Thursday, March 22, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Night Of Horrors

He was there not as an actor that night. He was there as a producer. There was the Academy Awards. All of you know him. Everyone knew him then and this was back in the day. He comes from an acting family. Depending on the generation in which you lived, it is arguable who was the biggest star in the family. What the family members have in common is a history of serial abuse. That particular Oscar year, our producer/actor got some drugs from Dr. Feelgood at the Playboy Mansion. About 40 minutes before the show he ran into a female seat filler who was headed inside. He stopped her and chatted her up and offered a drink to her. She accepted. That was a really bad decision on her part. Apparently our producer/actor also drugged this at the time A- list mostly movie actress who was a nominee that year.

During the show, our producer/actor kept tabs on the seat filler. When she started staggering, our actor jumped in to help her out. She says she woke up in the electric company parking lot with her dress around her waist. She had been raped by our producer/actor. Meanwhile, our A- list nominated actress was also in trouble. She was about to pass out even though her award was about to be announced. If she had won that year, she would never have made it to the stage. After the end of the show, our producer/actor made sure to take special care of the actress because she seemed out of it. She says that between the end of the show and the dinner, our producer/actor raped her.

She has never gone out with a man since.


  1. Jodi Foster as the actress?

  2. Jodie Foster for the A lister who got raped that night? She was nominated for Taxi Driver in 77"

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Kirk or Michael Douglas as the rapist?

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Mike Douglas? He was always known as a producer more than actor until Wall Street in 1987.

    1. Michael was big in 84 as an actor when Romancing the Stone came out. He was in the Streets of San Francisco for years in the 70s.

  5. Came to post Michael Douglas
    Who was being discussed in comments yesterday
    And has a blind today

  6. This screams Michael/Kirk Douglas.

  7. Michael Douglas produced One Flew Over tge Cuckoos Nest, so thus could be 1976 for the year.
    Ronee Blakely for the actress maybe, but I'll check a bit...

  8. Warren Beatty Sissy Spacek if back in the day really means back in the day 1981?

  9. I don't know that it would be Jodie Foster, though. Michael worked with her when she was a little kid, (Napoleon and Samantha) so I would think that would be weird even for him.

  10. Didn't michael produce one flew over the cuckoo's nest and the china syndrome? both mid-late 70's?

  11. Warren is a really good guess.

  12. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    Ken Kesey

    Say, do you think The Combine
    Is The Church?

  13. Or Lily Tomlin could be the actress. The last line could be a misdirect because she is a lesbian. Of course she never dated a man after that.

    Anyway, not Ronee Blakely.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      jodie foster is a lesbian too

  14. He produced Cuckoos Nest in 1975 so he could have been there for that. Taxi Driver released in Feb 1976.

  15. If it was Jodie from Taxi Driver then would Enty mention she was underage? That sounds like a big detail to add in

  16. All I can think of is Ben Stiller, Nicholas Cage, Kirk Douglas, & Michael Douglas. Out of these I am going with one of the Douglases. I think that's spelled wrong...

    1. I was thinking Alec Baldwin? Nic Cage is a Coppolla.

  17. Darn, Kelly McGillis was never Oscar nommed. There goes that guess.

  18. If You have money and had a great career why not tell people what happened? Out the m'fker. Out that pig right now. There's no shame.

    1. Back in those days, the victim was always responsible for their rape.A good attorney could get the perp off the offense simply by "proving" the victim culpable.

    2. Back in those days, the victim was always responsible for their rape.A good attorney could get the perp off the offense simply by "proving" the victim culpable.

    3. Times are different now. These victims could go public and be wrapped in support from the public

    4. An's comment is ironic since Jodie Foster played a rape victim in "The Accused."

    5. @spider....maybe Jodie is waiting for MD to croak. She seems to be really cautious and Hinkley. She is probably scared to death of men and I do not blame her.

  19. 1976 Oscars
    Michael Douglas was there nominated as producer for One Flew Over Kookoo nest
    Lily Tomlin was nominated as best supporting actress for Nashville

  20. What a POS, another predator posing as a celebrity. And nobody does a thing. Nobody cares. It's like merit badges for big players. Two rapes on the big night, here's your patch, good boy.

  21. To consolidate my guesses

    Michael Douglas, obviously
    1976/ Cuckoos Nest
    Lily Tomlin

    Warren is acting family, but only sibling wise. This blind implies he is or has a famous offspring instead.

  22. Does Lily look out of it?

  23. I don't know if Tomlin and Jane Wagner have been an intimate couple for their entire professional life, but they've been a working team together since the early 70s, and they won their first Emmy together in 1974.

  24. He said nominee, not a winner

  25. Douglas and Glenda Jackson.

  26. Michael Douglas is sitting right next to Best Actress nominee Ann-Margret as the 1975 Best Actress award is announced. Here's the clip. All three non-winning nominees in attendance, Ann-Margret, Carol Kane and especially Isabelle Adjani all looked drugged out or at least incredibly placid. So, take your pick. Ann-Margret was married to Roger Smith so never dating another man may mean she just focused on taking care of him during his long fight with myasthenia gravis.

    1. Wow, that was weird. They truly looked zonked.

  27. @space, Glenda Jackson is an interesting guess.

  28. Glenda Jackson was not present.
    Anyway, changing my guess to Carol Kane. She is super private and check this picture:

  29. Peter Fonda/Easy Rider?

  30. @Jeff Macauley
    Damn, now thats interesting. She looks pissed

  31. It's not Carol Kane. She dated Woody Harrelson for a couple of years in the 1980s. I thought they made the perfect couple.

  32. I was reading about Carol Kane and there is little out there about her private life.

  33. Definitely not Isabelle Adjani, she has had a very active love life, including a child with Daniel Day Lewis.

  34. Not Lily, she and Jane have been together since 1971 and I don't think she dated men prior to that.

  35. Any chance this could be Rob Reiner (producer, A Few Good Men), with the actress being Miranda Richardson (supporting actress, Damage) at the 1992 Oscars.

    1. Reiner is a pedo so I doubt it

  36. So looking at the video posted and some of there history, I believe it to be Carol Kane

    >She looks out of it in the video.
    >She's done a lot of work, but a lot of TV though. But a lot in general
    >Now, Isabelle Adjani looks a bit zoned out, but she is foreign born. Not sure if I'd call her A list since a lot of her movies are in french.
    >Kane didn't even clap, or looked like she clapped.
    >Now as for Ann Margret, she was sitting next to Douglas, but she looked fairly normal.
    >The supporting actresses also appeared to act normal.

    That my opinion, thoughts?

  37. Always hate Michael Douglas for some reason and now even more. He just has a pervert vibe about him.

  38. Michael Douglas,and the woman should say who she is. What happened to those at the time very young girls who accused Dustin Hoffman? The story just disappeared.

  39. I think it centers around the 1975 Oscars for sure

  40. The blind says "at the time A- list". Surely he wouldn't use that as a descriptor for Lily Tomlin.

  41. If this is Michael Douglas (and really, why wouldn't it be?), could the actress be Shirley Maclaine? She was nominated as a producer for a documentary at the 76 Oscars when Cuckoo Nest won. She was married at the time, but they divorced in 82.

    Just throwing her name out there.

  42. Lily Tomlin?! This is gonna sound terrible but it’s very difficult to believe why anyone would do that to her. She’s virtually asexual. She’s completely unattractive.

    1. She's been in an ltr with a woman for over 45 years and now married to her, so clearly attractive to her wife.

    2. It’s not always a body that makes someone attractive, haven’t you ever been attracted to someone’s intellect or sense of humor?

    3. You're right...that does sound terrible. You think sexual predators confine their predation to perfect 10's?

    4. @ Toralj..agreed. funny lady though and looks do not matter . But even on laugh in she seemed to be asexual.

    5. Perkablooo, we are talking about a guy who drugged and raped two women in the same night. When you are attracted to a beautiful mind, you don’t drug and rape them.

  43. Michael Douglas did act in a TV show around that time - Streets of San Francisco. I'd guess him.

  44. I don't think it is Michael Douglas, he was there with Brenda Vaccaro. At 1:24 you see him with BV while Louise Fletcher makes her speech.

  45. @tot, sometimes they prey on the ones they can't have normally, if you mean she was asexual. If you were being cruel, they also like to prey on victims people are less likely to believe. Oh not him, he could have any girl, why would he blah blah blah.

    1. I wasn’t arguing against him, I was arguing against her. I agree with you though.

  46. Marsha Mason, 1980 Oscars ?

  47. For the sake of his bloated sensitive ego, Douglas might not sleep with any woman labeled unattractive.

    Yes, predators attack the unattractive and actually play the "you were lucky to have me" card.

  48. "She was drunk, your honor! That's asking to be raped!"

    Yeah, that still plays out in subtler ways.

  49. Michael Douglas
    1975 Academy Awards for Cuckoo's Nest
    Actress: Glenda Jackson

  50. @ImmodestyBlaise
    Peter Fonda was indeed nominated for "Easy Rider" in 1970, but as part of the writing team, not as producer (though perhaps that is within the range of Enty's "fudging").

    Incidentally, Lee Hill's book on the making of "Easy Rider" is a fascinating read, particularly in illuminating the role of writer Terry Southern.

  51. Douglas/Tomlin would work - especially since she was also up for the part of Ratchet in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but wasn't cast. Could be he tried to casting couch her back then, she didn't bite, so he decided that was his chance.

    And they've basically never worked together.

  52. Nurse Ratched was Space Pope of Bajor in "Star Trek: Deep Space 9"
    The Shachar resistance cell
    Hillel Ben Shachar
    The Church?
    Delve into everything surrounding "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

  53. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Did the research. This can only be Douglas. Looked at all the Best apic nominees AND the actual telecast producers from 1970-1999, which is essentially back in the day in Enty speak. (Earlier is Old Hollywood.)

    Of the small handful of actors who would be there as producers (because their film was nominated for best pic) only four come from acting families. Barbara Streisand can be eliminated for obvious reasons. Clint Eastwood because his son was not even acting yet, and in no way is Scott a xompetitor in fame to him even today.

    Warren Beatty and shirley McLaine are siblings and were arguably equal fame then. But Shirley doesn't have a history of abuse does she?

    But Kirk is/was just as famous as Michael and both are rumored abusers/rapists.

    1. Kirk's got murders to his name.
      I wonder if Junior does as well.

  54. Perhaps a little input from Himmmm could shed some light on this one.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Dr. Feelgood died in 1979, if that makes any difference.

  57. His casting in the MCU as Hank "Wife Beater" Pym makes a LOT more sense now.

  58. Michael Douglas was super popular on the show Streets of San Francisco. He was a hottie. In all the magazines. I was a kid back then an I watched that show religiously. I think it's him.

  59. One thing that doesn't add up for me is: according to the blind, the actress couldn't possibly make it to the stage if she won which means she wasn't there when they announce who is nominated and then give the award to someone. So wouldn't we have to look for some empty seat incident? Is there something like that?

  60. She couldn't possibly make it to the stage because she was wasted, not because she wasn't there.

  61. Probably not Sylvia Miles, as she later did both Wall Street movies with Douglas.

    Idk, based on the footage, it really looks like Carol Kane. Woody Harrelson is her only acknowledged relationship ever. But apparently they were friends first and went back to being friends after. So maybe they never really did the "going out" thing.
    Excuse the shitty article, but here:

    As for if Lily Tomlin is fuckable/rapeable, JFC.
    Consider the movie she was nominated for, Nashville. In it she plays a married straight laced woman who has a fling with ultra hot rock star Keith Carradine. All the women in the movie fall all over him, but he's smitten with her.

    But she seems the most lucid of all the nominees, so I go back to my Carol Kane guess.

    Anyway, this is the only time Douglas was nominated as a producer, so it must be this one year. And oh yeah. It is for sure Douglas.

  62. @Thonker

    It means that she was so wasted that IF she did win the award, then she would've fell or something. Meaning:
    >She didn't win the award
    >She was present
    >IF Enty is using video as reference. Then she could have appeared too zoned out.

  63. It cant be Tomlin it says "at the time A- list mostly movie actress " Tomlin at the time was known mostly for TV, from laugh in and other comedy sketch roles

  64. Maybe Sylvia Miles, and Douglas gave her roles later out of guilt or for keeping quiet.

  65. Every single thing Carol King has done is a masterpiece, and with her unique look and voice, she's memorable.

    Sadly I do agree with her being the actress (for Hester Street). She's incredibly private that people still speculate if she's straight or gay, with or without a partner. Perhaps the recent news about Hollywood abusers and victims has made her speak up about her own experience?

  66. M. Douglas.
    Carol Kane fits description best.
    R. Blakely was mostly a singer. Although, strangely, Ronee Blakely isn't seen but for an instant (Notice while all the other actors' names are being read, the camera is on Susan Sarandon. Can see her reaction to being mistakenly on camera. Weird.)

  67. I'm just surprised I didn't know Lily Tomlin was gay.

  68. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Ellen Burstyn was nominated for Oscar in 1978 for Same Time Next Year; and again in 1980 for Resurrection.

    She's very private, deeply spiritual; doesn't have any romantic relationships listed after the mid 1970s

  69. Are we talking about Misty Upham here? During the Oscars she was raped in the bathroom by a producer while his buddies looked on and cheered. The dress she was wearing contained the DNA of the rapist, but police chose to do nothing. She was later found dead and it was ruled as suicide, even though she was found to have broken ribs and other.

  70. I remember back in the day there was some talk that something happened to Carol Kane. It seems like new York actors and musicians really rallied around her. It was the 70's, don't remember everything lol

  71. @Water Lily - Holy shit. I never heard that one before. That's horrible.

  72. If it is Carol Kane/M Douglas, this fairly recent photo makes me ill...

  73. Anonymous8:52 PM

    @water lily Misty doesn't fit the description.
    (Not an Oscar nominated actress)
    Sad story though. What a tragic life

  74. I have heard men brag if they got hold of a lesbian to have sex they could turn them. So some guesses are not so far fetched

  75. Anonymous7:17 AM

    What kind of sociopath would drug a woman at the Academy Awards? It had to be planned? Did he keep this 'stuff' in his car?

    And these are our 'icons'. smh

  76. @Emma if it is MD and CK, why would she stand right in front of him and let him put his hands on her shoulders? That doesn't make sense to me. I'd stand on the other side of the crowd.

  77. Online it says misty upham’s parents claim she was raped at the golden globes by Harvey Frankenstein and others cheered it on.

  78. @peony because that is what happens when you are trying to navigate reality with that type of secret trauma. How many of weinsteins victims were seen smiling with him later.

  79. I think it's Ellen Burstyn. Working together on "Cuckoo's Nest" Douglas could have gotten it into his rapey brain that they had a flirtation going on on set, and they were simply drunkenly consummating it that night. Burstyn was married 3 times prior but never again after this time period. Carol Kane dated at least Woody Harrelson after this.

    1. Ellen Burstyn did not star in the movie. It was Louise Fletcher. Doesn't anyone do research before posting?

  80. You're absolutely right Trish D and I'm cdan muscles are out of shape.



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