Monday, December 27, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This married celebrity female chef who has been in this spot before, also spent some one on one time with this football player who was Nick Lachey's man crush and may have slept with Paris Hilton too. I think he did, but I am too lazy to look it up.


  1. I still think this is Rachel Ray.

    Or maybe Sandra Lee?

  2. whoever this female chef is she really gets around. I hope she uses condoms.

  3. For a married woman Giada sure does get around! This was confirmed before about John Mayer, no?
    Don't know who the football player is though.

  4. So, does this connect the dots on the Paris Hilton Herp trail?

  5. Is "football" being used in the UK sense here? Cause I remember Nick Lachey talking about David Beckham once.

  6. Yeah its Glada, but I have no idea about the football player...

  7. that's one too many degrees of paris. i hope giada gets tested stat.

  8. This is barely a blind item. Lineart's connections with Paris Hilton and Nick Lachey are pretty established.

  9. rtsew for the win!

  10. I'm confused. ;/ So is the blind someone slept with a football player? Or with Nick Lachey? Or Paris maybe? huh. I suppose they could have had a big groupon?

  11. Bud, Giada is the female chef who was a previous blind for sleeping with John Mayer who has probably slept with Paris too.

    Maybe we need a blind for who has NOT slept with Paris.

  12. Is there that much Valtrex in the world?

  13. Seriously, is this even a blind? We know Giada was the subject of the blind with John Mayer, later outed by Star or whatever... and Nick Lachey was totally into Matt Leinart, when he was at USC and after. And, Matt cheated on his then girlfriend w/ Paris. Giada is so clearly making up for lost time ... she's only ever been with Todd; he was her very first boyfriend - ever. He's a nice guy, but, poor guy - boring, boring, boring. And, fyi, this thing w/ Matt was not recent - it was a couple years ago at Sundace...

  14. I still don't think this is Giada. We should dig deeper. I understand she was in the spotlight, but so have many others.

  15. Do you think the CDC plays six degrees of Paris Hilton on the Valtrex Trail?

  16. No way it's Giada. Unless she has had a personality transplant and taken complete leave of her senses. Rachel Ray is much more likely, sorry.

  17. By Chef, do they really mean Chef? Some are guessing Rachel Ray and Sandra Lee, but they aren't chefs. So, do all food celebs who are female count, whether they are really chefs or not?

  18. I'm always amused at the people who worship their idols -- whether it be Tiger Woods or Giada de Laurentiis -- to the point where they think they can do no wrong.

    We're all scum. Face it, Giada is as capable as anyone to cheat.

  19. I'm not saying that because I worship her - my husband has worked with her and she is a super nice person, very smart and kind to boot. Which is not usually the case in the food business.

  20. Rachel Ray on the other hand is universally despised.

  21. Giada for sure, Matt Leinart ftw, thanx to the CDAN fb page.

  22. I don't think it's Giada, either.

    Rachael Ray. She was not trained as a chef but seems to be known as one.

  23. Sandra Lee isn't married. She's the girlfriend of Andrew Cuomo, New York's governor-elect.

  24. Since it references "this spot before" it has to be Giada. Again, I don't really see Mayer or someone like Leneart being into Rach.

  25. Nothing happened between Giada and Matt Leinart. They filmed a tiny exerpt at Sundance several years ago for some morning show. The only contact they has was on set for filming a two minute scene. This BI is not true. Ety, I am dissapointed....since I actually know what you are alluding to never happened. On to the next......

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I did not think the last blind was Giada and I don't think so now. RR is unhappy as hellwith her loser "musician" husabnd and loves the spot light. Giada is from a showbiz family and doesn't have that drive. AND may I add just had a baby. I too think it was RR and JM and RR and someone else now...Has to be! Not that I love Giada just something is NQR w/her as the guess.



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