Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blind Item #14

This foreign born former model turned A- list actress who stars in a hit almost television show was denied service the other day at a restaurant because she had so many open sores on her body. They told her to cover up and she could come back.


  1. Now that’s just nasty.

  2. you mean "spinal sores"

  3. Replies
    1. Diabetics tend to have open sores & lesions

    2. It’s not “mean” for any food service business to refuse service to someone with multiple open sores.
      It’s a public health issue. There are regulations for a reason.

    3. I'm in the customer service/food beverage/restaurant profession & I would never not serve anyone b/c of that.I've waited on people w/leprocy.It is mean;they would be in containment if it were contaiguous.

    4. Please do everyone a favor and tell us where you work so WE NEVER GO THERE EVER. Thanks,

    5. " I would never not serve anyone b/c of that."

      You're a dumb bitch ginger. You're even too stupid to wait tables.

    6. Yes it's very mean to expose total strangers to whatever disease or funk is oozing out of your open sores. sad she had to be told to cover up and couldnt figure that out herself

  4. What gives you open sores? Hollywood Lesbian Herpes? AIDS?

    Meth doesn’t give you open sores and if she’s spiking dope with needles that are giving her infections...yuck.

    And she was the hot one from that show, right? The one without pancake tits.

    1. While there are hundreds of strains of the virus there is not one specific or reserved to Hollywood lesbians now stop

  5. Enty needs to get the memo she is no longer on OITNB and was only A list for a month.

  6. Well there goes any lunch appetite, thanks :(

  7. Maybe she's on krokodil

  8. Who is this they are talking about? And what show were they on??

  9. For the person who said Meth doesn't cause open sores, technically true but untrue.
    Self-inflicted sores.

  10. Opiates and meth or other stimulants can make people pick their skin. With her recent back surgery my guess is opiates.

  11. @ginger falls,drug addicts with open sores would not be in containment, if they were they would be rehabbing. If someone knows they have leprosy they would be getting treatment and therefore not contagious.

    1. My point is that it is not a reason to not wait or serve someone.It would be reason for termination if the person who had open sores was the server but not the customer:)

    2. Holy crap, I waitressed for years at a diner and saw just about everything. Do you have even a clue how far beyond toxic disgusting her open sores must have been for it to come to even asking a celebrity to cover them?

  12. Syphilis causes open sores if left untreated for long enough...bleugh....

  13. Staph can also cause that condition. At any rate, yuck and double yuck yuck.

  14. Sorry CJ, I see Meth heads on a regular basis. Open Sores galore.

  15. Ruby is very inked / tattooed, and new tattoos can be / look open sore-ish.

  16. Sweet Rose showing off her new Hollywood fashionable illness of the coming year: Leprosy.

  17. Staph infection is very common in meth attics

  18. Or perhaps the person in question has some sort of medical skin condition. Damn, people are mean.

    1. If that's the case, why didn't she cover it up a little better? Guess money can't buy class!

  19. What a tragic situation. The first half of my life/career was in restaurants/hospitality (PDX, NYC, SD) working with prominent chefs/groups and this is a tough one. Is it on the side of “mean”? Sure, but I agree with @KnoWonUno that it’s more so a public health issue. Depending on the state, the owner could get fined for having someone with open sores dining. Same reason pets aren’t allowed a lot places; no one wants to be liable if the 0.02% chance of something possibly happening to customers/dinners/public. It’s lame but true. This would not fly in NYC, so likely LA as well. When you’re a sue happy nation, the rules start to evolve to protect liabilities more than people’s feelings. I’d be grossed out to be a patron eating and seeing someone in that state. I’d also feel like an awful b!t€h to have tell someone to cover up. Ying & yang of life!

  20. Don't meth heads pick at their skin causing sores? I thought that was a big thing with tweakers

  21. Googled it. Ruby says it's adult acne.

  22. When I first saw Ruby Rose I thought she was striking. Now, tatts aside, the more I see her the weirder she looks to me. And talk about thirsty...

  23. Whoever it is should order uber eats or get take out. You do need to be careful Ginger. MRSA and Staph are very contagious and rubber gloves should be worn by the Bus boy and you. Meth heads pick at their skin...

  24. adult acne = speed/meth sores and impetigo.
    definite health hazard. highly infectious.

  25. I have contact allergies to may things, but with my strongest allergy(Cobalt), it's in everything, it's in the Earth's crust, it's in dust, soil, and water. A breeze of dust from cement being laid, can give me a asthma attack, and open sores anywhere visible skin was touched by the dust. The sores do not heal like other sores from cuts or burns. They can last for months. There is no pill or surgery. There are so many issues like this out there. I guess I should not be able to leave the house either. My allergy could happen to any of you. At any time.

  26. I have a strong stomach, and that's just yuck even to me.

  27. What if it was something completely not contagious or an issue, like psoriasis? I hope this didn't really happen, how judgmental and cruel. Although sores from picking at your own skin from meth wouldn't being contagious either. Granted not attractive, but I see people who are hit with an ugly stick all the time and I don't expect places to kick them out for my comfort.



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