Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Blind Item #5

Probably the greatest child star of the past generation or two, he made it all the way to A+ list as a child. He saved a lot of his money, which is a good thing. He can't really get work at acting any longer, mainly because of his constant struggle with drugs and his penchant for being drunk every day by the early afternoon because he says it keeps him from using harder drugs if he is drunk or passed out from drinking.


  1. Replies
    1. Definitely
      Harry Potter. He drank on set.

  2. Tricia is like blind lightening.

      Seems like he overshared a bit on Anna Farus’podcast this week👀👀👀

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      @tricia13 day drinking is definitely a cause for over sharing in conversations!

    3. I imagine!!
      Remember when John Stamos gave that shitfaced interview (in Australia) morning TV I think 👀

  3. Combating drug use with alcoholism doesn't strike me as a winning proposition .

  4. It’s difficult reaching out for help.

  5. Culkin is not from the past generation or two. He is 37. Hasn't been a teen or child since the 90s. And he is all over the place, doing interviews and looking cleaning and sober.

    1. @DonnaMarie - He's in my generation. I guess we are old fogies to you.

    2. He’s Gen X, not Y or Millenial. That’s two back.

    3. 🤔😂

  6. This is sad. Another victim of the Hollywood pedo ring, I'm guessing?

  7. Haley Joel Osment?

  8. Macaulay looks better lately though. He probably will go to rehab when he is ready,it won't work if forced anyway. He seems smitten with the new girlfriend.

  9. The production of "Home Alone" was literally a Saturnalia of Hollywood child rape.

    1. How so? Are you talking the human skin shoe?

    2. Saturnalia is "Christmas," they were sure to cover their bases while John Hughes and Daniel Stern "celebrated."

    3. I haven’t seen any blinds implicating either, can you point me in that direction?

    4. Patience!

  10. I was going to say Frankie Muniz but I think he actually has a pretty successful life. Managing a band etc....
    Culkin is a sound guess.

  11. Let's get Gabe Hoffman on @joerogan podcast, tweet @Jamievernon also, he's the podcast producer. Or don't... ok thanks

  12. Osment is still getting work.

  13. i've been following Bunny Ears since it launched. I think Mac just smokes some pot and maybe drinks now, but seems like he's well off now and just enjoying his life. I don't think it's him, unless he's just a happy, functional drunk.

    Muniz though, he seems like a real prick.

  14. Hayley Joel Osment is actively working right now. He was recently on The X-Files.

    I read on DM that Frankie Muniz has short-term memory problems.

    Has to be Macaulay. I read a long time ago that he's careful with his money.

  15. Culkin. He was so so so big in the early 90s. Even his siblings were famous. And I think by past gen or two Enty is talking millennials and Gen X and MC is the biggest child star to come out of those generations by far. As far as I can remember he's the only kid star recently to actually draw people to the theater the way Tom cruise or other A+ listers can. I have to imagine he made oceans of money. And he barely works. And he had a terrible childhood first with his parents who had an awful relationship from what I've heard and I think there were rumors his dad was abusive. Maybe that's why he bonded with MJ. And the MJ connection led to speculation he was sexually abused as well. And there have been drug rumors dating back to at least his Mila Kunis years.

    1. On Marc Maron's podcast, he said his dad was very abusive and travelled with him everywhere.

  16. Elijah Wood to be different

  17. This is probably a great time to hype Mac's band
    The Pizza Underground

  18. MJ was chemically castrated by his loving daddy so he didn't go through puberty so his voice wouldn't break. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually had his balls cut off. Never bought into the theory that Michael was a pedo. He was a weird fucker for sure, but someone with no balls is not going to be raping anyone. Also he lived in LA, why the fuck did the cops target him? The LAPD actively cover for pedos, so what made him special?

    Anyway Culkin fits all the criteria for abuse survivor poor bastard. His family was extremely fucked up as well, likely why him and MJ bonded.

  19. I dont know Frankie made that weird 911 call where he sounded messed up could be him

  20. Enty can we get a "Daniel Stern is going to Hell" blind one day?
    *Stern was raised in Bethesda, Maryland, to a social worker father and a mother who managed a day care centre.
    *Home Alone
    *Wonder Years
    *Rookie of the Year
    *He is the father of California State Senator Henry Stern.

    1. I’d like to see one about the Wonder Years as well. I don’t even remember him on there, but there seems to be whispers about Savage.

    2. @totaji... I think he was the narrator on The Wonder Years.....

  21. Thought Culkin was borrowing $$ from Paris Jackson 2 get by? He should just sell his real Hollyweird story then high tail it 2 wherever the predators cant get him outside the U.S. Who diddled MC and f'd his head aaaall up?!!!

  22. It came out in the criminal trial of his doctor, the one who killed him with Propofol.. Had been rumored for years though. Makes sense, I mean just look how he was, the dude was like 5 ft nothing, had no muscle mass, had a voice that could sing full castrato. He either had some weird birth defect or he was being dosed with hormone blockers.

    1. Forerunner to today's epidemic of hormone abuse

  23. Tricia13 said...

    McCauley Culkin

    Sounds like Mr. Culkin is suffering from severe psychological trauma issues. Why do these celebrity personages believe they can waltz around in the public eye (while pretending they're relevant AND whining about their privacy) acting the way they do and still believe WE can't see their illnesses AS THEY PRESENT THEMSELVES? Now, we know McCauley has not seen a war, he did not survive a hurricane or lose a major family member, so why does he look and act like he has been through some major trauma?

    Geeljire said...

    This is probably a great time to hype Mac's band
    The Pizza Underground

    McCauley and Donald Trump appear together in 'Home Alone 2'.

    Trump bought the Plaza Hotel in 1988.

    The Plaza Hotel is the site of room 233, 'where Roy Cohn held child abuse orgies in order to blackmail the elite.'

    Roy Cohn was reportedly "a Meyer Lansky organized crime syndicate operative who served on the Permindex board, which is believed to have been Mossad's key operating front in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

    Cohn is believed to have used child prostitutes to blackmail politicians.

    Cohn is believed to have been involved in the Franklin scandal - a child-sex ring that reached the Reagan White House.

    Cohn aided Roger Stone in Ronald Reagan’s 1970-80 presidential campaign.

    The FBI Director J edgar Hoover is alleged to have been witnessed dressed up drag with two young boys at the Plaza Hotel.

    Donald trump was Roy Cohn's apprentice.

    "Pizza" is NOT an exclusive item on the menu for the Hillary camp.

    THEY ALL love pizza.

  24. Chemically castrated males can and do rape.

    Historical records bear out that eunuchs can and do experience sexual desire.

  25. I doubt this is Fred Savage so unless Drew Barrymore is really a dude then this is Macaulay Culkin.

  26. @Geeljire has been tossing out some unexpected names the past couple days, including two yesterday that I already don't remember and can't find the thread I commented on.

    But his reference to John Hughes is unsettling. It sure does look like Hughes was in his heyday during the 80s/90s when CDAN has said pedophilia was at its peak. But Himmmmm has also said Hughes was a good guy, flawed but no serial abuser.

    Daniel Stern, the guy's ugly and one-note, it would add up that he's got some people on the "inside" looking out for him.

    The whole Saturnalia/Christmas thing is a creepy connection. Most people say Jesus was born in Spring anyway, though there have been some people floating Sept. 11 at Jesus's birthday.

    All so strange and sad. Mac definitely shows signs of having had a rough childhood, he's probably doing better than expected. The Pizza-related band is an interesting sideline for him.

      What is this a representation of and why is it in Bern, Switzerland?

  27. @totaji
    Daniel Stern did the Adult Kevin voiceovers for The Wonder Years

    1. That’s wild. That voice does not go with that face at all.


    This article offers several explanations.

    Very bad to be reminded that Stern did the v/o for Kevin in "The Wonder Years." The circumstantial evidence, and interconnected network of abusers and victims, gets more convincing by the day.

  29. The guestbook
    Did anyone ever see that in a much earlier era of internet?
    The guest book was vile, and subsequently memory holed.
    Primordial internet entities seldom forget:

    So what's that mean?

  30. The smartest thing Mac did was emancipate himself with the quickie wedding so he could get control of his fortune or his father was going to blow through it all.

  31. Jonathon Taylor Thomas

  32. Isn't it odd that there seem to be quite a few bands featured on that like to perform at Jimmy Alefantis' Comet Ping Pong and Pizza in Washington DC.

    Listen, can anyone hear that Heavy Breathing?

    Eh, I guess everyone has their PREFERENCES.

    "The birth of our lord, Sasha Lord." 1:00 min.

    Oh, btw everyone tomorrow is 3/22 (look up skull and bones logo) is their day so be prepared for another False Flag event.

    1. +1
      But there's no basement, and a crisis actor, I mean "crazed chan poster," fired a bullet that coincidentally fragged evidence, which the DC police then dutifully collected and stored away from prying eyes.

      What was Imran Awan doing with Seth the night he was murdered anyway?

  33. Would Muniz or some of these others like Savage really be considered the best of their generation? Culkin was a flat out huge star phenomenon. I don't see the first two working. Muniz had a solid series but what else did he do? Culkin seems to have not had it easy but he is still worth $15 mil.

  34. @kiki71 I threw Savage's name out there to make a point.

    Muniz is from my area & a lot of people don't know of him or have never seen Malcolm in the Middle.

    Macaulay Culkin, Drew Barrymore, Shirley Temple, Judy Garland, & maybe Liz Taylor are the biggest child stars I can name from the top of my head.

  35. Whats with Frankie Muniz' memory loss and seizures.

    He can't remember anything from Malcolm in the Middle?

    Sick or abused?

    1. What's Bryan Cranston's actual deal?

    2. Frankie does say Cranston was like a father figure on set

      He also says he stayed at Cranston's house off-set and on weekends..

      Frankie says Cranston helped give him a normal childhood, but he also doesn't remember it.

    3. @Schneiderisnext

      Frankie Muniz has mini strokes. He claims to not know the cause, however he did race cars & I remember reading about an accident.

  36. Ah yes, The Pizza Topping crowd as descended, those who ignore real cases of abuse to play their fantasy games of basement torture chambers. Whose do those fantasies belong to exactly?

    1. Agree with you, Plot. I’ve been a lurking CDaner for a long time - since the Herrr blinds - ie the lady with the annoying voice who was selling drugs to her teenage neighbor in Malibu (most thought Yasmine Bleeth). Not only did it used to be fun to try and solve the puzzle and guess who the celeb was, but it also seemed like everyone was respectful to each other when posting. This seems to have changed. Now it’s all about conspiracy theory’s and political intrigue and the respect towards other posters is not like it used to be.

  37. Clean sheets a 'mikvah' down in a 'Toxis' shithole house, eh?
    Goodbye @plot. Whatever this brief acquaintance was, the pleasure certainly wasn't mine.

  38. @Vessimede Barstool

    The chemical castration theory has been around for a long time and would explain a whole lot about MJ.

    Providing evidence to this theory is a glance at MJ's brothers who all grew into full adult bodies and faces and lost their singing voices upon growing up. This was not a family of slight men.

    Contradicting the theory is the enormous amount of treatments, plastic surgery and possible eating disorder for MJ. His looks are so distorted by all that, it might account for everything blamed on chemical castration.

    Still, we're talking Papa Joe here, the template for Pimp Mama Kris in that he would do absolutely anything to retain power over his most talented child.

    1. @plot & vessimede

      Michael Jackson did talk & sing with a deeper voice. Lisa Marie said he spoke in a higher pitch so as not to scare kids.

      Don't take our word for it. There are plenty of videos on YouTube proving he spoke & sang with a deeper voice when he felt like it.

  39. To say that Culkin was a star from "the last generation or two" seems to be pushing the limits of a "generation." "Home Alone" came out in 1990, some twenty eight years ago.

    Culkin fell off the radar in 1994, but he seems to have turned things around and has been working again for over a decade. He has a starring role in a Seth Green movie currently in post-production.

    1. @bolkybiy - Culkin was born more than 28 years ago, he fits the blind as written.

      Long-time CDaNers can confirm Enty sometimes plays with dates and times to make some blinds harder to guess.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. plot said...

    Ah yes, The Pizza Topping crowd as descended, those who ignore real cases of abuse to play their fantasy games of basement torture chambers. Whose do those fantasies belong to exactly?

    YOU and the IGNORANT are the ONLY ones perpetuating that myth THAT WAS STARTED BY THE MAINSTREAM AS A DISTRACTION. OF course he wasn't running a child trafficking ring OUT OF THE SHOP you normal idiot. NO WONDER YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT - only a sub-idiot would believe that, but a NORMAL idiot believes the TV.

    If you examine ALL of the evidence what you will understand that Alefantis and his Media Matters BOYFRIEND were running a BRANCH of Clintons extortion ring and using CHILDREN as ENTICEMENT for joining the Clinton Foundation fold, mirroring EXACTLY every extortion plot- the UK and the world over- ever devised you fucking moron.

    Handkerchief Email Revisited: The Sandler's, Saturday Night Live, and Chabad Lubavitch

    Here you see that the The Sandler Clan, who orchestrated the housing market bubble of the late 90's, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and of course the Clinton Foundation ARE ALL wrapped up in a HUGE EFFORT at DESTABILIZING THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. This ALL leads to the BUSH CARTEL and even further back to HITLERS THOUSAND YEAR RIECH.

    Motherfuckers you better be ready for the real deal this hollywood shit is no joke and none of this stuff that it leads to is either. You're just one funny looking turd in the punchbowl.

    Get with the fucking times you POS.

  41. Bryan Cranston has a small role in "Saving Private Ryan." Tom Sizemore and Tom Hanks in much larger roles, too, of course. And Ten Danson and David Wohl. Hell of a cast.

  42. C C said...

    "Agree with you, Plot. I’ve been a lurking CDaner for a long time - since the Herrr blinds - ie the lady with the annoying voice who was selling drugs to her teenage neighbor in Malibu (most thought Yasmine Bleeth). Not only did it used to be fun to try and solve the puzzle and guess who the celeb was, but it also seemed like everyone was respectful to each other when posting. This seems to have changed. Now it’s all about conspiracy theory’s and political intrigue and the respect towards other posters is not like it used to be."

    Because you apathetic enablers who live vicariously through other peoples lives are OVER. Whiner.

    Your world is the way it is because of people like you that have continually just watched the accident and never stopped to help. Fool.

    1. @Akha - I am going to address your comment with more respect than you have addressed mine.
      If you have been on this site for more than a year, then you would realize that the constant pedeophile blinds are a fairly new thing. In the past it seemed that the old Hollywood blinds were much more controversial than the blinds that referred to current Hollywood, and anyhhing remotely political was very rare, if at all.
      To imply that those of us who have been on this site for quite some time are somehow complicit in enabling the child predators of Hollywood is far from reality. In truth, we are just as repulsed as everyone else regarding these allegations. However, not everything is political nor is it a conspiracy.

  43. Vessimede: think about the one most valuable asset that MJ controlled....

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. You are free to not like me
    You are free to disagree
    You are free to find some of my language crass and off color
    You are free to scroll past

    You are not free to oppose people exposing international institutional pedophilia.
    You are not free to smear us as "the real pedos."
    You are not free to post #MeToo and deny the testimony of victims who are not you.
    If you come to us in opposition to defend your pet tribal pedophiles, expect opposition research.

    A friendly reminder

    1. Sure as long as this applies to you rapist Mohammedans also. Between those that judge the rest of us goyim and infidels, you’re two sides of the same coin made from fool’s gold.

  46. "the ONLY ones perpetuating that myth THAT WAS STARTED BY THE MAINSTREAM AS A DISTRACTION."

    Not according to my reading of 4chan, it ain't. The Pizza Topping Gang was fully invested in all the conspiracy Outrage! all over that site.

    Denying it now, since it was ridiculous, is kinda pathetic.

  47. @C C

    Ain't it the truth! The Herrr blinds were fun and the comments here were so funny and convivial. I didn't even comment most the time since the discussions seemed like a group of friends hanging out, sharing gossip and amusing themselves. Even the arguments at the time were hilarious bitch slapping sessions.

    Why Enty decided to invite in 4chan and The Pizza Toppers, I don't know. It started around the time Trump announced his presidency when these boards, and the boards at Blind Gossip (which has actual bots repeating the same biased answers, post after post) changed dramatically.

  48. Whoever figures out how to block bots could be rich.

    So sad Facebook how are those shares tanking. Whoever can think up a secure rival to Facebook your time is now.

    1. @Jen Ty

      Zuckerberg recently sold some shares & made $900 million.

  49. What on earth are the Herr Blinds?

    I believe Podesta is a perv. I take the Red Pill.

    I do NOT believe in Pizza Gate.

    No one thinks about it until certain people mention it.

    If you want people to stop talking about Pizza Gate then stop bringing it up.

    1. Herr blinds was a series of blinds (I believe three) about an actress that enty used to write about. If my memory serves me correctly, the first blind was about an actress who sold drugs to her teenage neighbor. I believe there was another about the actress getting arrested. I also think that enty personally knew this actress and would always mention hearing her annoying voice. They were a lot of fun and way less disturbing than the pedo blinds that seem to be dominating Cdan right now.

  50. Facebook deserves everything it is currently suffering.

    It took $200 million from a Russian bank connected to Putin to increase its IPO offering.

    It agreed to allow apps to be hidden in it's software for information harvesting.

    It hid the use of photos, taken with your computer's camera, for use in facial recognition programs.

    It shared programmers and source code with Cambridge Analytica which promised politicians all over the world (and in small races as well in individual US states) to use the very basis of Facebook to skew and subvert elections.

    Fuck Facebook. Fuck Zuckerfuck, the village idiot of Silicon Valley.

  51. Funny how a topic about Macaulay Culkin being sexually abused by tribal pedophiles is now about Zuckerberg's alleged lack of business acumen.
    Oy vey. It happens every time.

  52. @T.W.

    "I take the Red Pill"

    Which magically allows one to think that women are the enemy of the dominance that men so richly deserve?

  53. Everyone should study the Babylonian Talmud's system of polytheism and contrast it with the message given to the Prophet Musa.
    Wow, that's a real apples and mushrooms situation with monotheism isn't it?
    But if you play for that tribe, you defend that tribe.

  54. I thought he sounded healthy and great on Marc maron podcast recently! He talks about mj- give it a listen...

  55. I agree that this is Mac. I’ve seen him out drinking. He looks like shit but seems like a nice guy. Also saw him on Broadway and I hate to say it, but his acting was unforgettably terrible. Burned into my permanent memories terrible.

  56. Pedogate is fact. 18,000+ sealed indictments are hanging like the Sword of Damocles over pedos and their enablers. Those who "know" and remain silent will not escape the righteous anger of woke-normies. Collaborators will experience (first-hand) how the French dealt with "traitors" after WW2. Kate Capshaw...come out and playyy.

  57. Seems to me that Akha and Gee are the same person. Same posting styles.

    1. Seems this happens every time I look in the mirror and say
      Arnon Milchan
      Arnon Milchan
      Arnon Milchan
      What is a regent in a regency anyhow?
      This goy's too slick, I watched too long.

    2. Raised on the internet. We all sound alike.

    3. 1st/2nd gen internet child soliders really saw it all
      Some of us even made it to adulthood

  58. Daniel Radcliffe is known to booze really hard.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I don't know the exact definition of 'generation', but I think one generation spans about the number of years that it takes for an average individuum to reproduce. In other words, about 20 - 30 years (most people have their first child between 20 and 30).
    So 'greatest child star of the past generation or two' could definetely be Macaulay Culkin. But 'he can't really get work at acting any longer' sounds like someone who only stopped working a short time ago.

  61. @Vessimede can be castrated and still be fully functional, read up on the historic Castrati singers, some of them had a grander reputation than Don Juan. Society ladies flocked to them as there was no danger of getting pregnant.

  62. This is clearly Culkin. He was just interviewed and talked about losing his virginity.

  63. HERRR Blinds! It seems like that was another lifetime.

    I stopped posting here when the format changed and I couldn't make heads or tails out of anything.

    The rumor about MJ - may he rest in peace - having been castrated has been around since I was a much younger woman. In some circles it was considered gospel truth.

    MJ taking ownership of the Beatles catalogue was an earthquake in the entertainment world. Paul, who considered himself a friend of MJ's, was beside himself with anger. My timeline may not be perfect but it was after that happened that the rumors started about MJ.

    It's nice that some old timers are coming back.

    1. I agree, Aoife. I did not like it when they changed the format. It was really confusing and the whole behind the curtain graphic annoyed me.

      Also, good info on MJ and the Beatles. I remember when MJ took ownership of the Beatles catalog. It was a HUGE deal.

      Agreed! Good to see some old timers back!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. It's probably Culkin, but can't understand why the blind would describe him as the greatest child star. I only remember him in Home Alone and that's it. I wouldn't characterizes an actor known for one franchise as the greatest child actor. Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with his other blockbusters.

  66. I thought generations were every 10 years starting from the base year I guess but i googled and it says we use every 15 japan uses every 10.

    Well it says past generation not the current one we're in so 1990-1999 and 2000-2009 would be the past 2 generations. 2010-2019 would be present so it doesn't count.

    This what i thought but now I'm just confused.

  67. I'm going to have to say Angus T. Jones.

  68. Roy Cohn was gay and an awful awful person and you're correct. He mentored Trump for many years till they had a falling out. Cohn had a terrible personality and fell out with a lot of people ( like his protégé Orange Hitler) . Again let's ask ourselves why would Trump ( against all of his political advisers) call Putin to congratulate him? What information/videos does Vladimir have? Think hard about this. Putin won again by utilizing Russian mob tactics of: poisioning and murdering anyone who attempts true democracy. They beat up and dragged his opponent through the streets. Putin has propagandized all to/media. Imagine if Trump had the same control and influence he has at the national enquirer, us weekly, blindgossip and Fox News and Facebook through Russian bot shops, image if he has that influence everywhere ( that's his's every despots plan, keep in mind the economy in Russia has improved under Putin, as it will under Trump, as it did under Hitler ) SO what does Putin possess? I don't think pizzagate is real i think that's right wing propaganda pushed heavily by Trump and the Russian bots as a means of DEFLECTING from the truth about TRUMP . I pray for our nation.

  69. Definitely Macaulay Culkin. He was a HUGE child star at his time. He had the Home Alone series, he was the live action Richie Rich, he had dramatic turns in My Girl & The Good Son, he was in a Michael Jackson music video, and he had his own weekly cartoon show where he voiced the main character. Not to mention the toys and catchphrases he had.

    I saw & briefly spoke to Frankie Muniz in public a couple of years ago. It was mid-late afternoon & he seemed sober and aware, which is far from the view of high/drunk combination Enty gives of pe

  70. @Halloweenie

    " keep in mind the economy in Russia has improved under Putin"

    At first it did under Vlad, then the Oligarchs were the only class to benefit from any economic progress while the citizens started to suffer. Russia has not diversified it's interests and it's whole system is oil dependent (even more so than Saudi Arabia's if that is possible.) Except for blocks of foreign real estate, the holdings of the Kleptocrats/Oligarchs are surprisingly limited.

    Since sanctions, the economy has been tanking. Since indictments are now in place against a series of Russian Kleptocrats, and more are expected, those Rich boys of the Rus are frozen in place. They can't visit their homes in Switzerland or London or the Riviera, might not be able to pay for their kids' tony schools abroad either.

    The propaganda exudes praise for Vlad and his saving of Russia, when that is really not the case. There are great societal issues in Russia, the mark of which (that we can see) is their plummeting birth rate and the number of women doing anything to get out.



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