Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

December 23, 2010

Another small, but nice kindness. As I said in the photos, it has been raining for what seems like forever in Los Angeles, but has only been this week. Yesterday was probably the worst it has been. Anyway, this C- list actress who is on one of the biggest network television shows of all time (although she was a latecomer to the series)was driving home yesterday in this monsoon when she saw a car that was on the side of the road. A woman was standing outside looking under her hood in the rain and our actress decided to stop and see if she could help. Well, it turns out the woman was standing there and had three of her kids in the car, including one in a car seat. The woman did not have a cell phone. Our actress called a tow truck driver for the car, and then gave the entire family a ride home all the way on the other side of LA. In the rain. Our actress even gave the obviously struggling woman a few hundred dollars to help pay for the tow and the repairs.

Ellie Kemper


  1. Yay for Erin!

    Side note: when Ellie Kemper was in high school, her drama teacher was Jon Hamm. Can you even imagine?

  2. Yay Erin Hannon! You must be as sweet in real life as you are on The Office. Way to go!

  3. Wow, I can't imagine ctkat1, that would be amazing. Good on her for helping like that.

  4. Angela guessed this one - nice!!

  5. God I hate the rain, I couldn't even imagining myself doing this in this day and age with car jackers in LA.

    She is a sweet soul.

  6. Anonymous7:08 PM

    carjacking is down in LA, and it's pretty much just certain areas.

  7. you have to love the kindness blinds.

  8. I just love her character on The Office. Good on her!

    @ctkat1 - Oooh, I cannot imagine. Lucky girl.

  9. Another good person, btw John Hamm was her teacher? my god! ;)

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    She is from St. Louis and is FROM MONEY. Like heiress money, methinks.

    Not every insanely rich person from St. Louis is an A$$hole. I'm looking at you heir of LARGE beer company that makes beer that rymes with mudbeiser.

    Go Ellie Kemper. Her officemate Jenna Fischer is also from STL. so is Kevin Kline. ok. I'll stop now.

  11. Ellie is a friend of a friend and I've heard she's awesome, brilliant, and super, super nice. Good for her!

  12. YES!!!!!!!!!

    I love her. She's funny, beautiful and has a heart of gold.


  13. Biggirl988, you forgot about Phyllis Lapin, who plays Phyllis on The Office -- also a proud St. Louisan!

    And you know I gotta ask: Where'd you go to high school? ;)

  14. I've never warmed up to her character on the Office, but she seems like a very nice woman, and this confirms that. Good for her!

  15. Ellie Kemper does come from money. Her family owns Commerce Bancshares (google it). She was also the debutante queen of St. Louis while at Princeton. I think her official title was the Veiled Prophet Ball Queen of Love and Beauty.



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