Saturday, March 24, 2018

Blind Item #6

Look for this former foreign leader to end up dead. He skimmed a lot of the money he was in charge of finding for the Church. With all his connections to the former colonies of his country, he was the point person. Now, he is going to start naming names and that won't be allowed. Notice how nothing has been written or any sign seen of that missing US government employee I wrote about last month. A flurry of stories in the press and then radio silence. Not a peep. The Church at work.


  1. Jacob Zuma? I think there was a previous blind about him and the Church

    1. I think P Rei has it with Sarkozy below!

  2. is this about the missing CDC employee? nothing on that story the last 2 weeks.


      If you want to understand the extent of what Enty is hinting @, READ ALL OF THE COMMENTS.

      1. THE CHURCH






      7. Blind Item #7 (The Sunny Medical Death Machine)


      Multiple different churches, charities, are involved, between these blinds. "The Church" seems to describe the overarching network

    2. "ON THE RUN FOR THE CHURCH": Blind Item Re: the government employee who went missing

      Timothy CUNNINGHAM THE CDC EPIDEMIOLOGIST is still missing

  3. I doubt it’s Zuma as South Africa was a former colony, but to my knowledge never actually had any colonies of their own.
    Could this be Tony Blair?

    1. I take it you’ve not been to SA lately.

  4. Oh FFS. Oh no! Not THE CHURCH!

    Radio silence from official sources usually means they are unwilling to give up the details of an active investigation. Who can blame them?

  5. As if a "foreign leader with all his connections to the former colonies of his country" really needed to collect, let alone skim, money for the Church... This site is really going downhill fast!

  6. Another entry from Enty that reinforces my hypothesis that the Church is CIA.

    1. The CIA is called The Church by insiders. You don't leave The Church.

  7. Meant to be Sarkozy. Not that many nations with former colonies when you get down to it, and Sarkozy is the one under arrest. For taking money from Libya, which is the supposed origin of those Red Cross boxes of cash seen in that video and the subject of a previous blind.

    The missing us govt employee has to be the CDC guy.

    While I'll go along with all kinds of illicit big money moving around (Sarkozy *is* charged officially after all), I'm pretty skeptical of a CDC/disease connection.

  8. bonestructure said...

    I think P Rei has it with Sarkozy below!

    Blogger DDonna Tarttty said...

    Another entry from Enty that reinforces my hypothesis that the Church is CIA.

    As above, so below

    1. The church stands for Christians In Action

    2. @Unknown - Thanks for this. I took time to Google this because I thought this was code for the Central Intelligence Agency.

      There are a lot of "Christian" charities that are nothing but fronts. The best thing to do is to expose those specific groups.


  9. Sarkozy knew a bit about Gaddafi various stashes.


  10. Sarkozy. The fool.

  11. So the Church is gonna off Sarkozy pretty soon, who's under Service Service protection for life, who's Italian wife literally said he's like a 'godfather' for current President Macron?Sounds legit...

  12. Also Lybia is NOT a former French colony, so that doesn't even cohere with this blind!

    1. But Algeria, it’s next door neighbor, was.

  13. @ronan pellen

    Thank-you for pointing that out! That little FACT certainly kills this BI. Enty or the Enterns need to research better.

    Libya was an Italian colony.

  14. @ronan pellen

    Lybia would not be expected in this situation to have a colonization tie. That is precisely the reason Lybia paid Sarkozy so much money. Protection. Because they were NOT officially 'in the fold', so to speak.

    At one point, France had all control of most everything immediately south and west of Lybia, down to the Congo.

  15. The Lybia tie to Sarkozy has been thoroughly investigated by reporters for a decade and is pretty out there in itself, hence the legal consequences we're finally seeing, but if there was any connection to scientology we'd had heard about it, besides why would Sarkozy collect money for them when it should have been the other way round, them paying him for protection given their precarious legal status in France???

  16. Yep. The Church. Dun dun DUNNNNNN!!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @ronan

    Interesting point vis a vis Sarkozy and Scientology. That church has been beat up by the French courts.

    Why wouldn't any source of Libyan money expect their bag man to skim from the top? Isn't that a part of the payment plan?

  19. @ronan

    I'm not thinking Scientology for this one.....but your comment reminded me of the controversial 'fan-boy' meeting Sarkozy had with Tom Cruise more than 10 years ago. Cruise definitely went there to petition for legitimacy, though Sarkozy denies they even discussed his religion. (Cruise said they did). Scientology was and is, officially considered a dangerous cult there.

    But you're right, they would be paying HIM, not the other way around.

  20. No info about Zuma there.

    Nice try xyzxyz33 linking to a worthless Twitter account. Which photo there is of you?

  21. *they = scientology HIM = Sarkozy

  22. Anybody have the link to the us government blind referenced? Sounds like it would be about Cunningham, but I must have missed that day.

  23. Not Sarko. The Affaire Bettancourt and the Libyan money is just standard French political warfare. Nothing particularly sleazy and mostly untrue(ish). Now the DSK story is far far more interesting. Trying searching in French on some of the really juicy Dominique Strauss Kahn scandals of the last decade. The stories in English are just a taster. This guy, DSK, was ex-IMF had lots and lots of very interesting connections, really interesting connections, and if had not been for the scandal which could not be hushed up like all the others would have been elected President of France in 2012.

    As for Zuma and SA. He is corrupt from top to bottom as is the ANC. We are talking many billions of bribes and outright larceny. And South Africa once had a colony. South West Africa. a.k.a Namibia. Still has Walvis Bay.

    1. Exactly! SA is horrifying right now. JUST in the near past, 19,000 raped, tortured beyond comprehension, mutilated, murdered... it is one of the world’s most dangerous jobs to be a farmer, white, coloured, or black in South Africa.

  24. Correction. Walvis was given back.

    But the first name that popped into my mind on reading the blind was good old Tony Blair. Exceptional rapacious wife, lots of very dodgy connections, huge amounts of money earned since he retired from politics, made some very interesting business enemies along the way and he also made a big deal about converting to Roman Catholicism. And when it comes to churches with very interesting financial scandals you just cannot beat the Roman Catholic Church.

    So what is exactly going on in the Vatican Bank (IOR) at the moment? What ever happened to those missing / unexplained billions? Any more people end up dead recently?

  25. But let's tell a story
    Tony Blair has added to his burgeoning African empire. The former prime minister can now count himself as official adviser to the president of Guinea, a hot, steamy republic in west Africa in possession of vast mineral resources.
    The agreement coincides with a deal to explore new mining opportunities signed by the government of Guinea and a Middle East investment fund, which also employs Mr Blair as an adviser on business matters.

    That contract potentially opens Mr Blair up to accusations of a conflict of interest — as an adviser to both parties.

    Guinea is the fourth state in Africa — after Rwanda, Liberia and Sierra Leone — to invite Mr Blair and his entourage into government. The formal partnership between Guinea and Mr Blair’s charity, the African Governance Initiative (AGI), was sealed at the end of last year after six months of negotiation.

    Mr Blair can now include Alpha Conde on his list of African rulers with whom he is close. Mr Conde, a political science professor, came to power in 2010, the first time Guinea had elected its president freely and fairly since gaining independence from France more than 50 years ago.

  26. Yep. This is Blair. And he was very involved in African NGO's. All the better to traffic kids, organs, weapons and drugs for the Vatican. And Tony's been MIA lately. Wonder where Cheri and the kids are??? Cuz it's dangerous to be related to these peeps.

  27. Unless the subject of the blind has access to immortality technology, he or she will indeed end up dead. But maybe sooner than expected. We'll see.

  28. Didn't Berlusconi just get re-elected as head of his party? That means he isn't "former" but currently active. That's not to say he isn't part of the Vatican cabal. Can't imagine any pol in Italy isn't. But Berlusconi isn't in hiding. Blair is...

  29. Geeljire said...


    Ur good.

  30. Not Berlusconi

    Although Berlusconis home town Milan is the original Tagentopoli his particular scams look nothing like this one. Sounds like way too much of a small time operation for Il Cavalieri. He thinks big, very big, and ever since he was a cruise ship crooner his scams, sorry business opportunities, always follow the same kind of pattern. Which is nothing like whats described here. He would not waste his time on trivial stuff like this.


  32. @Geeljire

    Great links. Thanks for posting those.

  33. Unknown said...

    The church stands for Christians In Action

    Actually it's Catholics in Action...

  34. Sure Algeria was under French control. So what? Algeria isn't a part of this scandal with Sarkozy.

  35. What you are telling me Schneider is that any missing piece of information (or person) in the whole world of unexplained phenomena = pedophiles!

    THAT'S what I call an unhealthy fixation, twisted in fact.

  36. If this has anything to do with those red cross boxes stuffed with cash, those were found in Syria. Syria was under a French mandate so not quite a colony.

  37. Nope. @Plot. Nice slander though

    I'm just keeping track of all of these blinds. Enty first made these claims. Not me. Also not all of these blinds are necessarily related. BUT They all do share the same terminology "The Church"

    Enty continues dripping informationor (or as you believe) misinformation.

    Quit casting stones at strawmen, ya chump.

  38. @plot

    "Sure Algeria was under French control. So what? Algeria isn't a part of this scandal with Sarkozy."

    I doubt Algeria is a key player in this but these illicit dealings don't happen in some vaccuum of isolated time and space. There is a great deal of fairly recent history (Libya, 1960's onward) involving dozens of countries that make taking money from Africa's premier anti-western militant terrorist leader such a big deal.


    "unhealthy fixation, twisted in fact."

    Sounds a lot like your mania in this blind @plot

    You seriously made it go to 300+ comments by fighting with abuse victims and child advocates.

  40. Wrong thread Schneider.

    You just keep on being delusional.

  41. Nope. I meant what I posted.

    300+ comments of @plot getting soundly critiqued, lashing out, and dodging questions.

    It's like a train can't look away

  42. People don't get that Ent, at least this side of Ent, the one the matters as far as I'm concerned, is military. This is why the access, with very little risk. This is why the elliptic style almost Q-like. Ask yourself why in all these years of blinds never we have seen questioned the profound control that the military has exercised on vast sectors of Hollywood. And all the dirt they have on them. There is a war under the surface. Enjoy the bubbles.

  43. I agree that CDAN, on some level at least, has been commandeered by military intelligence. What I want to know is: What's actually going on here? An attempt to raise the level of awareness and consciousness in the country so when the takedown comes, enough of us are "aware"? Or a "revelation of the method" to make us feel defeated by nearly omnipotent forces that do what they want and blatantly show us to our face? I used to hope for the former, but it's increasingly feeling like the latter.

  44. @DDonna
    "An attempt to raise the level of awareness and consciousness in the country so when the takedown comes, enough of us are "aware"? Or a "revelation of the method" to make us feel defeated by nearly omnipotent forces that do what they want and blatantly show us to our face?"
    That's the key question, and you phrased it perfectly, thank you for that. I often wonder the same myself, when I see all the disinfo agents telling us how the "Illuminati" or whatever crap they have made up to keep us bamboozled have "everything under control". While pretending to give useful information they actually do the dirty work of siphoning hopes and initiative out of the healthy party of society which may still be armed with some critical sense.
    In the case of CDAN the verdict may still be open because it is typical of disinfo agents to suffocate their audience by filling in all the gaps and answering all the questions, while here we are barely given hints... but, yeah, could be a sideline to that. Personally I like to think that, who knows, the white hats are really trying something out. I like having faith. I won't add the apotropaic "probably I'm wrong" either.

  45. @DDonna

    Sorry, you have absolutely no idea how "MI"/TLA's plays that game. And there is not a single shred of evidence of it here so far.

    Want to see a textbook example of how a TLA operative does such an operation? Read the XX Committee posts on Snowden. That's how a threat limitation / suppression operation done by a TLA actually works. Lots of public domain info, at least for industry insiders, wrapped around nuggets of actual insider info, being circulated to undermine / destroy the credibility of the target. If you know enough about the lay of the land you can distinguish the signal from the noise an learn to ignore the chaff. In my case I know more than enough about the history and culture of the TLA in question to spot the very particular "industry" facts dropped in passing among the noise that confirm that that target is exactly what the TLA claims he is.

    So far this site sounds exactly like as it is presented. A sounding board for movie / media industry insiders to get out in the public domain a large amount of insider info with complete plausible deniability. The very calculated noise added to the signal is very deliberate and very intentional. And very necessary. All the noise, the trivia, is there for a very good reason. In the simplest cases professional survival. In the more high stakes cases, physical survival. I've seen professional careers destroyed over minor disputes. And people driven to suicide by higher stake situations.

    If you have never seen this particular game played then you have no idea what the rules are. I ended up here initially to collect background info on a party, unmentioned here so far, but who overlaps with quiet a few people who have, in a case not unlike a few mentioned here. In these situations you do not escalate except when necessary and unless you have done all your homework. And anyway, extraction of the victim from the abuse is the actual goal. So the more you know about the other side and their associates the more likely you can do it in a quick, clean, final way, where the perps and their facilitators cannot retaliate. Which is best outcome for the victim. And for those bystanders unfortunate enough to get dragged into these gruesome situations.

    Thats how the game works.

  46. Cdan reaches millions that's why the Russian bot farmers are here. They've been exposed on Facebook and twitter and now tumblr. So they are getting more aggressive on tabloid sites like this. Look for everything is clintons fault. Obama's fault, any one who stands for peace and equality in any way will be slandered underhandedly ( even teens standing up for the right not to be murdered in their schools) . The billionaire boys club, trump/putin etc will slander anyone who is in any way standing against their lies and propaganda. It's the bully Russian mafia tactics that gained putin ultimate frightening power. Putin won trump the election. Putin holds blackmail video on trump ( the Russian political police operates and deals in espionage and blackmail. Poison and mysterious deaths. And they OWN Trump). Now is the time for anyone who still retains their soul in Hollyweird to stand the fuck up. Anyone in the music business who retains an ounce of integrity to stand the fuck up. Anyone in the business sector with influence and money to stand the fuck up. They are goo to win their social media based propaganda/brainwashing war if we don't. If you're a person of any integrity and influence and you are not standing firm against trump and Putin and their propaganda YOU are part of the problem. Yes you will probably be slandered by Russian bot farmers but have some backbone! It's going to get worse because it WORKED. It stole Comrade Trump the election. He sold America and American people's civil liberties out to Russia. All while confusing and gas lightning and deflecting his criminal activies. This man is pure evil ( wrapped in a somewhat charming suit, as sociopaths often are).

  47. Having just left South Africa after a 20 month assignment, home every 3 months, I guarantee Jacob Zuma’s days are dangerously near being murdered. He’s a CULL.

  48. I find this "blind" and all the armchair spymasters who have emerged to discuss it hilarious. Everybody needs a hobby, I guess.

  49. If this was blair, i'd pop the champagne but i suspect it's sarko and the missing Libyan money. The whole reason for the invasion was money as the hillary e-mails confirm.

  50. @Skipperino

    And your "hobby" is?

    How many people have you talked to about "industry business" who are on the Memorial Wall in the Main Lobby in Langley? Some us actually know a little about the subject. Enough to know what we dont know.


    Sarko was just a small bit player in that soap opera. TotalFinaElf are major player in Libya, just like in Iraq, but in Libya all roads lead to ENI. Libya was and is very much The Italian Job.

    Most Americans would be surprised at just how universally hated Blair is in the UK. Not just disliked or loathed, like Gordon Brown, but actively hated. And with good reason.

  51. @Halloweenie

    Anonymous commenters can crowd-source AND SHARE INFORMATION in ways the world HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED. The paradigm is shifting.

    The internet is the new printing press.

    Just as the translation of the bible into the common tongue, challenged the Church's authority. Uncensored online speech is challenging institutionalized paradigms and structures. Secrecy is harder to maintain.


    So if you want to avoid the spread of knowledge, reject everything that goes against what you've known as Russian PROPOGANDA.

    OR consider....what if both sides propogandize... And the truth requires careful thought and consideration of DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES.

  52. Skipping ahead through the comments but I'm assuming SOMEONE mentioned Nicolas Sarkozy

  53. Sarkozy and Chad. Silsby 1.0

    Adoption. For profit

  54. My first thought was a former prime minister of England and that the ties to the former colonis were ties to the U.S., as the British always love to call the U.S. the Colonies. I'm surprised no one guessed the U.S. as the former colonies.

  55. "And the truth requires careful thought and consideration of DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES."

    Yeah, don't forget to consider those torture basements and pizza toppings.


  56. @Halloweenie: *you* sound like a bot. I'm not a robot, I've checked that checkbox multiple times.

    @ittt: Sarkozy seems like a great guess, although I doubt he'd end up dead. For as powerful the Church may be, he's a politician, can't you always make a deal with a politician?

    It seems this is about Libya... And perhaps about that metal map of Gaddafi's stashed wealth the Church was after... I wonder if it has to do with the only son of Gaddafi who came up declaring, on the same day, that he's ready to run for president of Libya.



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