazy (Bristol may pass that test) and don't like sleeping. It's probably 40 miles away, and though not LA-style traffic, there are a lot of 1 lane highways out that way, so get stuck behind a farm truck and it could take an hour to reach civilization and normal traffic jams.

    In the actual Phoenix/Mesa metro area, home prices are a bit higher than that, but the only places you find the 4000 square footers that aren't million dollar homes are out past the edge of civilization near nothing. (and by nothing, I mean no gas stations, no starbucks, no grocery stores, possibly no water, no cell service... nothing!)

  8. lol damn @Jennifer you know your AZ.

  9. oh - plus if you don't want to roast in the summer, using an A/C unit on a place that size... not cheap! Especially with 2 stories and out where there's no tall buildings, trees for shade. I can easily imagine a $600-700 electric bill just to keep the place cool. I had a 1500 sq footer with trees (well, and a pool) and it cost over $300 in the summer months with the A/C set at 80 degrees.

  10. Well, with the Wassillabillies moving to AZ, I think the coyote population's gonna drop rather radically, for one.

  11. Ho...Ho...Ho... I agree with Merlin D. Bear!

    The coyotes have a lot to worry about, along with local rabbits, squirrels, and other small critters.

    I imagine whatever reality series comes out of this ill-planned move will be kind of like a badly written (and casted) Beverly Hillbillies where the jokes are not funny.

  12. I read on another site that a "friend of Bristol's" has said, "I think Alaska has taken Sarah about as far as it can and now its time for her to move to the next state that can help her get the one thing she wants so much. To be President of all 50 states one day."
    God help us.

  13. i guess i didn't get my christmas wish. perhaps for new year?


  14. good for her. she made over 350G on DWTS and bought sensibly.

    i can't hate on her. She's not Sarah.

  15. I for one would love to see a reality show with her and Charles Barkley.

  16. @ Jennifer -
    commute? you mean BP might actually attend classes?

  17. @ Terri -
    Charles Barkley is way too smart for them.

  18. Wow. Bristol Palin made a bunch of money on a reality show. She took that money and bought a house, far away from Hollywood, and is planning to go to college. Shame on her for not hitting the party circuit, getting caught by the paps falling down drunk outside of bars every night, and calling the tabloids to report on her every move. And why isn't she celebrating her birthday and every other holiday at some nightclub in Las Vegas? And wait - where is your sex tape??? We are all waiting for it. Shame on you, Bristol... for not living up to the standards set by so many other Hollywood brats we all love to diss on. You are letting us all down. Let's see - how did it all get started? Oh yeah... you are the CHILD of a politician, who does not drink, get caught with cocaine (hello, Ashley Biden!), or live on the party circuit. Your mistake was that you had teenage sex (oh, the shock and shame!) got pregnant accidently, and had a child with an egotistical idiot who has used you to further his own "career" (using the word loosely here.) How dare you to own up to your mistakes and take responsiblity for them and try to do something responsible with your life.

    Have you learned nothing from Lindsey, Paris, Kim, or any of the rest of them??? But it doesn't really matter, because everyone hates your mother, so you are going to be hated too. Now prove us all right and go screw up like the rest of them!

  19. @SueMo - me too but you said it better.

  20. Palin Family-

    I love how I have to work my ass off to pay off my student loans, and these idiots make more money than me.

    I should have made a sex tape! Ugh

  21. I do not hate Sarah Palin, and I have no idea why the fact that Bristol bought a house in Arizona and is planning to go to college is news/gossip worthy. I say, good for her. I wish I could have bought a gorgeous house at that age.

    And note to conspiracy-theorists: Children throughout the world buy homes in locations far away from their parents. This probably isn't as scandolous as some are reading into it.

  22. I agree with Jax and Sue (in MO). A nice house to raise her kid in and some college classes in Arizona is fine by me.

  23. Easier for Bristol to make money on reality tv, buy a house, and attend college than most teenage moms.

    It's easier for her to be responsible when you have the money.

    She doesn't get my sympathy

  24. Anonymous11:45 AM

    where is everyone getting that bristol is going to take classes? she should, but i doubt it. reality tv pays a bunch, and its easier! lol.

  25. Well, i guess I would rather have her stuck in AZ then in LA having her walk up and down Robertson Blvd trying to get her picture taken every 5 minutes like Paris and Kim.

  26. @Jennifer - my ex lived in Maricopa & commuted to the ASU area. Some days took 30 - 35 min some days much longer. It only took me about 30 - 35 min to get there (but I never drove it during rush hour). You are right in that it's an awful, boring drive.

  27. Good for Bristol.

    I'm actually waiting to see how badly Meghan McCain freaks out when she hears this news...

  28. Well she should fit right in if the kids from Arizona i saw on paradise hotel were the norm..YOWZA

  29. Hi timebob,

    Commiserating with you over weather. Here in Australia, where it should be hot, it has been raining. We had one good day which was Christmas Day, so my husband and I got to go to the beach and swim that afternoon. However, Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, the 27th and 28th (which it is currently) - raining!!! And of course, because it is Australia, the government caved and gave us the 28th off as a public holiday - great for me, bad for business owners.

  30. Totally. Sue in Mo is today's winner. Epic post!

  31. Great post Sue in MO! I hope Sarah stays in Alaska.

  32. The only thing I have against Bristol is preaching for abstinence when it clearly doesnt work..

    but lets talk about this damn WEATHER! I am also snowed in, but in Sweden. Moving to the US tomorrow, and I am stuck on a train in the middle of nowhere, not being able to be with my fam for the last night... This is the coldest winter in Sweden for 110 years. It has reaked havoc on the country. And its not better in the rest of Europe either.

  33. @feraltart I envy you! Australia is a lovely country.

    Have a swim for me when the weather clears up :)

  34. I find it odd that that she moved 3500 miles away. She must be stifled by her mom. It's a smart investment. House looks nice and a great price.

  35. I had no idea that DWTS paid that much!

  36. My prediction: She moved there so her mom can visit with Sheriff Joe Arpaio & they can make a run for the 2012 election.

  37. I actually like the Palins, and don't believe all that is said about them. Of course, I think all politicians are dirt bags.

    Bristol is smart. She did not have an abortion either. She did what she needed to do. She got the DWTS money and bought a house. She's earning her own living, and she will go to college.

  38. I for one don't hate on Bristol.
    I think she's taken advantage of the encounters she's had, and listened to good advice, and may possibly be trying to be a "real" person, out of momma's shadow.
    I have my doubts, but I'm giving her the opportunity to prove the apple fell far from the tree.
    Now her momma, however...
    She's a completely different subject. Bless her pea pickin' caribou shootin' heart.

  39. Sounds like it was a good investment to me. We know a couple that bought a 4 or 5k square foot house with an infinity pool for next to NOTHING outside of Phoenix. Arizona's home sales are one of the worst hit in the nation.

    I hope she does go to college & get her degree & that is what her mama should be telling her instead of pushing any kind of reality show agenda. They could always do a reality show on her being a single mother & going to classes. I know all the Palin haters would love that! :) ha!

  40. @SueMo...You are my hero!

  41. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Canada Chick! I LOVED Paradise Hotel! It was my trash-tv favorite.
    I don' t really get into reality TV much, but I was obsessed with that show.

    Can't believe you brought it up, or that anyone else even watched it. HA!



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