Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 13, 2018

He is doing everything he can and selling off everything he can to pay for medical treatment, but he is also putting his affairs in order. Too much damage to that body over the years and this former A+ list mostly television actor who had a run as an A lister in movies before that is dying. His doctors don't think he can live beyond a year. I think it is going to be a lot less. I hope before he passes though that he sits down and lets himself be interviewed for 20-30 hours just to get all his stories and truths and everything out so we aren't left with a million questions.

Charlie Sheen


  1. Tiger Blood Memorial Hospital

  2. I started to be convinced that this could be Burt Reynolds, but the Charlie Sheen bet paid off.

  3. Was he raped as a child as well?

  4. It's pretty much no secret bitch is broke and getting rid of all his sports memorabilia. I wonder if Trump's mouthpiece the Enquirer paid him to drop the lawsuit yesterday?

  5. Some people swore this wasn't Sheen.

    This could explain why his lawsuit against the National Enquirer ended the way it did.

    Perhaps Charlie promised to name names & give the scoop of the century.

    Perhaps he didn't rape Corey Haim on the set if Lucas but knows who did.

    Perhaps Sheen did rape him but the Enquirer agreed to stay silent until Sheen dies in exchange for juicy information that will finally bring down the perverts.

    1. I bet that last one is true. I read the settlement didn't include money. They agreed to something.

  6. I got one right!

  7. They always take the secrets to the grave. That soul sale is FINAL.

  8. Tyga shared a transhooker with Sheen.
    Keeping up with the white blood cell Kount?

  9. He’ll die and take his secrets with him

  10. Ooooh... Sheen's the rapist.

  11. I don't know that the Enquirer is as interested in seeking justice as they are leveraging dirty information for perpetual profits, either through sales or blackmail.

    1. @A Dumb Idiot - Courtney Cox had a show on FX called Dirt. It was about the tabloid magazine industry, an hour-long blind item. She must have exposed the wrong thing because the show was quickly cancelled.

  12. Unless there's a last-minute act of contrition, he'll keep everything to himself.

    But it would be great if he had info on Geffen that could bring him down ...

  13. He is a psycho pedo and rapist but he did not rape Haim on set of Lucas. He may have abused Haim, but he wasn't he A-list Superstar beloved Celebrity who abused Haim on the set of Lucas. That's a fact. There's an A-List Monster perpetrator in his 70's still on the loose.

    1. Geeeez I *really* hope it's not who I am suspecting...obvs not naming anyone but holy moly.

  14. Who is it Spider Rico? Do you know?

  15. @DDonna it's been loosely discussed here before but the answer is out there if you dig a little.

  16. Come on, Spider. Just spill it.

  17. @Spider Rico why should we have to dig? Don't you want to expose the pedos?

  18. I've seen insinuations on some dark web chat boards, etc. Is it the guy from, uh, "Indiana"?

    1. @DDonna Tarrty - Thanks for this.

      I wonder what Spielberg has to say...

    2. @DDonna Tarttty - Spielberg is not listed as director or producer of the film Lucas. Why do people think he raped Haim on set?

  19. Corey F that you???? Deflecting the truth

  20. How much credibility remains? Even a dying declaration from this guy would be suspect.

  21. DDonna T.W I was obsessive as you guys were that's why I went on a hunt to know. The owner of this site knows WAY more than I do without exposing. Also, I know, and have heard and got privy to TWO names but I cannot prove anything. You guys know, it's been discussed. Enty knows more than me most assuredly. There are many people who absolutely know who the Monster is for sure.

  22. T.W I was wondering the same thing.

    1. @Spider Rico - Spielberg is not listed as director or producer of the film Lucas. There is no indication he was on set. Corey Feldman's story clearly points to Charlie Sheen. Denise Richards even said he was a pedophile and claims she has seen him view child porn.

      As far as the lawsuit, Sheen gave the Enquirer something juicy. The Enquirer has won lawsuits time & time again.

      Sheen's lawyers asked that the charges be dismissed with prejudice. This means Sheen can NEVER sue The Enquirer if they run a story saying he raped Corey Haim.

      Think about this. Sheen gave them a story bigger than this. In exchange he has their silence & possibly some cash.

  23. Bad Hat Harry Productions is an American film and television production company founded in 1994 by director Bryan Singer...The name is an homage to Steven Spielberg and comes from a line uttered by Roy Scheider in the 1975 feature Jaws. Martin Brody says to an elderly swimmer who teases him about not going in the water, "That's some bad hat, Harry."

    Rapist Brian Singer's.....homage to SPIELBERG.


  24. I have never read anywhere that SS was CH's abuser and that was not my insinuation.

    1. @DDonna Tarttty

      If it ain't Sheen then I don't know who it is. I did state in my initial response it is possible Charlie Sheen did not rape Corey Haim. He might know who did. One day truth will out.

  25. T.W That means noting. Listen, and this is a fact and widely know out there. During filming of Lucas, Corey Haim was Visited on the set by an Alist Superstar beloved by Millions and considered a 'Family Man." That 'Family Man" took Haim behind a Trailer and Abused him. he was considered a Family Man but is actually a monster who at the time was in his 40's when he abused Haim, and is now mid 70's and still working and still beloved by Millions. I wonder what Haim's Mom knows...

    1. @Spider Rico

      I am having a difficult time. Why not provide a link or say the name? This is a gossip forum so if someone tries to sue you they will lose.

      Haim's mom did name a person. I'm not buying it.

      1. The person she accused stated Corey Haim told him & others Sheen abused him

      2. Last year there was a blind implying Haim's mom is deliberately lying & that she is being paid to do so.

      3. Sheen was never known as a well respected family man to the public but otherwise he fits the clues provided by the 2 Corey's.

      I was not there when these things happened. Unless someone can prove it wasn't Charlie Sheen or provide reasonable evidence a specific person did or could have done so then I am done with this.

      I pray to God The National Enquirer brings these people down...

    2. I read years, and years ago, the description of sheen going behind the trailer with him, telling him about guys do this all the time, right of passage type shit. It was sheen, it's always been sheen. It's not anymore complicated than that. Sheen fucked him, and went about his day. But as he was underage, it was rape.(because there is always some commenter who has to explain statutory)

  26. As Haim's rapist..yes. as A rapist/pedophile no. They are all intertwined which makes my guess more likely.

  27. I've really REALLY been wondering what caused him to back off his enquirer suit...I assumed they had worse- provable dirt on him and planned to air it after he died, so he backed off. if he's going to die a lot sooner than anyone imagined, then it makes sense.

    I can see both the enquirer and sheen taking his secrets to the grave.

  28. Martin sheen is 77

    Would a father visit his son on set?

    A "family man" would.

    1. Emilio and Brock Pierce "The Mighty Ducks"

    2. @Schneiderisnext

      That is good thinking. No one would suspect him. Charlie acts like an abuse victim himself. For all we know Martin Sheen started the rumor about his own son.

    3. Whoa.Schneiderisnext

      You. Are. Awesome.
      This could totally fit

    4. It’s been said here before, many times, but I like the way you posed the questions, @schneiderisnext

    5. @schneider

      i agree. It seems as though these children of celebs are very screwed up.

      From my perspective all celebs know exactly what goes on in Hollywood and what you have to "DO" to make it so why put your offspring in the same position unless the parent is part of a pedophile ring/satanic cult, or whatever, as well.

      Their children are off limits because they're already "claimed" or limited to a small group of predators and it's not just open season.

      The children are the sacrafice and based on everything I've read and have been told non celebrity parents readily sacrafice their offspring for riches. These women that yacht, but don't have to, sacrafice themselves all the time.

      It's not hard for me to believe that a celebrity with offspring will do anything to stay in the game and somehow Martin Sheen, who from what I know has not made any huge impact or had ANY significant roles, is still able to get parts in big movies


      If it's not Martin it's someone close but I think it's Martin. I read a little about his background doesn't seem like he should have made it as far as he has. He also seems to be heavy into politics more so or equally as much as Hollywood which I know is not a good combination.

  29. T.W I understand who wouldn't - it's crazy and being obsessed with it myself there are so many angles and weirdness that the real truth may never actually be known but the info is out there if you look but first it is so convoluted to the point no one will believe anything. Corey's Mom (Judy) knows without a doubt. Corey Haim stated who molested him on tape and there is a recording by Santa Barbara P.D. Who was she paid off to keep quiet? Was Haim's Mom Paid off? If so by Who? Is it Sheen? Possibly Sheen abused Corey but he's not the main culprit who was a supposed superstar in 1985. No way Sheen was a superstar in 1985 or a family man or beloved by Millions or in his 40's. Corey's Mom states on video Sheen did NOT rape her son and mentioned who did right on live TV on Dr.Oz but unfortunately they bleeped it out. What was the name she stated?

    Who was it? Who did she say? Why is it bleeped out? Feldman named some low level bozos. What's going on here? Was Judy paid by the real perp? Why hasn't she stated it? Why isn't Corey Feldo piping in/ Naming these low level unknown low level creeps everyone already knew were pedos. Corey knows. He knows who. Who is paying Corey/ Where is his 'Big reveal" and all his Jive talk? Where? Corey Haim told Feldo so 'on Video." He knew. Just Google who Raped Corey Haim on Lucas set. It was an Alist Superstar Family Man in 1985 in his 40's who would be in his 70's today and is loved by millions. It's out there.

  30. Schneiderisnext not so sure Martin was a Superstar loved by Millions. Famous yeah, Superstar - doubtful.

  31. Oh god. It just clicked in my brain. So he's from 'indiana ' and he drives a well known brand of American truck? Feeling queasy again. And of course good old SS. Where there's smoke there's fire with the latter but I had no idea about the first guy.

  32. Anonymous12:41 PM

    An A list superstar loved by millions in his 40s at that time.

    I only got Bill Cosby. Harrison Ford. Michael Jackson. Tom Cruise? Top Gun just a few years by then.

    Who else in the mid 80s? Stallone and Schwarzenegger weren’t loved by millions...

    Who else was A list in 1986 a superstar and loved by millions?

  33. The little girl who lives down the lane....

    Jodie Foster stars in a movie where a 13 year-old kills her parents and is repeatedly preyed on by molester Martin SHEEN

    A producer's desire for "sex and violence" led to a nude scene depicting Rynn being added to the film. Foster strongly objected, saying "I walked off the set".[27] As a result, her older sister Connie acted as the nude double.[28] Her mother had suggested Connie, who was 21 at the time.[29] Following the release of Taxi Driver, the industry shared stories of Foster having conflicts during the production of The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane.[30] However, Gessner claimed Foster only regretted the scene after it was shot, and her request that it be deleted was denied by the Canadian producers.[16]

    Writer Anthony Synnott placed The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane in a trend of sexualizing children in film, calling Rynn the "murdering nymphet" and comparing her to Foster's child prostitute character Iris in Taxi Driver (1976).[10] Anthony Cortese also referred to Foster as giving an "encore performance" of Taxi Driver, calling Rynn "a 13-year-old imp of maturing sexuality".[11]

    1. Felicia Feaster, writing for Turner Classic Movies, found an "unusual theme" in the film, which she interpreted as being one of independence for children.[7] Professor James R. Kincaid read the film as a call for children's rights.[8] T.S. Kord wrote the film argued that a child with money and a home does not need a parent if he or she does not believe it is necessary. The adults who attempt to intrude in Rynn's affairs are a threat, including her mother, her landlord, and the molester.[9]

    2. Whoa. Still awesome. This is even better !
      Oh man, I need to read down thru the WHOLE comment section 😂

    3. James R. Kincaid is an academic attempting to push for the lowering of the age of consent.

      Dude is a pedo activist. A lot of these people are trying to normalize child-adult sexual relationships as "consensual"

      The emancipation of "children" and "children's rights" is a sneaky pedophilic tactic.

  34. @Spider Rico

    Everyone knows Haim's mom accused Dominick Brascia of the rape. You ask questions like "Why did they bleep out the name" while trying to hide the fact you have yet to give a name.

    Either you believe it is someone else but don't know who or you are playing games.

    Nice try Mr. Singer.

    I'm done.

  35. Normal - who said it had to be an actor? I've heard names Like Hanks and others, but also heard other names that are not actors that were beloved known Superstar Family men at the time Like Spielberg. I heard that the initial accusation was a Superstar A lister and somehow it morphed into Superstar "Actor," I think perpetrated by Radar Online.

    More convoluted ingredients to add to a nauseating mysterious potion.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Never heard of that Dominic person...

  36. @Spider Rico —

    Thanks for joining the ranks of Himmmm and others who are contributing to this board.

    I found that Mrs. Haim, Corey's mom, named the name in an interview:

    "My kid had nothing, he was transparent," Judy Haim told Dr. Oz. "He never hid anything. He was just Corey. It’s out of character, that’s number 1. When my son was 13 he wasn’t going to ask Charlie Sheen to have sex. I have to tell you that this guy, Dominick Brascia is the guy that abused my son.”

  37. Jesus Christ T.W yeah I'm Singer...yeah...Good God. Just because someone does not give a name doesn't mean they're Singer. I HEARD IT"S EITHER SPILEBERG OR REINER. SOME INSIDE BIZ GUY ALSO MENTIONED HANKS but i do not know.

    I do Not mention names because I do NOT know for sure. Being in the biz I heard from some people who are high up the food chain. Based on my research and What I was told - again here it is.

    In 1985 A prominent A List "Superstar" Loved by Millions and considered a Family Man, who at the time was in his 40's and would now be in his 70's, raped Corey Haim and sodomized him. This is out there. It is a fact and gain it is out there. Who is it? Who the eff knows.

    Only a few names fit that description.
    Domincik Brascia is a low level pedo gimme a break...Brascia is evil and a pedo but that sound like him? They would bleep out Dominick Brascia for crissake? Nobody gives a rats ass about Dominck Brascia. He's a criminal, but nobody cares. There's a powerful mofo out there who is beloved who is also a effin monster. I wanna know for sure but what I know and believe are two different things. Send Corey Haims Mom an email? WTF does she know?

    My obsession with this sucked me right in to nonsense. I knew I'd pay for wanting to know who this m'ffer is. I THINK and from what I was told it's SPILEBERG. I feel Like Will Ferrel in Wedding Crashers 'MA!! - IT'S SPIELEBERG! MEATLOAF FU--!!!!

    Since I'm Singer I'm going back to molesting all the boys I have locked in my Dubai Hotel room while I eat my Schawarma...jeez...

  38. Sheen probably cannot tell reality from things his cracked out brain cooks up and/or he would make things up about people as payback or out of spite. He is an awful person even to those closest to him, how would anyone be able to believe anything he said without hard evidence?

  39. Do not (want to) believe it is Martin Sheen - all his humanitarian work - but 1975's Sweet Hostage is creepy in retrospect.
    Linda Blair was 16. But he too was just an actor; he did not concoct this storyline.
    These things once seemingly innocent (eg "Born Innocent") would never air on network tv today.

    1. The sad truth: "humanitarian" and "philanthropist" are euphemisms for monsters.
      Anyone with an institution/foundation/fund/charity
      If they sincerely don't begin with malicious intent you can always co-opt them as needed
      Joe Biden's Moonshot Silence Fund
      These are traditionally fronts for money laundering and trafficking, going back as far as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, the world's first 501(c)(3)

    2. @Geeljire Joe Biden?? Oh, say it ain’t so... :(

      Beau Biden is dead from this
      David Brock and James Alefantis Rothschild are involved
      Saturn eats his children
      Joe Biden has never let the opportunity provided by a dead family member go to waste
      Hunter Biden and Ukraine

      Biden though, simply a puppet on DuPont strings.

  40. Question: dont these reveals open enty up to libel suits if they can't be proved?

    1. President Obama did something very curious with our nation's libel laws.
      So actually no.

    2. @MRS there is a disclaimer saying everything on this site is made up for entertainment purposes. You can't see it if you are using your smartphone.

  41. Some of SS's movies with children have a certain "tone" to them that looking back that is subtly disturbing But wait, didn't himmm put Reiner and Hanks on the "good guys " list or was that gaslighting? The plot always thickens.

  42. @Mad Hominem lets take a step back. Although I am an award winning filmmaker and optioned screenwriter, I'm not a Himmm. I'm working on directing two Indie projects that I have written (one dealing with gun violence) I am in no way on the level of a Himmmm, or Enty or any of these insiders posting on CDAN who I'm most sure have some amazing amazing accomplishments. I have seen things and heard things navigating the shark infested halls of Hlywd labyrinth. I not known by anyone at all outside of my cats and loser Manager who sits in his posh Beverly Hills office with dripped Mustard on his shirt where I have no idea how he pays for this office with the garbage roster he's got. I'm just an Indie Writer/Director blue collar kid from Queens with hopes of filming an little movie dealing with Gun Violence. That's all. I hate hate pesos though.

  43. By the way SS stands for Socrates Soledad * wink* for anyone who wants to fuck with enty.

  44. Steven Spielberg raped Heather O'Rourke to death and the entire industry is predicated on not-uncommon events such as that.

  45. Stand firm and stare the horror in its face

  46. I kinda think Martin Sheen could be the A List Superstar loved by millions

    Apocalypse Now is internationally renown

    He is the dude who always plays Presidents. The West Wing? America loved him in that.

    Also he is the most definite "family man" with his Catholic family values and an anti-abortion stance

    He fits better than any other person besides perhaps Spielberg

  47. Schneiderisnext - Not the first time I heard his Martin Sheen's name thrown into the mix. However, West Wing didn't air until 1999. Question is - what was Martin Sheen's status in '85. Was he a Superstar?

    Interesting though he did just come off Firestarter filmed in '84. Even still, was he revered by Millions at that point and a Superstar?

  48. Fair points @spider

    But does the blind say he WAS a superstar loved by millions or IS a superstar loved by millions?

    He could have grown into his fame post-rape

    1. @Scneiderisnext

      Exactly. At the time Corey F. made his statement he said the person is, NOT was. The man was also on friendly terms with the adult Corey H. even at the time the statement was made. Sick.

  49. I’m switching on the Himmmm signal to see if they can give us any idea on how likely a Sheen interview/book/open letter will be.

  50. Thanks @Dusty, it just really struck me hard today. Nobody really fits, but the family values clue is the best for narrowing the possibilities down

  51. Schneider Possibly and I wouldn't be surprised but I also heard the word 'is" still a Mogul and at the time in '85 "was" a "Mogul." I have heard that word "Mogul" thrown around as well and it's been mentioned on some other forums and by Feldman himself. Feldo is the real issue in my opinion in all this in that he spews misinformation, knows the truth, and keeps silent. Just an Awful human being.

    Sheen is a good feel, but just doesn't seem to carry the weight of the clues.

    My fear and feeling is we will never know.

  52. Martin Sheen
    Leo DiCaprio
    Tom Hanks


    1. 6 degrees of separation!
      6 faces=cube
      6 sides=hex
      You need not master Gematria and the ways the lettered would pass the time ages ago, but you should aware it exists and people put stock in it.
      15 in Hebrew is certainly a fun one.

    2. Let's have some fun:
      Here are 3 numbers, large to small

      Maybe something *IS* going on down at the Circle K!

  53. George Lucas: I was thinking that this old guy could have been his mentor. He could have known this little girl when she was just a kid. Had an affair with her when she was eleven.

    Lawrence Kasdan: And he was forty-two.

    George Lucas: He hasn’t seen her in twelve years. Now she’s twenty-two. It’s a real strange relationship.

    Steven Spielberg: She had better be older than twenty-two.

    George Lucas: He’s thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she was only twelve. It would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time.

    Steven Spielberg: And promiscuous. She came onto him.

    George Lucas: Fifteen is right on the edge. I know it’s an outrageous idea, but it is interesting. Once she’s sixteen or seventeen it’s not interesting anymore. But if she was fifteen and he was twenty-five and they actually had an affair the last time they met. And she was madly in love with him and he…

    1. George Lucas ran a camera at Altamont and had Meredith Hunter's murder on tape.
      What a coincidence, the camera jammed and none of the footage was recoverable!
      Ever see "Gimme Shelter?" The magic of editing.
      He was killed in the middle of the concert and yet they continued on.

    2. Is this the script they were going over for temple of doom?

  54. Are you ready?

    Rest in peace, Dave McGowan. May Allah grant you jannah for your commitment to truth.

    1. There was a blind about a flu shot administered that wasn't a flu shot and resulted in sudden aggressive terminal illness.
      Do you remember it?
      Beau Biden
      Steve Jobs
      The victim of that blind
      Dave McGowan

    2. @Geeljire

      I vaguely remember those 2 blinds. Most of the guesses were Edward Kennedy, John McCain, & Hitlery, uh, Hillary Clinton.

    3. Those were incorrect answers
      The victim is dead

  55. Lucas was shot in Chicago suburbs so my first instinct was Bill Murray after reading Feldman's book. Lots of people visited that set.

  56. Clues galore! Millions, shark, labyrinth. Family Man, Mogul, 1985. The answers are there. Somewhere

    1. George Lucas. I said it. Hypothetically of course.

  57. The dead victim is Eleanore Mondale, the former vice president's actress and reporter daughter who had an affair with Bill Clinton. For those of you who are younger,Martin Sheen was a huge and highly respected star in the seventies and eighties. He was considered someone of high morals who was beloved by people who even disagreed with his very left leaning politics. But,Charlie and Emilio have said that Dad wasn't what he appeared to be,and in fact was violent with them,among other things.

      Bill Clinton seems to show up in these ALLEGED situations quite frequently, doesn't he?

    2. Nnoooo just heard Charlie talk about his dad the other day as amazing dad, super close, the whole bit. Stories about him being the best dad.

  58. If the answer is an actor,Martin Sheen fits best as he would have reason to be visiting on set. Otherwise, it is likely one of the mentioned non actors. Just a thought,Charlie taking a fall for his dad? It wouldn't surprise me,victims do this all the time.

  59. I gotta stop drinking while reading this site. I actually choked at this "loser Manager who sits in his posh Beverly Hills office with dripped Mustard on his shirt where I have no idea how he pays for this office with the garbage roster he's got."

    For those who don't live here, BH is actually chock full of rundown ass offices with no climate control (right?) inhabited by people who have sat in there since the 70s or 80s. Most of them are old as fuck, many have mustard on their shirts, but they might have been somebody in 1976 and they hang onto that 90210 biz address for dear life. Stained carpet and all. I came here from a flyover state and was quite shocked to find BH was not what the television told me.

    @spider rico all the best on your projects and thanks for stopping by.

  60. Himmmm has a brand new twitter account .

  61. Francis Ford Coppola
    Kingpin = The Godfather

  62. Thanks @Kittensrus - I need it - it's been grueling - from the high profile Producer who left me with a 175.00 Breakfast tab at the Prospect, to the The Actor who demanded an Espresso Machine on set and his Racist Agent I could start my own CDAN for beginners breaking in.



  63. @Spider Rico you should do that. I'd read it. I'm just trying to figure out how anybody gets anything made with all the flaky mf'ers. I think my friend and I are going to start a company for people over 40 only and take over, because we'll have people who answer their messages and show up to work.

  64. Well, whoever made the deal and got the dirt at the Enquirer, let's hope they made several copies AND hired 24 hour security for themselves. And a food tester to be on the safe side.

  65. Martin had a career resurgence with The Brat Pack. He was a working actor, a character actor in the eighties. But when Emilio and crew were everywhere, a lot of interest was placed on the so-called Sheen Dynasty. Charlie’s success was later, but Emilio was A-list in the mid eighties for a very brief time. Martin could fit.

    Not many of us know Harrison Ford or Spielberg’s kids, but everyone knows Martin’s family. Do I think he raped Haim? No. Do I think he exposed Charlie to some very dark things early? Yes, I do. If Emilio ever chooses to tell what happened on the Apocalypse Now set, that would be damning, I’m sure. Speaking of...Coppola? Definitely an A-List family man in the 80’s. I like the guess, Richard. He certainly stood by Salvo.

    1. Are you fucking retarded? Charlie and Emilio were in the brat pack, not their dad Martin... The whole brat pack nickname stems from a reporter doing an article on young Hollywood in the eighties. He was out with them, and wrote an article calling them the brat pack.

  66. Salva. Sorry, I’m up too late. He stood by Victor Salva.

  67. Ramon Estevez became Martin Sheen, allegedly after this fellow:
    Shit, there's The Church again!
    So you might as well try to read Sheen as "Shin"

  68. You know else who use names that aren't theirs?

  69. Besides my rant I found this story about someone hacking and stalking Chester and his 2nd wife.

    Could this have anything to do with all these blinds about what he and Chris were doing and why they were killed?

  70. @court b

    Nobody said Martin was a part of the brat-pack..@Heather said he rose in fame because his kids found fame as a part of the brat pack

    "Martin had a career resurgence WITH [in conjunction with] The Brat Pack. He was a working actor, a character actor in the eighties. But when Emilio and crew were everywhere, a lot of interest was placed on the so-called SHEEN DYNASTY. Charlie’s success was later, but Emilio was A-list in the mid eighties for a very brief time. Martin could fit."

  71. Thank you, Schneiderisnext.

    My sentence was not written in code, Court b. Back up and check yourself. I am not the person to attack. That will be fun for me and extremely humiliating for you.

  72. @Haether it always troubled me Coppola stood by Salva. Can't for the life of me understand why he did this and funded his Film through American Zoetrope. Many Questions there. Was Coppola sent in as a friend of other alleged perps like Spielberg and Lucas? Many Many questions there and no one has seemed to confront Coppola about it.

  73. @Kittensrus start the company I'll join. Can't believe how many people in this town do not answer messages or get back to you or cancel meetings or just plain do not show up for meetings. Producers, Managers, Agents, CD's - even after they contact you they don't show up, or they make you wait outside their office for hours waiting for a meeting they arranged and you find out they're not even there or coming. Fun!!

  74. I have heard from a person who worked on "Apocalypse Now" that Martin Sheen and others were having sex with young teen girls during filming in Philippines, and that he's is a deeply evil man. He's made a lot of squirrelly movies, well beyond "Little Girl Down the Lane." Remember "The Beleivers"? Another case of "hidden in plain sight."

    Remember when Charlie Sheen claimed to be a Vatican assassin?

  75. @Spider Rico I agree. He falls below the radar. I really never understood how Coppola does that except he is very well loved by the public, respected in the community, and he has power. That is the perfect combination and extremely dangerous. He’s at an age where nobody will mess with his legacy, but I think there are many questions.

  76. I hadn’t heard about the girls, DDonna Tarty, but I believe it. That set was supposedly a mess.

    Martin has charisma and, when young, had movie star good looks. I suspect that there’s something that stopped him from being a bigger name after Apocalypse Now. Maybe he was uninsurable after the heart attack and substance abuse. But his career trajectory was weird until West Wing.

  77. I’m sorry for butchering your surname. Tarttty. I love Donna Tartt, btw. The Secret History was lush and terrifying.

  78. I'm not saying it's Harrison Ford...BUT River Phoenix was in Mosquito Coast with him.....he FITS perfectly IMO.

  79. Jared Leto gave a lovely tribute about Cornell and Bennington at the MTV music awards. He and Bennington were friends. Now here's where it gets interesting. Alexis Arquette just before she died said she had dated Jared leto. And that he had told her lots of things. And that she was putting it all in a explosive book. Then she turned up dead. Now if you google jared Leto:predator/ underage girls you'll get an eyeful for sure. Also best friends with exposed pedo harasser/pedo Terry Richardson. Could it be possible that Leto told Alexis about his underground activities? Could it be possible that Bennington and Cornell, both victims as kids began to figure out the truth about their friends(?) due to the fact that they were open about being abused as kids many former victims told them their experiences as well? And of course they're both now dead as well. So....Leto is managed by one of the most powerful and feared men in the music industry: Irving Azoff. Who according to himmm managers another suspect dude: Don Henley. Yet none of this has been exposed in the way that Franco has been exposed? Is the power too entrenched? I maintain that the music biz is even more nefarious than Hollyweird. None of this is true facts obviously just random thoughts and assumptions.

  80. @Halloweenie,remember,Alexis also followed Cornell on Twitter, only unusual because he follow only a very few. Alexis was clearly an abuse victim,having been diagnosed with AIDS at such a young age. Bennington had mentioned several times how people have given him hand written notes about their abuse,it isn't much of a stretch someone he knew could have come up in this. I still wonder why the journal he left is never mentioned, perhaps there is a reason for that.



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