Friday, March 23, 2018

Blind Item #12

There has been a director sighting. In Hawaii working with one of his old bosses/handlers who has been comforting the director with college students from the university where he "mentors" some of them. Apparently he only mentors young gay men.


  1. Hi Singer!!! GFY!!! Eat shit and die

  2. Can we vote him out of the country????

  3. Or send him to GITMO with Podesta the molesta.

  4. Who is the handler?

  5. How does this guy get away with all this.. this freaking pedo ring is so obvious and disgusting yet the justice system wont do anything cause they pay them money to look away.. disgusting. Even if this one doesn't seem to be about underage guys it's still freaking gross

    1. Look up Johnny Gosch. The justice system is involved.

    2. I'm guessing no victim has gone to the police right after being abused. Police won't do anything without an official complaint. Suing hasn't helped victims. The get paid or shamed into silence.

  6. @Thonker - BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS INVOLVED ON MANY, MANY LEVELS. Read that three times and let it sink in. That's how the pedo ring get away with it all.

  7. But age indicates an age level of 18 to 25 ish. And if they don't live under a rock they have read about and heard of Brian Singer so st this point they know what he's about and are hanging with him anyways. This is consensual between adults which is nothing to clutch pearls about at all. Many famous rich straight men date younger women. Potus for example( he likes much younger porn stars) . Now the rapes of UNDERAGE teens he should go to jail for. What I find most disturbing is that in 2014 Singer had an a son with a woman ( I presume)he paid . Coincidentally 2014 is when his victims first began to speak out. And there he was in people magazine cradling his new born son. And then he began to circulate press about being " bi sexual " . I wonder what's become of his son? There has to be a special place in hell for these celebrities who create a human life as a deflection tactic. Don't look here look at my cute baby. Ugh terrible.

  8. Ia this any connection to the Magnum P.I revamp? It just started shooting this week with Justin Lin directing.

  9. Apparently from the LAVA link posted the man would be Chris Lee

    Chris Lee was involved in Superman Returns and that shitty Final Fantasy movie.

    How yes, they are legal, but thats not the point. With how connected Bryan Singer is with pedophiles, any link to him is questionable. Hell many people are questioning the Grease director and Sean William Scott for their association with DEN. Now if this someone else than this would be a different context.

  10. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Another kindness blind. Oh, and props on the username there Spider Rico.

  11. Singer you literally oily fucking bastard.

  12. As I understand it, Singer's limiting himself to young-looking men of legal age, since the scandal hit.

  13. Hollywood really should be renamed Caligula.
    And to think Hollyweirdos imagine themselves to have the moral authority to lecture down to us.

    1. DC makes hollywood look like family values and those bastards imagine themselves to have the moral authority to run the country!

  14. Doesn’t say they are under age. So if they are 18 or older, then what’s the beef? Its not pedophelia. It’s more just gross than anything.

  15. Disgusting, but will it be enough to sate his thirst for the innocent?

  16. "he was also keenly interested in Black Holes, and spent considerable time observing LAVA’s immersive Black Hole simulation-"

    Okay. Nothing kinky there.

  17. Michael Egan had claimed singer raped him in Hawaii. so it is one of singers stomping grounds

  18. I don't think there is any 'apparent' about it unless you are being rhetorical.

  19. Hopefully he can take a swan dive into actual lava while there. Or get himself punted into it, either or.


    is Bryan Singer going to be credited as director for Bohemian Rhapsody? cause that movie is totally DOA if Dexter Fletcher the replacement director didnt end up reshooting basically the whole film. Whoever shoots 90% and over of the film gets the credit DGA rules stipulate. Fletcher shot from December 11th on (Im assuming break days esp the holidays) and then wrapped the film on January 31st.

    honestly, I just want some comfort that his name WILL be on it no matter what. Im so angry that people I like as actors (joe mazzelo and rami malek) signed on to work with Singer in the first place, knowing his history. I noticed that the pretty boy playing the blonde guy in Queen in the film is from X-Men and had worked with Bryan before...looks like the type to be an ex-twink of his....

    I hope Bryan's name is on Bohemian Rhapsody. You cant have two directors share the credit, its the rule. I just cant fathom Fletcher reshooting enough to bump Singer off the director credit.

    Anybody have any insight?

  21. also the age of consent in Hawaii is 16yo :-/

  22. people post 'oscarbait buzz' just bc Malek is playing freddie mercury, and the academy loves their stupid physical transformations. its just not cool, not fair, I dont give aflying eff if a new director came in to fix crap. This project belongs in the garbage, and if it gets ANY award nods, even for malek, I will be very angry/disgusted. UGGGGH

  23. The idea of him getting "comforted" is what bothers me.

  24. @notthisagain

    Like it or not, Singer is still innocent until proven guilty on the public. Sadly, he also has an alibi on Egan's accusation as well. I do believe that is why some decent people are willing to work with someone like that. Not a lot of people know the true nature of DEN, even though they really need to know. There was also a blind endorsed by Gabe Hoffman that the lawyer has some nefarious means too. The same goes with Woody Allen. NOW ROMAN POLANSKI ON THE OTHER HAND.

    I don't know if the movie can recover from the stigma from Singer's #metoo history on the movie.

  25. I wish I lived as well as shitbags like Singer do. Hawaii must be nice!

  26. @ SimplyMasonZero

    I appreciate your response, thk u

  27. @SimplyMasonZero

    interestingly enough i read the names on the polanski petition and didnt know that

    Scorsese, Aronovsky, Wes Anderson's names are on there

  28. Interesting he's in Hawaii, that was one the places Michael Egan alleged that Singer and others took him to...

  29. How about massive protests throughout the country against child molesters

  30. @notthisagain

    I've heard about that, but never looked into it. I assumed there was some better reason than simply "she was DOWN for it". But with how Tarantino and the true nature of Hollywood it really seems to be that.

  31. @SimplyMasonZero

    Chris Lee runs Singer's Bad Hat Harry Production Company. He has been staying at his house on hawaii for years.

  32. Not defending Singer BUT if these men are legal age and adults they are stupid. They know Singer is a chicken hawk. A young think complained about Singer to recently. He was legal but said Singer manipulated him with drugs and sex. These young gay guys also want fame and fortune and Singer knows this.



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