Thursday, December 30, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

Pulling a Britney. That’s what her camp is calling it. To rocket this young singer to fame, they plan to replicate the highs and low of Britney Spears’ career, eventually leading to a public meltdown in a few years. They are convinced they can handle a comeback better than Britney did and hope to land their sassy client in the pages of music history as one of the greatest singers ever.


  1. Demi Lovato. And she just had the meltdown right on schedule.

  2. I don't think she's big enough to stage a 'comeback' anyone would care about.

  3. No, this kind of screams Miley. From Disney, to being legal, to being a nut case, to being a really good mom. 5-6 year plan. Wow. Kind of disgusting actually.

  4. Not that Brittany is a great mom, I'm just trying to predict how Miley's people envision this going down.

  5. Raccoon McPantless?

  6. I just hope whoever it is won't be relevant by the time this planned "breakdown" happens.

    Publicists, agents really are so scummy sometimes. Using mental illness to vault someones fame is beyond low.

    And if it is Miley, I can't see how her gerbil voice will go down in the annals of history as a great singer.

  7. teehee, looser!!! i was thinking taylor m. too.

    they have no idea the kind of hell they're asking for tho.

  8. Looser, it makes me sad that I know who you are talking about.

  9. Forgive the hijack but I love "Raccoon McPantless".

    It's destined to go down in the Hall o' Shame as one of the pathetically accurate nicknames, second only to "Wonky McValtrex".

    Honorable Mention: "Brangelina".

  10. It couldn't be Miley. I think she is planning her breakdown & comeback to win an Oscar and give the sassiest speech ever.

  11. Taylor needs a GED not a public meltdown.

  12. @looserdude
    Thank you!!!! I laughed aloud.

  13. these people are insane...and get paid for it..

  14. Just to throw someone else out there--Kesha (I refuse to put that stupid dollar sign in her name)

  15. @timebob- LMAO at "gerbil voice" so spot on and hilarious at the same time.

  16. Who is stupid enough to come up with this idea? Raccoon would have to have a squeaky clean image, perfect boyfriend, then spiral down, get married to some loser, have babies, then try and make a comeback.

    Who would be dumb enough to agree with this?


  17. And after Miley rises from the ashes she will star in the remake of The Rose with Nick Jonas.


  18. Looserdude just squeaked in under the deadline to win Best Comment of 2010!!!

  19. This screams 'made up' to me. It doesn't even make sense.. how can you force someone to have mental illness? And if the blindee is already mentally ill, then I truly despair of the entertainment world (and society for relishing in it), that is is how careers are made. Is it just me or is this kind of disgusting?

  20. To give credit where credit is due Kaiser @ Celebitchy came up w (or at least always uses) Racoon McPantless as the aka for Taylor Momsen.

  21. I guess Taylor Momsen.

  22. Is Racoon a great singer? What about Wino? Or is she already crazy.

  23. NONE of the people mentioned ('cept Gaga & it ain't her) are big enough to have a "comeback". Try again.

  24. I say the main clue here is ... Her Camp... Demi Lovado is on both Camp Rock movies...

  25. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Kaiser steals her stuff. She's an idiot who is incapable of any independent thought.



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