Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

July 23, 2010

#1 & #2- Let us try for one more Old Hollywood blind item. As always, when it is Old Hollywood, at least one of the people is dead. This A++ movie actor was nominated for an Oscar but did not win. Everyone knows his name and the name of his partner. It turns out though, that like yesterdays actor, this actor also had a thing for little boys.

#1 - Actor
#2 - Partner

#1 - Fred Astaire
#2 - Ginger Rogers


  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....

  2. I was afraid you'd say that. :(

  3. wow. just, wow. this is really disturbing.

  4. Nooooooooooooo!!!
    I did not need to know this!

  5. This is awful. I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

  6. for some reason, this does not surprise me. I don't know why.

  7. Dang. This is revolting beyond words.

  8. Are we to assume that people who are pedophiles were assaulted as kids, did not seek help, and in turn carry on this sickness?

  9. Not a surprise, unfortunately.

  10. Enty is not fooling around today, is he? Love it! (The fact that he's revealing the more juicy blinds, not that two Hollywood icons were pedophiles).

  11. Old Hollywood had more fuckery per square inch than Tom Cruise's white platform sneakers.

  12. I agree with the no surprise - but it really makes me sad. I know all the Astaire & Rogers films by heart :(

  13. As with my previous comment on the Charlton Heston blind, I'm beginning to believe that Enty is basing these blinds on the "Hollywood Babylon" book. Here's a link to one reviewer that mentions both Fred Astaire and Charlton Heston's dalliances:

  14. Also, that book was published in mid-July of 2010, and these blinds were made within a few weeks of that book being available.

    Oh, Enty.

  15. R.C.N. - no. its not a sickness- they arent a "victim" of something beyond their control, compelling them to molest and abuse children.
    recent research is showing that many if not the majority were never abused as children.

  16. Sadly I am not surprised by this one.

  17. He always had the look of a creepy little pedophile...methinks many are not surprised by this.

  18. @RCN I was abused as a child and I would cut my hand off before I ever did to a child what was done to me.

    Pedophiles are sick people who's brains are hard wired diffrently.

  19. This makes me sad..

  20. @timebob- 100% agree.
    its more than a sickness or a perversion. its ... for lack of a better word, evil. straight up evil.

  21. I'm in agreement with jax's statement. There was a lot of fuckery in good ol' Hollywood, but the stars were heavily protected by the studios they were under contract with.

    Today's actors don't have that same amount of "protection".

    This is sick and sad, nonetheless.

  22. This is a hard one to swallow. The movies won't be the same now. was this common Hollywood knowledge?

  23. Another icon shattered. Gross.

  24. Damn. I'd just rather not know about the old H'wood icons.

  25. Um, what's the sourcing on this? It's a pretty serious accusation to make towards someone who can't defend himself.

  26. This so-called "reveal" does not make this a fact, or even a reasonable theory.

    Sadly, people really do believe everything they read.

  27. Over Christmas my niece said she was looking for another gossip site. We talked about this one and I told her Ent usually reveals just the kindness blinds, or at least the ones that can't get his ass sued.

    Oh my.

  28. This one can't get his ass sued, because Astaire is dead. Legally, you cannot libel the dead.

  29. Wow.. this one.. wow.

    Didn't he marry a jocky way back? Didn't they have kids?

  30. Ok...this is! I thought he was kind of creepy but I didn't think he was that kind of a creep.

    @jp is it possible that Enty is backing up his blind now that there's a second source (the book). Maybe I'm being too naive.

  31. Unfortunately, I concur with the viewpoint that this blind and the Heston one are from Hollywood Babylon Strikes Again. Not that it's too horrible or unbelievable, but that both rumors are from the book, and that the book portrays everyone in Hwood then and now as gay, bi, and/or kinked out beyond belief. I call it the "David Bret" agenda. Anything to sell books. I have read myriad things on Hwood and have yet to read anything like this from a substantiated source.

  32. JP, I went to the link...based on that you could write all sorts of blinds/reveals-they didn't hide much did they :-/ anyway, now I'm interested in buying the book but also very cautious since it might all be lies.

  33. Are the specific charges (taking the photos, etc) also
    in the book? Just curious if he's repeating the stuff in the book or seemingly confirming it with these specifics.

  34. I am glad paedophiles are being outed. Why should they be protected? Go Enty and Happy New Year (we are on day two of the new year here in Australia).

  35. not a real surprise

  36. Mentioned this before and I will again, these blinds indicate that Enty now is not the Enty from before. Or at least part or most of the time.

  37. Aly, I have thought this for a long time.

  38. Ewwwww, another shocker.

  39. Anonymous2:46 PM

    ditto for me too, aly.

  40. Anonymous5:15 PM

    This is not surprising to me at all. One look at Fred Astaire and I swear I knew right away he was a weirdo.

  41. i always loved his dancing, but i always found him creepy.

  42. male actor= little boy dick sucker.............duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    thanks for the newsflash there, lamey.
    btw, thats why they hate the cathlic church, ..competition.

  43. Well this sucks, and I am not sure if it is true. He married an attractive female jockey in his later years, and they always appeared very affectionate together. He also was married for 21 years to a woman who by all accounts he was very devoted to. She died of lung cancer and they had two kids together.

  44. @rebellious, contrary and nice Although Moxie sites studies to the contrary the stats I have seen always suggested that something over 90% of pedophiles were abused in their youth with something under 10% of those abused becoming abusers. Remember even though it is frequently misused pedophilia refers to a sexual preference for prepubescent children.

    @moxie can you site references for your statement? Just curious.

  45. "@jp is it possible that Enty is backing up his blind now that there's a second source (the book). Maybe I'm being too naive."

    The book that is being referred to, Hollywood Babylon Strikes Again!, by one Darwin Porter, who is known in classic film circles as a hack so delusional, he makes David Bret look like Edward R Murrow. His writing says much more about the mental state of Darwin Porter than they do about the purported subject.

  46. Debutante said: "One look at Fred Astaire and right away I knew he was a weirdo."

    Yep, that's how I too pick out pariah pedophiles: by the way they look! Male dancers who keep their weight under control to stay employed/uninjured in the business, have obsessive-compulsive tendencies with cleanliness & work ethic (let's not forget that he as his family almost starved at times in his childhood -- no Food-stamps back in his day), a natty dresser (a clear give-away!), Eastern-European Jewish faces with those long chins, big noses, big ears and high foreheads -- Right! You can pick child molesters out like this every time!

  47. towering inferno has Fred Astaire and two kids



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