Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

November 11, 2010

Just goes to show you that a-holes hang around other a-holes. This former A list female reality star was out with her celebrity sister who is not really a reality star. Anyway, the pair ran up a $2000 bar tab and did not even bother leaving a tip. That is not the truly awful part though. The awful part was that their greasy companion was with them. He was abusive to the staff, asked one waitress if her p**sy was wet at the sight of his greasiness and grabbed her and several other waitresses on to his lap. The reality star and her sister did nothing to stop him. The manager of the place was told about it and he did nothing either. Disgusting.

The Hilton sisters and Brandon Davis


  1. They should add gratuity to all bills that least 20%. Poor waitress.

  2. That douche is so gross. What is wrong with people?

  3. WELL OBVIOUSLY, god i hate these people

  4. I wonder if wait staff cringe every time they enter a bar.

  5. No tips? douchebags! And how does Paris pay for this, didn't her grandpa cut her off from getting anything?

  6. Barely blind. This group is the royalty of useless American douchebaggery.

  7. @RocketQueen: thank you to share my idea
    the one stuff i save in Paris hilton is she doesn't wear fur

  8. Well no surprises here, but who is the douchebag manager?!!

  9. the Davis family finally cut Brandon off from his trust. But the damage has been done with him. He is just a waste of space.

    At least they were made to pay a bill this time. It's a start.

  10. Ho hum. Her "pussy" is probably doing the vagina heave at his greasiness.

  11. Didn't need to blind that one since all of their DB-ness is outwardly apparent. Plus they don't deserve their antics to be blinded. I hope their parents feel awful and ashamed every day at the monsters they created. Horrible people!!!!!

  12. Anyone else would have gotten arrested for assault, lewdness, drunk and disorderly, etc.

  13. @ Jess,

    Paris is a another example of a gross waste of space on this planet, but she was smart enough to cash in when she became famous. She's earned a fair amount of coin on her own.

  14. @ Snowcherry - Kathy Hilton is just as tacky as her daughters. The husband (can't remember his name) is just as bad. Both encouraged this behaviour in their kids and seem to think it is okay.

  15. A $2000 bar tab? Ick all around!

  16. I'd like to get another reveal here Enty - the name of the establishment and the manager, whom I hope is sued for supporting a hostile workplace i.e. tolerating sexual harassment of his employees.

  17. I know! the manager sucks!!! I had one asshole talk poorly to me when I was a waitress and my boss was like, "straight up, get the fuck out!" I was so thankful. Especially when it is a $2000 tab---that could equal a lot of dough just by sucking it up and taking it.

  18. What a useless trio of twats !
    I get sick to my stomach at the sight of them !

  19. I wonder how many times their food has been spat in with this type of notorious behavior.

  20. MCH, I'm sure they get more than spit. Did you see Waiting?

  21. They're all just sooooooo gross.

  22. Gas Tank. Enter the Hiltons and Lohans. Close Door. Turn dial. Wait 20 minutes. Very Happy New Year.

  23. @Vicki - I didn't. I wanted to but when the trailer showed them hocking loogies, I had to pass. The site of phleghm makes me vomit-y. I have worked in food service before, though, so nothing would surprise me. :)

  24. Paris tries to not pay for anything, even though she has tons of cash. And yes, the whore does have a ton of cash that she made on her own, not Hilton money.

    Greasy Bear is just a fucking scumbag.

    I used to expect more from Nicky , but I have learned not to anymore. She's a bitch too.

  25. I think you should reveal the Manager's name as well. He is just as guilty.



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