Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today's Blind Items - Old Hollywood

Usually with my Old Hollywood items the subjects are all dead. In this case, the star of the blind is very much alive. Our star is a former A++++ list actor. Never really any awards that counted but huge. Think something like Adam Sandler back in the day. And like Adam, our actor and funnyman was married and refused to cheat, but he loved to play. His favorite game was to find a willing woman and then he would have her come backstage and he would roll out a little shag rug and out in on the floor in front of him. Then the willing woman would be told to do a little dance, remove her clothes and stare longingly at the very tiny peen of our funnyman while he pleasured himself. He would finish on the carpet and tell the woman it was now blessed because of his sperm and her. He would then roll it up and use it again the next time.


  1. Mickey Rooney...

    I've seen an old 8mm film of him doing exactly this.

    Jules Kirby gave me the film

  2. You got me beat....

  3. I'm going with Jerry Lewis on this one.

  4. Oh, I meant to say that I was #4 in yesterday's photos, 1979.

  5. Great minds think alike .robert

  6. Rock me Jerry Lewis!

  7. Jerry Lewis cheated as much as possible on his first wife more then just jizz on the carpet. He treated his family terribly.

    I like the Mickey Rooney guess and was huge in his day.

  8. What about Robin Williams??

  9. Just to be different - Gene Wilder

  10. I'll jump on the Micky Rooney bandwagon! That shag carpet must have been REALLY gross if he reused it (and never cleaned it?).

  11. I dunno about Mickey Rooney -- he's won some big awards -- honorary Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, etc.

  12. I don't think that Robin Williams (has an Oscar) or Gene Wilder count as old Hollywood.

    I was going to guess Mickey Rooney, but he has 2 Oscars (a lifetime achievement & he got one as a kid).

    That makes me lean towards Jerry Lewis, which makes me sad. My cousin has been working on a project with him for a couple of years and only has nice things to say about the guy.

  13. How is this not cheating?

  14. Vom.

    Men and their goddamned sperm. They think it's holy water, for chrissake.

  15. @Jennifer..I did not remember that Robin Williams won an Oscar...just strikes me as something he might do!! ( I have no reason why), but I suck at these anyway, hence why I never guess..LOL

  16. Robin Williams isn't dead, Roney won Oscar so Lewis looks a nice guess

  17. Andy Griffith


    Pat Boone

    But neither are A+++++ (though neither is Adam Sandler...)

  18. Bob Newhart - I have no reason to guess this other than A++++ list. I like him so I hope not.

  19. I don't know if this is him (and would be disappointed if it was,) but Mickey Rooney turned 90 in September, and (according to IMDB) has four films in post-production, is said to be filming one and has one in pre-production. 90!

  20. What about Don Rickles? He did stand up (so there would be a backstage) - has been around forever and is old Hollywood. In his heyday I would think he'd be at least a A+. Not sure about A++++.

  21. Mickey Rooney gets on my damn nerves so I hope he's not considered A++++. Because the blind says "backstage", I'm wracking my brain for a Broadway star, but I know movie actors do stage shows too. Mickey has been married a jillion times so I don't know why he'd have to resort to this trick, but who knows why they do what they do? Maybe the wife didn't dance and hated shag rugs?

    Love the 1979 picture, Robert.

  22. Robin Williams was banging the babysitter, pretty sure he doesn't have qualms about cheating, so I'd take him off the list.

  23. what am i going to DO with you kids? 'old hollywood' is not robin williams or gene wilder or bob newhart. for pete's sake.

    we're talking dead people or in this case, a real old person. mickey rooney is almost 90. jerry lewis is 84. THAT kind of old hollywood.

    i know some jerry lewis stories from an impeccable source. he's a grade A douchebag, and if he's being nice to you, just wait til he doesn't need you anymore. he's an asshole of epic proportions.

  24. All I know for sure is that Saturday is reveal day so fry up your bacon and cozy up to your screen.

  25. Multi pliusses on the "A" makes me think it must be Jerry Lewis. But he did cheat on his first wife back when he was with Dean.

    Maybe Mickey Rooney...but I wouldn't compare him to Adam Sandler.

  26. Bob Newhart is 81. That is not too young. He did win a Golden Globe. I think Cosby did, too.

  27. As creepy as Mickey Rooney is, he's won two Oscars (honorary, juvenile), an Emmy, and two Golden Globes.

  28. Gene Wilder has an Emmy (and has been nominated for Oscars for both acting and writing). Newhart has won a FPA Golden Globe. And Wilder, Newhart and Rickles are all three incredibly kind, nice men and I just don't want to think it's them ... besides, they're not Judy, Cary, Marilyn, etc, etc. Jerry Lewis would probably fit.

    Lewis may well have changed in recent years, Jennifer, but I know an actor who worked with him on several episodes of a TV show and my friend's stories were scary as hell.

  29. I can't understand what woman/women would DO this?

  30. Mr Warmth for the win! *LOL*

  31. @Preciousredtx - Robin Williams won Best Supporting Actor for Good Will Hunting.

    Kind of like the Dick Van Dyke guess. He won 3 emmys, but may those aren't "big" awards.

  32. Rooney did or does a lot of traveling dinner theater, so there could certainly be a lot of back stages for him. Of course, all the women would be over 55...

    But Rooney was HUGE back in the day, the top US box office star for many years runnning. Garland was really his second banana during their partnership.

  33. I can also picture an Irish Catholic like Rooney calling something "blessed."

  34. Jerry Lewis? The guy who refused to wear a pair of socks twice, jizzing on a carpet over and over again?

    How contrary...

  35. Not Dick Van Dyke!! I'd kinda be more bummed that he had a tiny peen than anything else....anyway, I think he's too multitalented for an Adam Sandler correlation...

  36. Rooney. But ew, ew, ew.

  37. I would go with Jerry but he did cheat. He was a twist though, I heard he use to like to watch his female employees urinate.

    Mick was VERY married but not to one woman but several. Eight or so I think.

    He's not really OLD Hollywood but I'll go with Albert Brooks.

  38. Dick Van Dyke was also an active alcoholic during most of his later life, and those guys tend not to be as libidinous b/c alcohol tamps down testosterone production over time. They might talk a big game but . . . also I don't see him as particularly religious/nutso.

    Danny Kaye?
    Bob Hope?

  39. jonathan winters

  40. LOL @ some of the guesses,Robin Williams isnt even 60 but would probably do that. ew.
    Maybe Marty Allen or Jim Neighbors? How about Don Rickles? Im going with the Mickey Rooney, teeny man, teeny peen.

  41. I hope those women weren't forced to dance or lay on the rug!

  42. Jerry Lewis and I don't see how this is not cheating.

  43. How about Dick Clark? He's still alive and he was/is huge even if it was only TV. Maybe even A++++ huge. The blind also made it seem like these incidents happened in the past, and backstage infers some live or stage show. Didn't he do American Bandstand for YEARS? He'd also have a lot of screaming girls in the audience who would have no problem going back stage for a private performance.

    Not sure about his marital status, but I haven't heard Dick Clark was a major hound dog, so something like this could apply to him I suppose.

  44. Didn't Danny Kaye like the mens?

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I'm going with the Mickey Rooney guess...I like the "teeny man, teeny peen" logic plus there was NO ONE bigger than Rooney back in the day...I'd count the juvie oscar and lifetime achievement oscar as awards that don't count.

    And lmfao @ Little Miss and the holy water comment. Totally stealing that.

  47. I thought Don Rickles at first, but Rooney was definitely big in his day. Obviously much bigger than his peen.


  48. Old story, well known about Jerry Lewis.
    Anyone see during this years telethon where he mentioned--in passing--about all the porn he watches?
    So he's pulling out the rug every day.

  49. Dick Van Dyke wasn't drinking in his later life. He was drinking during his DVD show days. He's been sober forever.

  50. Dammmnn Bob Hope was a damn good guess!

  51. These male comics are way funnier than Adam Sandler. Sandler is one lucky bastard.

    Gene Wilder treated women horribly.

  52. OK. I found on this link a quote from this book that states:

    Marilyn Monroe-lookalike Liz Renay details her sexual encounters with Jerry Lewis in her book "My First 2000 Men." ISBN 0-942637-44-5. Here's an excerpt from page 188:

    "'Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, Oooh!' Abruptly he was c**ing all over his little white shag rug.

    'This has to be the world's most honored rug,' he said.

    Blech. To think I hated Jerry Lewis before this.

  53. First name that came to mind was Jerry Lewis, but the Bob Hope guess is intriguing. But Bob died years ago, so I'm going with the Lewis...

  54. I guess that it IS Jerry Lewis. He was really big ... and I don't think he has won any awards.

  55. Just checked his wiki page and he never won anything major. Never really nominated for anything either.

  56. Bob Hope screwed every woman he could get.

  57. Jerry Lewis was a slob.

  58. Who exactly is considered to be an A++++???
    Brad and Angelina?
    Elizabeth Taylor?
    Cary Grant?

    I don't think Dick Van Dyke would be considered that popular. Mickey Rooney--he was married like 7 times wasn't he? Kind of a serial married cheater?

    Throwing names out--what about Dean Martin? Charlie Chaplin? Laurel/Hardy, Marx Bros??? Bob Hope?

  59. What about Milton Berle?

  60. the person is still alive according to the blind ...

  61. And Milton Berle was, according to eye witnesses, hung like a horse. A draft horse.

  62. I'm with the Jerry Lewis guess here.

  63. Jerry Lewis just gives me a creepy vibe, and from the way he talks on that telethon, I can see him describing his personal business as "blessed."

  64. This was reprinted on has been already solved as Jerry Lewis

  65. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Another misleading blind, Ent. Jerry Lewis is a known cheater and misogynist. "Refused to cheat"?? Come on.

  66. Ick. He always gave off a pervy vibe.

  67. Tales of fetishism are inherently sad and offensive to the people who don't share the fetishistic obsession. I guess what I'm trying to say is "Yuck."

  68. Anonymous9:30 AM

    my thoughts exactly ea73.

  69. mel brooks
    married to anne bancroft
    he had
    a lott of hits

  70. Mel Brooks seems to jibe with "like Adam Sandler" but he's not "old Hollywood. Seems like Bob Hope but he's dead. Was gonna say Jack Lemmon but also gone..Tell us fer criminy's sake!!!

  71. It's Jerry Lewis - another woman gave a very detailed account of multiple encounters with him and the rug. Mamie Van Doren. So that's two women who talk about Jerry masturbating onto a shag rug. And It think it was one particular wife he refused to cheat on.

  72. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Jerry Lewis was the name that came to mind first. What an A**Hole that guy is ...and must've been !



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